Saudi Arabia's Assessment on Obama Bin Lying: Worst Foreign Policy President Ever

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Saudi Arabia enthusiastically embraced President Trump when he arrived. Say what you want about the President, but he knows diplomacy, knows how to set the stage for negotiations by holding a hard line stance and then softening it to the "real position" he is hoping to achieve.

The King even went out of his way to meet The President on the Tarmac with a great deal of ceremony. This is in marked contrast to The Obama Regime when hardly a soul showed up to meet Obama Bin Spying. They gave him the Cold Shoulder. When the Saudis were asked what they thought of the former President, they made the following remark:

"Barak Obama is the first president in US History to prove to Israel and Saudi Arabia that The United States is an Unreliable Ally!"

And that my friends pretty much sums up the entire Foreign Policy "Legacy" of Barak Hussein Obama. He was a clueless ideological bungler and incompetent to boot. Either he was completely incompetent and unfit for office, or he was intentionally doing every thing he could to make the world a safe place for terrorists even going so far as to actually fund terrorist organizations with cash and weapons to carry out assassinations, and overthrow governments in numerous nations.

The world is happy Barak Obama is not longer president. And so am I. Terrorists and Illegal Alien Drug Mules....not so much.
yep, he was terrible. Just like several before him. Doesn't seem like bad foreign policy has stopped, either :dunno:
Yes we have something to be thankful for. Obama is no longer POTUS and Hillary never will be POTUS.
Didn't most of the 911 hijackers come from Saudi Arabia?

What help were they in tracking down the financiers of that attack or did they protect them?

Our friends?

But they dohave a lot of oil.
Saudi Arabia enthusiastically embraced President Trump when he arrived. Say what you want about the President, but he knows diplomacy, knows how to set the stage for negotiations by holding a hard line stance and then softening it to the "real position" he is hoping to achieve.

The King even went out of his way to meet The President on the Tarmac with a great deal of ceremony. This is in marked contrast to The Obama Regime when hardly a soul showed up to meet Obama Bin Spying. They gave him the Cold Shoulder. When the Saudis were asked what they thought of the former President, they made the following remark:

"Barak Obama is the first president in US History to prove to Israel and Saudi Arabia that The United States is an Unreliable Ally!"

And that my friends pretty much sums up the entire Foreign Policy "Legacy" of Barak Hussein Obama. He was a clueless ideological bungler and incompetent to boot. Either he was completely incompetent and unfit for office, or he was intentionally doing every thing he could to make the world a safe place for terrorists even going so far as to actually fund terrorist organizations with cash and weapons to carry out assassinations, and overthrow governments in numerous nations.

The world is happy Barak Obama is not longer president. And so am I. Terrorists and Illegal Alien Drug Mules....not so much. Russia, their opinion is very very important to the RussianW.
Didn't most of the 911 hijackers come from Saudi Arabia?

What help were they in tracking down the financiers of that attack or did they protect them?

Our friends?

But they dohave a lot of oil.

While you are correct that most of the High Jackers of 911 were born in Saudi Arabia, some of them were from Lebannon, Egypt, and United Emirates. ATTA was from Egypt.

The Terrorists got their training in Afghanistan at an Al Queda Training Camp.

Then they came in to The United States without being Vetted on Visas, walked right in to a flight school and completed the training for their Suicide\Murder mission.

Liberals still want OPEN BORDERS after 911? I have to ask WTF is wrong with people like that?

We need strict Immigration Enforcement.

The 911 Hijackers used our WEAK IMMIGRATION Policies against us and because of LIBERALISM we were exposed and made vulnerable and had to launch ourselves in to what seems to be an never ending war.

You have THE LEFT to thank for that.
You have THE GLOBALISTS and OPEN BORDERS Morons to thank for 911.
If you want to know what caused the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, you don't have to look any further than the Open Borders Globalist Left and their stance on Immigration Policy to find someone to blame.

Sanctuary Cities? Again, I have to ask.... WTF is wrong with The Left? If a Dirty "Radioactive" Bomb is ever set off in a Sanctuary City it will be ENTIRELY the Fault of People like Chuck Schummer, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Barak Obama & Harry Reid.

It really doesn't matter where a terrorist is born.

