Say no to Palestinians in the UN until they make agreement with Israel via US budget.

Well the majority of the world is currently recognizing Palestine and orienting themselves against Israel. So they must be doing something right.
Yeah. Same thinking got Obama elected for the second term. Generally, the majority, jumping off the roofs, doesn't mean one should join too.
It doesn't matter though because religious nutters have condemned that place to thousands of years of war and are doing their best for a thousand years more. It's very sad.
Jihad 101.
The bill stops assistance to the Palestinian Authority if it becomes a member of the United Nations or UN agencies without an agreement with Israel. It also prohibits funds for Hamas.
What 8217 s in the spending bill We skim it so you don 8217 t have to - The Washington Post
Take that you terrorists. Make peace or die.

Of course. Because Israel is a special little snowflake. That's what the world decided in 1947 right?

So 2 options world. Send in hundreds of thousands of troops to enforce peace while imposing that Israel and Palestine transform into a peaceful coexistence; or carpet bomb Gaza and the West Bank.

Or, a third option, maintain the status quo and maybe our grandchildren can figure it out.

No one has done more to insure the Jewish State than the Arabs. There stupidity has been truly massive. :D

It's like the Jews have been playing against a team of retards for the last 70 years.

I shit....can anyone say the Arabs have ever made a correct move regarding Israel? Ever? :lol:

Well the majority of the world is currently recognizing Palestine and orienting themselves against Israel. So they must be doing something right.

It doesn't matter though because religious nutters have condemned that place to thousands of years of war and are doing their best for a thousand years more. It's very sad.

The majority of the World has always been against Israel. What Nation has ever consistently supported Israel other than the United States?

No....the Arabs have fucked up at every turn...from 1947 on. Let's review. :D

1. The Arabs were offered 1/2 the land in 1947 by the British. Their own Arab homeland. What did the Arabs guessed it...they said no. :lol:

2. The Arabs went to war in 1948 in an attempt to wipe out the Jews. They lost. :(

3. The Arabs went to War in 1956. They lost.

4. 1967 Nassar threatened to invade. The Jews struck first and won the Sinai and West Bank. They still have the West Bank.

5. 1973. The Yom Kippur War. The Arabs invaded. Yet again they lose.

The only smart thing the Arabs ever did was Sadat negotiating a peace treaty. There has been peace between Israel and Egypt for 35 years. What did the Arabs do as a consequence? They murdered Sadat. :lol:

Arabs = Stupid.

I agree that Arabs (muslims) are stupid. I also think Israeli's are stupid for believing there's anything of value in the middle east. They'd be much happier in the U.S. or some other civilized place instead of having to deal with religious nutjobs trying to suicide bomb them.
You are not an American Phoney, what is the "we" all about? The Zionist led US Congress can do what they like. The Israelis will not come to an agreement on a Palestinian state. The Israelis want all the land.

.... which explains why they have given it back three times in the last 50 years.
The Palestinian's applying for UN membership is none of Israel's god-damn business. In fact, they should make the Pals a member and throw Israel out of the UN. A criminal country like Israel, doesn't deserve to be in an organization that stands for peace and human rights.

The UN stands for a lot of things ... but peace and human rights isn't one of them.
The bill stops assistance to the Palestinian Authority if it becomes a member of the United Nations or UN agencies without an agreement with Israel. It also prohibits funds for Hamas.
What 8217 s in the spending bill We skim it so you don 8217 t have to - The Washington Post
Take that you terrorists. Make peace or die.

Of course. Because Israel is a special little snowflake. That's what the world decided in 1947 right?

So 2 options world. Send in hundreds of thousands of troops to enforce peace while imposing that Israel and Palestine transform into a peaceful coexistence; or carpet bomb Gaza and the West Bank.

Or, a third option, maintain the status quo and maybe our grandchildren can figure it out.

