San Francisco Chronicle: “Colleagues worry Dianne Feinstein is now mentally unfit to serve, citing recent interactions”


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
Colleagues worry Dianne Feinstein is now mentally unfit to serve, citing recent interactions

WASHINGTON — When a California Democrat in Congress recently engaged in an extended conversation with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, they prepared for a rigorous policy discussion like those they’d had with her many times over the last 15 years.

Instead, the lawmaker said, they had to reintroduce themselves to Feinstein multiple times during an interaction that lasted several hours.

Rather than delve into policy, Feinstein, 88, repeated the same small-talk questions, like asking the lawmaker what mattered to voters in their district, they said, with no apparent recognition the two had already had a similar conversation.

The episode was so unnerving that the lawmaker — who spoke to The Chronicle on condition they not be identified because of the sensitivity of the topic — began raising concerns with colleagues to see if some kind of intervention to persuade Feinstein to retire was possible. Feinstein’s term runs through the end of 2024. The conversation occurred several weeks before the death of her husband in February.

“I have worked with her for a long time and long enough to know what she was like just a few years ago: always in command, always in charge, on top of the details, basically couldn’t resist a conversation where she was driving some bill or some idea. All of that is gone,” the lawmaker said. “She was an intellectual and political force not that long ago, and that’s why my encounter with her was so jarring. Because there was just no trace of that.”

Four U.S. senators, including three Democrats, as well as three former Feinstein staffers and the California Democratic member of Congress told The Chronicle in recent interviews that her memory is rapidly deteriorating. They said it appears she can no longer fulfill her job duties without her staff doing much of the work required to represent the nearly 40 million people of California.

I guess she could not possibly be as bad as what the brain dead of CA would replace her with.

When a California Democrat in Congress recently engaged in an extended conversation with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, they prepared for a rigorous policy discussion like those they’d had with her many times over the last 15 years. Instead, the lawmaker said, they had to reintroduce themselves to Feinstein multiple times during an interaction that lasted several hours.
Rather than delve into policy, Feinstein, 88, repeated the same small-talk questions, like asking the lawmaker what mattered to voters in their district, the member of Congress said, with no apparent recognition the two had already had a similar conversation.

The episode was so unnerving that the lawmaker — who spoke to The Chronicle on condition they not be identified because of the sensitivity of the topic — began raising concerns with colleagues to see if some kind of intervention to persuade Feinstein to retire was possible. Feinstein’s term runs through the end of 2024. The conversation occurred several weeks before the death of her husband in February.

They said that the memory lapses do not appear to be constant and that some days she is nearly as sharp as she used to be. During the March confirmation hearing for soon-to-be-Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, Feinstein appeared composed as she read pertinent questions, though she repeated comments to Jackson about the judge’s composure in the face of tough questioning. But some close to her said that on her most difficult days, she does not seem to fully recognize even longtime colleagues.

All of those who expressed concerns about Feinstein’s acuity said that doing so was painful because of their respect for the senator and her groundbreaking career. Each spoke on condition of anonymity, because they said they did not want to jeopardize their relationship with her and their mutual friends and colleagues.

She is 88 years old and seems to be repeating entire questions throughout the same conversations she has with people. Is a MAXIMUM AGE needed so that politicians are not just rich old people who ramble and have no idea what is going on? Thoughts?

She is 88 years old and seems to be repeating entire questions throughout the same conversations she has with people. Is a MAXIMUM AGE needed so that politicians are not just rich old people who ramble and have no idea what is going on? Thoughts?
She should run for President against Diaper Joe in 2024!

She is 88 years old and seems to be repeating entire questions throughout the same conversations she has with people. Is a MAXIMUM AGE needed so that politicians are not just rich old people who ramble and have no idea what is going on? Thoughts?
They didn't seem to care when it was exposed that her personal driver was a Chinese spy. He was her driver for 20 yrs. They didn't seem concerned about just what info she might have shared with him. But this is what their concerned about? I think you could find millions of people that knew she was lacking in mental fitness years ago.

She is 88 years old and seems to be repeating entire questions throughout the same conversations she has with people. Is a MAXIMUM AGE needed so that politicians are not just rich old people who ramble and have no idea what is going on? Thoughts?

Your entire party (and their media) is run by rich old WHITE people.
She is 88 years old and seems to be repeating entire questions throughout the same conversations she has with people. Is a MAXIMUM AGE needed so that politicians are not just rich old people who ramble and have no idea what is going on? Thoughts?
I think if California wants an addled 88 year old to represent them in the Senate why shouldn't they get an addled 88 year old?

After all, we elected Trump and Biden to "lead" the country.
eighty eight years old. and there are others in there in just as bad shape. Hell. Look at those whacks Pelousy, Waters and AOC (Asshole Of Congress). They won't resign because they are damn greedy pigs and the power of it is addictive. It's their drug.
Not so much Feinstein's age as her morality! she is a corrupt witch.....always has of the worst in Washington, disgusting. :mad-61:
Feinstein should retire. She should have retired years ago. Some people just don‘t know when it is their time to leave the stage.
She reminds me of Strom Thurmond…who had to be constantly propped up…sheesh, 88…time to retire is overdue.
"This is, in fact, the oldest Senate in U.S. history. The Post reports: Twenty-three members of the Senate are in their 70s; only one is under 40...The average age of senators at the beginning of this year was 64.3 years — the oldest in history."
This was from a year ago. Feinstein is grilling Jack Dorsey, and she asks him the same question twice, within two minutes. Really sad shit, and she should resign.


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