Satanist in a white coat. Russia, Domodedovo Central Hospital. Putin, you shall fu.. off immediately


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS YET... Putin is your medical breakthrough! Satanist doctor makes no secret of his devil worship. (VIDEO)
You surely don't have seen anything like this before. A Satanist doctor with a Lucifer on his chest, openly confessing his devotion to Satan. And that's just the way he acts. The ambulance brought in an elderly man unconscious with a suspected stroke, and this apparent demon in a white coat won't lift a finger to help the dying man.

And this is the central hospital of Domodedovo some miles away from Moscow! These are real fruits and breakthroughs of Putin who for 20 years of the undivided authority has destroyed everything and everything in Russia and has formed at all levels of authority the real Satanic Hagan, ruthlessly destroying Russia and Russian people.

Putin is directly guilty of handing out all power to satanists in medicine. Today they enforce mandatory 'vaccination' which kills any idiot who accepts Putin's jab.
Read comments below this video.
In any normal country, even in Africa a such case would be reason enough not only to kick out failed and corrupted 'president' but also to change the entirely political system.
It's a diagnose!

  • Mythical Erefia fascinates somewhere, until close relatives get in trouble.
  • Is this it? It's not a doctor, it's a zombie, they kill a man right on camera!
  • from an example!!! Doctors are murderers!!! They are instructed not to help people!!!
  • That's not a doctor... Definitely not. He has the face of a gravedigger. Empty... How awful... Is that normal now?
  • That's terrible! What's he doing there? Such indifference... Where are we going? Who's treating us?
  • Even in the factory during a technical break... we continue our work... if it's urgent
  • What indifference on the part of doctors!!! Can you even call them doctors?
  • I have no words!!!!!!! This is how people die here, and then they write that they died of the crown!!!!!
  • A natural Satanist and he's not hiding it...he has a confirmation medallion around his neck.... Creepy!
  • Oh,my god! Help me! Anastasia, hold on! God, what a terrible thing that's happening.
  • It's a living "dead man", it looks like a creeper, and these are the people who help people??? Hell is empty these days!
  • When are we going to wake up? Satanists have taken over the country.
  • This doctor is an ambassador of the devil! Even his appearance is not separable from his actions!
  • Tell those bastards who are there that we all witnessed it! Bring them to justice if you cannot pull them out!
  • Putin is already recruiting clean killers in hospitals to get rid of sick and infirm old people!
  • Aren't they bastards? I also brought my father in by ambulance - almost the same thing - they ran to their "offices" - it turned out they were on break, I looked in - they were having tea parties, and that was in 1997! NOTHING HAS CHANGED - ONLY WORSE......
  • Dr. Mengele can only perform lethal experiments. They have no mission to save people. Their goal is extermination. That is fascism.
  • Already brazenly, openly, calmly, in a mocking monotone voice.... Wake me up...I can't believe it, Satan in disguise...
  • Watch Vadim Shegalov - Satanists have taken over.
  • This confirms once again that doctors are murderers. Not even hiding it. I am no longer surprised.
  • Guard! What is this? Everyone knows that with a stroke, delaying is fatal! What are the doctors doing? What a cold, mentoring tone! He really is a satanist! He has no heart! They should be brought to court!
  • It happened to me... what a piece of crap... not a doctor, but I don't know what? What is he babbling about? Is he sick?
  • It's just murder.
  • The masks are off! Everything is said and shown in the open! It's a war against the Human Beings!
  • Throughout the whole video, I just wanted to punch that face. Nastya, how do you have the strength to have a conversation with that satanic bitch! Especially about the cemetery outside the window. There's nothing human left in him! Nastya, take care of your father, and let's hope for the best!
So he's a black metal fan I take it.

Nope, he murders a dying patient in the name of Satan and shows the sign of his 'god'
The problem is what the fu.. political system allows such trash not only to work as a doctor but also openly refuse to save the dying patient.
The system is completely rotten and western medias would do a good thing to show the true reality in the Kingdom of Putin
So he's a black metal fan I take it.

Nope, he murders a dying patient in the name of Satan and shows the sign of his 'god'
The problem is what the fu.. political system allows such trash not only to work as a doctor but also openly refuse to save the dying patient.
The system is completely rotten and western medias would do a good thing to show the true reality in the Kingdom of Putin

That is what you are saying, but do you understand Russian? I see a bunch of people accusing this man of murder, but I see no dialogue of the conversation going on between the woman and the goat licker.

Even if he is a satanist, that doesn't mean he let this man die. We don't know the whole story, and a bunch of people making conclusions for themselves in YouTube comments doesn't impress me.

