Trump Russian Analysts: Trump’s Ideology is a Departure from the Destructive Globalization of Recent Years

Americans do not want to war with Russia and a lot of us like Putin despite the blitzkrieg of negative press Putin gets in the US media. The media has lost all credibility in America and a recent poll said that only 6% of the American public trusts anything the media says. Personally, I do not believe anything that is reported in the US media unless I can verify its authenticity.

For example, there is 0% media coverage of the US/China - South China Sea dispute that seems to be on the brink of war. Another example, most Americans are disgusted with how corrupt our politicians have become. Most Americans believe we are no longer a bastion for good (and have started to second guess whether we ever were). Ronald Reagan is considered the only recent President that Americans hold in high regard. Reagan is the only President, in recent memory, that Americans really felt were for them and did not promote these globalization policies that are detrimental to American citizens.

This is why Donald Trump has risen like a phoenix. We are sick of electing polticians that make campaign promises and NEVER fulfill any of the promises. Americans wanted a political outsider to "blow up" the current, bloated, rigged, and corrupt political system. Americans want to ally with Russia. Most Americans believe that America and Russia can have a mutually beneficial relationship and almost completely stomp out radical Islam terrorists once and for all. Despite what our US evil politicians say about Russia and/or Putin; most Americans do not hold these same sentiments.
I.own.agent.Smith, welcome to USMB. Your very first post was very smart and profound and it also was in my thread, so I feel very flattered. I think you’ll have a lot of respect on USMB and a lot of people, enjoying your company, if you keep posting like that.

Thank you for all you said about Russia and have fun on USMB! Say hi to those Americans, who think same way like yourself. You convinced me: Russia and USA can be friends when (or if) a right person arrives into the WH.
I thought some of you, guys, would be interested to know what Russian analysts and experts think about Trump. Lately I was watching Channel #1 of Russia and heard their analysis which I found pretty interesting and decided even to share it with those of you who might be curious:

“For the first time we have a clear and ideologically completed alternative to the policy of the last decades, which even Americans consider to be a failure.

Trump’s ideology is a departure from the destructive globalization of recent years in favor of a healthy American isolationism.

Like any normal American isolationist , Trump calls for strengthening America. Its military domination has to be the undisputed.

His vision is based on the fact that America needs to pursue its own interests and not impose its values . This is the only way to negotiate . And the constant Trump’s refrain that he would negotiate with Putin is a part of that vision. Generally what Trump says about Putin and Russia sounds like a red rag for any globalist in America or anywhere else.

Carter Page, the man whom Trump called his adviser on Russia. Opponents depict him marginalized only because he blames Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her people for provoking the coup in Kiev with the aim of seizing power of pro-American radicals. As far as Page’s professional experience goes, an investment banker Page has got three higher educations: the Naval Academy with honors , University of New York and London , a doctoral degree . Page has created from scratch Moscow branch Meryl Lynch , his company advises investors in energy projects in Russia and Asia . Compare to “the main specialist on Russia and Ukraine” in the current administration Victoria Nuland has a bachelor's degree at Brown University , an experience of being a counsel in the pioneer camp in Odessa , an interpreter for the fishing fleet and the distributor of cookies on the Maidan square in Kiev.

No matter what you think about Trump one has to admit : his brief declaration of foreign policy is the only intelligible coherent and adequate one to the reality of American doctrine in the last 30 years. And even such an academic guru as Paul Gregory of the Hoover Institution admits that (in contrast to the political demagogues). “Watching the overall media backlash , I’ve done my own small research among my conservative colleagues (none of them are Trump’s supporters) about what they think of Trump's speech on foreign policy . The general reaction was unanimous . Except for very harsh words about international trade , they almost all agree, "- said Paul Gregory .

Trump has formulated an American anti-globalization and patriotic alternative. An alternative to the forces and interests that have been activated by Ukrainian coup, which goal was to create a self-reproducing mechanism of the Cold War . Trump’s attempt to stifle this mechanism promises nothing good for himself. However, the failure of this attempt does not promise anything good for America.”

Translated from:

Аналитическая программа «Однако» с Михаилом Леонтьевым. Новости. Первый канал
wow interesting stuff there hearing Russia basically say they prefer Trump over HELLERY.:thup:
Americans do not want to war with Russia and a lot of us like Putin despite the blitzkrieg of negative press Putin gets in the US media. The media has lost all credibility in America and a recent poll said that only 6% of the American public trusts anything the media says. Personally, I do not believe anything that is reported in the US media unless I can verify its authenticity.

