Russian Olympic Doping Ban


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
Okolona, KY
Russians face Olympic ban for doping athletes...

Russia slammed in doping report, faces possible Olympic ban
Nov 9,`15 -- Russia's status as a sports superpower and its participation in track and field events at next year's Olympics came under threat Monday after a report accused the Russians of widespread, state-supported doping reminiscent of the darkest days of cheating by the former East Germany.
The findings by a commission set up by the World Anti-Doping Agency were far more damaging than expected. It means that two of the world's most popular sports - soccer and track and field - are now mired in scandals that could destroy their reputations. The WADA investigation's findings that Russian government officials must have known about doping and cover-ups, with even its intelligence service, the FSB, allegedly involved, threatened to severely tarnish President Vladimir Putin's use of sports to improve his country's global standing. Russia hosted the last Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014 and will hold the next World Cup in 2018. "It's worse than we thought," said Dick Pound, an International Olympic Committee veteran who chaired the WADA probe. "It may be a residue of the old Soviet Union system."


Russia coach Alexey Melnikov embraces silver-medalist Olga Kaniskina after the 20-kilometers women's race walk at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. WADA's independent commission said Monday, Nov. 9, 2015 Russia's athletics federation should be suspended and its track and field athletes banned from competition until the country cleans up its act on doping.​

The 323-page report said that in Russia, "acceptance of cheating at all levels is widespread." Among its findings:

- Moscow testing laboratory director Grigory Rodchenkov ordered the "intentional and malicious destruction" of 1,417 doping control samples to deny evidence for the investigation.

- FSB agents regularly visited the lab, routinely questioned its staff and told some of them not to cooperate with WADA as part of "direct intimidation and interference by the Russian state" with the lab's work. Staff at the lab believed their offices were bugged by the FSB.

- FSB agents even infiltrated Russia's anti-doping work at the Sochi Olympics. One witness told the inquiry that "in Sochi, we had some guys pretending to be engineers in the lab, but actually they were from the Federal Security Service."

- "Widespread inaction" by track and field's governing body, the International Association of Athletics Federations, and Russian authorities allowed athletes suspected of doping to continue competing. "The Olympic Games in London were, in a sense, sabotaged by the admission of athletes who should have not been competing," the report said.


See also:

Bombshell report urges Russian ban over state-sanctioned doping
9 Nov.`15 - Russia's athletics federation should be suspended from all competition, including the 2016 Olympic Games, over widespread doping, a damning report by an independent commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) said Monday.
The report outlined evidence of systematic cheating with the consent of the government in Moscow, noting that drug tests for athletes were conducted at a Russian lab which totally lacked credibility. "It's pretty disturbing," said former WADA chief Richard Pound, who headed the three-man commission, adding that the extent of the cheating was "worse than we thought". The panel's findings called for athletics' governing body (IAAF) to suspend Russia's athletics body (ARAF) and declare it "non-compliant" with globally agreed doping regulations.

IAAF President Sebastian Coe said he would give Russia until Friday to respond to the scathing report. "I want an explanation," Coe said on a conference call. "I am completely shocked by the allegations." "My instinct remains to encourage engagement not isolation, but the extent of what's being said, I need to seek (IAAF) council support to have them (ARAF) report back by the end of the week." The IAAF Council are due to meet Friday to discuss the crisis facing the Olympic's flagship sport.

The Russian sports ministry said in a statement late Monday that it was "not surprised by most of the points" made in the WADA commission report. "We are fully aware of the problems in the All-Russia Athletic Federation (ARAF) and we have undertaken measures to remedy the situation: there is a new president in ARAF, a new head coach, and they are currently rejuvenating the coaching staff," the statement read. "Russia has been and will continue to be fully committed to the fight against doping in sport."

- Olympics 'sabotaged' -
This is interesting. Watch what will happen when the Russians will nail others on doping.
well all I see is how the OP ...whats his /her name? waltky?

how much he/she hates Russia

it's one post after another hating Russia


I don't appreciate your stupidity....go away
Granny says, "Dat's right - if dey can't play right, den dey shouldn't be allowed to play...

