Saturday Night Live...cowards did not do Trump winning cold open, stupid piano playing instead...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So....I haven't watched SNL for a few decades stopped being funny when wil ferrel came on board....and before that really.....but I have heard the Cold Open on various radio shows as they made fun of Trump and the Debates and so I tuned in Saturday night to see how they would handle Trump winning.....the comedy of it...since they are supposed to be comedians....instead, they had the comdian who played hilary play the Hallelujah song while she played piano.....what a dumb thing to do......on a comedy show.......

The funny part...when she sang the part of the song where the singer sings she told the truth ....that was really funny from a woman pretending to be hilary.....

SNL Holds Funeral For Hillary Clinton’s Political Career

If you tuned into last night’s SNL expecting to see a sketch about Donald Trump’s astonishing win, that’s not what you got. Instead, you got Kate McKinnon in her Hillary Clinton duds, singing the late Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” and crying.

No, seriously.

This show just jumped the sharkskin pantsuit. I know this is supposed to be cathartic for the Hillbots, but does SNL really think everybody else is as devastated by Hillary’s loss as they are? Do they really think any of the 60 million Trump voters were going to tune in and weep along with Kate? Don’t they understand that this sort of insularity is why the Democrats got blindsided on Tuesday night?

year ago, Donald Trump himself hosted SNL. Last month, they hired Alec Baldwin to play him. They had a great old time making fun of that big dummy. Lotsa laughs. Great ratings. And if Trump running for president made for such terrific gut-busting comedy, you’d think they could come up with some jokes about him actually winning. Some of that great SNL political satire. But for some reason, Baldwin doesn’t want to play Trump anymore. He didn’t show up for the entire episode.

Do you really think that if Trump had lost, Alec Baldwin would’ve missed a chance to twist the knife one more time? That dude lives for payback. At one point he was even feuding with his own daughter.

Read more: SNL Holds Funeral For Hillary Clinton’s Political Career
Best SNL all season, imo. The opener (Kate singing Hallelujah) was the perfect approach. But Dave Chappelle got us laughing again. I'll tell you what, as long as you keep closing your mind totally to what half the country thinks and wants, your opportunity as the clear winners will be hampered.
Best SNL all season, imo. The opener (Kate singing Hallelujah) was the perfect approach. But Dave Chappelle got us laughing again. I'll tell you what, as long as you keep closing your mind totally to what half the country thinks and wants, your opportunity as the clear winners will be hampered. do realize that we won the Presidency, the House, the Senate, 33 governorships out of 50 and a majority of the State houses.....ending the reign of the house of clinton and the obama agenda.........right?
Best SNL all season, imo. The opener (Kate singing Hallelujah) was the perfect approach. But Dave Chappelle got us laughing again. I'll tell you what, as long as you keep closing your mind totally to what half the country thinks and wants, your opportunity as the clear winners will be hampered. do realize that we won the Presidency, the House, the Senate, 33 governorships out of 50 and a majority of the State houses.....ending the reign of the house of clinton and the obama agenda.........right?
I do. And you have to begrudge us a 4 minute "funeral." Real magnanimous of you, Guy.
Best SNL all season, imo. The opener (Kate singing Hallelujah) was the perfect approach. But Dave Chappelle got us laughing again. I'll tell you what, as long as you keep closing your mind totally to what half the country thinks and wants, your opportunity as the clear winners will be hampered. do realize that we won the Presidency, the House, the Senate, 33 governorships out of 50 and a majority of the State houses.....ending the reign of the house of clinton and the obama agenda.........right?
I do. And you have to begrudge us a 4 minute "funeral." Real magnanimous of you, Guy.

As if you guys were friendly to Republicans......
That was the lamest opening to SNL ever. I stopped watching. No doubt had Hillary won Alec Baldwin would have been front and center with the jokes. It's OK, the people have spoken and Trump and the Republicans own it all. When will Liberals learn that having celebrities and late night comedy shows campaign for them doesn't work.
Did you miss Dave Chapelle and his anti white tirade?

As soon as he made the first anti Trump joke, after no Trump victory skit, we turned the channel.
As soon as I realized that an hour and a half spent witnessing only three funny parts is when I went out to listen to live music on Saturday nights. That would be around 1975.
SNL is little more than a lefty sheep cult thing.
Best SNL all season, imo. The opener (Kate singing Hallelujah) was the perfect approach. But Dave Chappelle got us laughing again. I'll tell you what, as long as you keep closing your mind totally to what half the country thinks and wants, your opportunity as the clear winners will be hampered.
Well, if they were all citizens it might be relevant.
All through, this was the most racist show that may ever have been on network television.
Because there were black people in it?
More like when a woman said we have turned back to the bad old days of white presidents. There were too many racial insults in Weekend Update to isolate.

Too bad they didn't call obama a black bastard that should never have been elected in the first place.
Did you miss Dave Chapelle and his anti white tirade?

As soon as he made the first anti Trump joke, after no Trump victory skit, we turned the channel.
As soon as I realized that an hour and a half spent witnessing only three funny parts is when I went out to listen to live music on Saturday nights. That would be around 1975.
SNL is little more than a lefty sheep cult thing.
Around 1975, most of us were too stoned to tell which was SNL and which was real commercials. Both seemed hysterical at the time. There has been some real talent on SNL--the Church Lady, Pat, Wayne's World. Tina Fey's Sarah Palin, Kate McKinnon's Hillary Clinton. I stopped watching it for decades, too, but sometimes they get it right.
SNL is for the ideologues and Dimocrat partisans.

It is not targeting real people any more.
It was sad, the whole show was unfunny......
The show was just a wake for the Hillary loss.
All the libs were crying in their beers. or wine spritzers whatever the case maybe.

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