Savages Throwing Hands and Chairs and Other Stuff in a Restaurant.

This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
Show us where the decent ones are speaking out against looting, burnings and murder.

You have never criticized black violence. Silence = violence

Your dumbass doesn't want to hear us, but you can
This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
What do you think BLM is all about. Violent people supporting other violent people trying to destroy cops or anyone else who stands up to the criminals. Violent people trying to terrorize other people into getting "donations" and stealing whatever else....

That statement is nothing but right wing, bigoted propaganda. That was the same bullshit that was spewed about the CRM by racist and Turtle Shit you are nothing but a racist hag.
I don't care what you think of me. It has the same meaning as what a garden lizard thinks of me. You care a great deal about what I think of you because it hurts your feelings.

Most racist don't care what black folks think of them.

The more you defend the more you advertise that you are just like them looking for the next vulnerable person to beat up.

What am I defending? History shows us that you are the most violent folks the world has ever seen.
No one should care if idiots, druggies, and moochers think---- in fact, how shallow of you think that everyone else has to bow down to what others "think" instead of what is right and wrong. Still no clue what a moral backbone is, eh super?

Please spare me, a racist hag like you should never try and question someone about morality. You wouldn't know a moral backbone if it stuck you in that ass. Why should anyone give a damn about what you think? What makes you morally superior to anyone else?
Well what history shows that with innovation and invention that whites are capable of doing more damage...not necessarily the most violent as it is always other whites that go after violent abusive ones. Unlike other groups where tribe racism has them egging on and protecting their fellow criminals, SuperBro.

Really? Is that the best you can come up with. That is laughable, if it were up to folks like you this country would still be living in Jim Crow segregation.
It was always up to us..... do you think the civil rights movement changed a damn thing without white people's involvement and cooperation?

If we were the racist monsters you claim we are, were "systemically racist" and "unconsciously biased", and didn't give a shit about values like fairness and equality, your ass would still be living in a Jim Crow kind of world....... so maybe you should quit shitting all over the offspring of all the folks who helped deliver you from that fate, okay?

You're welcome, you little racist pissant.
This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
Show us where the decent ones are speaking out against looting, burnings and murder.

You have never criticized black violence. Silence = violence

Your dumbass doesn't want to hear us, but you can
This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
What do you think BLM is all about. Violent people supporting other violent people trying to destroy cops or anyone else who stands up to the criminals. Violent people trying to terrorize other people into getting "donations" and stealing whatever else....

That statement is nothing but right wing, bigoted propaganda. That was the same bullshit that was spewed about the CRM by racist and Turtle Shit you are nothing but a racist hag.
I don't care what you think of me. It has the same meaning as what a garden lizard thinks of me. You care a great deal about what I think of you because it hurts your feelings.

Most racist don't care what black folks think of them.

The more you defend the more you advertise that you are just like them looking for the next vulnerable person to beat up.

What am I defending? History shows us that you are the most violent folks the world has ever seen.
No one should care if idiots, druggies, and moochers think---- in fact, how shallow of you think that everyone else has to bow down to what others "think" instead of what is right and wrong. Still no clue what a moral backbone is, eh super?

Please spare me, a racist hag like you should never try and question someone about morality. You wouldn't know a moral backbone if it stuck you in that ass. Why should anyone give a damn about what you think? What makes you morally superior to anyone else?
Well what history shows that with innovation and invention that whites are capable of doing more damage...not necessarily the most violent as it is always other whites that go after violent abusive ones. Unlike other groups where tribe racism has them egging on and protecting their fellow criminals, SuperBro.

Really? Is that the best you can come up with. That is laughable, if it were up to folks like you this country would still be living in Jim Crow segregation.
It was always up to us..... do you think the civil rights movement changed a damn thing without white people's involvement and cooperation?

If we were the racist monsters you claim we are, were "systemically racist" and "unconsciously biased", and didn't give a shit about values like fairness and equality, your ass would still be living in a Jim Crow kind of world....... so maybe you should quit shitting all over the offspring of all the folks who helped deliver you from that fate, okay?

You're welcome, you little racist pissant.

Good white folks is the reason, racist ass white folks didn't vote to pass a damn thing so get your shit correct. If it was left to many right wing folks on this forum we would still be at the back of the bus. Also there was alot of black folks who sacrificed their lives for that to happen. I am pretty sure I know the category you fall in, therefore I don't need to thank you for a damn thing.
This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
Show us where the decent ones are speaking out against looting, burnings and murder.

