"Russian"-linked Facebook ads reportedly aimed 'to sow chaos' between racial and religious groups


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
I am 100% sure that behind all last racial conflicts we can find Kremlin kleptocracy , how Muscovy´d be punished for what have they done already in USA? the new waves of sanctions against Muscovite oil/gas industries?

Russian operatives worked to capitalize on racial and religious tensions leading up to the US election by purchasing Facebook ads aimed at appealing to one group and inciting another, The Washington Post reported on Monday. The Post, citing over 3,000 ads that Facebook is planning to turn over to congressional investigators, found that some ads promoted groups like Black Lives Matter while others demonized those groups and painted them as a rising threat to American society. Operatives also reportedly bought ads that focused on heating up religious divides by, for instance, indicating that Muslim women leaned towards supporting Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as opposed to Donald Trump. "Their aim was to sow chaos," Sen. Mark R. Warner, the ranking member on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told The Post. "In many cases, it was more about voter suppression rather than increasing turnout."

The Post's report sheds new light on that effort and on Russia's extensive use of the social-media platform as part of its disinformation campaign, and congressional investigators are reportedly "troubled" by Russia's "sophisticated" understanding of the nuances of American political discourse. Facebook reportedly discovered traces of Russian activity on its site last June. Cybersecurity experts at the company found that the Russian hacking group Fancy Bear was setting up several "shadowy accounts" on Facebook to amplify the reach of the hacked DNC emails, according to The Post. The US intelligence community has said Fancy Bear is an extension of the GRU, which is Russia's military intelligence arm. The company still does not know the extent of Russia's ad purchases or whether these unidentified ad buys are still on the site. Facebook has since confirmed that Russia-linked groups went further than buying ads and posting memes — they tried to organize anti-immigrant, anti-Clinton rallies in Texas and Idaho."

Russian-linked Facebook ads reportedly aimed 'to sow chaos' between racial and religious groups


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