Sarah Palin is scaring the bejeesus out of Floridians

She doesnt tell the truth and thats why her numbers are falling, she bullshits her way through her town hall meetings and repeats herself over and over without talking about anything of substance. This is why she scares people.

Once again, prove she doesn't tell the truth.

And the claim that she didn't actually sell the jet on ebay doesn't wash.
You didn't read the polar bear study did you.

Here's your proof:

Rick Steiner, a University of Alaska professor, sought the e-mail messages of state scientists who had examined the effect of global warming on polar bears. (Ms. Palin said the scientists had found no ill effects, and she has sued the federal government to block the listing of the bears as endangered.) An administration official told Mr. Steiner that his request would cost $468,784 to process.

When Mr. Steiner finally obtained the e-mail messages — through a federal records request — he discovered that state scientists had in fact agreed that the bears were in danger, records show.

The decent thing is to read up about it, if you are voting for this woman.

And how about this as evidence of obstructionistic tendencies and lack of transparency:

While Ms. Palin took office promising a more open government, her administration has battled to keep information secret. Her inner circle discussed the benefit of using private e-mail addresses. An assistant told her it appeared that such e-mail messages sent to a private address on a “personal device” like a BlackBerry “would be confidential and not subject to subpoena.”
Ms. Palin and aides use their private e-mail addresses for state business. A campaign spokesman said the governor copied e-mail messages to her state account “when there was significant state business.”

On Feb. 7, Frank Bailey, a high-level aide, wrote to Ms. Palin’s state e-mail address to discuss appointments. Another aide fired back: “Frank, this is not the governor’s personal account.”

Mr. Bailey responded: “Whoops~!”

Warning: The article is five pages long.

Seriously, are you GLAD that Bush/Cheney have been obstructionist, non-transparent, lied to get us into a war that has drained this country dry?
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Once again, prove she doesn't tell the truth.

And the claim that she didn't actually sell the jet on ebay doesn't wash.

The bridge to nowhere, she changed her position when congress shot it down, its been talked about on these boards a ton and I'm not giving you any links because you will spin it but its a fact. Plus the whole troopergate scandel. If she has nothing to hide then why wont she cooperate.
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The bridge to nowhere, she changed her position when congress shot it down, its been talked about on these boards a ton and I'm not giving you any links because you will spin it but its a fact. Plus the whole troopergate scandel. If she has nothing to hide then why wont she cooperate.

there is no troopergate scandal, but, I"m happy it keeps you guys happy and satisfied..
there is no troopergate scandal, but, I"m happy it keeps you guys happy and satisfied..

There is none because they cant do anything about it until Feb. Thats the only reason. Please tell me why she said she would cooperate and now she wont. I cant wait to hear your response.
Is it the case that where a woman is pregnant from a voluntary act of sexual intercourse you believe the state should force her to allow the pregnancy to continue until childbirth? Just checking.

"The state should force her to allow"...It seems some force was applied to force the word "force" into that sentence :). I don't think it is possible to be "forced to allow". You have stipulated that the pregnancy was voluntary. The law requires a bartender to stop serving a patron after they become drunk, is the state forcing them to allow their body to get sober?

I believe the state should NOT allow a doctor to kill and dismember the body of an unborn child...a body with a heartbeat, arms and legs, a brain and neural activity.

Do you believe a fertilised egg is a human life, a potential human life, a biological object? I just need to clarify that.

As Barack Obama says, that is above my paygrade. I personally believe that it is a human life. But some say it is not. I do not have the knowledge required to argue my belief from a scientific perspective, only a religious one. I do believe that any reasonable person would agree that a "biological object" that has a heartbeat, arms and legs, a brain, neural activity and can move on it's own is alive and to kill them for convenience sake is murder.

I believe that in the future, history will judge the practice abortion in the 20th and 21st century the way we judge the practice of slavery.

(I will be away for a few days and can only post via cell phone, so don't expect any dissertations, only short replies)

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Maddow was reporting that it will be finished on time, that there was plenty of info even without the final testimony.

Investigator: Palin probe to end before election

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Gov. Sarah Palin's chief of staff authorized ex-Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan to travel to Washington, although the governor has cited that trip as a primary example of the insubordination that led to Monegan's firing.

Monegan is the central figure in the investigation into whether Palin abused her power when she fired him. Monegan alleges he was fired because he refused to dismiss a state trooper who was involved in a bitter divorce with the governor's sister. Palin says he was fired because of insubordination on budget issues.

A legislative committee voted July 24 to investigate the dispute, and Palin initially welcomed it. But she reversed herself after becoming Sen. John McCain's running mate on the GOP presidential ticket. The campaign sent a team of operatives to Alaska to carefully coordinate any information that's released.

The investigation will be finished before the election, despite refusals by key witnesses to testify, including the governor's husband, the legislator heading the probe said Friday.

After waiting 35 minutes for Todd Palin and two state administrative employees to appear under subpoena before the state Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Hollis French condemned their refusal to testify and the attorney general's broken promise that seven other witnesses would testify who were not subpoenaed.

French said the retired prosecutor hired by the Legislature to investigate Palin, Stephen Branchflower, will conclude his investigation by Oct. 10. Still, that report will not include testimony from the Republican vice presidential nominee, her husband or most of the top aides Branchflower hoped to interview.

Holding public officials accountable has been a major theme of the McCain-Palin campaign.

