Russian Intelligence Knew Steele Was Investigating Trump in 2016 Campaign


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The entire country was plunged into several years of this crap thanks to the MSM and the Rotten Democratic Party.

Two Russian intelligence operatives knew that former British spy Christopher Steele was investigating the Donald Trump for President campaign as early as July of 2016. The information was in a footnote to a Justice Department report on FBI actions relating to the FISA warrant.

Another footnote reveals that Steele's company, Orbis Business Intelligence, was penetrated and targeted by Russian intelligence. The declassified footnotes were revealed by Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson on Wednesday.

Judging from other "footnotes" from that report that have recently been declassified, they paint a picture of a highly sophisticated Russian intelligence agency effort to plant disinformation not only during the campaign, but afterward during the FBI investigation of the Trump for President organization.

Where speculation about this has been rampant, this is the first evidence -- from the FBI itself -- that the Steele dossier was a classic Russian disinformation campaign.



CBS News first reported the footnotes. The Daily Caller News Foundation confirmed their accuracy with sources familiar with the declassification process.

Additional information released on Wednesday shows exactly when in 2017 the FBI received evidence that Russian intelligence operatives fed Steele with disinformation.

The FBI obtained information on Jan. 12, 2017, two days after BuzzFeed News published the dossier, Steele’s allegation that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen visited Prague in August 2016 was likely the product of Russian disinformation.

The FBI received evidence on Feb. 27, 2017 that Russians may have fed disinformation to Steele regarding his most explosive claim: that Donald Trump used hookers during a 2013 trip to Moscow.


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