Sanders earned less in a year than Clinton in one paid speech

How do you know that Hillary Clinton didn't donate that money to the DNC or charity--something that Bernie Sanders never does.

Sanders is just jealous--because who the hell would ask a dumb ass like him to come and give any speech, especially pay him for it.

A 25 year senator who's main platform is breaking up the big banks-aka Wall Street Bankers--that didn't know the most basic fundamental economic banking principle. (That the Federal Government is completely separate and independent from the Federal Government.) IOW the Federal Government is not in charge or has any authority over the Federal Reserve banks. A 25 year senator doesn't know that!
TRANSCRIPT: Bernie Sanders meets with News Editorial Board

One who was sitting in the Senate when another CARBON TAX bill was defeated by a Democrat Super Majority in 2009. It passed the house, but Democrat senate majority leader Harry Reid tabled it immediately realizing that utility bills would skyrocket, and the middle class and the poor would be hurt most by it.

A Senator that's more concerned about what some rich guy is going to do, while he voted against background checks on gun purchases 5 TIMES--aka the Brady Bill.

So right now I could give a rats ass how many speeches Hillary Clinton has been paid for. All Presidents have been paid for speeches--even sometimes in the millions. It's none of your business what they do with that money, but I'll bet the overwhelming majority is donated to charities or the party they represent.

Sanders has been a bum most of his life.
Bernie Sanders, The Bum Who Wants Your Money


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