No one has done more to insure the Jewish State than the Arabs. There stupidity has been truly massive. :D

It's like the Jews have been playing against a team of retards for the last 70 years.

I shit....can anyone say the Arabs have ever made a correct move regarding Israel? Ever? :lol:

Well the majority of the world is currently recognizing Palestine and orienting themselves against Israel. So they must be doing something right.

It doesn't matter though because religious nutters have condemned that place to thousands of years of war and are doing their best for a thousand years more. It's very sad.

The majority of the World has always been against Israel. What Nation has ever consistently supported Israel other than the United States?

No....the Arabs have fucked up at every turn...from 1947 on. Let's review. :D

1. The Arabs were offered 1/2 the land in 1947 by the British. Their own Arab homeland. What did the Arabs guessed it...they said no. :lol:

2. The Arabs went to war in 1948 in an attempt to wipe out the Jews. They lost. :(

3. The Arabs went to War in 1956. They lost.

4. 1967 Nassar threatened to invade. The Jews struck first and won the Sinai and West Bank. They still have the West Bank.

5. 1973. The Yom Kippur War. The Arabs invaded. Yet again they lose.

The only smart thing the Arabs ever did was Sadat negotiating a peace treaty. There has been peace between Israel and Egypt for 35 years. What did the Arabs do as a consequence? They murdered Sadat. :lol:

Arabs = Stupid.

I agree that Arabs (muslims) are stupid. I also think Israeli's are stupid for believing there's anything of value in the middle east. They'd be much happier in the U.S. or some other civilized place instead of having to deal with religious nutjobs trying to suicide bomb them.

Bullshit. Israelis are very happy living in Israel. You are underestimating the patriotism of Israelis.
The bill stops assistance to the Palestinian Authority if it becomes a member of the United Nations or UN agencies without an agreement with Israel. It also prohibits funds for Hamas.
What 8217 s in the spending bill We skim it so you don 8217 t have to - The Washington Post
Take that you terrorists. Make peace or die.

Of course. Because Israel is a special little snowflake. That's what the world decided in 1947 right?

So 2 options world. Send in hundreds of thousands of troops to enforce peace while imposing that Israel and Palestine transform into a peaceful coexistence; or carpet bomb Gaza and the West Bank.

Or, a third option, maintain the status quo and maybe our grandchildren can figure it out.

No one has done more to insure the Jewish State than the Arabs. There stupidity has been truly massive. :D

It's like the Jews have been playing against a team of retards for the last 70 years.

I shit....can anyone say the Arabs have ever made a correct move regarding Israel? Ever? :lol:

Well the majority of the world is currently recognizing Palestine and orienting themselves against Israel. So they must be doing something right.

It doesn't matter though because religious nutters have condemned that place to thousands of years of war and are doing their best for a thousand years more. It's very sad.

The majority of the World has always been against Israel. What Nation has ever consistently supported Israel other than the United States?

No....the Arabs have fucked up at every turn...from 1947 on. Let's review. :D

1. The Arabs were offered 1/2 the land in 1947 by the British. Their own Arab homeland. What did the Arabs guessed it...they said no. :lol:

2. The Arabs went to war in 1948 in an attempt to wipe out the Jews. They lost. :(

3. The Arabs went to War in 1956. They lost.

4. 1967 Nassar threatened to invade. The Jews struck first and won the Sinai and West Bank. They still have the West Bank.

5. 1973. The Yom Kippur War. The Arabs invaded. Yet again they lose.

The only smart thing the Arabs ever did was Sadat negotiating a peace treaty. There has been peace between Israel and Egypt for 35 years. What did the Arabs do as a consequence? They murdered Sadat. :lol:

Arabs = Stupid.

I agree that Arabs (muslims) are stupid. I also think Israeli's are stupid for believing there's anything of value in the middle east. They'd be much happier in the U.S. or some other civilized place instead of having to deal with religious nutjobs trying to suicide bomb them.