Athletics Doping Body Says Ban Russia
November 09, 2015 - Investigators from the world sport’s anti-doping organization have called for the Russian Athletics Federation to be suspended from competitions, following the release of a damning report that detailed systematic and widespread offenses in Russia over many years.
The conclusions released November 9 by an independent commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency painted a shocking picture of bribery, subterfuge, and cheating that evoked some of the worst episodes of sport doping in past memory, like the state-run system employed for years by communist East Germany. "It's worse than we thought," Dick Pound, a co-author of the 335-page report and former head of the doping agency, told reporters in Geneva. "All of this could not have continued to happen without the knowledge of and either applied or stated consent of the authorities,” he said. Pound called on the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) to suspend the Russian Athletics Federation from international competition.


The WADA has recommended that Russian 800 m runner Mariya Savinova-Farnosova be banned for life.​

IAAF President Sebastian Coe announced on November 9 that Russia would have until the end of the week to formally respond to the report. He said the IAAF council would make a decision "very quickly" on whether to suspend the Russian Athletics Federation. The Russian sports ministry late November 9 issued a statement saying it was "not surprised by most of the points" raised in the scathing report and suggested that recent changes of management at Russian athletic organizations will help eliminate the doping problems. "We are fully aware of the problems in the All-Russia Athletic Federation (ARAF) and we have undertaken measures to remedy the situation: there is a new president in ARAF, a new head coach, and they are currently rejuvenating the coaching staff," the ministry said. "Russia has been and will continue to be fully committed to the fight against doping in sport."

The report was the result of months of work by the commission set up by the agency after the German television network ARD aired a scathing documentary in December about doping in Russia. The documentary’s central claim -- that Russian track and field was plagued by doping -- was mostly corroborated by the commission’s report. In the report, athletes, trainers, coaches, doctors, and sport-related institutions are implicated, along with the country’s own anti-doping agency and a licensed Moscow laboratory that did testing for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. The report detailed payments by athletes to conceal tests and how coaches and managers gave advance notification to athletes when inspectors would be taking samples. It also said the testing laboratory was visited regularly by agents from Russia’s top security agency, the Federal Security Service.


See also:

IOC wants cheats punished in wake of doping report
Tue Nov 10, 2015 - The International Olympic Committee (IOC) wants disciplinary procedures to be opened against athletes who have violated doping rules as the fallout continued on Tuesday from WADA's explosive report on the issue.
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) commission on Monday alleged widespread corruption and collusion by Russian officials, including state security services, to cover up drug test results, destroy samples and intimidate laboratory staff. It also identified "systematic failures" by the sports world governing body, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).

The IOC said competitors, coaches or officials mentioned in the WADA report who were proven to have violated doping regulations should be punished and stripped of any medals. "The IOC has asked the IAAF to initiate disciplinary procedures against all athletes, coaches and officials who have participated in the Olympic Games and are accused of doping in the report of the independent commission," it said in a statement. "With its zero-tolerance policy against doping, following the conclusion of this procedure, the IOC will take all the necessary measures and sanctions with regard to the withdrawal and re-allocation of medals and, as the case may be, exclusion of coaches and officials from future Olympic Games."

The former global athletics head Lamine Diack, who is under investigation in France on suspicion of corruption and money laundering, was also provisionally suspended by the IOC and resigned as International Athletics Foundation (IAF) chief.

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Vlad gonna get to the bottom of it...

Putin calls for investigation of Russian doping allegations
Nov 12, 2015: Facing allegations that Russia engages in extensive, state-sponsored doping, President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday called on sports officials to carry out an internal investigation - but said that clean athletes shouldn't be punished for the actions of those who take banned drugs.
Putin's comments at a late-night meeting in Sochi, the city that hosted the 2014 Winter Olympics, reflected concerns that Russia's track and field athletes could be hit with a blanket ban for next year's summer Games in Rio de Janeiro. Putin ordered Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko and ``all colleagues connected with sport'' to pay close attention to the doping allegations and for an internal investigation to be conducted - one that guaranteed full cooperation with international anti-doping bodies. "The struggle with doping in sports, unfortunately, remains a pressing issue and it requires unending attention,'' he said.

However, Putin also drew a clear distinction with clean athletes. "It's absolutely clear that athletes who stay away from dope ... shouldn't be held responsible'' for those who use performance enhancing drugs, he said. After the meeting, Russian Olympic Committee president Alexander Zhukhov echoed that position. "I am confident that Russian athletes who are honest and clean, who never used doping, who undergo various checks -- no one has the right to strip them of the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games,'' he said, according to state news agency Tass.

