Sanders pushes Keith Ellison for DNC chair as Howard Dean plans run


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Great choices, you DemocRATS have, A TERRORIST MUSLIM LOVER, and a fucking socialist....getting the job done on America!
  • CNN ^ | 11/11 | Eli Watkins, Gregory Krieg and Eugene Scott
    Bernie Sanders -- a registered independent who caucuses with Democrats and fought a lengthy primary battle for the party's nomination this year -- and top allies are touting Rep. Keith Ellison for the job. The Muslim-American congressman from Minnesota currently co-chairs the Congressional Progressive Caucus. In an email to supporters late Thursday, the Vermont senator said Ellison was uniquely qualified to take on "the political establishment and billionaire class," and that "his experience and perspective would be key to leading the fight against Trump."
Bernie is a sell out and a whipped dog. I mean his party hamstrung him and laughed about it. I doubt highly anyone feels the Bern anymore.
Who gives a fuck about "either" of these parties who merely serve the aristocracy.
Bernie is a sell out and a whipped dog. I mean his party hamstrung him and laughed about it. I doubt highly anyone feels the Bern anymore.

Again --- Bernie doesn't have a "party".

That's kinda what the term "Independent" means.
It's also why the DP sabotaged him.

Bernie is a sell out and a whipped dog. I mean his party hamstrung him and laughed about it. I doubt highly anyone feels the Bern anymore.

Again --- Bernie doesn't have a "party".

That's kinda what the term "Independent" means.
It's also why the DP sabotaged him.


Independent whom Will cacus with democrats = democrat. Either way the DNC made z clown out of him and his supporters. While he will slither back under the rock pile professional politicians live under the fact remains that he is pretty much a democrat.
Bernie is a sell out and a whipped dog. I mean his party hamstrung him and laughed about it. I doubt highly anyone feels the Bern anymore.

Again --- Bernie doesn't have a "party".

That's kinda what the term "Independent" means.
It's also why the DP sabotaged him.


Independent whom Will cacus with democrats = democrat. Either way the DNC made z clown out of him and his supporters. While he will slither back under the rock pile professional politicians live under the fact remains that he is pretty much a democrat.

No, he's an Independent, period. He tried to ride the DP horse for the purpose of a POTUS campaign and it bucked him off so he went back to his Indie status, declaring that the people of Vermont elected him as an Independent and that's how he would serve.

Matter of fact he began his political career by unseating an entrenched Democrat so you could say there was an element of revenge.

Again, the DP sabotaged his campaign, but they did so on the basis that he's not a party member.
They would seem to know that better than you do.

That's part of the stink of the idea of a political party, and part of why neither he nor I are a part of one.

Actually, had that particular party let its voters decide on what they wanted instead of manipulating a "my turn" candidate, they'd be sitting pretty right now, so it serves 'em right.
Bernie is a sell out and a whipped dog. I mean his party hamstrung him and laughed about it. I doubt highly anyone feels the Bern anymore.

Again --- Bernie doesn't have a "party".

That's kinda what the term "Independent" means.
It's also why the DP sabotaged him.


Independent whom Will cacus with democrats = democrat. Either way the DNC made z clown out of him and his supporters. While he will slither back under the rock pile professional politicians live under the fact remains that he is pretty much a democrat.

No, he's an Independent, period. He tried to ride the DP horse for the purpose of a POTUS campaign and it bucked him off so he went back to his Indie status, declaring that the people of Vermont elected him as an Independent and that's how he would serve.

Matter of fact he began his political career by unseating an entrenched Democrat so you could say there was an element of revenge.

Again, the DP sabotaged his campaign, but they did so on the basis that he's not a party member.
They would seem to know that better than you do.

That's part of the stink of the idea of a political party, and part of why neither he nor I are a part of one.

Actually, had that particular party let its voters decide on what they wanted instead of manipulating a "my turn" candidate, they'd be sitting pretty right now, so it serves 'em right.
The socialist/commie has made her prognostication...good lord!
"In an attempt to stave off a civil war in the ranks, Democratic leaders are scrambling to unite behind a candidate for the party's chairmanship – and have landed for now on a Louis Farrakhan-linked congressman who once called for Dick Cheney’s impeachment and compared George W. Bush to Hitler.

Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the first Muslim elected to Congress and a leading progressive among House Democrats, already has picked up the backing of both the Democratic Party’s left – with support from Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren – and its establishment, receiving endorsements from Senate leaders Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and retiring Harry Reid, D-Nev."

Great, he's a Louis Farrakhan-linked congressman who has the backing of Socialist Democrat Bernie sanders and 'Fake WooWoo' Wacky Elizabeth Warren. (I'm beginning to think Democrats didn't learn anything from backing Hillary, another Liberal who didn't REALLY represent (or like) those who supported her. :p )

"Ellison’s 2006 run for his seat was plunged into controversy after the conservative found he had once identified with Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam and in 1998 was referring to himself as Keith X Ellison and Keith Ellison-Muhammed.

The Washington Post reported that Ellison had defended Farrakhan against accusations of anti-Semitism in 1989 and in 1990 had called affirmative action a "sneaky" form of compensation for slavery, calling instead for reparations.

When the controversy erupted in 2006, Ellison acknowledged he had worked with the anti-Semitic group, but only for 18 months to help organize Farrakhan's 1995 Million Man March."

'Yet it isn’t the only controversy for Ellison. In 2007, Ellison made a comparison between Bush and 9/11 to Hitler and the 1933 Reichstag fire.'
- Did I say he did not represent the average Liberals? I stand corrected - my bad! He's going to do a FINE job representing them. :p

Who is Keith Ellison? Left-wing congressman with past ties to Nation of Islam wants DNC job
"In an attempt to stave off a civil war in the ranks, Democratic leaders are scrambling to unite behind a candidate for the party's chairmanship – and have landed for now on a Louis Farrakhan-linked congressman who once called for Dick Cheney’s impeachment and compared George W. Bush to Hitler.

Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the first Muslim elected to Congress and a leading progressive among House Democrats, already has picked up the backing of both the Democratic Party’s left – with support from Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren – and its establishment, receiving endorsements from Senate leaders Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and retiring Harry Reid, D-Nev."

Great, he's a Louis Farrakhan-linked congressman who has the backing of Socialist Democrat Bernie sanders and 'Fake WooWoo' Wacky Elizabeth Warren. (I'm beginning to think Democrats didn't learn anything from backing Hillary, another Liberal who didn't REALLY represent (or like) those who supported her. :p )

"Ellison’s 2006 run for his seat was plunged into controversy after the conservative found he had once identified with Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam and in 1998 was referring to himself as Keith X Ellison and Keith Ellison-Muhammed.

The Washington Post reported that Ellison had defended Farrakhan against accusations of anti-Semitism in 1989 and in 1990 had called affirmative action a "sneaky" form of compensation for slavery, calling instead for reparations.

When the controversy erupted in 2006, Ellison acknowledged he had worked with the anti-Semitic group, but only for 18 months to help organize Farrakhan's 1995 Million Man March."

'Yet it isn’t the only controversy for Ellison. In 2007, Ellison made a comparison between Bush and 9/11 to Hitler and the 1933 Reichstag fire.'
- Did I say he did not represent the average Liberals? I stand corrected - my bad! He's going to do a FINE job representing them. :p

Who is Keith Ellison? Left-wing congressman with past ties to Nation of Islam wants DNC job
Let them keep shooting themselves in the foot.
Don't you know -- as both a black man and a Muslim, he is a member of TWO different groups that can do no wrong in identity politics land.
Sure. Democrats learned a lot. Well, BLM controls your party. You turned your convention over to them. Rep. Keith Ellison, future DNC chair is a protégé of Louis Farrakhan.
Muslim brotherhood = DNC.
Pelosi - ChukUShumer. SF- NY.

Nice choices. They care about the guy at Frito-Lay in Illinois and the guy at Delco in IND.
Yep they are.picking an American hating Muslim who has more n in common with ISIS than the US.

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