The Zionist movement happened because the Jews felt no Country in the World really wanted them. Virtually all of Europe had pogroms against the Jews at various times. Hitler's actions in WWII solidified the Zionist movement forever.

Maybe Zionism is no longer needed. Maybe the World truly is a safer place now for Jews.

But based on the history of the Jewish people....would you trust the good will of the World? Would you gamble the future of your people on it?
Of course. Because Israel is a special little snowflake. That's what the world decided in 1947 right?

So 2 options world. Send in hundreds of thousands of troops to enforce peace while imposing that Israel and Palestine transform into a peaceful coexistence; or carpet bomb Gaza and the West Bank.

Or, a third option, maintain the status quo and maybe our grandchildren can figure it out.

No one has done more to insure the Jewish State than the Arabs. There stupidity has been truly massive. :D

It's like the Jews have been playing against a team of retards for the last 70 years.

I shit....can anyone say the Arabs have ever made a correct move regarding Israel? Ever? :lol:

Well the majority of the world is currently recognizing Palestine and orienting themselves against Israel. So they must be doing something right.

It doesn't matter though because religious nutters have condemned that place to thousands of years of war and are doing their best for a thousand years more. It's very sad.

The majority of the World has always been against Israel. What Nation has ever consistently supported Israel other than the United States?

No....the Arabs have fucked up at every turn...from 1947 on. Let's review. :D

1. The Arabs were offered 1/2 the land in 1947 by the British. Their own Arab homeland. What did the Arabs guessed it...they said no. :lol:

2. The Arabs went to war in 1948 in an attempt to wipe out the Jews. They lost. :(

3. The Arabs went to War in 1956. They lost.

4. 1967 Nassar threatened to invade. The Jews struck first and won the Sinai and West Bank. They still have the West Bank.

5. 1973. The Yom Kippur War. The Arabs invaded. Yet again they lose.

The only smart thing the Arabs ever did was Sadat negotiating a peace treaty. There has been peace between Israel and Egypt for 35 years. What did the Arabs do as a consequence? They murdered Sadat. :lol:

Arabs = Stupid.

I agree that Arabs (muslims) are stupid. I also think Israeli's are stupid for believing there's anything of value in the middle east. They'd be much happier in the U.S. or some other civilized place instead of having to deal with religious nutjobs trying to suicide bomb them.

Bullshit. Israelis are very happy living in Israel. You are underestimating the patriotism of Israelis.

Fair enough. Please look at my post #11 on this thread. Can you envision any other outcome than those?
You are not an American Phoney, what is the "we" all about? The Zionist led US Congress can do what they like. The Israelis will not come to an agreement on a Palestinian state. The Israelis want all the land.

Typical semi literate ISLAMONAZI thinking, try getting an education Abdul and learn English
Netanyahu finally speaks his mind
He made explicitly clear that he could never, ever, countenance a fully sovereign Palestinian state in the West Bank.

Read more: Netanyahu finally speaks his mind | The Times of Israel Netanyahu finally speaks his mind The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

6 month old stories are not current affairs and the situation can change in that short a time. Another massive fail by the ISLAMONAZI STOOGE and PROPAGANDIST
The Palestinian's applying for UN membership is none of Israel's god-damn business. In fact, they should make the Pals a member and throw Israel out of the UN. A criminal country like Israel, doesn't deserve to be in an organization that stands for peace and human rights.
The UN stands for a lot of things ... but peace and human rights isn't one of them.
World socialism through consolidation and control of wealth and influence under a single roof has nothing to do with "peace" and "rights", indeed.
Netanyahu finally speaks his mind
He made explicitly clear that he could never, ever, countenance a fully sovereign Palestinian state in the West Bank.