You have never criticized black violence. Silence = violence

Your dumbass doesn't want to hear us, but you can
This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
What do you think BLM is all about. Violent people supporting other violent people trying to destroy cops or anyone else who stands up to the criminals. Violent people trying to terrorize other people into getting "donations" and stealing whatever else....

That statement is nothing but right wing, bigoted propaganda. That was the same bullshit that was spewed about the CRM by racist and Turtle Shit you are nothing but a racist hag.
I don't care what you think of me. It has the same meaning as what a garden lizard thinks of me. You care a great deal about what I think of you because it hurts your feelings.

Most racist don't care what black folks think of them.

The more you defend the more you advertise that you are just like them looking for the next vulnerable person to beat up.

What am I defending? History shows us that you are the most violent folks the world has ever seen.
No one should care if idiots, druggies, and moochers think---- in fact, how shallow of you think that everyone else has to bow down to what others "think" instead of what is right and wrong. Still no clue what a moral backbone is, eh super?

Please spare me, a racist hag like you should never try and question someone about morality. You wouldn't know a moral backbone if it stuck you in that ass. Why should anyone give a damn about what you think? What makes you morally superior to anyone else?
Well what history shows that with innovation and invention that whites are capable of doing more damage...not necessarily the most violent as it is always other whites that go after violent abusive ones. Unlike other groups where tribe racism has them egging on and protecting their fellow criminals, SuperBro.

Really? Is that the best you can come up with. That is laughable, if it were up to folks like you this country would still be living in Jim Crow segregation.
It was always up to us..... do you think the civil rights movement changed a damn thing without white people's involvement and cooperation?

If we were the racist monsters you claim we are, were "systemically racist" and "unconsciously biased", and didn't give a shit about values like fairness and equality, your ass would still be living in a Jim Crow kind of world....... so maybe you should quit shitting all over the offspring of all the folks who helped deliver you from that fate, okay?

You're welcome, you little racist pissant.
We are well on our way to severe segregation. Perhaps more severe than any of the Jim Crow era. Maybe we can call it Jane Pigeon. Would it surprise you to see a sign on a drinking fountain reading "This drinking fountain reserved for the exclusive use of blacks"? Blacks want segregation. They just want it to be their idea. Let them have it. Blacks should absolutely have safe spaces where whites are not allowed. White spaces are by default bipoc unsafe and to be avoided.
This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
Show us where the decent ones are speaking out against looting, burnings and murder.

You have never criticized black violence. Silence = violence

Your dumbass doesn't want to hear us, but you can
This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
What do you think BLM is all about. Violent people supporting other violent people trying to destroy cops or anyone else who stands up to the criminals. Violent people trying to terrorize other people into getting "donations" and stealing whatever else....

That statement is nothing but right wing, bigoted propaganda. That was the same bullshit that was spewed about the CRM by racist and Turtle Shit you are nothing but a racist hag.
I don't care what you think of me. It has the same meaning as what a garden lizard thinks of me. You care a great deal about what I think of you because it hurts your feelings.

Most racist don't care what black folks think of them.

The more you defend the more you advertise that you are just like them looking for the next vulnerable person to beat up.

What am I defending? History shows us that you are the most violent folks the world has ever seen.
No one should care if idiots, druggies, and moochers think---- in fact, how shallow of you think that everyone else has to bow down to what others "think" instead of what is right and wrong. Still no clue what a moral backbone is, eh super?

Please spare me, a racist hag like you should never try and question someone about morality. You wouldn't know a moral backbone if it stuck you in that ass. Why should anyone give a damn about what you think? What makes you morally superior to anyone else?
Well what history shows that with innovation and invention that whites are capable of doing more damage...not necessarily the most violent as it is always other whites that go after violent abusive ones. Unlike other groups where tribe racism has them egging on and protecting their fellow criminals, SuperBro.

Really? Is that the best you can come up with. That is laughable, if it were up to folks like you this country would still be living in Jim Crow segregation.
It was always up to us..... do you think the civil rights movement changed a damn thing without white people's involvement and cooperation?