As a christian conservative, I strive for the innocent until proven guilty narrative for everyone, even people whom I consider enemies.
So he's a black metal fan I take it.

Nope, he murders a dying patient in the name of Satan and shows the sign of his 'god'
The problem is what the fu.. political system allows such trash not only to work as a doctor but also openly refuse to save the dying patient.
The system is completely rotten and western medias would do a good thing to show the true reality in the Kingdom of Putin

That is what you are saying, but do you understand Russian? I see a bunch of people accusing this man of murder, but I see no dialogue of the conversation going on between the woman and the goat licker.

Even if he is a satanist, that doesn't mean he let this man die. We don't know the whole story, and a bunch of people making conclusions for themselves in YouTube comments doesn't impress me.

As a christian conservative, I strive for the innocent until proven guilty narrative for everyone, even people whom I consider enemies.

I know Russian a little bit, as I understand the guy advises daughter of dying patient to reserve for him a place on the near cemetery, he admits to be a satanist and shows the satan sign after 3:30 min
Since 1917 Russia is run by satanists, I doubt this guy will be charged with the first degree murder
So he's a black metal fan I take it.

Nope, he murders a dying patient in the name of Satan and shows the sign of his 'god'
The problem is what the fu.. political system allows such trash not only to work as a doctor but also openly refuse to save the dying patient.
The system is completely rotten and western medias would do a good thing to show the true reality in the Kingdom of Putin

That is what you are saying, but do you understand Russian? I see a bunch of people accusing this man of murder, but I see no dialogue of the conversation going on between the woman and the goat licker.

Even if he is a satanist, that doesn't mean he let this man die. We don't know the whole story, and a bunch of people making conclusions for themselves in YouTube comments doesn't impress me.

As a christian conservative, I strive for the innocent until proven guilty narrative for everyone, even people whom I consider enemies.

I know Russian a little bit, as I understand the guy advises daughter of dying patient to reserve for him a place on the near cemetery, he admits to be a satanist and shows the satan sign after 3:30 min
Since 1917 Russia is run by satanists, I doubt this guy will be charged with the first degree murder

Obviously you have no understanding of satanism and how it works.

When I studied Revelations and bible doctrine, I also took the time to study the cults, false religions and satanism as well. (I am a devout christian by the way)

The way satanism works generally, is satanists are just really extreme atheists. They do not believe God exists therefore they do not "truly" believe satan exists either. It is atheism that is hyper against Christianity to the point that they attack christians by "becoming" satanists. The core beliefs of satanism are anti religion, free expression, open sexuality, and freedom of religion in government, society and home life. It is largely just as stated before, a hyper anti-religion society that likes to mess with the minds of christians by using the "idea" (as they put it) of satan in the bible against Christianity.

There are of course, sects of satanism that do believe in a real satan and a real God, but choose the devil as their leader. These are sub-cults though, and are not prevalent. These cults include the Sons of Belial, etc. These are vocal satanists that believe in the devil and actually do crazy shit to prove their loyalty.

This man does not strike me as that kind of satanist. He strikes me as the very anti-christian kind.
So he's a black metal fan I take it.

Nope, he murders a dying patient in the name of Satan and shows the sign of his 'god'
The problem is what the fu.. political system allows such trash not only to work as a doctor but also openly refuse to save the dying patient.
The system is completely rotten and western medias would do a good thing to show the true reality in the Kingdom of Putin

That is what you are saying, but do you understand Russian? I see a bunch of people accusing this man of murder, but I see no dialogue of the conversation going on between the woman and the goat licker.

Even if he is a satanist, that doesn't mean he let this man die. We don't know the whole story, and a bunch of people making conclusions for themselves in YouTube comments doesn't impress me.

As a christian conservative, I strive for the innocent until proven guilty narrative for everyone, even people whom I consider enemies.

I know Russian a little bit, as I understand the guy advises daughter of dying patient to reserve for him a place on the near cemetery, he admits to be a satanist and shows the satan sign after 3:30 min
Since 1917 Russia is run by satanists, I doubt this guy will be charged with the first degree murder

Obviously you have no understanding of satanism and how it works.

When I studied Revelations and bible doctrine, I also took the time to study the cults, false religions and satanism as well. (I am a devout christian by the way)

The way satanism works generally, is satanists are just really extreme atheists. They do not believe God exists therefore they do not "truly" believe satan exists either. It is atheism that is hyper against Christianity to the point that they attack christians by "becoming" satanists. The core beliefs of satanism are anti religion, free expression, open sexuality, and freedom of religion in government, society and home life. It is largely just as stated before, a hyper anti-religion society that likes to mess with the minds of christians by using the "idea" (as they put it) of satan in the bible against Christianity.

