S Carolina cop ambushed, shot multiple times; Thanks Democrats.

Berkeley County deputy who was shot is in critical condition - Post and Courier

Another hero down. Cop was in front of a gas station chatting with a citizen. Masked gunman ambusbed him...shot multiple times in back. Then carjacked someone and fled.

All you liberals can celebrate. Another one down. This is on all of you.

Are you trying to see if you can get liberals upset at YOU? Is this another story about YOU? The image is of YOU dancing around the cop as he lays bleeding to death. You have used every recent incident of cops being injured or killed as some kind of feather in YOUR cap.

You are not a cop. You are not their brother.

If any of your "conservative" pals had any integrity, they'd take a minute to put you in your place.
Yet when the teaper from SC started a fire, called the cops and killed one and injured another....the teaper race baiter OP made no thread.

What a hypocrite.
Berkeley County deputy who was shot is in critical condition - Post and Courier

Another hero down. Cop was in front of a gas station chatting with a citizen. Masked gunman ambusbed him...shot multiple times in back. Then carjacked someone and fled.

All you liberals can celebrate. Another one down. This is on all of you.

Are you trying to see if you can get liberals upset at YOU? Is this another story about YOU? The image is of YOU dancing around the cop as he lays bleeding to death. You have used every recent incident of cops being injured or killed as some kind of feather in YOUR cap.

You are not a cop. You are not their brother.

If any of your "conservative" pals had any integrity, they'd take a minute to put you in your place.
We true conservatives do all of the time. why do you think these pseudo-conservative racist teapers always try to call me a liberal.

Pseudos have no integrity or backbone. They are lemmings with no original or thought. They can't see past their pasty white noses.
Berkeley County deputy who was shot is in critical condition - Post and Courier

Another hero down. Cop was in front of a gas station chatting with a citizen. Masked gunman ambusbed him...shot multiple times in back. Then carjacked someone and fled.

All you liberals can celebrate. Another one down. This is on all of you.

So conversely all the unarmed black kids that have been killed by cops are on the Republicans? They are all on you? What logic.
Are you always this emotional? Do you quiver when you log on here, take Valium so you can post?
OP is a lying idiot but oh well, got all the way to post #2 before some asshole said its Obama's fault.

Sad thing here is that a cop was shot and the disgusting RWs are stepping over him to make political points.

Just think what they'll say if the poor man dies.

Berkeley County deputy who was shot is in critical condition - Post and Courier

Another hero down. Cop was in front of a gas station chatting with a citizen. Masked gunman ambusbed him...shot multiple times in back. Then carjacked someone and fled.

All you liberals can celebrate. Another one down. This is on all of you.

Are you trying to see if you can get liberals upset at YOU? Is this another story about YOU? The image is of YOU dancing around the cop as he lays bleeding to death. You have used every recent incident of cops being injured or killed as some kind of feather in YOUR cap.

You are not a cop. You are not their brother.

If any of your "conservative" pals had any integrity, they'd take a minute to put you in your place.

The lying OP has actually said that in one of his many former lives, he was a cop.

If that were true, he would be jumping for joy over this tragedy. He would not be using it to further his sick agenda.

OP is a lying idiot but oh well, got all the way to post #2 before some asshole said its Obama's fault.

Sad thing here is that a cop was shot and the disgusting RWs are stepping over him to make political points.

Just think what they'll say if the poor man dies.


Dickheads like you think politics. And the politics of you left wing cock suckers gets people killed. You people and the leaders of your party stirred this shit up...and now blood is being spilled.

Fuck you all. I hope cops dont show up when you get caught in a gang crossfire.
Sorry you live in gang territory.
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OP is a lying idiot but oh well, got all the way to post #2 before some asshole said its Obama's fault.

Sad thing here is that a cop was shot and the disgusting RWs are stepping over him to make political points.

Just think what they'll say if the poor man dies.


Dickheads like you think politics. And the politics of you left wing cock suckers gets people killed. You people and the leaders of your party stirred this shit up...and now blood is being spilled.

Fuck you all. I hope cops dont show up when you get caught in a gang crossfire.

Ya know, while you're using his tragedy for your sick agenda, this man probably has a family.

How 'bout you give that a moment's thought before you continue your tirade against everyone who isn't a white Republican?
Berkeley County deputy who was shot is in critical condition - Post and Courier

Another hero down. Cop was in front of a gas station chatting with a citizen. Masked gunman ambusbed him...shot multiple times in back. Then carjacked someone and fled.

All you liberals can celebrate. Another one down. This is on all of you.

Are you trying to see if you can get liberals upset at YOU? Is this another story about YOU? The image is of YOU dancing around the cop as he lays bleeding to death. You have used every recent incident of cops being injured or killed as some kind of feather in YOUR cap.

You are not a cop. You are not their brother.

If any of your "conservative" pals had any integrity, they'd take a minute to put you in your place.
Sad thing is for every cop killed you can point to an incident where the feral bastards have abused their authority, killed, maimed, or generally disrespected the people they are supposed to be protecting.
Berkeley County deputy who was shot is in critical condition - Post and Courier

Another hero down. Cop was in front of a gas station chatting with a citizen. Masked gunman ambusbed him...shot multiple times in back. Then carjacked someone and fled.

