Sarah Palin should be the Nominee in 2012. Romney's Candidacy Died Sunday.

Romney isn't a Republican anywhere but MA. Palin won't get elected dog catcher. She's a popular flack. She's good at it and making good money, which is fine. But it doesn't qualify her for president.
We do not know who will emerge as a presidential contender. I do know it better be someone a whole lot more inspiring than the crop we had last time.

Then you better look for someone who has new Ideas because the ideas the current republican party cling to have all been proven to be failed ideas.
It's obvious that the OP has a crush on the homecoming queen. I really hope the GOP can come up with someone better by 2012.
Romney isn't a Republican anywhere but MA. Palin won't get elected dog catcher. She's a popular flack. She's good at it and making good money, which is fine. But it doesn't qualify her for president.
We do not know who will emerge as a presidential contender. I do know it better be someone a whole lot more inspiring than the crop we had last time.

Then you better look for someone who has new Ideas because the ideas the current republican party cling to have all been proven to be failed ideas.

How do you know?
We have yet to see if their ideas for healthcare reform were wrong. We have yet to see if the democratic ideas for healthcare reform are correct as well.

We have not yet seen if the benefits of the stimulus package outwiegh the long term financial ramifications...and we wont see it for years to come.

We have yet to see if our borrowing power that has been tapped into to support the many initiatives of this congress and administration has been compromised to the point that we will not be able to borrow when we need it in the face of a natural disaster.

We have yet to see any positive indications that our new foreign diplomacy is working nor have we seen any indication that it is a better policy than the last administration.

Not supporting the GOP ideas, but how can ANYONE say that they are failures without knowing what the opposite does.

TM...that was a very direct and very partrisan blind statement you made.
Says someone who would vote for Palin for president ?????

If she decides to run, I'll volunteer for her.

That would be SO awesome. Bimbo Palin being assisted by LiarFrank. Do dreams really come true?

Hey VaY......I suggest you BUILD a basement.
Time to wrok...

Cyas all...many at the orthopedists office waiting for hours to be seen....dam...4 hours now....wait till down the road.

OK...back to Palin bashing...have fun.
Romney isn't a Republican anywhere but MA. Palin won't get elected dog catcher. She's a popular flack. She's good at it and making good money, which is fine. But it doesn't qualify her for president.
We do not know who will emerge as a presidential contender. I do know it better be someone a whole lot more inspiring than the crop we had last time.

Then you better look for someone who has new Ideas because the ideas the current republican party cling to have all been proven to be failed ideas.

What are the "ideas of the Republican Party"? Please list them. Then you can wrap yourself into a pretzel trying to explain how both Jeff Flake and John McCain fit into your model.
Umm the Iraq war was supposed to last maybe 6 months and cost under 100 billion.
And where are those darned WMD's?
Deregulating the finiancial secotr will be good for America.
NAFTA will benefit America and provide American jobs.
Globalization is good for america.
Offshoring is good for America.
Anyone remember the mobile workforce of the 21'st century?
Tax cuts while fighting a war is good for america.
many more.
Last edited:
This is great news

Romney is the only republican who had a chance of winning

I disagree. The GOP showed last year they would never allow a Mormon onto their ticket, so Romney had no chance in hell of ever making it on in 2012, either.

The problem with the GOP is that none of their potential candidates can inspire the number of voters they need to defeat Obama.

Looks like they will end up with a complete unknown who will be put up as a sacrificial lamb
If recent history is a good indicator of Republican strategy, I predict the GOP will nominate an antique senator in 2012. Bob Dole in 1996 against the incumbent Clinton, McCain in 2008 against either a vibrant Obama or a capable Hillary Clinton.

Whoever gets the GOP nomination, he will fracture the party. Either the Tea Baggers will chastise him for not being reactionary enough or the rank and file Republicans won't accept an uber Conservative.

It never fails! The GOP is fresh out of Bushs and that brand is toxic anyway. A Palin will turn off the Independents and a Romney will be branded a rino by the Tea Baggers.
I disagree. The GOP showed last year they would never allow a Mormon onto their ticket, so Romney had no chance in hell of ever making it on in 2012, either.

