Sarah Palin Attacks Covid BS

To support Trump, you have to sound like a retard. When Palin was governor, she worked with Democrats to fight Republican corruption. Now she is backing Republican corruption.
Wrong on so many levels, She did fight the Murkowski corruption, but you guys love Lisa.....typical dems...
That is not true. The number of deaths increased because Trump and his fascist supporters downplayed the seriousness of the coronavirus. Trump admitted the coronavirus was dangerous.
Oh please, Your God, Bill Gates called it the flu and it was. You shut down the country for 2 years...2 fucking years and it did NOTHING.......NADA.....
That is not true. The number of deaths increased because Trump and his fascist supporters downplayed the seriousness of the coronavirus.
Trump did the right thing by downplaying Covid. If he talked too much about it, investors would have gone into panic mode and the market would have crashed.
Trump did the right thing by downplaying Covid. If he talked too much about it, investors would have gone into panic mode and the market would have crashed.
Yep, think of how many lives and economic damage to the country would have been saves if we had just listened when Trump compared it to the flu. It only took these wizards of smart 2 years to say something Trump said after a few months.
Yep, think of how many lives and economic damage to the country would have been saves if we had just listened when Trump compared it to the flu. It only took these wizards of smart 2 years to say something Trump said after a few months.
Interesting. Bill Gates is not a doctor, yet he wants us to listen to what he has to say about Covid.
Democrats have what are known as “unmotivated voters.” As such, they need battalions of “Get Out the Vote” activists to track down the bored and the lazy. (Yes, the same marginalized people whom liberals claim are having their lifelong dreams of voting dashed by GOP “voter suppression” schemes can’t be bothered to get out of bed on Election Day.)

Over the years, Democrats have lured their voters to the polls with a free ride, a box lunch and walking-around money -- even a gurney, if that’s what it takes. Volunteers give the voters detailed, childlike instructions on exactly how to fill out their ballots. Luckily, unionized government workers have plenty of time on their hands to "organize" voters.

Without these sorts of military-style operations, the day after the election, Democrats will find out half their voters overslept and forgot to vote.

Consequently, COVID was like manna from heaven for the left. It provided the perfect excuse to demand even more time for volunteers to round up the uninterested. No-excuse absentee ballots, mail-in ballots, drop boxes, months of early voting...all of it: Advantage Democrats.
That is not true. The number of deaths increased because Trump and his fascist supporters downplayed the seriousness of the coronavirus. Trump admitted the coronavirus was dangerous.

There are 2 main strategies for any epidemic.
If really lethal, then you do full quarantine, complete shut down, and you end it in a month or less.
If NOT very lethal, then you try to quickly spread it to those least likely to be harmed by it, so you achiever herd immunity through recovery, and you end it in a month or less.

What we did was NOT a valid strategy.
Flatten the curve does not end it at all, and instead actually prevents it from ever ending, by conserving easy hosts.
We learned from the 1918 Spanish flu that you NEVER flatten the curve.
That keeps the epidemic from ever ending.
And that greatly increase the death toll.
Instead of 50k, we have over 1 million deaths now, and still going strong.
That is because we waited for vaccines that do not work at all.

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