All you liberals can celebrate. Another one down. This is on all of you.

Are you trying to see if you can get liberals upset at YOU? Is this another story about YOU? The image is of YOU dancing around the cop as he lays bleeding to death. You have used every recent incident of cops being injured or killed as some kind of feather in YOUR cap.

You are not a cop. You are not their brother.

If any of your "conservative" pals had any integrity, they'd take a minute to put you in your place.

Bullshit. We're tired of this war on cops you left wing faggots have stirred up. No more being nice or friendly with any of you.

You are stirring it up WAY more than I am, asshole. You LOVE this shit. You know it, too. You hope every day that another cop gets blown away so you can be the first to post about it here. You suck my slightly sagging ballsack.
Dafuck's this got to do with political parties? Or for that matter with politics?
OP is a lying idiot but oh well, got all the way to post #2 before some asshole said its Obama's fault.

Sad thing here is that a cop was shot and the disgusting RWs are stepping over him to make political points.

Just think what they'll say if the poor man dies.


Dickheads like you think politics. And the politics of you left wing cock suckers gets people killed. You people and the leaders of your party stirred this shit up...and now blood is being spilled.

Fuck you all. I hope cops dont show up when you get caught in a gang crossfire.
Sorry you live in gang territory. Fuck you too you cocksucker.

bucs is one who makes his own gang territory. He's the sad, bitter old fool who screams at kids to get off his lawn.

And if they don't, he opens fire.

No matter where he lives, its a ghetto.

And its always the Dem's fault, the gay's fault, the Blacks's fault ...

Anybody but him.
OP is a lying idiot but oh well, got all the way to post #2 before some asshole said its Obama's fault.

Sad thing here is that a cop was shot and the disgusting RWs are stepping over him to make political points.

Just think what they'll say if the poor man dies.


Dickheads like you think politics. And the politics of you left wing cock suckers gets people killed. You people and the leaders of your party stirred this shit up...and now blood is being spilled.

Fuck you all. I hope cops dont show up when you get caught in a gang crossfire.

Ya know, while you're using his tragedy for your sick agenda, this man probably has a family.

How 'bout you give that a moment's thought before you continue your tirade against everyone who isn't a white Republican?

Yeah he does...we've seen them down here at MUSCs ER. Where curent and former LE are here praying for him.

Maybe you pricks should think about these cop's families before you go on a national campaign of smearing all 1, 000, 000 American cops and chanting for dead cops during your protests.

Karma will get each of you.
Berkeley County deputy who was shot is in critical condition - Post and Courier

Another hero down. Cop was in front of a gas station chatting with a citizen. Masked gunman ambusbed him...shot multiple times in back. Then carjacked someone and fled.

All you liberals can celebrate. Another one down. This is on all of you.

Are you trying to see if you can get liberals upset at YOU? Is this another story about YOU? The image is of YOU dancing around the cop as he lays bleeding to death. You have used every recent incident of cops being injured or killed as some kind of feather in YOUR cap.

You are not a cop. You are not their brother.

If any of your "conservative" pals had any integrity, they'd take a minute to put you in your place.
Sad thing is for every cop killed you can point to an incident where the feral bastards have abused their authority, killed, maimed, or generally disrespected the people they are supposed to be protecting.

Again...fuck you. You and Bucs are two peas in a pod. Eat shit.
BS. I dont run around starting threads about how innocent cops are and then pretend bad cops come along every blue moon. I also dont use them to further any political purpose like Bucky does.

Naw, you're wrong.

There are crappy cops, for sure and we should don everything we can to root them out and put them on the unemployment line. But there are also cops who believe in what they're doing, who actually do want to "serve and protect".

At least, I hope there are.

Admittedly, its sometimes hard to see them.
I know good cops. I have some in my family. They tell me the good ones are few and far between.
Berkeley County deputy who was shot is in critical condition - Post and Courier

Another hero down. Cop was in front of a gas station chatting with a citizen. Masked gunman ambusbed him...shot multiple times in back. Then carjacked someone and fled.

All you liberals can celebrate. Another one down. This is on all of you.

Are you trying to see if you can get liberals upset at YOU? Is this another story about YOU? The image is of YOU dancing around the cop as he lays bleeding to death. You have used every recent incident of cops being injured or killed as some kind of feather in YOUR cap.

You are not a cop. You are not their brother.

If any of your "conservative" pals had any integrity, they'd take a minute to put you in your place.
Sad thing is for every cop killed you can point to an incident where the feral bastards have abused their authority, killed, maimed, or generally disrespected the people they are supposed to be protecting.

Again...fuck you. You and Bucs are two peas in a pod. Eat shit.
BS. I dont run around starting threads about how innocent cops are and then pretend bad cops come along every blue moon. I also dont use them to further any political purpose like Bucky does.

You do run around calling police officers animals and suggesting that killing them a isn't such a bad idea. I think that is some pretty sick and twisted shit. Check yourself.

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