School has brutal reply after Muslim issues threat over daughters lunch

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Religions don't kill people...people use religion as an excuse to kill people.

True, and that''s why Islam isn't a religion; it demands death of all who don't submit to the Caliphate. It's a political ideology, not a religion. This is what makes it so appealing to the mentally ill, particularly homosexuals and other sociopaths, and as an ideology based on criminal activity, it dictates death to any who leave the crime family. It's the perfect organized crime syndicate philosophy.

When the murderous warlord created it, the entire purpose was to guarantee his warriors would be bound to his will and continue to rape, murder and pillage their way through the region. All he did was to borrow bits and pieces of true religions, grafted it on to his agenda of hatred and voila'!

Islam is a totalitarian, supremacist ideology that demand eternal war by its followers until all submit before it. That we call this evil screed a religion prevents us for seeing it for what it is because of our excessive deference for religion in general. We don't do that for any other type of ideology, just religion. Since we call it a religion, however, those lacking in intelligence, education or common sense indulge in their various childish defenses by treating it as if it were no different than Christianity. These utter morons only do it because they have trained each other to do it, and will go to the most ridiculous extremes in trying to paint them the same in order to defend Islam.

"Oh, you tell me Mohammad ordered his followers to rape women in front of their captive husbands before killing the men? But, but, but, but I just saw a Christian jaywalk the other day!

The utter lack of any ability to distinguish between having an open mind and having a giant gaping hole in their heads is a characteristic of its neurotic defenders in the West, who have been sold the idea that if they adopt certain pseudo-intellectual fashions then they are 'enlightened' by association and repeating nonsense spouted by other morons they get to pretend they're 'sophisticates' or something without really having to work and develop independent intellects themselves.

Mr Libertarian himself, Thomas Jefferson, suffered from no such false logical weaknesses and imbecility.

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.
Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

"NAMBLA" logic - an extreme absolutist position which demands that for logical consistencies sake that certain gross crimes be allowed, in order that no one might feel restrained./-Stirling S. Newberry
Witch burning was a pagan pastime. The crime of 'witchcraft' covered a lot of crimes, usually poisoning and other forms of murder, and most 'burnings' took place during the Enlightenment, not the per-Renaissance centuries; the so-called 'Enlightenment' wasn't as 'Enlightening' as is widely claimed.

There was also a strong regional pattern to them, mostly areas where the peasantry was still mostly illiterate and superstitious, holding on to their local pagan traditions, as some still do to this day. In any case, there fewer than 12,000 of them over some a period of a 1,000 years. Most of the hysterical drivel about them comes from anti-Catholic Protestant propaganda; if as many people were killed as was claimed, including 'witch burnings', Inquisitions, and the rest, Europe would have a population of maybe 5 today. The numbers are so way over the top absurd on their face only idiots still believe them.

So, over some 1,300 years, from 500 A.D. to the end of the 18th century, all the big noises about the Evul Xian Bloodbath amounts to maybe 25,000, most of it related to local politics, hysteria, and nothing to do with Christianity. Jewish pogroms against Christians killed far more than that before 100 A.D.
So are Christmas trees and rabbits at Easter, but Christians practice them.

ISIS and Islamic Jihadists, without a doubt, are the most largest and most barbaric religious fanatics in the 21st Century, but it's a lie to say Christians haven't, or don't, practice barbaric things themselves. The differences are in degrees and numbers, not whether or not they do it. Unlike the Islamophobes, I'm not advocating banning any religion nor executing anyone for believing. In fact I support people becoming more spiritually aware. What I'm against is anyone who uses religion to harm others. Those assholes need to be neutralized.
We already know Syriously is just a spammer with zero knowledge,.

LOL- coming from an ignorant religious bigot like yourself- thanks for the compliment.
Oooh, dude. I thought I was special when you used that same bullshit with me. Of course, I proved you wrong in later posts including pointing out how your advocation to murder innocent Americans is anti-Constitutional.

You proved nothing, please explain how yiur defense of Islam is any different from defending National Socialism,

Islam is a religion- and like all religions is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution- regardless of whatever crazy crap is in any of your holy books- you have the right in America to worship as you will- so long as you do not break the law- or advocate breaking the law.