The Associated Press: Today on the presidential campaign trail

It might well be that they have plenty to wrok with without the last bits of testimony. They have all the plaintiffs testimony, and records of Wooten's actions, etc etc after all.
So you dont have an answer, thats what I thought.

happy to oblige, sorta kinda like when Obama said he would take public funding and then he said he wouldn't isn't it??? Works to his advantage dosen't it. she get the same rights in America.. Long as it's legal.. hey?

oh,,, llllllllllllllllllllllllllll oh but wait,, she's a white republican woman who happens to be cute and we never expected you to put her on your ticket we expected romney and you double crossed us you lied and now polar bears die, bush lied, cheney lied, powell lied, rice lied, rumsfeld lied, mccain is lying and we're a dying, palin lied and the band played on............................ I think i am up to date now, or do i need a refresher course over at KOS..:cuckoo: so let's all sit down in mama's basement and fill it with our faux outrage, distortion, propaganda, sling the shit at the wall like the howler monkies we are and hope it sticks,, Rachel Maddow says, and the beat goes on hooowdddy who hooowdddy hooowdy hi. everything is a big fat lie..:eusa_whistle:
happy to oblige, sorta kinda like when Obama said he would take public funding and then he said he wouldn't isn't it??? Works to his advantage dosen't it. she get the same rights in America.. Long as it's legal.. hey?

oh,,, llllllllllllllllllllllllllll oh but wait,, she's a white republican woman who happens to be cute and we never expected you to put her on your ticket we expected romney and you double crossed us you lied and now polar bears die, bush lied, cheney lied, powell lied, rice lied, rumsfeld lied, mccain is lying and we're a dying, palin lied and the band played on............................ I think i am up to date now, or do i need a refresher course over at KOS..:cuckoo: so let's all sit down in mama's basement and fill it with our faux outrage, distortion, propaganda, sling the shit at the wall like the howler monkies we are and hope it sticks,, Rachel Maddow says, and the beat goes on hooowdddy who hooowdddy hooowdy hi. everything is a big fat lie..:eusa_whistle:

He would have been stupid to take public financing and his inexperience bit him in the ass on that one, thats more of a flip flop. But ok lets says thats a lie because he did say he would use public money so literally it was a lie but Plain's lies are just flat out lies that she still wont budge off of.
happy to oblige, sorta kinda like when Obama said he would take public funding and then he said he wouldn't isn't it??? Works to his advantage dosen't it. she get the same rights in America.. Long as it's legal.. hey?

oh,,, llllllllllllllllllllllllllll oh but wait,, she's a white republican woman who happens to be cute and we never expected you to put her on your ticket we expected romney and you double crossed us you lied and now polar bears die, bush lied, cheney lied, powell lied, rice lied, rumsfeld lied, mccain is lying and we're a dying, palin lied and the band played on............................ I think i am up to date now, or do i need a refresher course over at KOS..:cuckoo: so let's all sit down in mama's basement and fill it with our faux outrage, distortion, propaganda, sling the shit at the wall like the howler monkies we are and hope it sticks,, Rachel Maddow says, and the beat goes on hooowdddy who hooowdddy hooowdy hi. everything is a big fat lie..:eusa_whistle:

The difference being that these things cause people to die the world over, and links are provided so that you, as a responsible citizen, can decide for yourself if you want to put another crook in the whitehouse who will drive the country further into a ditch. Sorry if you see that as fearmongering, friend.

Isn't it true that the polar bear population has risen from 5,000 to 25,000 in the last 50 years and is still increasing ? So why are we discussing this?

(1) Sarah Palin used state money to fund an investigation to find that the polar bears were not in danger from warming.

(2) The investigation found that they ARE in danger from warning.

(3) She misrepresented the findings, because they weren't the results she wanted (she did this for the oil companies).

She lied. She didn't like the results of the study, and so she lied. Plain and simple. Topping it off is that she used her private email account for this issue, to block transparency.

Two things: (A) She doesn't use science to inform her decisions and (B) she lies.

If this is the person you want, go for it!
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"Ms. Palin said the scientists had found no ill effects, and she has sued the federal government to block the listing of the bears as endangered"

No ill effects from global warming.
Which is absolutely right and true.

Yet another lie generated by the left.
How so?

THe loss of ice is threatening the bears.

ps I'm the only one on this issue here, and I am most definitely not 'the left.'

But my main q is How do you reach the conclusion that the bears are not being hurt? TIA.
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(1) Sarah Palin used state money to fund an investigation to find that the polar bears were not in danger from warming.

(2) The investigation found that they ARE in danger from warning.

(3) She misrepresented the findings, because they weren't the results she wanted (she did this for the oil companies).

She lied. She didn't like the results of the study, and so she lied. Plain and simple. Topping it off is that she used her private email account for this issue, to block transparency.

Two things: (A) She doesn't use science to inform her decisions and (B) she lies.

If this is the person you want, go for it!

whose lies (and you haven't convinced anybody) aren't nearly on the scale of Obamalama's so yes, I will vote for her in a heartbeat.
How so?

THe loss of ice is threatening the bears.

ps I'm the only one on this issue here, and I am most definitely not 'the left.'

But my main q is How do you reach the conclusion that the bears are not being hurt? TIA.

Provide a respectable source that verifies that.
Not Gore's crap, either. A reputable scientific study which proves that man-made global warming is threatenig the polar bears.

Of course you won't find it, because it DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST. But knock yourself out.

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