Say goodbye to power outages


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
With the goal of eliminating brownouts and blackouts, new research from UBC's Okanagan School of Engineering is redesigning how electricity is distributed within power grids.

The research describes a power system operation that will consist of multiple microgrids -- separate grids operating like individual islands that can disconnect from the main power supply and run independently.

These islanded systems will provide electricity to smaller geographical areas, such as cities and large neighbourhoods. In the case of a failure in the main system, the local grid operation system will keep the lights on.

"The microgrid will recognize the problem in the main power system and will isolate itself, avoiding previously inevitable power outages," explains Yuri Rodrigues, a UBCO electrical engineering doctoral student and study co-author.
Say goodbye to power outages: Researchers shine a light on ways to keep the energy flowing

So, if we could just get this done before July that would be great.
The United States tends toward larger electrification projects ... with larger substations connecting more homes ... my understanding is that this isn't so in Western Europe, and this allowed them to run internet over the electric grid ...

Just build more substations, spend the money ... easy peasy ...
Stand by generators have been available for a long time. They are, in essence, mini power grids.
Stand by generators have been available for a long time. They are, in essence, mini power grids.

Yeah that article is a crock of shit. Don't know the author but he seems to be an idiot.
Definitely not an engineer.


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