Read more: Netanyahu finally speaks his mind | The Times of Israel Netanyahu finally speaks his mind The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

An interesting article on Netanyahu . . . after reading it, to me, he obviously sees the West Bank as an Israeli Bantustan forever and ever. Hopefully, Israel will (and should) go the way of apartheid South Africa of old. ~ Susan

It wont as it is enshrined in International law, so unless you want to start a world war don't even think of destroying Israel
The Palestinian's applying for UN membership is none of Israel's god-damn business. In fact, they should make the Pals a member and throw Israel out of the UN. A criminal country like Israel, doesn't deserve to be in an organization that stands for peace and human rights.

That would suit Israel perfectly as then it would not be held by UN resolutions and cease fires. So will be able to act just as the Palestinians do and keep on firing at hamas.

Now do explain once again why you are not a Jew Hater
Of course. Because Israel is a special little snowflake. That's what the world decided in 1947 right?

So 2 options world. Send in hundreds of thousands of troops to enforce peace while imposing that Israel and Palestine transform into a peaceful coexistence; or carpet bomb Gaza and the West Bank.

Or, a third option, maintain the status quo and maybe our grandchildren can figure it out.

No one has done more to insure the Jewish State than the Arabs. There stupidity has been truly massive. :D

It's like the Jews have been playing against a team of retards for the last 70 years.

I shit....can anyone say the Arabs have ever made a correct move regarding Israel? Ever? :lol:

Well the majority of the world is currently recognizing Palestine and orienting themselves against Israel. So they must be doing something right.

It doesn't matter though because religious nutters have condemned that place to thousands of years of war and are doing their best for a thousand years more. It's very sad.

The majority of the World has always been against Israel. What Nation has ever consistently supported Israel other than the United States?

No....the Arabs have fucked up at every turn...from 1947 on. Let's review. :D

1. The Arabs were offered 1/2 the land in 1947 by the British. Their own Arab homeland. What did the Arabs guessed it...they said no. :lol:

2. The Arabs went to war in 1948 in an attempt to wipe out the Jews. They lost. :(

3. The Arabs went to War in 1956. They lost.

4. 1967 Nassar threatened to invade. The Jews struck first and won the Sinai and West Bank. They still have the West Bank.

5. 1973. The Yom Kippur War. The Arabs invaded. Yet again they lose.

The only smart thing the Arabs ever did was Sadat negotiating a peace treaty. There has been peace between Israel and Egypt for 35 years. What did the Arabs do as a consequence? They murdered Sadat. :lol:

Arabs = Stupid.

I agree that Arabs (muslims) are stupid. I also think Israeli's are stupid for believing there's anything of value in the middle east. They'd be much happier in the U.S. or some other civilized place instead of having to deal with religious nutjobs trying to suicide bomb them.

The Zionist movement happened because the Jews felt no Country in the World really wanted them. Virtually all of Europe had pogroms against the Jews at various times. Hitler's actions in WWII solidified the Zionist movement forever.

Maybe Zionism is no longer needed. Maybe the World truly is a safer place now for Jews.

But based on the history of the Jewish people....would you trust the good will of the World? Would you gamble the future of your people on it?

Based on recent reports in the media it looks like Europe is worse now in regards to the safety of the Jews than it was in the 1930's/1940's
No one has done more to insure the Jewish State than the Arabs. There stupidity has been truly massive. :D

It's like the Jews have been playing against a team of retards for the last 70 years.

I shit....can anyone say the Arabs have ever made a correct move regarding Israel? Ever? :lol:

Well the majority of the world is currently recognizing Palestine and orienting themselves against Israel. So they must be doing something right.

It doesn't matter though because religious nutters have condemned that place to thousands of years of war and are doing their best for a thousand years more. It's very sad.

The majority of the World has always been against Israel. What Nation has ever consistently supported Israel other than the United States?

