Ryan.."My mom is a Medicare senior in Florida"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Did any of you watching 60 Minutes Last night see where Ryan said "My mom is a Medicare Senior in florida"???
Video: Romney, Ryan play offense on Medicare in 60 Minutes appearance « Hot Air

So Ryan is going to push his OWN Mom off Medicare as all Democrat/Obamatrons keep screaming?

YET Obama is the one that's cutting $716 BILLION from Medicare!

Simple facts regarding Ryan/Medicare/SS...

B) Ryan's plan is to EXPAND what over 23% of the 50 million on Medicare already do!!!
USE MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLANS.. which are the best innovation that came from
Bush's 2003 (along with consolidating from 200 contractors to 20) Medicare Modernization ACT!!!

MA plans have so many advantages over the traditional Fee For Service plan starting with
and I KNOW... NOT having to pay the Part B premium of $96.40 each month!!!

So YEA... RYAN wants to destroy Medicare including throwing his Mom over the cliff!
Ryan's Mom! There's a commercial!

Maybe Obama can uses his Aunt Zeiti in a commercial?

I am asking you to provide more info. I have not heard anything about Ryan being a beneficiary of SS. My understanding is that he grew up wealthy. Am I wrong?

I am asking you to provide more info. I have not heard anything about Ryan being a beneficiary of SS. My understanding is that he grew up wealthy. Am I wrong?

When he was 16(?) he found his dad dead.
His dad, grandpa, and great-grandpa all died in their late 50s from heart attacks.
He used the money from his dad's death benefits to pay his way through college.

Pretty good article from the Grey lady:
Just like Ryan using his dad's SS death benefits to pay his way through college but he plans on cutting SS


SO I take it YOU don't want the ordinary worker to KEEP all the money paid into SS/Medicare which is what Ryan wants but you don't??

You evidently don't believe the ordinary American worker is smart enough to know that
after starting out at $30,000 a year increasing at 2% for 40 years over $400,000 is paid by the worker and his employer.
Right now the worker won't see any of that.

But Ryan like most smart people want that worker to accumulate over $777,000 and as much as $2 million ... then when retires uses that money for retirement and health care!

Is that wrong what Ryan/Me and most SMART people want for American workers???

Are you against people saving their money with the aid of automatic deductions going to a savings account directed by the worker??
What' s wrong with that?
The Ryan Medicare plan is to give future seniors vouchers. If their voucher, no matter how little chump change it is, doesn't cover what the corporate insurers charge, fuckem.
Just like Ryan using his dad's SS death benefits to pay his way through college but he plans on cutting SS


SO I take it YOU don't want the ordinary worker to KEEP all the money paid into SS/Medicare which is what Ryan wants but you don't??

You evidently don't believe the ordinary American worker is smart enough to know that
after starting out at $30,000 a year increasing at 2% for 40 years over $400,000 is paid by the worker and his employer.Q
Right now the worker won't see any of that.

But Ryan like most smart people want that worker to accumulate over $777,000 and as much as $2 million ... then when retires uses that money for retirement and health care!

Is that wrong what Ryan/Me and most SMART people want for American workers???

Are you against people saving their money with the aid of automatic deductions going to a savings account directed by the worker??
What' s wrong with that?

Ruh-roh! Another nutter misses the point entirely. I am shocked.
Just like Ryan using his dad's SS death benefits to pay his way through college but he plans on cutting SS


SO I take it YOU don't want the ordinary worker to KEEP all the money paid into SS/Medicare which is what Ryan wants but you don't??

You evidently don't believe the ordinary American worker is smart enough to know that
after starting out at $30,000 a year increasing at 2% for 40 years over $400,000 is paid by the worker and his employer.
Right now the worker won't see any of that.

But Ryan like most smart people want that worker to accumulate over $777,000 and as much as $2 million ... then when retires uses that money for retirement and health care!

Is that wrong what Ryan/Me and most SMART people want for American workers???

Are you against people saving their money with the aid of automatic deductions going to a savings account directed by the worker??
What' s wrong with that?

I forgot to use Sarcastic Font.


I am asking you to provide more info. I have not heard anything about Ryan being a beneficiary of SS. My understanding is that he grew up wealthy. Am I wrong?

Ryan comes from a blue collar working family. Wealthy--family--NOT.

While growing up, Ryan and his family often went on hiking and skiing trips in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.[7][14] Since Ryan shares his first name with his father, he was given the nickname, "P.D." (for Paul Davis), but it was often mistaken for "Petey", which Ryan disliked.[15] When Ryan was 16, his father died of a heart attack in bed and Ryan found him there. According to Ryan, his father, grandfather and great-grandfather all died from heart attacks at ages 55, 57, and 59 respectively, inspiring his later interest in health and exercise.[14] After his father's death, Ryan's grandmother, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, moved in with his family and he helped care for her.[4] His father’s death provided Ryan with Social Security benefits until his 18th birthday, which he saved to pay for his education at Miami University of Ohio.[15][16]
As a junior at Joseph A. Craig High School in Janesville, Ryan was elected class president, which made him prom king and gave him his first political position, a seat on the school board representing his high school.[4] He competed in track, was on his high school's ski and varsity soccer teams and played basketball in a Catholic recreational league,[17][18][19] as well as being a member of several academic clubs and the Model United Nations.[17][4] After his sophomore year he worked the grill at McDonald's.[4]
Paul Ryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trying to deflect things by telling seniors that it's not them but their middle aged children that will be robbed of a plan they paid into all their lives is not exactly a very well thought out strategy.

I am asking you to provide more info. I have not heard anything about Ryan being a beneficiary of SS. My understanding is that he grew up wealthy. Am I wrong?

Ryan comes from a blue collar working family. Wealthy--family--NOT.

While growing up, Ryan and his family often went on hiking and skiing trips in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.[7][14] Since Ryan shares his first name with his father, he was given the nickname, "P.D." (for Paul Davis), but it was often mistaken for "Petey", which Ryan disliked.[15] When Ryan was 16, his father died of a heart attack in bed and Ryan found him there. According to Ryan, his father, grandfather and great-grandfather all died from heart attacks at ages 55, 57, and 59 respectively, inspiring his later interest in health and exercise.[14] After his father's death, Ryan's grandmother, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, moved in with his family and he helped care for her.[4] His father’s death provided Ryan with Social Security benefits until his 18th birthday, which he saved to pay for his education at Miami University of Ohio.[15][16]
As a junior at Joseph A. Craig High School in Janesville, Ryan was elected class president, which made him prom king and gave him his first political position, a seat on the school board representing his high school.[4] He competed in track, was on his high school's ski and varsity soccer teams and played basketball in a Catholic recreational league,[17][18][19] as well as being a member of several academic clubs and the Model United Nations.[17][4] After his sophomore year he worked the grill at McDonald's.[4]
Paul Ryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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