Salon Surrender: 'She CAN'T Win!"

She's gonna get the nomination.

And if Trump does too, it's gonna be several months of non-stop personal "revelations" and "scandals" and "accusations".

Ugly, ugly, ugly. But it'll be great teevee, and that's what matters. Boffo ratings, just huge.

Hey, if these are the types of people we choose, we'll get what we deserve.
Trump - a bit full of himself kinda have to be in such a liberal part of the country to be a successful businessman. Speaks his mind off the cuff, no one behind a teleprompter telling him what to say. I have to say it's somewhat refreshing.
The Biggest thing he has going for him, he is not a career politician...

Hildabeast - very full of herself, likes to pretend, Everything she says is polished and focus grouped. Lowest of life forms for a husband. She is definitely a fence rider, with political correctness and situational morality being her default.
The biggest thing against her, as she is a career politician…
She's gonna get the nomination.

And if Trump does too, it's gonna be several months of non-stop personal "revelations" and "scandals" and "accusations".

Ugly, ugly, ugly. But it'll be great teevee, and that's what matters. Boffo ratings, just huge.

Hey, if these are the types of people we choose, we'll get what we deserve.
Trump - a bit full of himself kinda have to be in such a liberal part of the country to be a successful businessman. Speaks his mind off the cuff, no one behind a teleprompter telling him what to say. I have to say it's somewhat refreshing.
The Biggest thing he has going for him, he is not a career politician...

Hildabeast - very full of herself, likes to pretend, Everything she says is polished and focus grouped. Lowest of life forms for a husband. She is definitely a fence rider, with political correctness and situational morality being her default.
The biggest thing against her, as she is a career politician…
I think a big wild card will be the no-doubt voluminous stories and video and audio of shit Trump has said and done over the years.

Now, his defense will obviously be, as you point out, he's not a career politician and no one expects saintly (or even dignified) behavior.

So there will be that, and all the time and energy it takes away from a serious discussion of issues.

Looks like that's what we're gonna get.
She's gonna get the nomination.

And if Trump does too, it's gonna be several months of non-stop personal "revelations" and "scandals" and "accusations".

Ugly, ugly, ugly. But it'll be great teevee, and that's what matters. Boffo ratings, just huge.

Hey, if these are the types of people we choose, we'll get what we deserve.
Trump - a bit full of himself kinda have to be in such a liberal part of the country to be a successful businessman. Speaks his mind off the cuff, no one behind a teleprompter telling him what to say. I have to say it's somewhat refreshing.
The Biggest thing he has going for him, he is not a career politician...

Hildabeast - very full of herself, likes to pretend, Everything she says is polished and focus grouped. Lowest of life forms for a husband. She is definitely a fence rider, with political correctness and situational morality being her default.
The biggest thing against her, as she is a career politician…
I think a big wild card will be the no-doubt voluminous stories and video and audio of shit Trump has said and done over the years.

Now, his defense will obviously be, as you point out, he's not a career politician and no one expects saintly (or even dignified) behavior.

So there will be that, and all the time and energy it takes away from a serious discussion of issues.

Looks like that's what we're gonna get.
I think Trump will appeal to the voter that pays really no attention to politics, most people only watch a few mins of news a week if even that.
Those people will see Trump as someone who can fix a shitty economy...
I thought with age comes wisdom in your case with age comes whining

Better than being a malignant narcissist. You seriously need to get over yourself.

That's funny coming from the idiot's whose mantra is everyone is a douche bag

Seriously, you worthless sack of shit, if you spent half the time you do whining on something productive you might not be the abject failure you are
Hillary Clinton just can’t win: Democrats need to accept that only Bernie Sanders can defeat the GOP

"Hillary Clinton just can’t win: Democrats need to accept that only Bernie Sanders can defeat the GOP

Bernie Sanders is the only Democratic candidate capable of winning the White House in 2016. Please name the last person to win the presidency alongside an ongoing FBI investigation, negative favorability ratings, questions about character linked to continual flip-flops, a dubious money trail of donors, and the genuine contempt of the rival political party. In reality, Clinton is a liability to Democrats, and certainly not the person capable of ensuring liberal Supreme Court nominees and President Obama’s legacy."

I hate to be the one to tell you this - but NEITHER democrat candidate can beat the republicans. It is going to be a blood bath. However, Clinton would get slaughtered BEFORE the election. Imagine this: The debate stage between Hillary and ANY of the republican candidates. They will eat that bitch alive. She has too many skeletons in the closet that WILL be brought up.