If we were the racist monsters you claim we are, were "systemically racist" and "unconsciously biased", and didn't give a shit about values like fairness and equality, your ass would still be living in a Jim Crow kind of world....... so maybe you should quit shitting all over the offspring of all the folks who helped deliver you from that fate, okay?

You're welcome, you little racist pissant.
We are well on our way to severe segregation. Perhaps more severe than any of the Jim Crow era. Maybe we can call it Jane Pigeon. Would it surprise you to see a sign on a drinking fountain reading "This drinking fountain reserved for the exclusive use of blacks"? Blacks want segregation. They just want it to be their idea. Let them have it. Blacks should absolutely have safe spaces where whites are not allowed. White spaces are by default bipoc unsafe and to be avoided.

In more gentle terms, I agree that in the coming decades (with the shrinking of the Caucasian population) Americans of ALL ethnicities may eventually discuss in a harmonious and humble fashion the possibility of setting up safe zones for each of our ethnicities. (Native Americans, of course, already have theirs).

Maybe there will be one large zone reserved for people who prefer a multicultural experience. That's fine. Some people have expressed their delight living in a city with all the various ethnicities.
This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
Show us where the decent ones are speaking out against looting, burnings and murder.

You have never criticized black violence. Silence = violence

Your dumbass doesn't want to hear us, but you can
This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
What do you think BLM is all about. Violent people supporting other violent people trying to destroy cops or anyone else who stands up to the criminals. Violent people trying to terrorize other people into getting "donations" and stealing whatever else....

That statement is nothing but right wing, bigoted propaganda. That was the same bullshit that was spewed about the CRM by racist and Turtle Shit you are nothing but a racist hag.
I don't care what you think of me. It has the same meaning as what a garden lizard thinks of me. You care a great deal about what I think of you because it hurts your feelings.

Most racist don't care what black folks think of them.

The more you defend the more you advertise that you are just like them looking for the next vulnerable person to beat up.

What am I defending? History shows us that you are the most violent folks the world has ever seen.
No one should care if idiots, druggies, and moochers think---- in fact, how shallow of you think that everyone else has to bow down to what others "think" instead of what is right and wrong. Still no clue what a moral backbone is, eh super?

Please spare me, a racist hag like you should never try and question someone about morality. You wouldn't know a moral backbone if it stuck you in that ass. Why should anyone give a damn about what you think? What makes you morally superior to anyone else?
Well what history shows that with innovation and invention that whites are capable of doing more damage...not necessarily the most violent as it is always other whites that go after violent abusive ones. Unlike other groups where tribe racism has them egging on and protecting their fellow criminals, SuperBro.

Really? Is that the best you can come up with. That is laughable, if it were up to folks like you this country would still be living in Jim Crow segregation.
It was always up to us..... do you think the civil rights movement changed a damn thing without white people's involvement and cooperation?

If we were the racist monsters you claim we are, were "systemically racist" and "unconsciously biased", and didn't give a shit about values like fairness and equality, your ass would still be living in a Jim Crow kind of world....... so maybe you should quit shitting all over the offspring of all the folks who helped deliver you from that fate, okay?

You're welcome, you little racist pissant.
We are well on our way to severe segregation. Perhaps more severe than any of the Jim Crow era. Maybe we can call it Jane Pigeon. Would it surprise you to see a sign on a drinking fountain reading "This drinking fountain reserved for the exclusive use of blacks"? Blacks want segregation. They just want it to be their idea. Let them have it. Blacks should absolutely have safe spaces where whites are not allowed. White spaces are by default bipoc unsafe and to be avoided.

In more gentle terms, I agree that in the coming decades (with the shrinking of the Caucasian population) Americans of ALL ethnicities may eventually discuss in a harmonious and humble fashion the possibility of setting up safe zones for each of our ethnicities. (Native Americans, of course, already have theirs).

Maybe there will be one large zone reserved for people who prefer a multicultural experience. That's fine. Some people have expressed their delight living in a city with all the various ethnicities.
I have always lived in multicult cities. They are as segregated as any other. When I lived in West LA I walked my dog on Wilshire past this indoor outdoor bar. While the bar had many ethnicities there were no mixed tables. Whites were at all white tables. Blacks were with their black friends and so on. Integration has been a dismal failure everywhere. Those who think we are all happily multicult limit their pleasure to a decent curry and taco Tuesday. As long as they are with segregated friends.
Oohhhwww, the "little Chill Dren" being subjected to what their DNA dictates is so sad and stuff. And the Black employee complains the cops did not show up in a timely manner. WTF? Fake News says cops are shooting savages randomly and even doing a magic knee occasionally. Why would a savage ever call the cops? Obvious solution is to have heavily armed private security anywhere that elects to serve savages in the hopes they pay the bill.