No....the Arabs have fucked up at every turn...from 1947 on. Let's review. :D

1. The Arabs were offered 1/2 the land in 1947 by the British. Their own Arab homeland. What did the Arabs guessed it...they said no. :lol:

2. The Arabs went to war in 1948 in an attempt to wipe out the Jews. They lost. :(

3. The Arabs went to War in 1956. They lost.

4. 1967 Nassar threatened to invade. The Jews struck first and won the Sinai and West Bank. They still have the West Bank.

5. 1973. The Yom Kippur War. The Arabs invaded. Yet again they lose.

The only smart thing the Arabs ever did was Sadat negotiating a peace treaty. There has been peace between Israel and Egypt for 35 years. What did the Arabs do as a consequence? They murdered Sadat. :lol:

Arabs = Stupid.

I agree that Arabs (muslims) are stupid. I also think Israeli's are stupid for believing there's anything of value in the middle east. They'd be much happier in the U.S. or some other civilized place instead of having to deal with religious nutjobs trying to suicide bomb them.

The Zionist movement happened because the Jews felt no Country in the World really wanted them. Virtually all of Europe had pogroms against the Jews at various times. Hitler's actions in WWII solidified the Zionist movement forever.

Maybe Zionism is no longer needed. Maybe the World truly is a safer place now for Jews.

But based on the history of the Jewish people....would you trust the good will of the World? Would you gamble the future of your people on it?

Based on recent reports in the media it looks like Europe is worse now in regards to the safety of the Jews than it was in the 1930's/1940's

Oh yea? Are they wearing arm bands?
No one has done more to insure the Jewish State than the Arabs. There stupidity has been truly massive. :D

It's like the Jews have been playing against a team of retards for the last 70 years.

I shit....can anyone say the Arabs have ever made a correct move regarding Israel? Ever? :lol:

Well the majority of the world is currently recognizing Palestine and orienting themselves against Israel. So they must be doing something right.

It doesn't matter though because religious nutters have condemned that place to thousands of years of war and are doing their best for a thousand years more. It's very sad.

The majority of the World has always been against Israel. What Nation has ever consistently supported Israel other than the United States?

No....the Arabs have fucked up at every turn...from 1947 on. Let's review. :D

1. The Arabs were offered 1/2 the land in 1947 by the British. Their own Arab homeland. What did the Arabs guessed it...they said no. :lol:

2. The Arabs went to war in 1948 in an attempt to wipe out the Jews. They lost. :(

3. The Arabs went to War in 1956. They lost.

4. 1967 Nassar threatened to invade. The Jews struck first and won the Sinai and West Bank. They still have the West Bank.

5. 1973. The Yom Kippur War. The Arabs invaded. Yet again they lose.

The only smart thing the Arabs ever did was Sadat negotiating a peace treaty. There has been peace between Israel and Egypt for 35 years. What did the Arabs do as a consequence? They murdered Sadat. :lol:

Arabs = Stupid.

I agree that Arabs (muslims) are stupid. I also think Israeli's are stupid for believing there's anything of value in the middle east. They'd be much happier in the U.S. or some other civilized place instead of having to deal with religious nutjobs trying to suicide bomb them.

Bullshit. Israelis are very happy living in Israel. You are underestimating the patriotism of Israelis.

Fair enough. Please look at my post #11 on this thread. Can you envision any other outcome than those?

Sure. How about an outcome where nothing changes from the way it is now

It was the British that were in charge and ran the police.

That's right. Because it was never "Palestinian Land."

It was the Jews land....then Babylonian....then the Jews again.....then Roman....then Byzantine....then Ottoman....then British....and finally the Jews again.

Palestine has never been a sovereign nation ruled by Arabs. Ever. Pretty difficult to have something stolen that never belonged to you in the first place. :)
You are not an American Phoney, what is the "we" all about? The Zionist led US Congress can do what they like. The Israelis will not come to an agreement on a Palestinian state. The Israelis want all the land.

Oh Monte, poor feeble minded Monte. You see, "the Zionist led US congress" was elected by Americans. Why do you so despise us Americans & yet remain here to suffer?

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