RWs: Doesn't it bother you the GOP will do absolutely nothing about these issues?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
1) Campaign finance reform (they of course helped corrupt it)

2) Our crumbling infrastructure system that ranks among the worst in the developed world

3) Childhood poverty that ranks the worst in the developed world

4) Wall Street corruption and other white collar crime

5) Aiding the shrinking middle class and stopping all income gains from going to the top earners.

The GOP is only the party of doing nothing unless it involves cutting taxes for the top earners or protecting white collar crime.

Democrats are addressing all of the issues above.

American Infrastructure Report Card | Society of Civil Engineers

NCCP | Child Poverty

Corruption on Wall Street still growing by the day
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As to number two is the democrat controlled cities that are falling apart. They have let them go to the point of not be healthy enough to live there.
As to number two is the democrat controlled cities that are falling apart. They have let them go to the point of not be healthy enough to live there.
You're making shit up again.
Yeah? Just who has run Detroit/Chicago/St Louis for in some cases FOUR DECADES.

You are just parroting some of the laziest talking points of the DNC.
1) Campaign finance reform (they of course helped corrupt it)

2) Our crumbling infrastructure system that ranks among the worst in the developed world

3) Childhood poverty that ranks the worst in the developed world

4) Wall Street corruption and other white collar crime

5) Aiding the shrinking middle class and stopping all income gains from going to the top earners.

The GOP is not only the party of doing nothing unless it involves cutting taxes for the top earners or protecting white collar crime.

Democrats are addressing all of the issues above.

American Infrastructure Report Card | Society of Civil Engineers

NCCP | Child Poverty

Corruption on Wall Street still growing by the day

Alright I agree more need to be done on the Federal, State and local Level for for infrastructure development and it does piss me off that we are not doing more.

Campaign Finance Reform is not going to happen with someone like Clinton, and only Bernie Sanders is willing to tackle this problem. Clinton benefits from Super Pac's and she will not piss off her donors.

Child welfare is a major issue, and more need to be done on the state and local levels.

Hillary Clinton is not going to clean up Wall Street and again you would need someone like Bernie Sanders to carry on that fight.

Fixing the middle class is more of a state and local issue and has very little to do with the Federal level. Your state and local governments need to work on having JTPA's that will allow the local resident to have a chance to be educated in fields they can earn a better living from.

Also the State and Local governments need to find ways to help produce small business owners that can succeed and contribute in hiring people and adding to the local economy.

Too many people fixate on the Federal Government and should ask why their State and Local governments are failing you?
As to number two is the democrat controlled cities that are falling apart. They have let them go to the point of not be healthy enough to live there.
You're making shit up again.
Yeah? Just who has run Detroit/Chicago/St Louis for in some cases FOUR DECADES.

You are just parroting some of the laziest talking points of the DNC.
Right it was completely up to those officials to fix the infrastructure. Do you not know who exactly is responsible for such an expense? You're also cherry picking cities which is such typical USMB con thing to do.
As to number two is the democrat controlled cities that are falling apart. They have let them go to the point of not be healthy enough to live there.
You're making shit up again.
Yeah? Just who has run Detroit/Chicago/St Louis for in some cases FOUR DECADES.

You are just parroting some of the laziest talking points of the DNC.

List 4cities that are doing well and we will see who runs them.

How about San fran, Boston , Seattle , New York .?
As to number two is the democrat controlled cities that are falling apart. They have let them go to the point of not be healthy enough to live there.
You're making shit up again.
Yeah? Just who has run Detroit/Chicago/St Louis for in some cases FOUR DECADES.

You are just parroting some of the laziest talking points of the DNC.
Right it was completely up to those officials to fix the infrastructure. Do you not know who exactly is responsible for such an expense? You're also cherry picking cities which is such typical USMB con thing to do.

True dat! You'll never see them talk about "conservative cities " .
As to number two is the democrat controlled cities that are falling apart. They have let them go to the point of not be healthy enough to live there.
You're making shit up again.

No he isn't and this is why nobody takes you serious. Simply saying "you're making shit up again" means nothing. Prove him wrong
Oh so he is free from proving his original assertion?

He made a statement, you said he was full of shit, prove he is. The sad fact is a good many democratic cities are pretty much crime ridden ghettos
As to number two is the democrat controlled cities that are falling apart. They have let them go to the point of not be healthy enough to live there.
You're making shit up again.
Yeah? Just who has run Detroit/Chicago/St Louis for in some cases FOUR DECADES.

You are just parroting some of the laziest talking points of the DNC.

List 4cities that are doing well and we will see who runs them.

How about San fran, Boston , Seattle , New York .?

Houston, Dallas, Miami, Atlanta
As to number two is the democrat controlled cities that are falling apart. They have let them go to the point of not be healthy enough to live there.
You're making shit up again.
Yeah? Just who has run Detroit/Chicago/St Louis for in some cases FOUR DECADES.

You are just parroting some of the laziest talking points of the DNC.
Right it was completely up to those officials to fix the infrastructure. Do you not know who exactly is responsible for such an expense? You're also cherry picking cities which is such typical USMB con thing to do.

True dat! You'll never see them talk about "conservative cities " .

That's because most big cities are run by Democrats. That's where all the welfare deadbeats live, after all.
As to number two is the democrat controlled cities that are falling apart. They have let them go to the point of not be healthy enough to live there.
You're making shit up again.
Yeah? Just who has run Detroit/Chicago/St Louis for in some cases FOUR DECADES.

You are just parroting some of the laziest talking points of the DNC.

List 4cities that are doing well and we will see who runs them.

How about San fran, Boston , Seattle , New York .?
Seattle is not doing well. That IS my home state and while the plumbing is holding crime is growing. Drug use is growing. Gang activity is growing.

What used to be just problems in the central district area is miles beyond that.

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