Russian Patrons Abused Animals for Entertainment

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This story will horrify you.

Alcoholic Bears Are Finally Freed From a Hellish Russian Prison - Yahoo News

It’s been a long, tragic road for two blind alcoholic bears in the town of Sochi, Russia, that have spent their lives in a squalid cage as part of a restaurant attraction.

For 20 years, the animals were used as entertainment for diners. Patrons would pay to give the bears beer and garbage and shine car headlights in their eyes (which led to the blindness).

But now the pair is on the path to rehab. The bears have been removed from their cramped, filthy surroundings and are off the sauce, thanks in part to Brigitte Bardot’s animal rights group.

The bears’ plight first made international headlines last winter during the Sochi Winter Olympics. Reports on the alcoholic bears spurred animal-rights rallies against their owner, Dzheniks Uzaroshvili.

This is how the Russians entertain themselves? Flinging garbage at bears while paying to get them drunk? And then shining their headlights into their eyes to blind them? That is family night in Russia? What a way to entertain the kids! Sickening!

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Brigitte Bardot foundation paid for their rescue and has taken them. Thank God. I am horrified at the lack of conscience in these Russian people and especially in light of the fact that they take their young children with them and find this to be entertainment. The torture of two defenseless bears - flinging garbage at them and getting them drunk on beer. That is family night in Russia?

What a shame.
Torturing bears while dining out with your children. Getting drunk and throwing garbage at caged animals for entertainment in front of children. What possible message are the Russian people sending these young children to see such a sight? The abuse is horrible on two fronts - the abuse of the animals and the abuse of children forced to witness such horror! While supposed adults behave as if it is normal!


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