Saudi Arabia’s Catastrophic “Everything” Problem


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015

This comes in context of the developing normalization with Israel.

Saudis are on hot coals, too many wrong moves to make,
too many opposing sides to upset, and lose everything,
including Mecca.

Can't formalize relations with Israel,
and oppose Jewish rights at the Temple Mount.
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This comes in context of the developing normalization with Israel.

Saudis are on hot coals, too many wrong moves to make,
too many opposing sides to upset, and lose everything,
including Mecca.

Can't formalize relations with Israel,
and oppose Jewish rights at the Temple Mount.

If Trump were President, it would all happen. Biden is a communist fool and hates Israel.

Why 82% of Saudi Arabians Just Live in These Lines

RE: Saudi Arabia’s Catastrophic “Everything” Problem
※→ rylah, et al,

This is one of the finest short history presentations I have ever seen. It is very well done.

This comes in context of the developing normalization with Israel.

Saudis are on hot coals, too many wrong moves to make,
too many opposing sides to upset, and lose everything,
including Mecca.

Can't formalize relations with Israel,
and oppose Jewish rights at the Temple Mount.

It is well worth the time to listen to it. I thank our contributor "rylah" for bringing it to our attention.


Most Respectfully,

This comes in context of the developing normalization with Israel.

Saudis are on hot coals, too many wrong moves to make,
too many opposing sides to upset, and lose everything,
including Mecca.

Can't formalize relations with Israel,
and oppose Jewish rights at the Temple Mount.

Temple mount has been a Muslim shrine to the God of Abraham for 1300 years
RE: Saudi Arabia’s Catastrophic “Everything” Problem
SUBTOPIC: The Temple Mount
※→ surada, et al,

Who built the First Temple?

Temple mount has been a Muslim shrine to the God of Abraham for 1300 years

Someone is going to have to teach me...

The Biblical Abraham was born sometime approximately two millennia before the common era (BCE) (≈ 4000 years ago). The Supreme Being to which we refer when we say "The God of Abraham" existed before then. King Solomon (Son of David) built the "First Temple" (Jerusalem) ≈ a thousand years BCE. It is commonly believed that the First Temple was built according to the instructions left by David to his son Solomon. That is more than 3000 years ago. The basic origins of Islam are only 700 years old.


Who was "Muslim" 1300 years ago?

I'm terribly confused.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Saudi Arabia’s Catastrophic “Everything” Problem
SUBTOPIC: The Temple Mount
※→ surada, et al,

Who built the First Temple?


Someone is going to have to teach me...

The Biblical Abraham was born sometime approximately two millennia before the common era (BCE) (≈ 4000 years ago). The Supreme Being to which we refer when we say "The God of Abraham" existed before then. King Solomon (Son of David) built the "First Temple" (Jerusalem) ≈ a thousand years BCE. It is commonly believed that the First Temple was built according to the instructions left by David to his son Solomon. That is more than 3000 years ago. The basic origins of Islam are only 700 years old.


Who was "Muslim" 1300 years ago?

I'm terribly confused.
View attachment 817374
Most Respectfully,

The king of Tyre built the first temple. Muhammad died in 632 AD.
RE: Saudi Arabia’s Catastrophic “Everything” Problem
SUBTOPIC: Ending the Catastrophe [
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)]
※→ et al,

Now that I know just how poor my knowledge is on the matter of the "First Temple" (I did not even know who built it), I'll move back to the principle topic.

The king of Tyre built the first temple. Muhammad died in 632 AD.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has a project called the Orbiting Arid Subsurfaces and Ice Sheet Sounder (OASIS). It might be able to discover subsurface water in the desert.

I wonder if the KSA has initiated any type of search that would help turn the desert green? In a place that has hundreds of thousand square kilometers of unproductive desert territory, there are bound to be the subterranean river yet to be discovered.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Saudi Arabia’s Catastrophic “Everything” Problem
SUBTOPIC: Ending the Catastrophe [
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)]
※→ et al,

Now that I know just how poor my knowledge is on the matter of the "First Temple" (I did not even know who built it), I'll move back to the principle topic.


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has a project called the Orbiting Arid Subsurfaces and Ice Sheet Sounder (OASIS). It might be able to discover subsurface water in the desert.

I wonder if the KSA has initiated any type of search that would help turn the desert green? In a place that has hundreds of thousand square kilometers of unproductive desert territory, there are bound to be the subterranean river yet to be discovered.


