There are a lot of people who like Sarah Palin...


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
And a lot of people hate her with an unyielding, unreasonable and deep seated visceral hatred that is a true psychological phenomenon. Sarah Palin knows this and deals with it. I personally find it most fascinating to watch the consistency with which the left dives forward with piranha teeth in full bare and war juices flowing at the very sight of her, the very mention of her name, the very idea that she might be available for a fresh new attack. It has to be the equivalent of a penile erection for society at large because it makes itself apparent with a nearly rapacious energy that is rarely seen.

Comparable to this is the attack on Michelle Obama by the right. Of course it wouldn't be so intense had the left not pushed her into the public's face as the antitypical Aphrodite descended from Olympus itself to stun the entire globe into silence with the depth of her brilliant, pulchritudinous and resplendent beauty that made any man helpless upon the first glimpse! Yes it was actually that thick for a while. Not that it should matter but to disagree with the adoring masses at that time was equivalent to heresy and worthy of the tag name racist. She's alright I guess.....but certainly not Halle Berry...and certainly not someone who can escape the responsibility of role model by dressing at the NICKELODEON Kid's awards in the garments of a street whore....pretty disgusting frankly....but I digress.

What is it I wonder about Sarah Palin that makes the right engorge so quickly and violently? I don't remember any kind of campaign by the right to make her a left wing ICON so I'm wondering at this point what it is that the left is responding to or is it simply an elemental reflex? I tend to favor the latter frankly upon examination of the intensity of this particular psychosocial dysfunction. To be truthful I just think that she is a living paradox to the left. She is a mother, a career woman, good looking ( IMO ) and nearly a VP at one point. Oh and the other thing that really, really seems to bother the left about her is that she' For shame! I mean imagine anyone with the sheer gall to be public and Hetero at the very same time! Just terrible!

In any case the pattern is well established and we are treated to the monkey-toss fecal rituals at each and every appearance of her face, name or reputation upon the public cognizance. It's fun to watch...they line up like dutiful little army ants that haven't eaten for a month to fulfill the orgasmic delight of taking part in the ritual attacks upon this woman. I think it's a bonding thing for them! It helps to reinforce the hive-mind that they so dearly adore and worship. After each frenzy the left appears to be exhausted from the effort....more or less like Sex.

You know what I think? I think she does it on purpose because she knows she can count on the left to metamorphize in the lunar sunshine into the lycanthropic id creatures that lurk beneath the pretend civility of their duplicitous costume facades. When it happens there is no subtlety about it...she commands upon one or two taps of the keyboard the full attention of the billion dollar media .... I have never seen the like of such free publicity frankly.

To the observing masses who are centrist this has a definite effect. As they watch the unjustifiable ferocity it helps them to see the malfunctions of the left wing world as if they were injected with a luminous contrast fluid prior to being cat-scanned! The most highly focused and accurate view of the left in all of its splendor is apparent during a Palin Frenzy! It's a real vote getter for the right and it continues to grow in strength and momentum because it seems to back-feed on negative energy! Most other phenoms of this nature would pass into silence and boredom after a time...but this! This get's stronger, more virulent and more ferocious with each successive attack!
I like her.

Middle class who rose to prominence and did it by not being an insider.

Succeeded in spite of what the left threw at her.

As for quitting as Faun likes to point out. Hillary quit and Obama quit but the difference between Palin Quitting and Obama quitting is that Palin, unlike Obama, never promised not to quit. Obama promised not to quit because he said he wasn't ready, for once in his life he was right.
That's why the left hates her. she still has a huge following. And she's not a snobby stuck up ugly piece of wax like most of the women in the Democrat party

Go Sarah!!!!!!!
America laughs at Palin because she's a caricature of herself. That the Republicans would choose an unvetted dimwit to be VP in a presidential election because she's a female and purty is as preposterous as the masses of ignorant teabaggers who still bow before her in blissful stupidity.

After all...she paraded her pregnant high school dropout idiot kid around the stage as an example of family values and abstinence and the masses of fat, drooling guys in tri-cornered hats lapped it up!
What's not to like? She's a typical American woman... .

And she talks in ways you can understand, right?

Plain spoken English... yeah.

If she isn't saying she will stop the seas rising and heal the planets she isn't speaking English to the snobs in the Democrat party..that's what I like about her. she speaks to where Joe and Jill America can understand her. No snobby BS like you have to see the bill to know what's in it
What's not to like? She's a typical American woman... .

And she talks in ways you can understand, right?

Plain spoken English... yeah.

If she isn't saying she will stop the seas rising and heal the planets she isn't speaking English to the snobs in the Democrat party..that's what I like about her. she speaks to where Joe and Jill America can understand her. No snobby BS like you have to see the bill to know what's in it
You left out the plumbers appointment...

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