Russian Ruble collapses

Oil and the sanctions are the catalyst, it just brought 15yrs of despotic self indulgent nepotistic corruption to a head.
Well done Mr President for helping to create the boil, now let the Russian people lance it.
"In a dramatic overnight move, the Bank of Russia hiked interest rates for a sixth time this year -- to 17% from 10.5%"

You'd think Jimmy Carter was in charge over there.

If that was the case, then Republican/conservatives have been unfair to Carter....wasn't that long ago that Faux News and Conservatives were praising Putin......wonder what they'll do now that their Prince Charming is no longer charming and losing respect from his own people?

Conservatives seem to really know how to pick leaders.....:D

On Fox Giuliani Praises Putin He s What You Call A Leader In Contrast To Obama Video Media Matters for America

Lame partisan silliness. Those who praise Putin do so because they see him as a decisive leader when compared to Obama. There is plenty of criticism of Putin on Fox, proving not only a wider range of guests than other news outlets but also your penchant for cherry-picking to serve your ideological agenda. BTW, Carter was (and remains) a soft and fuzzy loser who was elected for 1 term to calm the Nixon storm and allowed 52 American diplomats and citizens to remain hostages of Iran's revolution. They were released the day Reagan was inaugurated. Go figure.
"In a dramatic overnight move, the Bank of Russia hiked interest rates for a sixth time this year -- to 17% from 10.5%"

You'd think Jimmy Carter was in charge over there.

If that was the case, then Republican/conservatives have been unfair to Carter....wasn't that long ago that Faux News and Conservatives were praising Putin......wonder what they'll do now that their Prince Charming is no longer charming and losing respect from his own people?

Conservatives seem to really know how to pick leaders.....:D

On Fox Giuliani Praises Putin He s What You Call A Leader In Contrast To Obama Video Media Matters for America

Lame partisan silliness. Those who praise Putin do so because they see him as a decisive leader when compared to Obama. There is plenty of criticism of Putin on Fox, proving not only a wider range of guests than other news outlets but also your penchant for cherry-picking to serve your ideological agenda. BTW, Carter was (and remains) a soft and fuzzy loser who was elected for 1 term to calm the Nixon storm and allowed 52 American diplomats and citizens to remain hostages of Iran's revolution. They were released the day Reagan was inaugurated. Go figure.
Conservatives fawn over Putin because he is a reactionary like they are.
"In a dramatic overnight move, the Bank of Russia hiked interest rates for a sixth time this year -- to 17% from 10.5%"

You'd think Jimmy Carter was in charge over there.

If that was the case, then Republican/conservatives have been unfair to Carter....wasn't that long ago that Faux News and Conservatives were praising Putin......wonder what they'll do now that their Prince Charming is no longer charming and losing respect from his own people?

Conservatives seem to really know how to pick leaders.....:D

On Fox Giuliani Praises Putin He s What You Call A Leader In Contrast To Obama Video Media Matters for America

Lame partisan silliness. Those who praise Putin do so because they see him as a decisive leader when compared to Obama. There is plenty of criticism of Putin on Fox, proving not only a wider range of guests than other news outlets but also your penchant for cherry-picking to serve your ideological agenda. BTW, Carter was (and remains) a soft and fuzzy loser who was elected for 1 term to calm the Nixon storm and allowed 52 American diplomats and citizens to remain hostages of Iran's revolution. They were released the day Reagan was inaugurated. Go figure.

A decisive leader? Yeah, like Ted Cruz?.....where are the links to where at least one commentator on Faux News criticizes Putin.....I'll wait.

.....the rest of the world sees him different than Faux News and conservatives....:)

Here's how Stewart explained the current situation: "Much of the world sees Putin now for what he is: A semi-delusional autocrat who views the dissolution of the Soviet Union as one of the greatest tragedies of the late 20th century and has confused his own political propaganda for reality."

"Much of the world" does not, however, include Fox News.

The Daily Show Examines Fox News Obsession with Putin s Leadership - The Wire
"In a dramatic overnight move, the Bank of Russia hiked interest rates for a sixth time this year -- to 17% from 10.5%"

You'd think Jimmy Carter was in charge over there.

If that was the case, then Republican/conservatives have been unfair to Carter....wasn't that long ago that Faux News and Conservatives were praising Putin......wonder what they'll do now that their Prince Charming is no longer charming and losing respect from his own people?