There are of course, sects of satanism that do believe in a real satan and a real God, but choose the devil as their leader. These are sub-cults though, and are not prevalent. These cults include the Sons of Belial, etc. These are vocal satanists that believe in the devil and actually do crazy shit to prove their loyalty.

This man does not strike me as that kind of satanist. He strikes me as the very anti-christian kind.

As an Independent Fundamental Baptist ( before a Southern Baptist ) who knows how dangerous Satanism is I advise you at the beginning to take a look at this web-page

Satanism is real and the leading 'religion' among politicians in former Christian countries ( unfortunately in Russia too )
Another thing to remember is where is your proof that Russia was satanic since 1917? They may have been atheists, but satanist might be a bit extreme.

There is no difference between satanism and communism aka socialism aka progressiveness aka democracy
Look how democrats toady carry out their satanic vaccination agenda in the most of so-called 'democracies'

Since 1917 Russia is run by open or secret communists

The only weapon against satanism and communism

Another thing to remember is where is your proof that Russia was satanic since 1917? They may have been atheists, but satanist might be a bit extreme.

There is no difference between satanism and communism aka socialism aka progressiveness aka democracy
Look how democrats toady carry out their satanic vaccination agenda in the most of so-called 'democracies'

Since 1917 Russia is run by open or secret communists

But to call it satanism is misleading. The ideas may be similar, but they are not the same, especially not in name. What you are doing is "sensationalizing" like big media likes to do. "Communism doesn't sound bad enough? Call it satanism."
So he's a black metal fan I take it.

Nope, he murders a dying patient in the name of Satan and shows the sign of his 'god'
The problem is what the fu.. political system allows such trash not only to work as a doctor but also openly refuse to save the dying patient.
The system is completely rotten and western medias would do a good thing to show the true reality in the Kingdom of Putin

That is what you are saying, but do you understand Russian? I see a bunch of people accusing this man of murder, but I see no dialogue of the conversation going on between the woman and the goat licker.

Even if he is a satanist, that doesn't mean he let this man die. We don't know the whole story, and a bunch of people making conclusions for themselves in YouTube comments doesn't impress me.

As a christian conservative, I strive for the innocent until proven guilty narrative for everyone, even people whom I consider enemies.

I know Russian a little bit, as I understand the guy advises daughter of dying patient to reserve for him a place on the near cemetery, he admits to be a satanist and shows the satan sign after 3:30 min
Since 1917 Russia is run by satanists, I doubt this guy will be charged with the first degree murder

Obviously you have no understanding of satanism and how it works.

When I studied Revelations and bible doctrine, I also took the time to study the cults, false religions and satanism as well. (I am a devout christian by the way)

The way satanism works generally, is satanists are just really extreme atheists. They do not believe God exists therefore they do not "truly" believe satan exists either. It is atheism that is hyper against Christianity to the point that they attack christians by "becoming" satanists. The core beliefs of satanism are anti religion, free expression, open sexuality, and freedom of religion in government, society and home life. It is largely just as stated before, a hyper anti-religion society that likes to mess with the minds of christians by using the "idea" (as they put it) of satan in the bible against Christianity.

There are of course, sects of satanism that do believe in a real satan and a real God, but choose the devil as their leader. These are sub-cults though, and are not prevalent. These cults include the Sons of Belial, etc. These are vocal satanists that believe in the devil and actually do crazy shit to prove their loyalty.

This man does not strike me as that kind of satanist. He strikes me as the very anti-christian kind.

As an Independent Fundamental Baptist ( before a Southern Baptist ) who knows how dangerous Satanism is I advise you at the beginning to take a look at this web-page

Satanism is real and the leading 'religion' among politicians in former Christian countries ( unfortunately in Russia too )

What I see here are different cults, not satanists. In fact, these look like sects of "christian" cults. Notice the one picture with the cross in the air. If it were satanists, the cross would be inverted as a mockery of it, not upright. So that pic is of a christian cult. The other pics look like spiritualistic cults, the forerunners of todays crystal loving freaks.

In the late 1890s, and early 1900s, spiritualism and the occult was the new thing, and was being practiced somewhat commonly. Again, some of these photos suggest spiritualism and general occultist/paranormal activities, not satanism. There are no images of Baphomet (goat thingie that portrays satan), no pentagrams, no threes, no sixes.....
To read between the lines, there were streetwalkers in the district and Job turned the devil loose skin for skin on the crooked doctors, shysters, and medical quacks for the cut of flesh they were taking in the district, and that's why he was told to shut up and make a sacrifice on behalf of his friends.
To read between the lines, there were streetwalkers in the district and Job turned the devil loose skin for skin on the crooked doctors, shysters, and medical quacks for the cut of flesh they were taking in the district, and that's why he was told to shut up and make a sacrifice on behalf of his friends.