Another thread with rightwing racism on full display.
This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
Show us where the decent ones are speaking out against looting, burnings and murder.

You have never criticized black violence. Silence = violence

Your dumbass doesn't want to hear us, but you can
This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
What do you think BLM is all about. Violent people supporting other violent people trying to destroy cops or anyone else who stands up to the criminals. Violent people trying to terrorize other people into getting "donations" and stealing whatever else....

That statement is nothing but right wing, bigoted propaganda. That was the same bullshit that was spewed about the CRM by racist and Turtle Shit you are nothing but a racist hag.
I don't care what you think of me. It has the same meaning as what a garden lizard thinks of me. You care a great deal about what I think of you because it hurts your feelings.

Most racist don't care what black folks think of them.

The more you defend the more you advertise that you are just like them looking for the next vulnerable person to beat up.

What am I defending? History shows us that you are the most violent folks the world has ever seen.
No one should care if idiots, druggies, and moochers think---- in fact, how shallow of you think that everyone else has to bow down to what others "think" instead of what is right and wrong. Still no clue what a moral backbone is, eh super?

Please spare me, a racist hag like you should never try and question someone about morality. You wouldn't know a moral backbone if it stuck you in that ass. Why should anyone give a damn about what you think? What makes you morally superior to anyone else?
Well what history shows that with innovation and invention that whites are capable of doing more damage...not necessarily the most violent as it is always other whites that go after violent abusive ones. Unlike other groups where tribe racism has them egging on and protecting their fellow criminals, SuperBro.

Really? Is that the best you can come up with. That is laughable, if it were up to folks like you this country would still be living in Jim Crow segregation.
It was always up to us..... do you think the civil rights movement changed a damn thing without white people's involvement and cooperation?

If we were the racist monsters you claim we are, were "systemically racist" and "unconsciously biased", and didn't give a shit about values like fairness and equality, your ass would still be living in a Jim Crow kind of world....... so maybe you should quit shitting all over the offspring of all the folks who helped deliver you from that fate, okay?

You're welcome, you little racist pissant.
We are well on our way to severe segregation. Perhaps more severe than any of the Jim Crow era. Maybe we can call it Jane Pigeon. Would it surprise you to see a sign on a drinking fountain reading "This drinking fountain reserved for the exclusive use of blacks"? Blacks want segregation. They just want it to be their idea. Let them have it. Blacks should absolutely have safe spaces where whites are not allowed. White spaces are by default bipoc unsafe and to be avoided.

In more gentle terms, I agree that in the coming decades (with the shrinking of the Caucasian population) Americans of ALL ethnicities may eventually discuss in a harmonious and humble fashion the possibility of setting up safe zones for each of our ethnicities. (Native Americans, of course, already have theirs).

Maybe there will be one large zone reserved for people who prefer a multicultural experience. That's fine. Some people have expressed their delight living in a city with all the various ethnicities.
I have always lived in multicult cities. They are as segregated as any other. When I lived in West LA I walked my dog on Wilshire past this indoor outdoor bar. While the bar had many ethnicities there were no mixed tables. Whites were at all white tables. Blacks were with their black friends and so on. Integration has been a dismal failure everywhere. Those who think we are all happily multicult limit their pleasure to a decent curry and taco Tuesday. As long as they are with segregated friends.

I doubt that anyone thinks that we are "happily" multicultural.

But some liberals are sincere: They think that such a society is possible once all the systemic racism is abolished.

Furthermore, some liberals point out that they do live "happy" integrated lives. They claim that they live peacefully in integrated neighborhoods and that they work harmoniously with people of all backgrounds. That's great!

Personally, I doubt that this society will ever be the ideal society that Dr. King envisioned and that Mr. Biden says that he is trying to build, but I may be wrong. I hope that I am wrong.

Have a nice weekend!
Over and over... it's always the feral apes doing this shit.

It's just an absolute fact that blacks are HIGHLY prone to violent outburst, and it's because they're just not that intelligent. They're closer to a wild animal than a human. They belong back in the jungles of Africa.

