Saw this on is accurate...and on I am posting it...

Something they all have in common: they'll never ever win the GOP presidential primaries. I wonder why? :dunno:
Scott, West and Cain all have won primaries! West and Scott won the general. Carson is polling well. I believe Thomas won an election as a judge prior to the SCOTUS

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Sure republican blacks can win in small, regional elections if they can outfund their opponents and/or at the time the base hates democrats more than they hate black people. But nationally, the GOP can never elect a black person because the social conservatives that make up the base won't allow it! Ben Carson is a top 2 candidate for your party, and you'll be lucky if he finishes in the top 10! are fucking conservatives are ready to vote for any conservative regardless of race.....I guess the hispanic background of rubio and cruz is imaginary, and if Ben Carson had more experience in running a campaign he would be one of the front runners...

You morons like to create your own about trying to just live in ours....?
Something they all have in common: they'll never ever win the GOP presidential primaries. I wonder why? :dunno:
Scott, West and Cain all have won primaries! West and Scott won the general. Carson is polling well. I believe Thomas won an election as a judge prior to the SCOTUS

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sure republican blacks can win in small, regional elections if they can outfund their opponents and/or at the time the base hates democrats more than they hate black people. But nationally, the GOP can never elect a black person because the social conservatives that make up the base won't allow it! Ben Carson is a top 2 candidate for your party, and you'll be lucky if he finishes in the top 10!
Buuuut they won't get the chance. Alas...
Especially if this dreg of humanity gets her way.

Nope, it just means you like Tokens and House *******. many do...
Weak argument. All the men listed aren't tokens, they are genuine great leaders and intelligent Americans.
In a party of whitey, they are tokens. And they get used constantly to show how the party isn't racist, which it is.

Yes....please deny the racism at the core of the democrat can start with this list........

These groups are openly racist, and are supported by and supporters of, the current democrat party....did I forget any?

La Raza..hispanic racist group (for goodness sake it means "The Race")

The NAACP...except for whites who pretend to be black their policies are racist....

The Congressional Black Caucus

The Nation of Islam...

The New Black Panther Party (obama and eric holder protected them from charges of voter intimidaiton)

the Church formerly run by racist jeremiah wright...

Current racists in the democrat party...

George Takei...asian racist member of the democrat party

al racist
jesse racist

bill clinton (also a violent sexual predator): white racist

Dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school racist democrat,

And awarded this racist democrat and ally of orval faubus the Presidential medal of freedom.....

and had orval faubus, the guy who used the Arkansas national guard to block the 9 black children from attending the white honored position at his inauguration as Governor of Arkansas.........

kept the confederate star on Arkansas flag...

As Governor Bill Clinton Kept Confederate Star On The Arkansas Flag

imagine a Repulican doing either one of those things or having either one of those actual racists as good friends and political mentors...

barak obama ( attended an openly black racist church for 20 years.....see if a Republican could do that and get elected to anything.......was married by the racist pator, and had his kids baptized by the racist pastor)
Something they all have in common: they'll never ever win the GOP presidential primaries. I wonder why? :dunno:
Scott, West and Cain all have won primaries! West and Scott won the general. Carson is polling well. I believe Thomas won an election as a judge prior to the SCOTUS

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sure republican blacks can win in small, regional elections if they can outfund their opponents and/or at the time the base hates democrats more than they hate black people. But nationally, the GOP can never elect a black person because the social conservatives that make up the base won't allow it! Ben Carson is a top 2 candidate for your party, and you'll be lucky if he finishes in the top 10! are fucking conservatives are ready to vote for any conservative regardless of race.....I guess the hispanic background of rubio and cruz is imaginary, and if Ben Carson had more experience in running a campaign he would be one of the front runners...

You morons like to create your own about trying to just live in ours....?
Lol Ben Carson won't be a frontrunner next time either, just like Cain never was. And social conservatives don't hate all hispanics, just Central and South Americans, whom they've deemed to all be evil illegal immigrants. Actually social conservatives used to have no problem with hispanics! Hispanics used to be considered white remember? No Jim Crow laws against hispanic people. Light skinned Rubio and Cruz, who have seen the errors of their darker skinned fellow hispanics evil ways, are perfectly acceptable in the GOP. Especially because, like you, the GOP can also point to them and say "look! We got a couple of 'em! We ain't racist!"