I defend all religions from religious bigots like you.

National Socialism- German Nationalism- was a political ideology- not a religion- and not protected by the First Amendment. But even Nazi's in America have their speech protected- so long as they don't advocate violence or breaking the law.

Now compare- in this thread- it is not followers of Islam advocating violence against Americans- it is not followers of Islam advocating pissing on the Constitution- that would be you.

I don't defend you acting like a good little Fascist.

Your answer could have been a lot shorter,.

I could have just said you are an asshole religious bigot who advocates violence against Americans.

That would have been shorter.
Religions don't kill people...people use religion as an excuse to kill people.

True, and that''s why Islam isn't a religion; it demands death of all who don't submit to the Caliphate. It's a political ideology, not a religion. This is what makes it so appealing to the mentally ill, particularly homosexuals and other sociopaths, and as an ideology based on criminal activity, it dictates death to any who leave the crime family. It's the perfect organized crime syndicate philosophy.

Islam is a totalitarian, supremacist ideology that demands eternal war by its followers until all submit before it.

Odd isn't it- that the vast majority of Muslims are not engaged in eternal war- I guess that they didn't get the memo.

With some 3 million Muslims in America- if they were all engaged in eternal war- I think we would have noticed by now.
Religions don't kill people...people use religion as an excuse to kill people.

True, and that''s why Islam isn't a religion; it demands death of all who don't submit to the Caliphate. It's a political ideology, not a religion. This is what makes it so appealing to the mentally ill, particularly homosexuals and other sociopaths, and as an ideology based on criminal activity, it dictates death to any who leave the crime family. It's the perfect organized crime syndicate philosophy.

When the murderous warlord created it, the entire purpose was to guarantee his warriors would be bound to his will and continue to rape, murder and pillage their way through the region. All he did was to borrow bits and pieces of true religions, grafted it on to his agenda of hatred and voila'!

Islam is a totalitarian, supremacist ideology that demand eternal war by its followers until all submit before it. That we call this evil screed a religion prevents us for seeing it for what it is because of our excessive deference for religion in general. We don't do that for any other type of ideology, just religion. Since we call it a religion, however, those lacking in intelligence, education or common sense indulge in their various childish defenses by treating it as if it were no different than Christianity. These utter morons only do it because they have trained each other to do it, and will go to the most ridiculous extremes in trying to paint them the same in order to defend Islam.

"Oh, you tell me Mohammad ordered his followers to rape women in front of their captive husbands before killing the men? But, but, but, but I just saw a Christian jaywalk the other day!

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.
Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816y

Thomas Jefferson's
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

II. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

Who did Jefferson say that included?

to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mahomedan, the Hindoo, and Infidel of every denomination.

Thank you for bringing up Thomas Jefferson- who explicitly included Muslims- 'the Mahomedan' in his concept of religious freedom for America.

Thomas Jefferson- who owned a Koran- and being Thomas Jefferson- quite certainly read it- and understood it better than you yokels- welcomed Muslims in this country.

So long as they- and everyone else- live within the principles of the United States.

And what are those principles?

The U.S. Constitution.

Something with Chaosboy keep pissing on in every post of his- and you are pleased he does.
And by 'tired' you mean you hate having it brought up.

You don't even know what the Northern Crusades were- and probably don't give a damn that your fine Crusaders sacked the finest- and largest Christian city of the era- Constantinople.

You want to ignore the wars of the Reformation- where fine Christians killed each other for being the wrong kind of Christians- armies rampaged across Europe- Catholics killing Protestants- Protestants killing Catholics- and pretty much all of them killing some Jews along the way.

The French drove out the and murdered the Huegonots, and massacred the Knights Templer.
The English drove out the Jews- and so did the Spanish.

Does that mean all modern Christians are bad- or even that all Christians of that era were bad?

Of course not- it means assholes used religion to kill people.

And that is what is happening with Islamic extremists today.

The vast majority of victims of Islamic terrorism- are Muslims.