You mean like these feral apes.

You racist cowards are a joke.

Over and over... it's always the feral apes doing this shit.

It's just an absolute fact that blacks are HIGHLY prone to violent outburst, and it's because they're just not that intelligent. They're closer to a wild animal than a human. They belong back in the jungles of Africa.
Get therapy.
Don't need it I carry a gun.
I'm not surprised.

I don't eat places that are frequented predominantly black people as they always tend to be annoyingly loud and obnoxious. Same reason I don't go see movies in black neighborhoods.

So I'm not surprised this happened honestly.
This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
Show us where the decent ones are speaking out against looting, burnings and murder.

You have never criticized black violence. Silence = violence

Your dumbass doesn't want to hear us, but you can
This thread reminded me of that popular commentator on FOX some years back who was NOT fired for saying something like this: I went to a restaurant in Harlem yesterday and was astonished to see all the diners behaving in a very orderly and proper manner.

But he WAS fired later because of sexual harassment charges.
You ever see "Boys In the Hood"?

There is a scene where 2 groups of thugs are facing off and one young lady asks can't they just have one night with no fights and no one getting shot?

That is most black people, like 90% of them, right there...... go watch the movie and see what the thug's response to her reasonable question was.

Thank you for your calm and thoughtful comments.

I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences with certain folks in my 84 years, but I respectfully disagree that 90% of certain folks behave in a certain way,

I DO agree that an unusually large percentage do, however, behave in a most unpleasant manner.

People of all backgrounds have often asked why.

No one agrees on the answer.

And no one ever will.
To clarify, I meant 90% of black people wish these fucking thugs would knock that shit off.
That is patently untrue. If 90% of black people want the thugs to knock that shit off it would be knocked off. There would be no black people supporting black violence and excusing black behavior.

Show us where the average black person condones violence.
What do you think BLM is all about. Violent people supporting other violent people trying to destroy cops or anyone else who stands up to the criminals. Violent people trying to terrorize other people into getting "donations" and stealing whatever else....

That statement is nothing but right wing, bigoted propaganda. That was the same bullshit that was spewed about the CRM by racist and Turtle Shit you are nothing but a racist hag.
I don't care what you think of me. It has the same meaning as what a garden lizard thinks of me. You care a great deal about what I think of you because it hurts your feelings.

Most racist don't care what black folks think of them.

The more you defend the more you advertise that you are just like them looking for the next vulnerable person to beat up.

What am I defending? History shows us that you are the most violent folks the world has ever seen.
No one should care if idiots, druggies, and moochers think---- in fact, how shallow of you think that everyone else has to bow down to what others "think" instead of what is right and wrong. Still no clue what a moral backbone is, eh super?

Please spare me, a racist hag like you should never try and question someone about morality. You wouldn't know a moral backbone if it stuck you in that ass. Why should anyone give a damn about what you think? What makes you morally superior to anyone else?
Well what history shows that with innovation and invention that whites are capable of doing more damage...not necessarily the most violent as it is always other whites that go after violent abusive ones. Unlike other groups where tribe racism has them egging on and protecting their fellow criminals, SuperBro.

Really? Is that the best you can come up with. That is laughable, if it were up to folks like you this country would still be living in Jim Crow segregation.
It was always up to us..... do you think the civil rights movement changed a damn thing without white people's involvement and cooperation?

If we were the racist monsters you claim we are, were "systemically racist" and "unconsciously biased", and didn't give a shit about values like fairness and equality, your ass would still be living in a Jim Crow kind of world....... so maybe you should quit shitting all over the offspring of all the folks who helped deliver you from that fate, okay?

You're welcome, you little racist pissant.
We are well on our way to severe segregation. Perhaps more severe than any of the Jim Crow era. Maybe we can call it Jane Pigeon. Would it surprise you to see a sign on a drinking fountain reading "This drinking fountain reserved for the exclusive use of blacks"? Blacks want segregation. They just want it to be their idea. Let them have it. Blacks should absolutely have safe spaces where whites are not allowed. White spaces are by default bipoc unsafe and to be avoided.
I fully believe they are doing that. There are more and more people who are separating from them. The people pushing this of course make out and live high off the hog. The misery they cause there is obviously no concern.
People who choose to act like this are pieces of garbage regardless of race, creed, or ideology.


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