Bernie? He will be laughed off the stage.
Bernie might do better if he learned to talk without waving his hands in that big circle.
That's funny coming from the idiot's whose mantra is everyone is a douche bag

Seriously, you worthless sack of shit, if you spent half the time you do whining on something productive you might not be the abject failure you are

I've accomplished more than you ever will, you malignant narcissist.

I doubt that because all you do is whine about the employers who shit can you
I doubt that because all you do is whine about the employers who shit can you

Yeah.. funny thing about that. The last guy who did that is now a vendor who is trying to sell me stuff. It's fun to watch him grovel for business.
Um he;s not selling you anything because you work for someone else
It doesn't take much of anything to play with other peoples' money
Um he;s not selling you anything because you work for someone else
It doesn't take much of anything to play with other peoples' money

NO, but it takes a lot to be ENTRUSTED with other people's money. Which is something you'd probably never get. I'm where I am at professionally because people know I'll find the best deals and get the job done in the most expeditious manner.
Um he;s not selling you anything because you work for someone else
It doesn't take much of anything to play with other peoples' money

NO, but it takes a lot to be ENTRUSTED with other people's money. Which is something you'd probably never get. I'm where I am at professionally because people know I'll find the best deals and get the job done in the most expeditious manner.
I don't have to be trusted with other people's money unlike you I have my own
I don't have to be trusted with other people's money unlike you I have my own

Sure. YOu also have a Lamborghini, a 12 inch dick and a supermodel trophy wife.

That's the awesome thing about the internet for malignant narcissists, you can be totally awesome instead of that dickhead no one talks to at work.

What is your fascination with other men's penises anyway you seem to mention them a lot

And no I don't have a Lambo
I have a Jeep Cherokee and a Ford F150
My wife has a suped up little Rx8

And my wife is gorgeous thank you very much

You think that because you play with your bosses money and pay his bills with it that you're a big shot but in reality you are nothing but a petty functionary
What is your fascination with other men's penises anyway you seem to mention them a lot

And no I don't have a Lambo
I have a Jeep Cherokee and a Ford F150
My wife has a suped up little Rx8

And my wife is gorgeous thank you very much

You think that because you play with your bosses money and pay his bills with it that you're a big shot but in reality you are nothing but a petty functionary

Well, I call it, "doing actual business", but you keep pretending whatever small business you own really matters. i deal with small business assholes all day. Most of them are totally full of shit.

Just like you are.
What is your fascination with other men's penises anyway you seem to mention them a lot

And no I don't have a Lambo
I have a Jeep Cherokee and a Ford F150
My wife has a suped up little Rx8

And my wife is gorgeous thank you very much

You think that because you play with your bosses money and pay his bills with it that you're a big shot but in reality you are nothing but a petty functionary

Well, I call it, "doing actual business", but you keep pretending whatever small business you own really matters. i deal with small business assholes all day. Most of them are totally full of shit.

Just like you are.

You work? Hmmm,.,,
What is your fascination with other men's penises anyway you seem to mention them a lot

And no I don't have a Lambo
I have a Jeep Cherokee and a Ford F150
My wife has a suped up little Rx8

And my wife is gorgeous thank you very much

You think that because you play with your bosses money and pay his bills with it that you're a big shot but in reality you are nothing but a petty functionary

Well, I call it, "doing actual business", but you keep pretending whatever small business you own really matters. i deal with small business assholes all day. Most of them are totally full of shit.

Just like you are.

Uh huh FYI you don't do business you do someone else's business

You could drop dead and not show up to work tomorrow and you wouldn't even be missed

I deal with employees like you who think the business can't go one without them they are all wrong just like you
And you don't do business you do someone else's business
Uh huh FYI you don't do business you do someone else's business

You could drop dead and not show up to work tomorrow and you wouldn't even be missed

I deal with employees like you who think the business can't go one without them they are all wrong just like you
And you don't do business you do someone else's business

Yup. must suck to have your fortunes rise and fall on what the hired help thinks of you, eh?
Side business that's funny

Cutting and pasting boiler plate resumes isn't a business

The money I made last year doing it says otherwise...

But I realize I'm obviously hurting your little feelings by pointing out what malignant narcissist and generally horrible person you are. Since it's unlikely you are going to do anything to change that, I'll just move on...


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