Just like during the Reformation- the vast majority of victims of Christian extremist terrorism were Christians.

All of that combined .

I do love the arguments of the Christians who argue

"Look we are better than Muslims because the millions we murdered are fewer than the millions the Muslims murdered"

Like I said- assholes use religion to kill people- and assholes like you use religion to advocate violence against other people- because of religion.

Not because of religion. Because their just assholes... Bad leaders, leading their sheep down bad paths. They harm others in all aspects of human existence, from religion, to politics, to business.

I agree- not because of religion- assholes use religion to murder people.

The vast majority of Christians and Jews and Muslims and Hindus etc want nothing more than to live a good life taking care of their family- the assholes work to incite others to violence because of religion.

Like Chaosboy here.

Lying sack of shit,

Who is the only one inciting violence in this thread?

That would be the lying sack of shit religious bigot that is you.

Not a single Muslim in this thread has called for the murder of Americans- that is all you.
Religions don't kill people...people use religion as an excuse to kill people.

True, and that''s why Islam isn't a religion;.

Yeah- religious bigots like yourself piss on the Constitution when you try to just claim a religion is not a religion.

Thomas Jefferson and George Washington recognized Islam as a religion.

Religious bigot assholes like you piss on their memories just like you piss on the Constitution.
More Christians killing Christians

Thus began a period of confusion and violence in France, known as the Wars of Religion, that lasted until almost the end of the century. A famous incident of this period was the Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Day. On the night of Aug. 24/25, 1572, after a council at which the queen mother Catherine de Médicis, King Charles IX, the Duke d’Anjou (later Henry III), and the Guises were present, there occurred a massacre in which Coligny and almost all the leading Huguenots in Paris were slain. The Paris massacre was repeated throughout France, and Protestants were slain in thousands. The Protestant survivors resolved upon a desperate resistance, and a Huguenot political party was formed at Milhaud, near Nîmes, in 1573. Especially prominent was Philippe de Mornay, known as Duplessis-Mornay. The Huguenots at first hoped that the crown of France would pass to a Huguenot; when that became obviously impossible, they fought for full religious and civil liberty within the state.

You can't make such discernments because you have no education or the critical thinking skills to use one if you had one.

Big talk from a little man.

I don't doubt i.

Little tiny, tiny man.

oh boo woo woo. lol reduced to nothing.
Nothing is what you have offered when I have provided historic examples of Christians gone wild

More Christians killing Christians

Thus began a period of confusion and violence in France, known as the Wars of Religion, that lasted until almost the end of the century. A famous incident of this period was the Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Day. On the night of Aug. 24/25, 1572, after a council at which the queen mother Catherine de Médicis, King Charles IX, the Duke d’Anjou (later Henry III), and the Guises were present, there occurred a massacre in which Coligny and almost all the leading Huguenots in Paris were slain. The Paris massacre was repeated throughout France, and Protestants were slain in thousands. The Protestant survivors resolved upon a desperate resistance, and a Huguenot political party was formed at Milhaud, near Nîmes, in 1573. Especially prominent was Philippe de Mornay, known as Duplessis-Mornay. The Huguenots at first hoped that the crown of France would pass to a Huguenot; when that became obviously impossible, they fought for full religious and civil liberty within the state
I agree- not because of religion- assholes use religion to murder people.

The vast majority of Christians and Jews and Muslims and Hindus etc want nothing more than to live a good life taking care of their family- the assholes work to incite others to violence because of religion.

Like Chaosboy here.

I agree to a point, but at the same time Muslims need to understand that their views on women and homosexuals will /not/ be tolerated by American laws and values of freedom. As long as they can "let go" those incompatible parts of their religious doctrines then I have no fucks to give. IF however they cannot, and that includes within their communities, then we have problems. I am not going to tolerate having sections of the country being dangerous for gays or uncovered women, and shit like that. I don't care if they take over a city or not, it's against the laws of this nation and therefore cannot exist here.

'views on women and homosexuals'- i would hope you feel that way about anyone who holds those views on women and homosexuals- Christians and Muslims- and atheists alike.

