Sanders Quits

JUst inn time for CLIINTON to come in. bet his threat was handed down lmfao and U dumbasses can't even pick up on this chit over and over we told. u what was coming
His vote for that ridiculous stimulus bill and saying Biden can beat Trump, did him in. Just another phony progressive like Ears.
I think this comment by Sanders also helped sink him: Bernie Sanders: It’s ‘Unfair’ to Say ‘Everything Is Bad’ About Fidel Castro’s Cuba
brothers and sisters: the future of America is dependent on our willingness to create a political revolution. real change never happens from top down.
as America moves closer and closer to an oligarchic society, we need an unprecedented grassroots movement to stand up to the greed of the billionaires and the politicians they own.

only Senator Sanders could have done that
The stupid Communist Moon Bats have nothing to be concerned about. That idiot Biden has said that he will get Commie Bernie to help him formulate progressive policies. How dumb do you have to be to look to somebody like that moron for policies?

It looks like the Party of Moon Bats is going to nominate an absolute idiot who says he will take guidance from a moron.

The Democrats are a party of scumbags.
"i have seen the beauty, strength and courage of our people. i have also seen fear and despair" - Senator Sanders

Hahahahahahahaha. Payment received. wonder where the money came from?
It will be easy coronation for Biden, he will get the rust belt and nc and fl as well, if Hillary beat the thug by 3 million, Biden will by > 10 million...
maintaining a vibrant democracy based on JUSTICE has never been easy. in these dangerous and unprecedented times, what i call The Trump-Biden era, it is more difficult than ever
Anybody hearing that idiot Commie Bernie talking about all the free shit we are "entitled" to just because we are alive?

Nothing about being allowed to keep the fruits of your labor instead of having the filthy government stealing your money to give away to all these shithead entitled welfare queens.

He wants other people to work to pay your bills.

He is a piece of shit, isn't he?
Sort of surprised. Sleepy Joe is really struggling, there is definitely a decent chance that he will stroke out, or have other brain or organ failure, and have to withdraw from the race. If Crazy Bernie stays in, he still stands a chance as the "Last Man Standing" or at least the "Last Man Leaning on his walker"
Its a 'suspension' so he could come back if Joe has issues.

Joe already has issues. He won't be back.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: Despair is not an option. this struggle is not just for us. it is for our kids, grandkids, and the future of our planet.

i'm still fightin' to make Bernie POTUS, and y'all should join in that effort, my friends
I guess he was worried that people are not enjoying this quaratine/trial run for socialism

OR --

what kind of house did he get this time

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