Scientist find clear evidence that phone radiation causes cancer in rats


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Scientists find 'clear evidence' that phone radiation causes cancer in rats

It’s something that’s been widely debated for years, and now scientists have ‘clear evidence’ that phoneradiation causes cancer - at least in rats.

Well believe don't believe it I really don't care what you think or want to think. This is no secret they know most people won't give up their cell phones no matter what you tell them , but cant tell idiots a dam thing.
Colored scan after scan prove what the brain looks like after cell phone use.

Then we have these clueless freaking sheep who have let their kids droll all over cell phones, hold them, play with them since they were six months old. One day at ten there is a brain tumor and the dumbasses aren't informed enough to realize it's a cell phone radiation tumors/ cancer.

Don't worry though your Dr. will tell you it's genetic .


I'm not surprised that continual cell phone radiation can cause damage. However the thermographic images are a bit suspect. I think a deck of cards held your ear for 15 minutes would also cause your ear to heat up. They should have done a control image with a phone turned off.
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I'm not surprised that continual cell phone radiation can cause damage. However the thermographic images are a bit suspect. I think a deck of cards held your ear for 15 minutes would also cause your ear to heat up. They should have done a control image with a phone turned off.



Mobile phone radiation and health concerns have been raised, especially following the enormous increase in the use of wireless mobile telephony throughout the world. This is because cell phones use Electromagnetic radiation in the Microwave range. These concerns have induced a large body of research in animals and in humans.

Mobile Cell Phone Radiation
I've always been suspicious of the impact of invisible waves going through my brain. That said, I don't see myself going back to Pigeon Carrier anytime soon, though a landline works just as well.
I'm not surprised that continual cell phone radiation can cause damage. However the thermographic images are a bit suspect. I think a deck of cards held your ear for 15 minutes would also cause your ear to heat up. They should have done a control image with a phone turned off.



Mobile phone radiation and health concerns have been raised, especially following the enormous increase in the use of wireless mobile telephony throughout the world. This is because cell phones use Electromagnetic radiation in the Microwave range. These concerns have induced a large body of research in animals and in humans.

Mobile Cell Phone Radiation

I know posters with thicker skulls, just saying.....
Scientists find 'clear evidence' that phone radiation causes cancer in rats

It’s something that’s been widely debated for years, and now scientists have ‘clear evidence’ that phoneradiation causes cancer - at least in rats.

Well believe don't believe it I really don't care what you think or want to think. This is no secret they know most people won't give up their cell phones no matter what you tell them , but cant tell idiots a dam thing.
Colored scan after scan prove what the brain looks like after cell phone use.

Then we have these clueless freaking sheep who have let their kids droll all over cell phones, hold them, play with them since they were six months old. One day at ten there is a brain tumor and the dumbasses aren't informed enough to realize it's a cell phone radiation tumors/ cancer.

Don't worry though your Dr. will tell you it's genetic .


With these types of studies in a short period of time they submit the rats to doses that a human would get over a life time. Even life giving water can kill you if you drink to much.
"These concerns have induced a large body of research in animals and in humans."

If they found it was safe, then their funding gets cut off.
Does this mean the douchebags that hold their hand talk into their phone are going to get mouth cancer? Those folks drive me crazy. Talk like a normal as the rest of us don’t care to listen to your vapid conversation.

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