I completely disagree with the orthodox religious view of homosexuality in Islam- and in Christianity- but as long as Christians and Muslims do not advocate violence, or breaking the law and the Constitution- then their opinions are protected.

I will point out- that it was not Muslims who made homosexuality illegal in the United States- it was Christians who believed that homosexuality was behavior that should be made illegal- because of their religious beliefs- and until the Supreme Court determined that such laws were illegal, homosexuals were being tossed in jail for the crime of having consensual sex.

I oppose anyone attempting to impose their religious views on others- and I also oppose those who try to deny the Constitutional rights of the religious.

Mainstream Christians have adapted their views, over 30 years ago in my experience. While we still have some points to work out on business public relations and laws, and maybe a bit more work on the whole sticky SSM issue (sanctity issues, idk why we can't just cut n paste "or civil union" in all the damn paperwork so everyone is happy personally,) there are none I know who advocate jailing, much less killing, homosexuals. (And I know a lot of them, there's like 50 Christian churches in my city of 40k) .

Yes- there has been a huge sea change in the last 30 years- but there are still those who are willing to advocate making homosexuality illegal- not as many- because frankly public opinion has shifted so dramatically that that position is now not publicly tenable.

I don't know of any Muslims in the United States who are advocating anything against gays. They are not on the forefront of the battle against SSM, or against gay couples adopting(the current battle de jure)- and they are not the ones fighting to be exempted from business laws which require serving gay customers. That would all be members of the Christian community.

My daughter goes to a public school with a large Muslim minority- something like 15% Muslim- and they get along with(and some are part) of the schools gay community. There is no friction between the Muslims and gays at the school- there are other frictions for other things- but in the U.S.- gay is not a Muslim issue.

I went to school in a state that is still (25 years after my graduation) 70% Christian. I was blatantly bisexual and yet I was only once targeted with religious contempt for kissing a girl in the hallway after lunch - that idiot was promptly shut down by my peers in the school. If anything my Christian buddies regard me with curiosity, some claim concern for my eternal soul, but I've never felt rejected nor had any fear. In fact they've been behind me even while some of their parents denounced me. )

Well like most social changes- kids are usually ahead of their parents. I am glad you had a good experience.
I also have to say that I'm not in the slightest encouraged by the rhetoric from some claiming they'll just out breed us and take over our social/political/cultural and out vote us. I will /not/ live under their rules. I will die before I convert. Thus I feel compelled to resist all things that I feel trends in that direction..

The only people I have seen making statements like that are the rightwingers yelling "The Mooslims are coming- the Mooslims are coming".

The Constitution protects us all- you will not live long enough to see Muslims be even 15% of our population. But resist away any actual attempts to impose religions on the public. Nothing wrong with that.

Actually no, it's supported by the Koran and I've heard many of their own priests (Imam) say that is the plan. While many of them to not plan it as an attack as the far right extremists purport, they do indeed think it's necessary to "out-breed" so they can implement their religious rule in whatever nations they immigrate to. Even if it's not a "hostile attack" or "intended attack." I still consider it a threat to American freedom. I cannot support them taking over this nation, even if it's done "peacefully." As I said, I will die before I convert to Islam. We need to fix the ME and send them home so they can have their political/religious beliefs without infringing upon "Western" freedoms.

Why would we send third or fourth generation Americans 'home' to anywhere?

Feel free to provide actual examples- from my experience 2nd generation Muslims Americans generally start having American size families- 1-3 kids. There are lots of cultures that encourage lots of kids- Mormons do- and so do the largely Catholic hispanics from Mexico and Central America- frankly there is absolutely no way that Muslims in America will out produce even the Mormons- let alone our Mexican American families.
I do understand that, I think it's a bit over-blown by hysterics, but I understand. Which is why I say I'd rather they stayed in their own nations, then they can live as their God wishes them to, none of my business.

How many Muslims have personally tried to tell you that you must become a Muslim?

I have never had that happen.

I have Christians coming to my door telling me I must be a Christian or suffer eternal torment.
I'm an atheist you stupid faggot .
Like I said- assholes use religion to kill people- and assholes like you use religion to advocate violence against other people- because of religion.