It only matters if he can get in to the US through our Swiss Cheese borders and our far too Permissive Immigration Policies.
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Obama killed Bin Laden after the GOP let Bin Laden go. Bin Laden was popular in Saudi Arabia among millions of Arabians. Of course they wouldn't be fond of Obama.

Trump is a traitor and a Russian Poodle. Of course he will be popular overseas because they know he will never move forward with America's interests.
Obama killed Bin Laden after the GOP let Bin Laden go. Bin Laden was popular in Saudi Arabia among millions of Arabians. Of course they wouldn't be fond of Obama.

Trump is a traitor and a Russian Poodle. Of course he will be popular overseas because they know he will never move forward with America's interests.

Obama Bin Lying didn't do DICK but ride the backs of The War Apparatus the Previous Administration put in place to find and Kill Osama Bin Laden.

He sat and watched the previous administration's teams on a video screen munching on broccoli and sipping on coconut water from the safety of the war room.

Obama Bin Spying has been a Historic Disaster for The Middle East. It would have looked better and more fitting for Obama Bin Lying, if he had passed around chips and salsa and was snacking on popcorn the moment they popped OBL. He'd at least look like a respectable host for movie night at The White House.

Can he even microwave popcorn? Probably not, but he certainly knows how to....

Netflix & Chill...

His only success during his entire time in office represented nothing but an extra point attempt by a field goal kicker after a football team marched the entire length of the field and scored a TD.
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Didn't most of the 911 hijackers come from Saudi Arabia?

What help were they in tracking down the financiers of that attack or did they protect them?

Our friends?

But they dohave a lot of oil.

While you are correct that most of the High Jackers of 911 were born in Saudi Arabia, some of them were from Lebannon, Egypt, and United Emirates. ATTA was from Egypt.

The Terrorists got their training in Afghanistan at an Al Queda Training Camp.

Then they came in to The United States without being Vetted on Visas, walked right in to a flight school and completed the training for their Suicide\Murder mission.

Liberals still want OPEN BORDERS after 911? I have to ask WTF is wrong with people like that?

We need strict Immigration Enforcement.

The 911 Hijackers used our WEAK IMMIGRATION Policies against us and because of LIBERALISM we were exposed and made vulnerable and had to launch ourselves in to what seems to be an never ending war.

You have THE LEFT to thank for that.
You have THE GLOBALISTS and OPEN BORDERS Morons to thank for 911.
If you want to know what caused the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, you don't have to look any further than the Open Borders Globalist Left and their stance on Immigration Policy to find someone to blame.

Sanctuary Cities? Again, I have to ask.... WTF is wrong with The Left? If a Dirty "Radioactive" Bomb is ever set off in a Sanctuary City it will be ENTIRELY the Fault of People like Chuck Schummer, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama & Harry Reid.

It really doesn't matter where a terrorist is born.

It only matters if he can get in to the US through our Swiss Cheese borders and our far too Permissive Immigration Policies.

Where did the money come from?

Besides everyone knows how the GOP watered down Clinton's proposals

"President Clinton's proposals would have expanded pre-trial detention and allowed more federal wiretaps of terrorism suspects, eased deportation of foreigners convicted of crimes, allowed the detention of aliens convicted or suspected of crimes, let the President criminalize fund-raising for terrorism, and revived visa denial provisions to keep dangerous people out of the US.

Unfortunately, Republicans sabotaged Clinton's efforts to keep us safe.

If in force before April 19, 1995 federal officials might have detected and prevented the Murrah Building plot. 9/11/01. If the Republicans had passed Clinton's proposals before September 11, 2001 we might have blocked the al Qaeda terrorist plot that killed 3000 Americans. We all know what happened eight months into the illegitimate Bush/Cheney reign of error.

Republican Congressional leaders shot down Clinton's proposals, tried to impeach him on trumped up grounds, and dragged their feet when it came to national security. They did this even after the Murrah Building bombing. Clinton's "Omnibus Counter Terrorism Act of 1995" would have:

"[P]rovided clear Federal criminal jurisdiction for any international terrorist attack that might occur in the United States [including] Federal criminal jurisdiction over terrorists who use the United States as the place from which to plan terrorist attacks overseas." Allowed deportation of "alien terrorists without risking the disclosure of national security information or techniques."

It would have "prevent[ed] fundraising in the United States that supports international terrorist activities overseas," implemented "an international treaty requiring the insertion of a chemical agent into plastic explosives when manufactured to make them detectable," and granted "more tools to federal law enforcement agencies fighting terrorism."

