Russo-Ukrainian War: Leak Biopsy


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
A long article. I say a must read.


Finally, both the government and the media are proceeding as if the documents and the associated security breach are real, and they are attempting to both limit the spread of the documents online and track down the source of the leak.
All of this to me suggests that these documents offer a genuine look into the Pentagon’s handling of the war. We can retain some measure of caution and doubt, but let us proceed on the presumption of their authenticity and think on what we can learn from them.

Ukrainian Force Generation

The most significant implication of the documents is simple: Ukraine’s combat power is significantly degraded, and in particular their mechanized units and artillery forces are in very rough shape.

The relevant material here in particular is a page entitled “US Allied & Partner UAF Combat Power Build”, which details the force generation, training, and equipment tranches that will create the mechanized package which Ukraine will use in its spring offensive. The plan calls for a force of twelve nominal brigades, nine of which will be equipped by NATO and three internally generated by the Ukrainians. The leak does not offer insight into the three Ukrainian brigades, but the intended complement of the nine NATO brigades is meticulously listed).

All told, the combat power build calls for these brigades to field a total of 253 tanks, 381 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, 480 Armored Personnel Carriers, and 147 artillery pieces. This implies that these will be brigades in name only, and will in fact be far understrength. Parceling these systems out across nine brigades will give an average strength of a mere 28 tanks per brigade, along with some 95 IFVs/APCs and 16 artillery tubes. Compare this to a US Army Armored Brigade Combat Team, which would have almost 90 tanks and almost 200 IFVs/APCs. An American Stryker Brigade (a lighter, rapidly deployable formation) would have about 300 Strykers - the Ukrainian 82nd Brigade is listed to receive only 90.

In combat power terms, therefore, these new brigades are going to be far understrength. Their tank strength, far from being full brigade level, amounts to less than an American armored battalion.


An ancillary but important note at this point is the fact that, as best we can tell from these documents, Ukraine’s prewar tank park is almost completely gone. Ukraine went to war with about 800 of its workhorse T-64, but the NATO combat power build notes only 43 now on hand. There are others, of course, that are currently being operated by Ukrainian frontline units, but the build plan indicates that Ukraine has virtually none in reserve to equip this vital attack package, on which all their hopes will depend.

Meanwhile, a separate element of the leak paints a similarly dismal picture of Ukraine’s ranged fires. Buried on a page marked “NOFORN” - which means No Foreign Nationals, even allies, are supposed to see it, is a logistics table showing 155mm shell deliveries and expenditures. This bit is rather shocking.

We have known for quite some time that Ukraine is facing a critical shell shortage, but the leaked documents reveal just how acute this issue is. Ukraine’s usage rate is very low right now - the report claims only 1,104 shells had been expended in the previous 24 hours - compare this to the 20,000 or so shells that the Russian army is firing on a daily basis. Even more alarming for Ukraine is the note that they have only 9,788 shells on hand.

Even with a low burn rate that leaves the AFU massively outgunned, they have enough on hand to sustain combat for a little over a week, and they rely on a trickle of deliveries from the USA to keep these stocks stable. The report noted a shipment of 1,840 shells departing in the next 24 hours. Batches of this size are obviously insufficient for Ukraine to build up its stocks, and can only serve to backstop and replenish daily expenditure. There is no possibility of America quickly ramping up the size of these deliveries, because a mere 14,000 shells are produced per month. US officials hope to get this number up to 20,000 this year, but this is still below Ukraine’s current burn rate.

The implication is pretty straightforward. Ukraine is on a shell ration that leaves it unable to offer more than token fire, and it will likely have to live with this shell ration for the duration of the war.

The overall picture of Ukrainian combat power is atrocious. Their overall combat effectiveness faces a hard ceiling due to systemic shell shortages, and the mechanized package slated for the spring offensive is going to be far less potent than advertised. Those nine NATO-created brigades will have the striking power equivalent of (if we are being generous) perhaps four genuine full strength brigades, augmented by three internally generated Ukrainian brigades of dubious quality. Ukraine’s hopes for a glorious assault on the Russian land bridge to Crimea will rest on, at most, 400 tanks and perhaps 30,000 men.


The US and Europe are aiding Ukraine with one hand tied behind our backs.

Russia's military is even more depleted than Ukraine's.

Things are so bad for Putin, he has been taking USSR-era tanks out of mothballs and putting them into action. He has also gone begging to other countries for arms.

Putin's ability to invade other countries ever again is over.
The US and Europe are aiding Ukraine with one hand tied behind our backs.

Russia's military is even more depleted than Ukraine's.

Things are so bad for Putin, he has been taking USSR-era tanks out of mothballs and putting them into action. He has also gone begging to other countries for arms.

Putin's ability to invade other countries ever again is over.


