
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015



In regard to American social issues, NYTimes contributor Charles Blow writes, *"The death of Sandra Bland in Texas and the ongoing Black Lives Matter movement to curb police violence,..."*

During one of her 2015 video presentations, Ms. Bland indirectly speaks about Child Abuse and Neglect that in my experience often causes abused young children to develop into depressed, sometimes suicidal teens and adults (NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers) lacking empathy, compassion and respect for themselves as well as their peaceful neighbors.

Much like Ms. Bland, many Americans characterize these abused, severely damaged kids who mature into emotionally damaged teens and adults, as "Gang-bangers or Thugs."

I prefer to offer a more honest view of Gang-bangers and Thugs, characterizing them as victims of Childhood Abuse and Neglect inflicted on them by immature teen girls and women who irresponsibly begin building families before acquiring the skills, PATIENCE and means to provide their child or children with a safe, fairly happy American kid childhood.

Sandra Bland Indirectly Speaks About Child Abuse and Neglect Harming Her Quality of Life And Community

As for the The Black Lives Matter movement and its supporters, no doubt they have legit and credible concerns. Policing and our CJS should constantly be examined and amended or updated as our society evolves or when there are inequities found.

However, my beef with the BLM is they ignore one of the primary reason for why I believe some police fail to act in a manner consistent with their training and our laws.

Is Police Misconduct and Child Abuse-Neglect Intertwined?

I am going to be very frank.

There is a significant population of immature teen girls and women raising and nurturing depressed, sometimes suicidal children who mature into Gang-bangers and Thugs, full of anger and resentment for being irresponsibly introduced to a life of hardships and struggle by their immature parents.

During the twelve years I provided police services to the Brooklyn, NY community Shawn Jay Z Carter raps about attempting to destroy with his 24/7 drug trade and semi-automatic Mack Milli, these angry, depressed sometimes suicidal Gang-bangers and Thugs caused me to fear for my safety whenever I was working in this community or traveling to and from work in this Brooklyn community.

Witnessing on a daily basis the emotional and physical harm inflicted on peaceful people by Gang-bangers and Thugs slowly ate away at my empathy and compassion, changing me into a jaded person experiencing fear and anxiety while working to help and protect my peaceful African American neighbors living or working in this community.

When I was assigned to this Brooklyn community the NYPD required me to serve the community for two years before it would consider honoring a transfer to another community.

I lasted nearly twelve years before concerns for my personal safety and emotional well being caused me to request a transfer to a more stable community.

Essentially Gang-bangers and Thugs, aka victims of Childhood Abuse and Neglect caused me to abandon a community I considered my second home because I spent so much time there.

The truth is cops are humans with different tolerances for emotional pain. My tolerances allowed me to serve this community for nearly twelve years before I realized that for my own emotional and physical well being I needed to leave.

However, individual cops have different tolerances for witnessing and dealing with the pain of others. Some can go thirty years without being affected by witnessing human sadness on a daily basis, while from the very beginning of their careers, some officer's minds are not equipped to deal with the mayhem, chaos and human sadness they witness on a daily basis.

More honesty. When I became a cop I was ignorant to the fact that less than thirty miles from my home residence, there was a significant population of depressed teens and adults who did not give a flying hoot about human life, including their own.

I had no idea that on a near-daily basis I would be dealing with and pursuing depressed, sometimes suicidal young teens and adults armed cheap or high power firearms they used to protect drug operations or to forcibly remove property from their peaceful neighbors in order to purchase dangerous drugs offered by neglected and unsupervised teens like Shawn Jay Z Carter.

Frankly, I am seriously disappointed that virtually no one with a national voice, such as Mr. and Mrs. Obama or the members of the Black Lives Matter movement, are addressing the issue of Child Abuse and Neglect in African American communities.

Childhood Abuse and Neglect is seriously important issue that I believe is at the root for much of the police misconduct being reported by American citizens.

Honestly, it peeves me off that a significant number of people like Grammy winner Kendrick Lamar, Tupac Shakur, Dwayne Lil Wayne Carter, Michael Singleton and untold number of developing children much like them are being raised and nurtured to embrace the Street Life culture, and when they begin emotionally or physically harming their peaceful neighbors, resulting with the police being called to intervene or investigate allegations of criminal and/or anti-social behaviors, the police are often criticized or lambasted for manner in which they deal with angry, frustrated, unpredictable sometimes suicidal teens and adults full of rage and resentment for being introduced to a life of pain and struggle by immature "living wild" (Grammy winner Kendrick Lamar's characterization of his parent's community harming lifestyle) caregivers.

I will never make excuses for police acting outside the scope of their employment. Though I will offer my opinions for why some police officers become jaded, fearful and anxious, resulting with some officers crossing the line, failing to maintain their professionalism and civility.

The question all concerned, compassionate Americans should seriously be asking ourselves, our elected, civil, social, community and religious leaders is, *"What real substantial changes in our society's attitude and laws need to occur to prevent abuse that often causes young kids to mature into depressed, frustrated, angry, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults as a result of experiencing the emotional and/or physical trauma of an abusive childhood?"*

Peace and Happy Holidays!

Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

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