Sadly racism is still a part of out social structure

The ignorant racists still have an audience.

Now just why are there racists??????? Please tell me of your reason for hating?

Watch "The Gangs of New York."
The gangs of N.Y. it is about an incident that went on during the civil war. During those times. People were hard up for money. But then the Elites brought more immigrants that were willing to work for less. And then they didn't wanted slavery to come up to the north because it will take away jobs from them. And then the freed slaves that were living in the north, were willing to work for very little to nothing. That the people was not going to work for that low wage. That they started to get rid of there competitors by hanging them. Like when Bush was going to have the welfare recipients to work for their checks. That the working class and city workers slammed him for that. That they was afraid that free slave laborers will take away jobs from them. And so he had to pulled back from that.
But it was the Elitist that spread the propaganda that slavery was all about racism. But it was all about them having free laborers .
But pretty soon. That there will be mobs going around lynching robots for stealing their jobs.

We should pay our third world immigrants to throw our baizau leftist in to woodchippers

Better than them workin on planes and rockets

There are rooms full of books of laws prohibiting discrimination in hiring on the basis of race. There are laws that increase the penalty for crimes based on racist thoughts. You can't tune into a commercial that doesn't have an equal representation of races or tilted toward minorities. If you came from mars and watched detective shows you would think a person had to be Black and female to be a judge. Republicans treat minority races as equals but democrats need racism in order to pander to their ever dwindling base.
It could be maintained that a distinction exists between "social structure" and "culture".
True,but the distinction does not eliminate or supersede the overlap. In fact, one can and should argue that social structure usually, if not always, results from culture.
It could be maintained that a distinction exists between "social structure" and "culture".
True,but the distinction does not eliminate or supersede the overlap. In fact, one can and should argue that social structure usually, if not always, results from culture.
Results from or off of "culture". As a continuation or as a rupture with it. There can be discontinuity. Society is capable of sudden cultural shift.
Imagine that tomorrow somehow undeniable proof was found that all current religions are fundamentally incorrect. The echoes of religion would endure in culture far into the future even while societal structures developed in unforeseeable dimensions.
There can be discontinuity. Society is capable of sudden cultural shift.
True. But you would still point to culture as the chief reason for the existing social structure, albeit a culture that may have diminished.

Which is very relevant right now. Our social structure clearly represents a more racist and white privileged culture that has since diminished. But the social structure is more hearty and harder to change. It obviously lags by generations. "Old money" and "old connections" don't voluntarily step aside. Having power assists in keeping power. A tautology, admittedly, but true all the same.
The ignorant racists still have an audience.

Now just why are there racists??????? Please tell me of your reason for hating?

Watch "The Gangs of New York."
Well, Al Sharpton makes money being a racist so......
The ignorant racists still have an audience.

Now just why are there racists??????? Please tell me of your reason for hating?

Watch "The Gangs of New York."
Racism has existed throughout humanity's history and it's not restricted to racism against blacks or blacks against whites. I suppose it's a hominid tribal primitive carryover thing. A sort of, "you're different than us and thus we must be suspicious of you," mentality.
The ignorant racists still have an audience.

Now just why are there racists??????? Please tell me of your reason for hating?

Watch "The Gangs of New York."
Racism has existed throughout humanity's history and it's not restricted to racism against blacks or blacks against whites. I suppose it's a hominid tribal primitive carryover thing. A sort of, "you're different than us and thus we must be suspicious of you," mentality.
Native Americans (Indians) kept slaves.
The ignorant racists still have an audience.

Now just why are there racists??????? Please tell me of your reason for hating?

Watch "The Gangs of New York."
Racism has existed throughout humanity's history and it's not restricted to racism against blacks or blacks against whites. I suppose it's a hominid tribal primitive carryover thing. A sort of, "you're different than us and thus we must be suspicious of you," mentality.
Native Americans (Indians) kept slaves.
Shhhhh. You mustn't criticize Native Americans old ways. By the left's point value system, they are near the pinnacle of their point value system by virtue of having been a conquered people and any Native American or white slaves they held, fall below their point value system.