Science Proves the Bible Again

Science sure does upset the God Haters!

No. Science is simply not concerned with supernaturalism. Nothing in nature depicts supernaturalism. Every discovery in science has had a natural explanation.

Can you identify a single instance of supernaturalism - something in the natural world that has supernatural underpinnings. Belief in magic and superstition is irrational. There's no reason to accept magic and supernaturalism in place of well defined knowledge of the natural world.
If you're so gullible as to believe a silly youtube video, utterly unsupported, that's your choice. Just don't presume to foist your gullibility on others
Tou should do your homework science denier. Do you think the intent of that video, or the article was to prove the flood?
Most idiots/tards think the flood was caused solely by 40 days of rain, but the truth is, GOD says he "opened the fountains of the deep."

The existence of this great body of water is FACT. Deny all you want, denier.

Rare Diamond Confirms That Earth's Mantle Holds an Ocean's Worth of Water

There’s as much water in Earth’s mantle as in all the oceans

Found! Hidden Ocean Locked Up Deep in Earth's Mantle
Funny watching the science deniers scramble.

Btw, a pic of Obama doesn't help "prove" anything I guess he somehow gives "credibility" to the tards though
Funny watching the science deniers scramble
And yet, here you sit, copy/pasting stuff from non scientists that you don't even understand, trying to convince yourself that a fantasy, completely debunked by the science, is true. On an internet message board.

So who's scrambling?
Funny watching the science deniers scramble
And yet, here you sit, copy/pasting stuff from non scientists that you don't even understand, trying to convince yourself that a fantasy, completely debunked by the science, is true. On an internet message board.

So who's scrambling?

Science and the Bible go hand in hand. Archaeology and the Bible go hand in hand. Physics and the Bible go hand in hand.
Job knew the earth was round before science declared it. He called it an orb.
Bible readers knew there were more than 4 dimensions before Hawking. Jesus was inter-dimensional. He could show up without opening a door. <dimension #6. Science that.
Daniel knew the exact date that Israel would become a nation again, and the date Jerusalem would belong to the Jews again, thousands of years before it happened. You can't even tell me who will win the World Cup next year...
Then there is this. The discovery of a complex digital code of creation, DNA:

Dr. Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project, followed the president to the podium, stating, “It is humbling for me, and awe-inspiring, to realize that we have caught the first glimpse of our own instruction book, previously known only to God.”
Science is smarter than you They know evolution can't explain how every cell in your body has a 3 billion letter code. The very first living single cell contained it. An extremely complex code that produced it's very simple life.
Science had no idea. And it took science until the year 2000 to be able to produce a working draft of the code. DNA is the product of design by intelligence. < The producer of "science".
He calls it, creating. We call it, finding and trying to understand it.
If you think pond scum can produce code, then it should also be able to create computer code as well. It is so much simpler than DNA. Next time you need to upgrade, just throw your laptop in a mud puddle and voila, Windows 15!
"The fountains of the deep."

The Great Flood occurred, not only because of the rain, ite also says the earth "opened up" and released the "fountains of the deep."

Another huge OCEAN deep within gave up its water for a time.

Did Geologists Discover ‘Fountains of the Deep’ From Genesis Flood?
Any global flood would have been a supernatural event. Pure and simple. Nature does not provide a mechanism for pulling massive amounts of water, in whatever form, buried beneath miles of rock, in any time frame less than millions of years.
Earth’s Crust Is Swallowing Way More Ocean Than We Thought
The scoffers who reject that God released "the fountains of the deep" accept on FAITH that the universe created itself from nothing with a big bang
The scoffers who reject that God released "the fountains of the deep" accept on FAITH that the universe created itself from nothing with a big bang

I find it concerning that you are so easily persuaded by a YouTube video.
"The fountains of the deep."

The Great Flood occurred, not only because of the rain, ite also says the earth "opened up" and released the "fountains of the deep."

Another huge OCEAN deep within gave up its water for a time.

Did Geologists Discover ‘Fountains of the Deep’ From Genesis Flood?
Any global flood would have been a supernatural event. Pure and simple. Nature does not provide a mechanism for pulling massive amounts of water, in whatever form, buried beneath miles of rock, in any time frame less than millions of years.
Earth’s Crust Is Swallowing Way More Ocean Than We Thought
Oops,you forgot to make a point....
Science is smarter than you They know evolution can't explain how every cell in your body has a 3 billion letter code.
Because that is not what evolution aims to explain. So that's a stupid thing to say. I ignored the rest . I will not hear lectures from someone who doesn't even have a fundamental grasp of the scientific theories he criticizes. I don't take lectures from my dog on calculus, either.
Funny watching the science deniers scramble
And yet, here you sit, copy/pasting stuff from non scientists that you don't even understand, trying to convince yourself that a fantasy, completely debunked by the science, is true. On an internet message board.