The meeting was delayed by hours because of heavy rains that prevented sports federation heads from flying to Sochi. However, Putin's determination to press ahead with the session indicated the sensitivity of the issue for Russia. The meeting came in the wake of Monday's report by an independent commission appointed by the World Anti-Doping Agency that said Russian sports is plagued by extensive, state-sanctioned doping. As a result of the report, Putin is now up against a Friday deadline for track's governing body to decide on whether to suspend Russia - a first step toward excluding its athletes from next year's Olympics.

Sports are a substantial piece of Russia's self-esteem -- both in athletes' performances and its ability to host huge international events. Putin himself has built much of his image on vigorous athletic exploits of his own. Earlier, Mutko said the country was ready to allow a foreigner to take charge of its troubled anti-doping laboratory. Grigory Rodchenkov resigned Tuesday as the lab's director, a day after he was accused of concealing positive doping tests, extorting money from athletes and destroying 1,417 samples. The lab - which handled doping tests for last year's Winter Olympics - has stopped work after WADA stripped its accreditation.

well all I see is how the OP ...whats his /her name? waltky?

how much he/she hates Russia

it's one post after another hating Russia


I don't appreciate your stupidity....go away

Russophobia is a kind of sport :)

So, I think, for the good results this haters have to eat much of doping too :)
Moscow to fess up...

Olympic boycott ruled out, Russians to admit some wrongdoing
Nov 12,`15 -- With an Olympic boycott ruled out, Russia is planning to at least partially admit it has a doping problem.
Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko told The Associated Press on Thursday that there will "not in any case" be a boycott of next year's Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. A short time later in a separate interview, the acting president of the Russian track federation told the AP he is ready to own up to some of the charges leveled in the World Anti-Doping Agency commission's massive report on doping in the country. "We admit some things, we argue with some things, some are already fixed, it's a variety," said Vadim Zelichenok, declining to provide further details. "It's not for the press."

The governing body of track and field is expected to rule Friday on whether to suspend Russia from competition because of the doping scandal. If Russia is banned, the country's track and field team could be excluded from next year's Olympics. Monday's damning report by the WADA commission recommended that the Russian track federation be suspended, saying its athletes and officials were involved in "extensive" use of performance-enhancing drugs, obstructed doping tests and helped to cover up drug use. The report said Zelichenok "refused to cooperate" with investigators.

Even if Russia's track and field team is banned, Mutko told the AP that the country has no intention of boycotting the Olympics. "Russia is against a boycott. Russia is against political interference in sport," Mutko said. "Understand that Russia is a dependable partner of the international Olympic movement." Mutko also appealed for Russia's track team to be allowed to compete, arguing that a blanket ban would unfairly punish clean athletes. "It will be painful for those athletes with clean consciences who could compete, that's the first thing. And the second thing is that it goes against the spirit of the WADA code," Mutko said. "The commission itself writes about it in its report. It's about protecting the athletes with clean consciences."

Moscow to fess up...

Olympic boycott ruled out, Russians to admit some wrongdoing
Nov 12,`15 -- With an Olympic boycott ruled out, Russia is planning to at least partially admit it has a doping problem.
Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko told The Associated Press on Thursday that there will "not in any case" be a boycott of next year's Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. A short time later in a separate interview, the acting president of the Russian track federation told the AP he is ready to own up to some of the charges leveled in the World Anti-Doping Agency commission's massive report on doping in the country. "We admit some things, we argue with some things, some are already fixed, it's a variety," said Vadim Zelichenok, declining to provide further details. "It's not for the press."

The governing body of track and field is expected to rule Friday on whether to suspend Russia from competition because of the doping scandal. If Russia is banned, the country's track and field team could be excluded from next year's Olympics. Monday's damning report by the WADA commission recommended that the Russian track federation be suspended, saying its athletes and officials were involved in "extensive" use of performance-enhancing drugs, obstructed doping tests and helped to cover up drug use. The report said Zelichenok "refused to cooperate" with investigators.

Even if Russia's track and field team is banned, Mutko told the AP that the country has no intention of boycotting the Olympics. "Russia is against a boycott. Russia is against political interference in sport," Mutko said. "Understand that Russia is a dependable partner of the international Olympic movement." Mutko also appealed for Russia's track team to be allowed to compete, arguing that a blanket ban would unfairly punish clean athletes. "It will be painful for those athletes with clean consciences who could compete, that's the first thing. And the second thing is that it goes against the spirit of the WADA code," Mutko said. "The commission itself writes about it in its report. It's about protecting the athletes with clean consciences."