But I don't think Cruz or Rubio will even win a re-election to the Senate, much less the Presidential primary.
Nope, it just means you like Tokens and House *******. many do...

That is an extremely racist remark. How dare you insinuate that people who don't think the way you believe they should are somehow tokens or puppets that shouldn't be taken seriously.

They are people who are intelligent and just happen to see things differently than you do. I think they have a much better hold on reality than many liberals and find it disgusting that they are called names by the left just because they don't fit into your narrow definition of what minorities should be like.
Sure thing, but this is okay of course...

The picture is racist and so was your statement. Both come from scum.
Especially if this dreg of humanity gets her way.

That's right, when you guys don't like a particular person who happens to be a minority you accuse them of treason using unfounded quotes. Go it, totally not racist.
Something they all have in common: they'll never ever win the GOP presidential primaries. I wonder why? :dunno:
Well partially because unlike dems most gop voters don't vote solely based on identity politics.
You think we voted for Obama because he was black? Lol nope.

But hey I hear you guys are up to 3 black people out of your 300 members in the House and Senate! That's excellent progress for the GOP! :rofl:
Still thinks pigment is important ^^^^^

Truly sad
I KNOW that it is important to the typical socially conservative republican or democrat. A black person must first prove themselves to a social conservative, whereas they assume someone their same color or lighter is okay. And that uncomfortableness lingers in so many that there's no way the GOP will ever nominate a black person for the Presidency our lifetimes. Because the GOP is the party trying to cater to social conservatives.

Maybe you're not as socially conservative as you think gramps, and that's why you don't see it.
I think a lot more people judge people by their personal conduct than you think.
For instance I would vote for Carson before Trump simply based on that. Carson thinks he can help the country while I believe Trumps run is self serving.
Something they all have in common: they'll never ever win the GOP presidential primaries. I wonder why? :dunno:
Well partially because unlike dems most gop voters don't vote solely based on identity politics.
You think we voted for Obama because he was black? Lol nope.

But hey I hear you guys are up to 3 black people out of your 300 members in the House and Senate! That's excellent progress for the GOP! :rofl:
Still thinks pigment is important ^^^^^

Truly sad
I KNOW that it is important to the typical socially conservative republican or democrat. A black person must first prove themselves to a social conservative, whereas they assume someone their same color or lighter is okay. And that uncomfortableness lingers in so many that there's no way the GOP will ever nominate a black person for the Presidency our lifetimes. Because the GOP is the party trying to cater to social conservatives.

Maybe you're not as socially conservative as you think gramps, and that's why you don't see it.
I think a lot more people judge people by their personal conduct than you think.
For instance I would vote for Carson before Trump simply based on that. Carson thinks he can help the country while I believe Trumps run is self serving.
Well good the world needs more of you. I don't think your party has enough.
Well partially because unlike dems most gop voters don't vote solely based on identity politics.
You think we voted for Obama because he was black? Lol nope.

But hey I hear you guys are up to 3 black people out of your 300 members in the House and Senate! That's excellent progress for the GOP! :rofl:
Still thinks pigment is important ^^^^^

Truly sad
I KNOW that it is important to the typical socially conservative republican or democrat. A black person must first prove themselves to a social conservative, whereas they assume someone their same color or lighter is okay. And that uncomfortableness lingers in so many that there's no way the GOP will ever nominate a black person for the Presidency our lifetimes. Because the GOP is the party trying to cater to social conservatives.

Maybe you're not as socially conservative as you think gramps, and that's why you don't see it.
I think a lot more people judge people by their personal conduct than you think.
For instance I would vote for Carson before Trump simply based on that. Carson thinks he can help the country while I believe Trumps run is self serving.
Well good the world needs more of you. I don't think your party has enough.
That's because you judge the entire party by its extremes. A common mistake made by all of us on this board as this board consists of mostly them & that's all we read.

When someone create a nonpartisan thread it drops like a rock on this forum because mutual agreement doesn't foster replies.
Something they all have in common: they'll never ever win the GOP presidential primaries. I wonder why? :dunno:
Scott, West and Cain all have won primaries! West and Scott won the general. Carson is polling well. I believe Thomas won an election as a judge prior to the SCOTUS

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sure republican blacks can win in small, regional elections if they can outfund their opponents and/or at the time the base hates democrats more than they hate black people. But nationally, the GOP can never elect a black person because the social conservatives that make up the base won't allow it! Ben Carson is a top 2 candidate for your party, and you'll be lucky if he finishes in the top 10!
Buuuut they won't get the chance. Alas...
Especially if this dreg of humanity gets her way.