Most Respectfully,
Don't knock islamic claims------they are a marvelous precedent. As to Medina---it is and has
been a jewish HOLY SITE for almost 3000 years and rendered even MORE holy when the rapist
dog of arabia murdered jewish children there for the delectation of his bevy of sluts approximately
1400 years ago. The incident which is still celebrated by the female minions of the canine marks
the burial site of those children whose lives were forfeit to the filth that persists to this day.
Even the male worshippers of the canine enjoy the memory of that barbarity
RE: Saudi Arabia’s Catastrophic “Everything” Problem
SUBTOPIC: Ending the Catastrophe [
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)]
※→ et al,

Now that I know just how poor my knowledge is on the matter of the "First Temple" (I did not even know who built it), I'll move back to the principle topic.


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has a project called the Orbiting Arid Subsurfaces and Ice Sheet Sounder (OASIS). It might be able to discover subsurface water in the desert.

I wonder if the KSA has initiated any type of search that would help turn the desert green? In a place that has hundreds of thousand square kilometers of unproductive desert territory, there are bound to be the subterranean river yet to be discovered.


Most Respectfully,

Turn the desert green? That's ridiculous.
Don't knock islamic claims------they are a marvelous precedent. As to Medina---it is and has
been a jewish HOLY SITE for almost 3000 years and rendered even MORE holy when the rapist
dog of arabia murdered jewish children there for the delectation of his bevy of sluts approximately
1400 years ago. The incident which is still celebrated by the female minions of the canine marks
the burial site of those children whose lives were forfeit to the filth that persists to this day.
Even the male worshippers of the canine enjoy the memory of that barbarity

You making claims against Arabia now? The Jews eventually returned to Jericho.
You making claims against Arabia now? The Jews eventually returned to Jericho.
You've been reading 1001 arabian nights again? About 1300 years ago the city was invaded
by the minions of the rapist dog of arabia. HISTORY REPEATS ITS MISERABLE SELF-----
It was ---long ago, a veritable GARDEN
You making claims against Arabia now? The Jews eventually returned to Jericho.
the jews of Arabia were subjected to a REMARKABLY COMPREHENSIVE GENOCIDE.
The canine of mecca virtually FOUNDED GENOCIDE----claims that it invented pita
and felafel are just about as idiotic as Pakistani claims the THE MUGHAL EMPIRE
founded chapatis and chutney AND sunnis and shiites play like the deer and the
the jews of Arabia were subjected to a REMARKABLY COMPREHENSIVE GENOCIDE.
The canine of mecca virtually FOUNDED GENOCIDE----claims that it invented pita
and felafel are just about as idiotic as Pakistani claims the THE MUGHAL EMPIRE
founded chapatis and chutney

The population of Arabia was tiny .. European Jews want to take credit for everything.
The population of Arabia was tiny .. European Jews want to take credit for everything.
oh gee-----I had no idea---EUROPEAN JEWS were in Medina? did they speak Yiddish?
Well----there is no doubt that they spoke and wrote an hebraized form of arabic----too bad
the stuff has either been destroyed or lies buried in the sands of the burial place of the
illiterate Rapist
Temple mount has been a Muslim shrine to the God of Abraham for 1300 years

And now, inshallah, Israel are back,
and the Arabian kingdom would be wise to recognize that
the God of Abraham is the God of Israel, and respect His priests.
And now, inshallah, Israel are back,
and the Arabian kingdom would be wise to recognize that
the God of Abraham is the God of Israel, and respect His priests.
ask ANY muslim----muslims NEVAH disturb the holy sites of other
people----because they are so RESPECTFUL-----unless, OF COURSE,
the actual owners seek the glorious status of being muslim---then
even a church or synagogue can have the HONOR of becoming a mosque
RE: Saudi Arabia’s Catastrophic “Everything” Problem
SUBTOPIC: Ending the Catastrophe [
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)]
※→ et al,

Now that I know just how poor my knowledge is on the matter of the "First Temple" (I did not even know who built it), I'll move back to the principle topic.


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has a project called the Orbiting Arid Subsurfaces and Ice Sheet Sounder (OASIS). It might be able to discover subsurface water in the desert.

I wonder if the KSA has initiated any type of search that would help turn the desert green? In a place that has hundreds of thousand square kilometers of unproductive desert territory, there are bound to be the subterranean river yet to be discovered.


Most Respectfully,

Saudi Arabia has fossil water plus over 300 recharge dams that capture groundwater. The video is rather poor.
And now, inshallah, Israel are back,
and the Arabian kingdom would be wise to recognize that
the God of Abraham is the God of Israel, and respect His priests.

When Omar arrived the temple mount it was the city dump. Read the terms of the treaty of Omar.

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