That's illustration of "not enough Putin", because I can't imagine, Russian sportsmen use more doping than others... But also Putin likes to use judo style in life - let's buy popcorn and see, what will happen next...
WTF is "doping"?

To my understanding, athletes can cheat by (1) training with the help of anabolic steroids, which accelerate and enhance muscle growth (but do not directly impact performance itself), (2) using performance-enhancing drugs, which do enhance performance in real time, or (3) blood doping, which involves blood transfusions of oxygen-enriched blood to improve performance in real time - very short term benefit, and is virtually undetectable.

What, exactly, are the Russians accused of doing?
Reminder of Last Prophet's words from Jun 2014 (examples added identifiable by date):

Illuminati suicide bombers play a role that has its climax at the moment of their full detonation, the moment when they blow themselves up.
Since this is a figurative detonation, suicide bombers normally remain on stage afterwards.

Introductory bombs:
These bombs explode before the full detonation:
- mostly figurative (Putin stages the fake death of Boris Nemtsov to suggest that he had him assassinated);
- sometimes also literal (Putin sets fire to a russian iconic monastery next to the Kremlin during the Ides of March 2015).
One of "Putin"'s bombs is of type "the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of ...".
But unlike in the case of Obama, Bernanke and Pope Francis, it's not packaged as confession and part of the full detonation but rather as introductory bomb:
"Putin" suggests to be the mastermind behind the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of Sports, from "FIFA corruption" to "IAAF cover-up of doping in athletics".

Bombs of type "Confession"
The BIG BANG includes a series of illuminati suicide bombers fully detonating in parallel with confession bombs after their staged arrests and as they are stripped of their titles:
Obama, pope Francis, "evil jews" of the Federal Reserve Bank.
The mockery is pushed to the utter limits: each time as "most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of ...".
Contrast it with Nixon's confession to Frost in 1977, 3 years after his full detonation.
Note: Obama is scripted to confess to Oprah Winfrey, in a parallel reversed script to the greatest cyclist ever, Lance Armstrong, forced to "confess" after being tortured for years.
Same is scripted for Usain Bolt, the fastest man ever and forever.
The trigger for Armstrong's "confession", same as all other athletes and cyclists who finally "confessed" what they didn't do: otherwise be jailed for at least 7 years.

Illuminati suicide bombers - Two main mission types
Illustrated with bombs from the arsenal of suicide bomber "Putin".
Keep in mind the ongoing "Putin annects Crimea" script, explained as the opposite of what is served by illuminati media, in the Basics section below.

1. Destruction of what they supposedly stand for.
In other worlds: the ultimate traitors in plain sight.
a) Destruction of russian icons using:
a1) psy-ops (all actors):
- "Bolshoi theater scandal: acid attack"; "biker gang ride to Berlin" or a "bunch of pimps" as most discussed "celebration" of the 70 years of the victory of the Red Army in World War II (May 2015).
a2) figurative bombs:
- falsely accusing of doping and banning russian athletes, ongoing for years now. 2015: upscaled to "Russia first case of state-sponsored doping exposed".
a3) Literal bombs:
- fire at Novodevichy monastery (Ides of March 2015); murder of sleeping russian parachutistes (2015).

b) Break-up of Russia:
- stopping the only ferry linking Crimea and Russia (2015).
- no reaction to another illuminati agent, Kadyrow, no longer allowing the presence of russian military in Chechnya (2015).

c) destroying Russia's economy
- supplying illuminati with free oil and gas starting with prices below production costs, including to Ukraine, a government claiming that will militarily retake Crimea

2. Deliberate acts of Self-Destruction
a) cutting pensions and social benefits of russians.
Note: how much of this is caused by the transfer of russian assets to illuminati central safes is irrelevant.
It's part of "Putin"'s role to cause uproar against him, as illustrated by plenty of other unpopular measures not explainable by the plunder of the russian economy.
Example: forbidding people from Kaliningrad from collecting amber.
Note: this is also part of setting the stage for the break-up of Russia, with Kaliningrad scripted as the first republic to be "returned to Germany".

b) "Putin" suggests to be the mastermind behind the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of Sports, from football's FIFA to IAAF's athletics.
- "Putin supports Blatter" even after the script has the last idiot understand that "Blatter is totally corrupt" (2015);
- "Putin closes russian doping agency" after the script has "Putin has every athlete in Russia on drugs" (2015).