Conservatives seem to really know how to pick leaders.....:D

On Fox Giuliani Praises Putin He s What You Call A Leader In Contrast To Obama Video Media Matters for America

Lame partisan silliness. Those who praise Putin do so because they see him as a decisive leader when compared to Obama. There is plenty of criticism of Putin on Fox, proving not only a wider range of guests than other news outlets but also your penchant for cherry-picking to serve your ideological agenda. BTW, Carter was (and remains) a soft and fuzzy loser who was elected for 1 term to calm the Nixon storm and allowed 52 American diplomats and citizens to remain hostages of Iran's revolution. They were released the day Reagan was inaugurated. Go figure.
Conservatives fawn over Putin because he is a reactionary like they are.
yep, because throwing troops into a meat-grinder is seen as "decisive" rather than seeking the RIGHT thing to do first which is apply diplomatic then econ pressures that bite. Pootie Poot is feeling their sting now.

Sad, sad, Repubs. Ironically, few Repubs have served so it makes sense that they don't give much thought to the consequences of wars.
"In a dramatic overnight move, the Bank of Russia hiked interest rates for a sixth time this year -- to 17% from 10.5%"

You'd think Jimmy Carter was in charge over there.

If that was the case, then Republican/conservatives have been unfair to Carter....wasn't that long ago that Faux News and Conservatives were praising Putin......wonder what they'll do now that their Prince Charming is no longer charming and losing respect from his own people?

Conservatives seem to really know how to pick leaders.....:D

On Fox Giuliani Praises Putin He s What You Call A Leader In Contrast To Obama Video Media Matters for America

Lame partisan silliness. Those who praise Putin do so because they see him as a decisive leader when compared to Obama. There is plenty of criticism of Putin on Fox, proving not only a wider range of guests than other news outlets but also your penchant for cherry-picking to serve your ideological agenda. BTW, Carter was (and remains) a soft and fuzzy loser who was elected for 1 term to calm the Nixon storm and allowed 52 American diplomats and citizens to remain hostages of Iran's revolution. They were released the day Reagan was inaugurated. Go figure.
Conservatives fawn over Putin because he is a reactionary like they are.

Camel crap. Anti-Obama cons use Putin's decisiveness to bash Obama's indecisiveness. Just to prove that I too can cherry-pick, does the Loony Left's embrace of Putin mean all libs are Putin-lovers?
BTW, I'm a conservative who completely understands and agrees with Obama's efforts to stem Russia's reborn military adventurism. Oops.
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:rofl: uncensored. Its easy to see when you are wounded because your hero Putin is taking a huge hit because he acted like the last Repub President.
You're not very good at this Skippy.

YOU PEOPLE were/are the one's falling over yourselves to praise Pootie Poot like you do Raygun.

You mean, the hate sites told you to make and accusation and you mindlessly did, like a termite...
Wrong. We've all seen the right-wing love fest with Putin on this board. It really ramped up over the situation in Ukraine.
:rofl: uncensored. Its easy to see when you are wounded because your hero Putin is taking a huge hit because he acted like the last Repub President.


This is just proof that the hive can program you drones with any stupid meme, and you'll run with it.

The humor in a Communist trying to convince people that it's really the EVILEEEE CAPITALIST RUNNING DOGS who love a KGB agent, is the gift that keeps on giving.
Putin is not going to stop dealing with Ukraine. Spreading NATO to the East isn't an evidence of russian agression. Falling of national currency is not a reason for Russians not to defend their interests on Russia's border. But USA for some reason think that on Russia's border they have their interests. Sounds like Russia will be angry of relations between USA and Canada and tend to warmongering because of this.
Wrong. We've all seen the right-wing love fest with Putin on this board. It really ramped up over the situation in Ukraine.

To see would require the capacity of thought. You are but a drone, driven by pheromones farted out by the party to mindlessly recite memes, regardless of how stupid they may be.
Keep denying it ever happened, it only makes you look worse than you usually do. The record is all over this forum for all to see. You just keep plugging your ears and screaming though.
Russia Is Not Selling Gold Bought 18t In November - Koos Jansen

Russia has the ability to stem the ruble slide if they wish. But they are playing the long game, rather than the short one the US is currently engaged in.

They bought 18T of gold in November.

My prediction is that oil will stabilize at about $70 a bbl. At that point, Russia will move to stabilize the ruble. The Russians under Putin are leftists, they are what the democrats strive to be. The rulers don't give a flying fuck about the misery vetted upon the populace at large. I agree that they will ride this out until conditions are more favorable to them..

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