Just like you keep doing in this thread.

Just because you are an atheist doesn't make you less of a religious bigot.
Religions don't kill people...people use religion as an excuse to kill people.

National Socialism doesn't kill people, people use National Socialism to kill people....fucking moron.

Yep- National Socialism doesn't kill people- which is why the American NAZI party is legal in the United States- until one of those assholes acts like you and threatens violence.

The Koran and Hadiths threaten and mandate violence.

Perhaps they do- but Muslims(and Christians) still have the freedom to worship as they please up and until the time that they threaten violence like you keep doing.

Remember- right now- you are the only one calling for the murder of anyone in this thread.

Assholes like you give atheists a bad name.
I'm an atheist you stupid faggot .
Like I said- assholes use religion to kill people- and assholes like you use religion to advocate violence against other people- because of religion.

Just like you keep doing in this thread.

Just because you are an atheist doesn't make you less of a religious bigot.
Religions don't kill people...people use religion as an excuse to kill people.

National Socialism doesn't kill people, people use National Socialism to kill people....fucking moron.

Yep- National Socialism doesn't kill people- which is why the American NAZI party is legal in the United States- until one of those assholes acts like you and threatens violence.

The Koran and Hadiths threaten and mandate violence.

And ...?

Most domestic terrorist self-describe themselves as christian. Most prison inmates are christian. As pointed out above, christians accost people in their homes.

So, should we outlaw christianity?


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Like I said- assholes use religion to kill people- and assholes like you use religion to advocate violence against other people- because of religion.

Just like you keep doing in this thread.

Just because you are an atheist doesn't make you less of a religious bigot.
Religions don't kill people...people use religion as an excuse to kill people.

National Socialism doesn't kill people, people use National Socialism to kill people....fucking moron.

Yep- National Socialism doesn't kill people- which is why the American NAZI party is legal in the United States- until one of those assholes acts like you and threatens violence.

The Koran and Hadiths threaten and mandate violence.

And ...?

Most domestic terrorist self-describe themselves as christian.

Most domestic terrorism related deaths are caused by Muslims.

Most prison inmates are christian.

As a percentage of the population? Maybe in the US, certainly not in Western Europe.
Religions don't kill people...people use religion as an excuse to kill people.

True, and that''s why Islam isn't a religion; it demands death of all who don't submit to the Caliphate. It's a political ideology, not a religion. This is what makes it so appealing to the mentally ill, particularly homosexuals and other sociopaths, and as an ideology based on criminal activity, it dictates death to any who leave the crime family. It's the perfect organized crime syndicate philosophy.

Islam is a totalitarian, supremacist ideology that demands eternal war by its followers until all submit before it.

Odd isn't it- that the vast majority of Muslims are not engaged in eternal war- I guess that they didn't get the memo.

With some 3 million Muslims in America- if they were all engaged in eternal war- I think we would have noticed by now.

the vast majority of the population of warring societies are not actively involved in the actual warring-------what else is new?. When the romans were building the ROMAN EMPIRE------and crucifying resistors wholesale------the vast majority of
married women were home kneading bread and having babies. In Germany----during world war II------the vast majority of married german women were
cleaning their houses OBSESSIVELY and making spaetzle As to ETERNAL WAR------if you imagine that the Islamic perception of the WORLD is not an 'eternal. struggle between islam ---vs the KAFFIRIN' -----then you have not known a whole lot of CANDID muslims---or have never been in a mosque
Religions don't kill people...people use religion as an excuse to kill people.

National Socialism doesn't kill people, people use National Socialism to kill people....fucking moron.

Yep- National Socialism doesn't kill people- which is why the American NAZI party is legal in the United States- until one of those assholes acts like you and threatens violence.

The Koran and Hadiths threaten and mandate violence.

And ...?

Most domestic terrorist self-describe themselves as christian.

Most domestic terrorism related deaths are caused by Muslims.

Most prison inmates are christian.

As a percentage of the population? Maybe in the US, certainly not in Western Europe.

yes----in the USA. As to Europe----do you have a link on your proposed stat?
National Socialism doesn't kill people, people use National Socialism to kill people....fucking moron.

