Sarah Palin: Democrats Are 'Residents Of Some Unicorn Ranch'

What is it with right wingers and their photoshop madness?

Pictures more understandable than words for them?

They have said for quite some time.

A picture is worth a thousand words. What century did you plan on rejoining the human race?
Sarah Palin lives in Democrats' heads rent free.

The dems created the Palin monster. She was simply minding her own business in Alaska when the dems started hounding her, filing bogus ethics charge after bogus ethics charge, she eventually realized that she was going broke playing defense, so she started doing offense, and besides amassing a fortune, she is making the dems pay-up all over the country by cheer-leading the tea-party candidates to victory after victory. I really hope she is the catalyst that puts the lefties out on their asses in 2010 and 2012.

Bullseye. Drinks are on me.
What an odd predicament, there is always that percentage of wingnuts who would vote for Happy the clown if Happy told them sweet nothings...

And that's how we wound up with Obama.
....And, he proceeded to rub-"conservatives'"-collective-noses in their OWN stupidity & cluelessness.



I love today when they ask fellow republicans if she is presidential material. What an odd predicament, there is always that percentage of wingnuts who would vote for Happy the clown if Happy told them sweet nothings.....
BEEN there!!!!!!

May. 20, 1985

"There is a common denominator to Ronald Reagan's current cluster of setbacks in domestic and foreign policy: his penchant for proposing simple solutions to complex problems has finally caught up with him. By no means is this feature of his difficulties bound to prove fatal to him politically; nor is it a function of his conservative ideology. Rather, it is the downside of his wizardry as a politician and as a leader."

Selected pick just for you s0n...................


What'cha think????
The OP needs to put a few fucking coherent reasons why Palin is wrong and Cap+Tax is right.
Ya' really wanna bet on her economic-aptitude, huh??


It would be difficult to be more inept than the current administration. Of course, that's only if you measure success in terms of results.

If you measure success in terms of really, really trying hard and really, really wanting to help everyone who waits for others to solve their problems, then these guys are really, really successful.

It's the 17% of all workers who can't find work that are screwing up. No, wait... That's not it. It's the 83% of those who want to work that are working who are screwing things up. No, wait... Give me a minute.

It's Bush! It's Bush who's screwing things up! Yeah! There you go! That's the ticket! Bush is the guy that's screwing things up.

Just wait until the Big 0 finds out that there are people who are miserable because of Bush. He will initiate the fix that will cure all.

My oh my! That Big 0 guy is the stuff!
Ya gotta love watching the left... their collective panties in a wad, shitting themselves daily over knowing that their little party's come to a dramatic end. Ended by, in many ways, by a woman they deem irrelevant.

Irony is awesome.
I love today when they ask fellow republicans if she is presidential material. What an odd predicament, there is always that percentage of wingnuts who would vote for Happy the clown if Happy told them sweet nothings, but sensible republicans know she is hardly dog catcher material but can't say that out loud. Who was it forgot to turn off the mike when Johnnie picked her. Truth rarely touches political spin in republican wingnutland. LOL

I wouldn't vote for her, but I do enjoy the way she pisses off the lefties. For that alone, she is a useful idiot.

So, you'd vote for another round of DUmbass libruls?

Lil' Dumbya was NO Liberal.​

"In the spirit of his mentor, Frank, author of Bush on the Couch, zeroes in on the crucial first five years of W's existence, where three factors loom over all others: an early trauma, an absent father and an abusive mother. It is a recipe for the making of a dissociated megalomaniac. Add in a learning disability (dyslexia) and a brain bruised by booze and coke and you have a pretty vivid portrait of the Bush psyche.

With this stern upbringing, is it really surprising that Bush evidenced early signs of sadism?"

Jack Fate, I am surprised you are not defending the unicorns.

After all, they are listed as real animals in the Bible. :doubt:

Job 39:9-10 (King James Version)

9) Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?

10) Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?
Ahhhhh....... what thread would be complete without.....


You guys are so predictable.
Was the OP expecting a different reaction from repubs? Whatever Sarah says they like it...For example, the shit she says in tomorrow, the entire right wing will agree with it.

The shit that comes out on Monday, the right will agree with it. She can say shit like the understands foreign relations because she can see a foreign land therefore that's good enough. After that YOU KNOW anything she says will be a-ok.

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