S02. Tool to combat climate change or really bad idea?


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2013
Along the Ohio River
Citation: David Keith, A Case for Climate Engineering, A Boston Review Book, MIT Press, 2013

Publisher’s blurb: Climate engineering—which could slow the pace of global warming by injecting reflective particles into the upper atmosphere—has emerged in recent years as an extremely controversial technology. A leading scientist long concerned about climate change, David Keith offers no naíve proposal for an easy fix to what is perhaps the most challenging question of our time. But he argues that after decades during which very little progress has been made in reducing carbon emissions, we must put climate engineering on the table and consider it responsibly. This book provides a clear and accessible overview of the costs and risks, and how climate engineering might fit into a larger program for managing climate change.

see Book by David Keith here

[Re]-Introducing Sulfur Dioxide.

It is naturally vented in volcanoes and has been known to cool the globe by .5 C fast back in 91 (see Volcanic Eruptions Possible Effects on Arctic Sea Ice). Will we be forced to use S02 in order to slow global warming or is it fraught with risk? It has been known since LBJ but silenced because many argued we would become complacent. Do we become complacent on the matter of conservation (and alternative energy) if we can relatively cheaply and easily release tons of this stuff near the mesosphere thereby cooling the planet a degree or more fairly quick? I think it's a bit nauseating that this is becoming a solution because we are too addicted to consumption to note our damage of our only biosphere.

What do you all think?
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Just look up in the sky any day there is variable cloudiness.........I just tell people, "Yep......their doing it again!!"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sdO8I3p6zJ4]CHEMTRAIL SPRAYING TANKER CAUGHT BY PRIVATE JET SPRAYING - YouTube[/ame]
Citation: David Keith, A Case for Climate Engineering, A Boston Review Book, MIT Press, 2013

Publisher’s blurb: Climate engineering—which could slow the pace of global warming by injecting reflective particles into the upper atmosphere—has emerged in recent years as an extremely controversial technology. A leading scientist long concerned about climate change, David Keith offers no naíve proposal for an easy fix to what is perhaps the most challenging question of our time. But he argues that after decades during which very little progress has been made in reducing carbon emissions, we must put climate engineering on the table and consider it responsibly. This book provides a clear and accessible overview of the costs and risks, and how climate engineering might fit into a larger program for managing climate change.

see Book by David Keith here

[Re]-Introducing Sulfur Dioxide.

It is naturally vented in volcanoes and has been known to cool the globe by .5 C fast back in 91 (see Volcanic Eruptions Possible Effects on Arctic Sea Ice). Will we be forced to use S02 in order to slow global warming or is it fraught with risk? It has been known since LBJ but silenced because many argued we would become complacent. Do we become complacent on the matter of conservation (and alternative energy) if we can relatively cheaply and easily release tons of this stuff near the mesosphere thereby cooling the planet a degree or more fairly quick? I think it's a bit nauseating that this is becoming a solution because we are too addicted to consumption to note our damage of our only biosphere.

What do you all think?

I don't know. How would you like it if sulfuric acid was raining down on your head all the time? I wonder how many people THAT would kill? It's a typical green twit proposal. The same type of idiots who mandated MTBE be added to gasoline to clean the air knowing all of it's problems but not caring about those. The result of course is tens of thousands of water wells that have been closed due to MTBE pollution.

The history of the greenies is riddled with the terrible results of the unintended consequences.
1. Drill a 10+ mile deep hole down into the magma plum of Yellowstone or Toba.
2. Send as many 5 megaton nuke down into hole as we have.
3. Set them off

= no more global warming.

Yeah, no plants, no animals, no people. Sounds great:cuckoo:

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