The IAAF and FIFA suicide mission
Contrast "Putin" with presidents Blatter (FIFA, football) and Coe (IAAF, athletics).
Although "Putin" has the mastermind role in this suicide mission, it's the FIFA and IAAF presidents who have a mission of type "Destruction of what they supposedly stand for".
IAAF is to be totally destroyed while FIFA only partly. On the other it's Blatter not Coe who will fully detonate ("arrested").

Ongoing "Putin annects Crimea" script is the opposite of what is served by illuminati media
Black Is White - have the human cattle robotically repeat it: Illuminati's third commandment: EU populace awakening to dictatorship rewritten as "Ukraine fight to join the EU democracy"

Illuminati suicide bombers: Illuminati suicide bombers - BASICS: suicide missions; Introductory bombs; Full detonation
Suspension includes Olympic games...

Athletics doping: Russia provisionally suspended by IAAF
13 Nov.`15 - Russia's athletics federation has been provisionally suspended from international competition - including the Olympic Games - for its alleged involvement in widespread doping.
The IAAF took action after the publication of an independent World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) report that alleged "state-sponsored doping". Its council members voted 22-1 in favour of Russia being banned. "This is a wake-up call for all of us," said IAAF president Lord Coe. He told BBC Sport: "Our sport finds itself in a shameful situation. "I am wholly focused on the changes that need to be made. I have openly conceded that we need to learn some very tough lessons. "We need to look at ourselves, within our sport, and we will do that." Russia's Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said the suspension was "temporary" and the "problem is solvable". The country's IAAF council member was not allowed to participate in Friday's vote.

What are the implications?

As it stands, Russian athletes may not enter international competitions, including the World Athletic Series and Rio Olympics, which begin on 5 August next year. Russia will also not be entitled to host the 2016 World Race Walking Cup in Cheboksary and the 2016 World Junior Championships in Kazan. The IAAF says that unless the Russian Athletics Federation (Araf) voluntarily accepts a full suspension, it is entitled to proceed to a full hearing on whether the provisional suspension should be made full. Former sprinter Frankie Fredericks, head of the IAAF athletes commission, added: "We are angry at the damage being caused to the reputation and credibility of athletics and are united alongside our president to not shy away from the major challenges that face our sport."

'Positive news' for clean athletes

The Wada commission, led by chairman Dick Pound, suggested Araf, Russia's anti-doping agency (Rusada) and the Russian Federation as a whole could not be considered anti-doping code-compliant, because of what it claimed was widespread cheating. The report claimed to have evidence of "direct intimidation and interference by the Russian state with the Moscow laboratory operations", while Rusada gave athletes advance notice of tests, hid missed tests, bullied doping control officers and their families and took bribes to cover up missed tests, it said. According to the commission's findings, London 2012 was "sabotaged" by "widespread inaction" against athletes with suspicious doping profiles.

In a statement on Friday, a Wada spokesperson said: "The decision is positive news for clean athletes worldwide." "This feels like a moment when the cynicism of athletes and others inside the sport is shown to be justified and the sport's leaders are forced, finally, into a constructive response. The vote in favour of suspension was more emphatic than many had predicted and serves as a clear signal to Russia that the era of winning dirty is over. The Russian authorities say they are ready to change the culture of corruption and cover-up. Lord Coe's tenure will be judged on the effectiveness of his remedies. A defining day for him it was not. But at least the damage done in a grave week for the sport has created an urge to reform."

Will Russia boycott the Olympics in protest?
Suspension includes Olympic games...

Athletics doping: Russia provisionally suspended by IAAF
13 Nov.`15 - Russia's athletics federation has been provisionally suspended from international competition - including the Olympic Games - for its alleged involvement in widespread doping.
The IAAF took action after the publication of an independent World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) report that alleged "state-sponsored doping". Its council members voted 22-1 in favour of Russia being banned. "This is a wake-up call for all of us," said IAAF president Lord Coe. He told BBC Sport: "Our sport finds itself in a shameful situation. "I am wholly focused on the changes that need to be made. I have openly conceded that we need to learn some very tough lessons. "We need to look at ourselves, within our sport, and we will do that." Russia's Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said the suspension was "temporary" and the "problem is solvable". The country's IAAF council member was not allowed to participate in Friday's vote.

What are the implications?