The problem with the GOP is that none of their potential candidates can inspire the number of voters they need to defeat Obama.

Looks like they will end up with a complete unknown who will be put up as a sacrificial lamb
If recent history is a good indicator of Republican strategy, I predict the GOP will nominate an antique senator in 2012. Bob Dole in 1996 against the incumbent Clinton, McCain in 2008 against either a vibrant Obama or a capable Hillary Clinton.

Whoever gets the GOP nomination, he will fracture the party. Either the Tea Baggers will chastise him for not being reactionary enough or the rank and file Republicans won't accept an uber Conservative.

It never fails! The GOP is fresh out of Bushs and that brand is toxic anyway. A Palin will turn off the Independents and a Romney will be branded a rino by the Tea Baggers.

As Yoda gasps "There is another Bush" amd dies.
Umm the Iraq war was supposed to last maybe 6 months and cost under 100 billion.
And where are those darned WMD's?
How is that a "policy"??
Deregulating the finiancial secotr will be good for America.
Yeah we see how well tightly regulated Fannie/Freddie did.
NAFTA will benefit America and provide American jobs.
You mean NAFTA that Bill Clinton signed?
Globalization is good for america.
Offshoring is good for America.
That's like saying that sunrise is bad for America. It's going to happen, like it or not.
Anyone remember the mobile workforce of the 21'st century?
Tax cuts while fighting a war is good for america.
NO, WTF are you talking about?
many more.

You obviously don't have a clue. You have a jumble of past issues, issues pushed by Democrats, and things that aren't policy at all.
Romney isn't a Republican anywhere but MA. Palin won't get elected dog catcher. She's a popular flack. She's good at it and making good money, which is fine. But it doesn't qualify her for president.
We do not know who will emerge as a presidential contender. I do know it better be someone a whole lot more inspiring than the crop we had last time.

Then you better look for someone who has new Ideas because the ideas the current republican party cling to have all been proven to be failed ideas.

How do you know?
We have yet to see if their ideas for healthcare reform were wrong. We have yet to see if the democratic ideas for healthcare reform are correct as well.We have seen what the Republican party would do for healthcare, its called nothing. They have up until now killed every attempt to fix the situation for decades now. While in complete power they did nothing which is what they really want and not the things they offered instead because they had to offer something. Actions speak louder than words.

We have not yet seen if the benefits of the stimulus package outwiegh the long term financial ramifications...and we wont see it for years to come.Do you really think the American people are going to hate being able to have their children not be kicked off their insurance for pre exsisting conditions? Do you really think they are going to be angry about having their kids be able to stay on their insurance until 27? The thing you forget is the cost the insurance cos keep increasing every day time you turn arround. BTW why is it so many other countries can design systems like this that save their people money an get them better care than we have? Why is it you think America is too stupid to figure out how?

We have yet to see if our borrowing power that has been tapped into to support the many initiatives of this congress and administration has been compromised to the point that we will not be able to borrow when we need it in the face of a natural disaster.Anyone with an adult and comprehensive view of the world would know that if we do not solve our healthcare mess we will have a country that is unable to compete in the global market. No other first world country has a system which burdens its Corps with the healhcare of its employees. How the hell can our corps compete with international corps who dont bare this cost in their operations?

We have yet to see any positive indications that our new foreign diplomacy is working nor have we seen any indication that it is a better policy than the last administration.This is plainly false. The world have rejoiced at the change to Obama and have opened their arms to us.

Not supporting the GOP ideas, but how can ANYONE say that they are failures without knowing what the opposite does.The GOP is all about unfettering our market. They try to deregulate every time they are in office. Every time they do we end up with a savings and loan crisis, Enron and price fixing or collapsed world economies like twice in one lifetime.

TM...that was a very direct and very partrisan blind statement you made.

It fis not partisanship to see the failure in the ideas of nothing but Deregulation of markets, Tax cuts and wars so some red necks can wave a flag and the military industrail complex can grow.

It is a failed party and the results of their leadership are part of the histroical record of this country.

QUIT insisting we do what has failed over and over again in this coutnries history.

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