So who's scrambling?

Science and the Bible go hand in hand. Archaeology and the Bible go hand in hand. Physics and the Bible go hand in hand.
Job knew the earth was round before science declared it. He called it an orb.
Bible readers knew there were more than 4 dimensions before Hawking. Jesus was inter-dimensional. He could show up without opening a door. <dimension #6. Science that.
Daniel knew the exact date that Israel would become a nation again, and the date Jerusalem would belong to the Jews again, thousands of years before it happened. You can't even tell me who will win the World Cup next year...
Then there is this. The discovery of a complex digital code of creation, DNA:

Dr. Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project, followed the president to the podium, stating, “It is humbling for me, and awe-inspiring, to realize that we have caught the first glimpse of our own instruction book, previously known only to God.”
Science is smarter than you They know evolution can't explain how every cell in your body has a 3 billion letter code. The very first living single cell contained it. An extremely complex code that produced it's very simple life.
Science had no idea. And it took science until the year 2000 to be able to produce a working draft of the code. DNA is the product of design by intelligence. < The producer of "science".
He calls it, creating. We call it, finding and trying to understand it.
If you think pond scum can produce code, then it should also be able to create computer code as well. It is so much simpler than DNA. Next time you need to upgrade, just throw your laptop in a mud puddle and voila, Windows 15!

As a science text, the bibles are pretty, well, you know, horrible.

Solid, liquid, gas, plasma ... the four states of matter. If you can't differentiate between these, you've got no business in science and neither do the bibles.

While great Hindu philosophers have done even more with mathematics, great Greek pantheistic philosophers more with medicine, great Buddhist (and Taoist!) philosophers more with chemistry ... and every last one of them has been superceded by entirely secular scholars as the boundaries of knowledge have been pushed back by specialized researchers.

The day of the pre-eminent religious/philosophical polymath has come and gone. I don't call it good or bad. I call it truth.

Actually, the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras was among the first to propose the sphericity of the Earth in the 6th century BC, ß---- before the invention of Christianity), using among his proofs how the sail of a ship could be observed to disappear over the curvature of the Earth. (26)

Plato also espoused a spherical Earth in the Phaedra, and his student Aristotle gave his reasoning in his book On the Heavens in 350 BC. His proof rested on the facts that persons living in southern lands see southern constellations higher above the horizon than those living in northern lands, that the shadow of the Earth on the Moon during a lunar eclipse is round, and that since objects fall to Earth towards its center means that if it were constructed of small bits of matter originally, these parts would naturally settle into a spherical shape. His demonstration was so compelling that a spherical Earth was the central assumption of all subsequent philosophers of the Classical era. He also used the curved phases of the moon to argue that the Moon must also be a sphere like the Earth.

In fact, the global nature of the earth was clearly demonstrated by Eratothenes 2,200 years ago (by comparing shadow lengths in Alexandria and Syene at high noon).

But I do point out that it was the yoke of Christianity that saddled the world with darkness and ignorance and superstition, and those scars are with us today. Christianity did more to destroy the gains made by humanity in the medical sciences, astronomy, and mechanics than any other entity.
Science is smarter than you They know evolution can't explain how every cell in your body has a 3 billion letter code.
Because that is not what evolution aims to explain. So that's a stupid thing to say. I ignored the rest . I will not hear lectures from someone who doesn't even have a fundamental grasp of the scientific theories he criticizes. I don't take lectures from my dog on calculus, either.

  1. the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

  2. the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
It's apparent that you don't listen.
Ignoring makes you ignorant.
You have no idea of my credentials.
Science and God. No need to exclude one to prove the other. They are mutual. Complex DNA, in single cell life, just shoots the shit out of the simple to complex theory. And, as far as diversifying, every time an evolutionary found a misshapen tooth they created a misshapen human to go with it. Your Father is God Almighty, not Cheetah:


and lastly, maybe you should listen to your dog...:nocknockHT:
Science is smarter than you They know evolution can't explain how every cell in your body has a 3 billion letter code.
Because that is not what evolution aims to explain. So that's a stupid thing to say. I ignored the rest . I will not hear lectures from someone who doesn't even have a fundamental grasp of the scientific theories he criticizes. I don't take lectures from my dog on calculus, either.