As it stands, Russian athletes may not enter international competitions, including the World Athletic Series and Rio Olympics, which begin on 5 August next year. Russia will also not be entitled to host the 2016 World Race Walking Cup in Cheboksary and the 2016 World Junior Championships in Kazan. The IAAF says that unless the Russian Athletics Federation (Araf) voluntarily accepts a full suspension, it is entitled to proceed to a full hearing on whether the provisional suspension should be made full. Former sprinter Frankie Fredericks, head of the IAAF athletes commission, added: "We are angry at the damage being caused to the reputation and credibility of athletics and are united alongside our president to not shy away from the major challenges that face our sport."

'Positive news' for clean athletes

The Wada commission, led by chairman Dick Pound, suggested Araf, Russia's anti-doping agency (Rusada) and the Russian Federation as a whole could not be considered anti-doping code-compliant, because of what it claimed was widespread cheating. The report claimed to have evidence of "direct intimidation and interference by the Russian state with the Moscow laboratory operations", while Rusada gave athletes advance notice of tests, hid missed tests, bullied doping control officers and their families and took bribes to cover up missed tests, it said. According to the commission's findings, London 2012 was "sabotaged" by "widespread inaction" against athletes with suspicious doping profiles.

In a statement on Friday, a Wada spokesperson said: "The decision is positive news for clean athletes worldwide." "This feels like a moment when the cynicism of athletes and others inside the sport is shown to be justified and the sport's leaders are forced, finally, into a constructive response. The vote in favour of suspension was more emphatic than many had predicted and serves as a clear signal to Russia that the era of winning dirty is over. The Russian authorities say they are ready to change the culture of corruption and cover-up. Lord Coe's tenure will be judged on the effectiveness of his remedies. A defining day for him it was not. But at least the damage done in a grave week for the sport has created an urge to reform."

Will Russia boycott the Olympics in protest?

They cannot forgive the success of Sochi-2014?
As far as I know Russia has a chance to get off of this ban by next olympic games. There is some time to manage problem.
Read news, that Athletics could be excluded from the program of Olympic Games. What a shock! Putin's move, without a doubt!
As far as I know Russia has a chance to get off of this ban by next olympic games. There is some time to manage problem.

Sure. We have to win some of Olympic games, get a ban in others - and can claim ourself as a best sport country in the world with a best statistic of win/lose :)
Read news, that Athletics could be excluded from the program of Olympic Games. What a shock! Putin's move, without a doubt!

Did the cat it's children left?
Did you house cleaned by theft?
Do your car have broken wheel?
Cannot pay by your last bill?

Lost in fire your own roof?
Putin's guilty! It's a truth! :)
well all I see is how the OP ...whats his /her name? waltky?

how much he/she hates Russia

it's one post after another hating Russia


I don't appreciate your stupidity....go away
Russia is dirty....they got caught

It is not the athletes but the system
WTF is "doping"?

To my understanding, athletes can cheat by (1) training with the help of anabolic steroids, which accelerate and enhance muscle growth (but do not directly impact performance itself), (2) using performance-enhancing drugs, which do enhance performance in real time, or (3) blood doping, which involves blood transfusions of oxygen-enriched blood to improve performance in real time - very short term benefit, and is virtually undetectable.

What, exactly, are the Russians accused of doing?
Yes, and why just Russians and no other countries, ha? Let's see what some experts think:

The man behind the biggest drug scandal in American athletics says other nations are guilty of state-sponsored doping schemes.

As pressure grows on the IAAF to bar Russia from the Olympic Games, Victor Conte said the United States had been guilty of cover-ups involving star names.

He also said American athletes were pushed towards “drug coaches” and that the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) ignored advice he gave to them in 2007 and then destroyed the minutes of that meeting.

Other nations are also guilty, claims Victor Conte | The Times

In a dimly lit corner of the ExCeL centre a small man with a neat moustache is giving a boxer a hug. This is the same man who once existed in sport’s shadowy corners and gave his athletes “the full enchilada” of drugs.

The presence at the Olympics of Victor Conte, sport’s most infamous drug baron turned whistleblower, is a PR disaster for those wishing to portray the London Games as the cleanest in history.

Shadow cast over Games by Conte | The Times
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1. Many countries as far as Russia use doping.
2. It doesn't excuse Russia.

So, if Russia got caught, it should carry the consequenses. That is it. If you don't want to be under sport sanctions you shouldn't use doping.

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