Yep- National Socialism doesn't kill people- which is why the American NAZI party is legal in the United States- until one of those assholes acts like you and threatens violence.

The Koran and Hadiths threaten and mandate violence.

And ...?

Most domestic terrorist self-describe themselves as christian.

Most domestic terrorism related deaths are caused by Muslims.

Most prison inmates are christian.

As a percentage of the population? Maybe in the US, certainly not in Western Europe.

yes----in the USA. As to Europe----do you have a link on your proposed stat?

You are wrong about the US:

The percentage of Muslims inside U.S. prisons is more than 11 times their percentage of the overall population.

Why Are So Many Muslims in Prison?

In Europe, it's worse than my original claim, for example Muslims make up 70% of the incarceration rate in France despite only accounting for 11% of the population:

What is going wrong in France's prisons?
Last edited:
Yep- National Socialism doesn't kill people- which is why the American NAZI party is legal in the United States- until one of those assholes acts like you and threatens violence.

The Koran and Hadiths threaten and mandate violence.

And ...?

Most domestic terrorist self-describe themselves as christian.

Most domestic terrorism related deaths are caused by Muslims.

Most prison inmates are christian.

As a percentage of the population? Maybe in the US, certainly not in Western Europe.

yes----in the USA. As to Europe----do you have a link on your proposed stat?

You are wrong about the US:

The percentage of Muslims inside U.S. prisons is more than 11 times their percentage of the overall population.

Why Are So Many Muslims in Prison?

In Europe, it's worse than my original claim, for example Muslims make up 70% of the incarceration rate in France despite only accounting for 11% of the population:

What is going wrong in France's prisons?

who me? I am not "wrong" ------I know that there are lots of muslims in
the USA prisons-------but I believe lots of the are CONVERTS to islam.
The USA does not put out stats on percentage of this or that "religion"
in jail. --------HOWEVER------ask the prison guards----they know that the
jails are CHOCK FULL OF MUSLIMS. Muslims are very active in MISSIONIZING I jails--------they seem to love to attract criminals
The Koran and Hadiths threaten and mandate violence.

And ...?

Most domestic terrorist self-describe themselves as christian.

Most domestic terrorism related deaths are caused by Muslims.

Most prison inmates are christian.

As a percentage of the population? Maybe in the US, certainly not in Western Europe.

yes----in the USA. As to Europe----do you have a link on your proposed stat?

You are wrong about the US:

The percentage of Muslims inside U.S. prisons is more than 11 times their percentage of the overall population.

Why Are So Many Muslims in Prison?

In Europe, it's worse than my original claim, for example Muslims make up 70% of the incarceration rate in France despite only accounting for 11% of the population:

What is going wrong in France's prisons?

who me? I am not "wrong" ------I know that there are lots of muslims in
the USA prisons-------but I believe lots of the are CONVERTS to islam.
The USA does not put out stats on percentage of this or that "religion"
in jail. --------HOWEVER------ask the prison guards----they know that the
jails are CHOCK FULL OF MUSLIMS. Muslims are very active in MISSIONIZING I jails--------they seem to love to attract criminals

Muslims make up more than 11 times the prison population than their national population, so your original assertion regarding Christians and prison is a misleading statistic.
Like I said- assholes use religion to kill people- and assholes like you use religion to advocate violence against other people- because of religion.

Just like you keep doing in this thread.

Just because you are an atheist doesn't make you less of a religious bigot.
Religions don't kill people...people use religion as an excuse to kill people.

National Socialism doesn't kill people, people use National Socialism to kill people....fucking moron.

Yep- National Socialism doesn't kill people- which is why the American NAZI party is legal in the United States- until one of those assholes acts like you and threatens violence.

The Koran and Hadiths threaten and mandate violence.

Perhaps they do- but Muslims(and Christians) still have the freedom to worship as they please up and until the time that they threaten violence like you keep doing.

Remember- right now- you are the only one calling for the murder of anyone in this thread.

Assholes like you give atheists a bad name.

Atheist IS a bad name.
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