  1. the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

  2. the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
It's apparent that you don't listen.
Ignoring makes you ignorant.
You have no idea of my credentials.
Science and God. No need to exclude one to prove the other. They are mutual. Complex DNA, in single cell life, just shoots the shit out of the simple to complex theory. And, as far as diversifying, every time an evolutionary found a misshapen tooth they created a misshapen human to go with it. Your Father is God Almighty, not Cheetah:


and lastly, maybe you should listen to your dog...:nocknockHT:
You, of course, meant the Theory of Evolution, and you were in error. You're not fooling anyone.

And the word you are looking for is "selection". And yes, selection can explain the presentation of DNA. You should read up. Your commentary shows you know less than nothing about any of these topics, and you should refrain from commenting on them again until you know more.
"The fountains of the deep."

The Great Flood occurred, not only because of the rain, ite also says the earth "opened up" and released the "fountains of the deep."

Another huge OCEAN deep within gave up its water for a time.

Did Geologists Discover ‘Fountains of the Deep’ From Genesis Flood?
Any global flood would have been a supernatural event. Pure and simple. Nature does not provide a mechanism for pulling massive amounts of water, in whatever form, buried beneath miles of rock, in any time frame less than millions of years.
Earth’s Crust Is Swallowing Way More Ocean Than We Thought
Good article, you should read it.
From your article:
the water chemically transforms into “wet rocks,” a hydrous mineral that gets locked inside the plate and pulled deeper into the earth’s crust.​
There is no 'ocean' underground. There is plenty of h2o but it is not collected into a single water body. Physics says it ain't so. To use the sponge analogy, to get the water out you'd have to squeeze the earth and there is no force in nature that could do that without destroying the planet.
That's NOT how it works. Liquid water is converted to a solid form of high temperature ice, just waiting to be released. Think butane in your lighter. Think oil well. Thank God tonight that he keeps it all under control.
Your "high temperature ice" would still have a density similar or even less than liquid water. If it was not bound within rock, gravity would push it to the surface through the overlying rock. Salt domes form that way. The difference is that liquid water would not be buried in the first place, salt would be since it is solid. Try getting a Black & Tan with the dark (less dense) beer on the bottom.
"The fountains of the deep."

The Great Flood occurred, not only because of the rain, ite also says the earth "opened up" and released the "fountains of the deep."

Another huge OCEAN deep within gave up its water for a time.

Did Geologists Discover ‘Fountains of the Deep’ From Genesis Flood?
Any global flood would have been a supernatural event. Pure and simple. Nature does not provide a mechanism for pulling massive amounts of water, in whatever form, buried beneath miles of rock, in any time frame less than millions of years.
Earth’s Crust Is Swallowing Way More Ocean Than We Thought
Good article, you should read it.
From your article:
the water chemically transforms into “wet rocks,” a hydrous mineral that gets locked inside the plate and pulled deeper into the earth’s crust.​
And how long does that process take and note if I recall the volume is greater than total of current oceans combined
"The fountains of the deep."

The Great Flood occurred, not only because of the rain, ite also says the earth "opened up" and released the "fountains of the deep."

Another huge OCEAN deep within gave up its water for a time.

Did Geologists Discover ‘Fountains of the Deep’ From Genesis Flood?
Any global flood would have been a supernatural event. Pure and simple. Nature does not provide a mechanism for pulling massive amounts of water, in whatever form, buried beneath miles of rock, in any time frame less than millions of years.
Earth’s Crust Is Swallowing Way More Ocean Than We Thought
Good article, you should read it.
From your article:
the water chemically transforms into “wet rocks,” a hydrous mineral that gets locked inside the plate and pulled deeper into the earth’s crust.​
And how long does that process take and note if I recall the volume is greater than total of current oceans combined
The Texas salt domes are at least 65 million years old and most have yet to reach the surface.
"The fountains of the deep."

The Great Flood occurred, not only because of the rain, ite also says the earth "opened up" and released the "fountains of the deep."

Another huge OCEAN deep within gave up its water for a time.

Did Geologists Discover ‘Fountains of the Deep’ From Genesis Flood?
Any global flood would have been a supernatural event. Pure and simple. Nature does not provide a mechanism for pulling massive amounts of water, in whatever form, buried beneath miles of rock, in any time frame less than millions of years.
Earth’s Crust Is Swallowing Way More Ocean Than We Thought
Good article, you should read it.
From your article:
the water chemically transforms into “wet rocks,” a hydrous mineral that gets locked inside the plate and pulled deeper into the earth’s crust.​
And how long does that process take and note if I recall the volume is greater than total of current oceans combined
The Texas salt domes are at least 65 million years old and most have yet to reach the surface.
Which proves what......

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