Russia May Have Canceled Victory Parades Due to Humiliating Tank Shortage

11 Apr 2023 ~~ By Brendan Cole

Governors of two Russian regions have cited security concerns in scrapping military parades next month, although one theory suggested the cancelation was due to a lack of military equipment caused by the war in Ukraine.
Victory Day parades on May 9 are held throughout Russia and parts of the former Soviet Union to commemorate the defeat of the Nazis in World War II, which is widely known as the Great Patriotic War.
The most prominent event takes place in Moscow's Red Square in which a march past of troops and military equipment provides a colorful display of Russian military might, rendered more significant given the Kremlin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Biden and the Pentagon are scrambling and trying to bury their leaks of Classified material showing their weak ability to keep secrets.
The U.S. government reels from a major leak of classified documents onto online networks and chatrooms, officials are offering few details about how the information got loose or if more is yet to come.

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Yep, go ahead and believe the documents are real....

Won't bother me in the slightest...but they are fakes. Not even good fakes. The information is wrong on multiple ways. But the government is going to act like it's real for counter espionage reasons. Then we are going to find some schmuck who did something unrelated but equally as stupid and make them the sacrificial scape goat.

It's theatre....
Yep, go ahead and believe the documents are real....

Won't bother me in the slightest...but they are fakes. Not even good fakes. The information is wrong on multiple ways. But the government is going to act like it's real for counter espionage reasons. Then we are going to find some schmuck who did something unrelated but equally as stupid and make them the sacrificial scape goat.

It's theatre....
Not according to Adm. Kirby and our Allies.
This is bigger than the Pentagon Papers, and Ed Snowden's leaks.
All those involved; Joey Xi Bai Dung, Sec of Def Lloyd Austin, and General Mark Milley should resign their positions for the incompetent acts that have led to this.
Under their leadership they have become Clear and Present Dangers to America.

Yep, go ahead and believe the documents are real....

Won't bother me in the slightest...but they are fakes. Not even good fakes. The information is wrong on multiple ways. But the government is going to act like it's real for counter espionage reasons. Then we are going to find some schmuck who did something unrelated but equally as stupid and make them the sacrificial scape goat.

It's theatre....

From the OP:

Finally, both the government and the media are proceeding as if the documents and the associated security breach are real, and they are attempting to both limit the spread of the documents online and track down the source of the leak.
Not according to Adm. Kirby and our Allies.
This is bigger than the Pentagon Papers, and Ed Snowden's leaks.
All those involved; Joey Xi Bai Dung, Sec of Def Lloyd Austin, and General Mark Milley should resign their positions for the incompetent acts that have led to this.
Under their leadership they have become Clear and Present Dangers to America.


From the OP:

Finally, both the government and the media are proceeding as if the documents and the associated security breach are real, and they are attempting to both limit the spread of the documents online and track down the source of the leak.
I know....I read that opinion which stems from public statements by the Government. Which immediately tells me that the information is not real.

Secret information that is truly released and still pertinent is not acknowledged in any way, shape, form, or fashion by stating that they are going to conduct an investigation into this leak. Which is exactly what they did....meaning that it's fake. There are plenty of other items missing and grouped together which also clearly demonstrate the paper is fake. It's just guesswork stemming from MSM reports...nothing that is truly secret...

Believe this document if you want....I wouldn't.

This isn't like when Dianne Feinstein went straight out of a meeting with the President discussing highly secret intelligence and held a press conference telling everything she knew which got several people DEAD.

This ain't that....this is several documents published on one piece of paper. (Totally not acceptable protocols) and without the custody chain or who printed the material stamped across it by watermarking and it's on the wrong type of paper for classified documents.

It's bogus. Pure and simple. Created to create distance with the American relationship with Ukraine. (Which is tenuous) And for whatever reason you and Russian State Run MEDIA hopes it's true.
I know....I read that opinion which stems from public statements by the Government. Which immediately tells me that the information is not real.

Secret information that is truly released and still pertinent is not acknowledged in any way, shape, form, or fashion by stating that they are going to conduct an investigation into this leak. Which is exactly what they did....meaning that it's fake. There are plenty of other items missing and grouped together which also clearly demonstrate the paper is fake. It's just guesswork stemming from MSM reports...nothing that is truly secret...

Believe this document if you want....I wouldn't.

This isn't like when Dianne Feinstein went straight out of a meeting with the President discussing highly secret intelligence and held a press conference telling everything she knew which got several people DEAD.

This ain't that....this is several documents published on one piece of paper. (Totally not acceptable protocols) and without the custody chain or who printed the material stamped across it by watermarking and it's on the wrong type of paper for classified documents.

It's bogus. Pure and simple. Created to create distance with the American relationship with Ukraine. (Which is tenuous) And for whatever reason you and Russian State Run MEDIA hopes it's true.


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