Saudi Crown Prince


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
Muhamaad Bin Sultan admits he gave his blessing to Bahrain to UAE to Sudan for normalizing relations with Israel but says Saudi is not there at this time. In other words he will not do it while his father is alive.
The crown prince is giving token countries to appease the Israeli's.
Because knows the Saudi people would never agree to befriending the terrorist state of Israel. ... :cool:
Even the Mullahs in Saudi are preaching tolerance towards jews. And the Crown Prince has said he would like to be closer to Israel. Saudi has already lifted the sanctions or no longer enforces them. And a Saudi calling anyone else terrorist state would be hipocritical to extreme. And i already posted video of what the Saudi royals think of Palestinians. They are not on their side.
I already posted video on what the Royal family think of Palestinians in their own words. They condemn the Palestinian leadership as failures. Prince Bandar and others say Saudis need to consider their own interests. you already know that because i already shared it here.
You know very little about the Saudi people. Most of them do not like the Royal family at all. The only reason they put up with the Royal family is because they protect the Kabbah and the religion.
Sucking up to Israel would be tantamount to treason and offensive to Saudi citizens who might rise up and drive out the Royal family. ... :cool:
They already have sucked up. Normalization will come in time.
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Israel is here to stay. There will be peace when the moslems learn to accept that which some already have.
There will be peace when the moslems learn to accept that which some already have.
Typical deranged juden. ... :cool:
Alway demanding that other people must accept their perverted way of thinking. No wonder the jews have been driven out of countless countries throughout history.
You seem to be a typical Arab. You and yours outnumber the Jews, what, a hundred or more to one? Yet you still haven't managed to even fight them to a draw. Not even in 1948 when the Israelis were an ill-armed rabble led by actual terrorists and their Arab enemies were well armed and trained by the British. At some point rational Arabs are just going to accept the situation and get on with living. It seems like that point is finally being reached. Perhaps you should emulate your more rational fellows.
My final solution to the Jewish problem would be to round them all up world wide and find an island to quarantine them on.
There are several small to medium sized islands in the world that could easily contain the 14 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.
The Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of and the rest of the planet would be Jew free.
Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape their island paradise.
This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the rest of the world would finally have peace and security.
Thus a Win=Win for both Jews and Gentiles. ... :thup:
Muhamaad Bin Sultan admits he gave his blessing to Bahrain to UAE to Sudan for normalizing relations with Israel but says Saudi is not there at this time. In other words he will not do it while his father is alive.
As far as I am concerned
Prince MBS can rot in HELL

It is an insult that our nation consorts with him

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