Are you trying to say he was getting skin for a sacrifice??? You're a bit incoherent.
That is what you are saying, but do you understand Russian? I see a bunch of people accusing this man of murder, but I see no dialogue of the conversation going on between the woman and the goat licker
The woman demands that her farther be examined immediately. But the doctor says that a piece of equipment doesn't work know. When she claims that the doctor will be accused if her father dies, the doc says it is an emergency unit who took the man to the hospital is responsible for the man and his condition.

Typical Russian 'pophigism' (not giving a shit about anything).
That is what you are saying, but do you understand Russian? I see a bunch of people accusing this man of murder, but I see no dialogue of the conversation going on between the woman and the goat licker
The woman demands that her farther be examined immediately. But the doctor says that a piece of equipment doesn't work know. When she claims that the doctor will be accused if her father dies, the doc says it is an emergency unit who took the man to the hospital is responsible for the man and his condition.

Typical Russian 'pophigism' (not giving a shit about anything).

That literally sounds like it has nothing to do with him. What I see is an irate and panicked woman looking for someone to blame, and this dude right here was just too easy. You're right, Russians are cold, rather uncaring people. They've had to be cold for all these years just because of the harsh realities of life brought on by the communists.

But to call all doctors shysters, satanists and evil is truly and magnificently foolish.
That is what you are saying, but do you understand Russian? I see a bunch of people accusing this man of murder, but I see no dialogue of the conversation going on between the woman and the goat licker
The woman demands that her farther be examined immediately. But the doctor says that a piece of equipment doesn't work know. When she claims that the doctor will be accused if her father dies, the doc says it is an emergency unit who took the man to the hospital is responsible for the man and his condition.

Typical Russian 'pophigism' (not giving a shit about anything).

That literally sounds like it has nothing to do with him. What I see is an irate and panicked woman looking for someone to blame, and this dude right here was just too easy. You're right, Russians are cold, rather uncaring people. They've had to be cold for all these years just because of the harsh realities of life brought on by the communists.

But to call all doctors shysters, satanists and evil is truly and magnificently foolish.
Of course that is not about satanists per se. The Russians are too prone to various conspiracy theories. They are too eager to blame someone for their failures.

That is not only about the communists. The Russian mentality had been formed during centuries of authoritarian rule, beginning from the first czars.
But to call it satanism is misleading. The ideas may be similar, but they are not the same, especially not in name. What you are doing is "sensationalizing" like big media likes to do. "Communism doesn't sound bad enough? Call it satanism."

According to the Holy Bible satanism like its adepts exists and is very dangerous
What I see here are different cults, not satanists. In fact, these look like sects of "christian" cults. Notice the one picture with the cross in the air. If it were satanists, the cross would be inverted as a mockery of it, not upright. So that pic is of a christian cult. The other pics look like spiritualistic cults, the forerunners of todays crystal loving freaks.

In the late 1890s, and early 1900s, spiritualism and the occult was the new thing, and was being practiced somewhat commonly. Again, some of these photos suggest spiritualism and general occultist/paranormal activities, not satanism. There are no images of Baphomet (goat thingie that portrays satan), no pentagrams, no threes, no sixes.....

I don't want to make advertisement to satanism and to talk about it to much, you have '' which can help you to get more truthful information.
My point is you're completely wrong, all things described above come from Satan, the father of Lie
To read between the lines, there were streetwalkers in the district and Job turned the devil loose skin for skin on the crooked doctors, shysters, and medical quacks for the cut of flesh they were taking in the district, and that's why he was told to shut up and make a sacrifice on behalf of his friends.

Look what satanists are doing now by lying about Covid-1984 scamdemic and forcing the world to deadly 'jab'
Why God hated seven nations in Palestine and gave all of them to Jews for elimination?
Due to their satanic practices which are very spread now among politicians and feemasons
All peoples through the human history report about numerous stolen children for sacrifice to Satan aka Moloch & Co

The woman demands that her farther be examined immediately. But the doctor says that a piece of equipment doesn't work know. When she claims that the doctor will be accused if her father dies, the doc says it is an emergency unit who took the man to the hospital is responsible for the man and his condition.

Typical Russian 'pophigism' (not giving a shit about anything).

You're lying, don't mislead those who aren't powerful in Russian language

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