What's wrong with you Hossfly? Do you drool all over yourself writing that crap? Valerie Jarrett's parents were American citizens and none of them are Muslim. She was born in Iran because her father was doing pathology work overseas. She lived there just five years, about the same amount of time Ted Cruz lived in Canada.
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OP- Of course we don't hate them, just their bs policies, the greedy idiot Pubs we suspect have bought them off. Pointing out racism and racists doesn't make one a racist, hater dupes. You have to believe certain races are inferior.
You think we voted for Obama because he was black? Lol nope.

But hey I hear you guys are up to 3 black people out of your 300 members in the House and Senate! That's excellent progress for the GOP! :rofl:
Still thinks pigment is important ^^^^^

Truly sad
I KNOW that it is important to the typical socially conservative republican or democrat. A black person must first prove themselves to a social conservative, whereas they assume someone their same color or lighter is okay. And that uncomfortableness lingers in so many that there's no way the GOP will ever nominate a black person for the Presidency our lifetimes. Because the GOP is the party trying to cater to social conservatives.

Maybe you're not as socially conservative as you think gramps, and that's why you don't see it.
I think a lot more people judge people by their personal conduct than you think.
For instance I would vote for Carson before Trump simply based on that. Carson thinks he can help the country while I believe Trumps run is self serving.
Well good the world needs more of you. I don't think your party has enough.
That's because you judge the entire party by its extremes. A common mistake made by all of us on this board as this board consists of mostly them & that's all we read.

When someone create a nonpartisan thread it drops like a rock on this forum because mutual agreement doesn't foster replies.
Maybe. Honestly now that gay marriage, voter ID, and Obamacare are off the table; and we're out of Iraq and Afghanistan I could see myself voting republican again sometime in the future. If you're party stopped pining for more wars in the middle east, I might even vote for them in the next election. I don't see that happening though.
Still thinks pigment is important ^^^^^

Truly sad
I KNOW that it is important to the typical socially conservative republican or democrat. A black person must first prove themselves to a social conservative, whereas they assume someone their same color or lighter is okay. And that uncomfortableness lingers in so many that there's no way the GOP will ever nominate a black person for the Presidency our lifetimes. Because the GOP is the party trying to cater to social conservatives.

Maybe you're not as socially conservative as you think gramps, and that's why you don't see it.
I think a lot more people judge people by their personal conduct than you think.
For instance I would vote for Carson before Trump simply based on that. Carson thinks he can help the country while I believe Trumps run is self serving.
Well good the world needs more of you. I don't think your party has enough.
That's because you judge the entire party by its extremes. A common mistake made by all of us on this board as this board consists of mostly them & that's all we read.

When someone create a nonpartisan thread it drops like a rock on this forum because mutual agreement doesn't foster replies.
Maybe. Honestly now that gay marriage, voter ID, and Obamacare are off the table; and we're out of Iraq and Afghanistan I could see myself voting republican again sometime in the future. If you're party stopped pining for more wars in the middle east, I might even vote for them in the next election. I don't see that happening though.
Don't be fooled again. And those things are NOT off the table.
I think a lot more people judge people by their personal conduct than you think.
For instance I would vote for Carson before Trump simply based on that. Carson thinks he can help the country while I believe Trumps run is self serving.

I agree. While Trump is good at stirring things up and offering some refreshing honesty (whether you agree with him or not), Carson seem genuine and he is very intelligent.
Especially if this dreg of humanity gets her way.

That's right, when you guys don't like a particular person who happens to be a minority you accuse them of treason using unfounded quotes. Go it, totally not racist.

Why didn't you call out Paint My House on his racist statement? Interesting how you attack one and not the other.
Especially if this dreg of humanity gets her way.

That's right, when you guys don't like a particular person who happens to be a minority you accuse them of treason using unfounded quotes. Go it, totally not racist.

Why didn't you call out Paint My House on his racist statement? Interesting how you attack one and not the other.

Duh, because sometimes you cannot catch every single thread? Looking back at the thread, I'm sure PMH was just showing hyperbolic contempt for the OP. If you were so outraged why didn't you address it directly instead of calling both parties scum?

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