OpEdNews Article: Republicans Sabotaged Clinton's Anti-Terror Efforts
You "Opinion Editorial" is pure hog wash.

All one has to do is refute most Dem Lies and Pseudo Religious Political Dogma.

1.) Recognize all Liberals are Liars.

2.) Once realizing that, realize that every thing they say is based in a lie to support their agendas some how.

3.) Do your research to show they are LIARs.

The Dems held control of Congress in 2001, so all policies and legislation leading right up to 911 were Dem Policies, and Dem Laws.

Those same policies still threaten our safety and security today.

107th United States Congress - Wikipedia

Majority leadership[edit]
Minority leadership[edit]
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The Dems held control of Congress in 2001, so all policies and legislation leading right up to 911 were Dem Policies, and Dem Laws.

Were they privy to the PDB's Were they in command of the greatest military the world has ever seen?

President Clinton's warnings about al Qeada were ignored and the Bush administration focused almost exclusively on missile defense as the way forward to protect us against rogue nations.
The Dems held control of Congress in 2001, so all policies and legislation leading right up to 911 were Dem Policies, and Dem Laws.

Were they privy to the PDB's Were they in command of the greatest military the world has ever seen?

President Clinton's warnings about al Qeada were ignored and the Bush administration focused almost exclusively on missile defense as the way forward to protect us against rogue nations.
Nice pivot and more spin after I just blew your previous argument out of the water.

They ought to call you Liberals, Chameleons, you change your colors so much.
The Dems held control of Congress in 2001, so all policies and legislation leading right up to 911 were Dem Policies, and Dem Laws.

Were they privy to the PDB's Were they in command of the greatest military the world has ever seen?

President Clinton's warnings about al Qeada were ignored and the Bush administration focused almost exclusively on missile defense as the way forward to protect us against rogue nations.
Nice pivot and more spin after I just blew your previous argument out of the water.

They ought to call you Liberals, Chameleons, you change your colors so much.

LOL. When you lead with "all Liberals are Liars."

Re-enforces what I said, making everything else you say moot.
The Dems held control of Congress in 2001, so all policies and legislation leading right up to 911 were Dem Policies, and Dem Laws.

Were they privy to the PDB's Were they in command of the greatest military the world has ever seen?

President Clinton's warnings about al Qeada were ignored and the Bush administration focused almost exclusively on missile defense as the way forward to protect us against rogue nations.
Nice pivot and more spin after I just blew your previous argument out of the water.

They ought to call you Liberals, Chameleons, you change your colors so much.

LOL. When you lead with "all Liberals are Liars."

Re-enforces what I said, making everything else you say moot.

What happened to your big ARGUMENT that the "Republicans" caused 911?

Seriously go to Counseling. You have DemNazi Libtard Bleach Bit Syndrome. I.E. you have been brainwashed.

Your rebuttals to me were LIES, so, yes I called you out on it. All Liberals Are Liars. I have yet to be proven wrong.....

You never addressed the topic of The Original Post, and instead, like the Dishonest Liar, and Deceitful Liberal you are, went on a tangent in a completely different direction which I had to Bitch Slap you for with a dose of Truth.

Now you are crying like a street hooker on the corner who just got a back hand because she isn't working it hard enough for that mean green.

And I have to earned it and then some.
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Obama killed Bin Laden after the GOP let Bin Laden go. Bin Laden was popular in Saudi Arabia among millions of Arabians. Of course they wouldn't be fond of Obama.

Trump is a traitor and a Russian Poodle. Of course he will be popular overseas because they know he will never move forward with America's interests.
Saudi Arabia stripped bin Laden of his citizenship and exiled him to the Sudan where Clinton refused to do anything about him.
What happened to your big ARGUMENT that the "Republicans" caused 911?

Since I never made at that argument, nothing. Your the one who flipped over to 911 after being told that they are play our so-called president like a cheap kazoo.

"Just heap on the praise, no telling what he might reveal!" I'm sure has been repeated a lot lately.
What happened to your big ARGUMENT that the "Republicans" caused 911?

Since I never made at that argument, nothing. Your the one who flipped over to 911 after being told that they are play our so-called president like a cheap kazoo.

"Just heap on the praise, no telling what he might reveal!" I'm sure has been repeated a lot lately.



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