For example, there is 0% media coverage of the US/China - South China Sea dispute that seems to be on the brink of war. Another example, most Americans are disgusted with how corrupt our politicians have become. Most Americans believe we are no longer a bastion for good (and have started to second guess whether we ever were). Ronald Reagan is considered the only recent President that Americans hold in high regard. Reagan is the only President, in recent memory, that Americans really felt were for them and did not promote these globalization policies that are detrimental to American citizens.

This is why Donald Trump has risen like a phoenix. We are sick of electing polticians that make campaign promises and NEVER fulfill any of the promises. Americans wanted a political outsider to "blow up" the current, bloated, rigged, and corrupt political system. Americans want to ally with Russia. Most Americans believe that America and Russia can have a mutually beneficial relationship and almost completely stomp out radical Islam terrorists once and for all. Despite what our US evil politicians say about Russia and/or Putin; most Americans do not hold these same sentiments.
I.own.agent.Smith, welcome to USMB. Your very first post was very smart and profound and it also was in my thread, so I feel very flattered. I think you’ll have a lot of respect on USMB and a lot of people, enjoying your company, if you keep posting like that.

Thank you for all you said about Russia and have fun on USMB! Say hi to those Americans, who think same way like yourself. You convinced me: Russia and USA can be friends when (or if) a right person arrives into the WH.

I thought some of you, guys, would be interested to know what Russian analysts and experts think about Trump. Lately I was watching Channel #1 of Russia and heard their analysis which I found pretty interesting and decided even to share it with those of you who might be curious:

“For the first time we have a clear and ideologically completed alternative to the policy of the last decades, which even Americans consider to be a failure.

Trump’s ideology is a departure from the destructive globalization of recent years in favor of a healthy American isolationism.

Like any normal American isolationist , Trump calls for strengthening America. Its military domination has to be the undisputed.

His vision is based on the fact that America needs to pursue its own interests and not impose its values . This is the only way to negotiate . And the constant Trump’s refrain that he would negotiate with Putin is a part of that vision. Generally what Trump says about Putin and Russia sounds like a red rag for any globalist in America or anywhere else.

Carter Page, the man whom Trump called his adviser on Russia. Opponents depict him marginalized only because he blames Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her people for provoking the coup in Kiev with the aim of seizing power of pro-American radicals. As far as Page’s professional experience goes, an investment banker Page has got three higher educations: the Naval Academy with honors , University of New York and London , a doctoral degree . Page has created from scratch Moscow branch Meryl Lynch , his company advises investors in energy projects in Russia and Asia . Compare to “the main specialist on Russia and Ukraine” in the current administration Victoria Nuland has a bachelor's degree at Brown University , an experience of being a counsel in the pioneer camp in Odessa , an interpreter for the fishing fleet and the distributor of cookies on the Maidan square in Kiev.

No matter what you think about Trump one has to admit : his brief declaration of foreign policy is the only intelligible coherent and adequate one to the reality of American doctrine in the last 30 years. And even such an academic guru as Paul Gregory of the Hoover Institution admits that (in contrast to the political demagogues). “Watching the overall media backlash , I’ve done my own small research among my conservative colleagues (none of them are Trump’s supporters) about what they think of Trump's speech on foreign policy . The general reaction was unanimous . Except for very harsh words about international trade , they almost all agree, "- said Paul Gregory .

Trump has formulated an American anti-globalization and patriotic alternative. An alternative to the forces and interests that have been activated by Ukrainian coup, which goal was to create a self-reproducing mechanism of the Cold War . Trump’s attempt to stifle this mechanism promises nothing good for himself. However, the failure of this attempt does not promise anything good for America.”

Translated from:

Аналитическая программа «Однако» с Михаилом Леонтьевым. Новости. Первый канал
Americans do not want to war with Russia and a lot of us like Putin despite the blitzkrieg of negative press Putin gets in the US media. The media has lost all credibility in America and a recent poll said that only 6% of the American public trusts anything the media says. Personally, I do not believe anything that is reported in the US media unless I can verify its authenticity.

For example, there is 0% media coverage of the US/China - South China Sea dispute that seems to be on the brink of war. Another example, most Americans are disgusted with how corrupt our politicians have become. Most Americans believe we are no longer a bastion for good (and have started to second guess whether we ever were). Ronald Reagan is considered the only recent President that Americans hold in high regard. Reagan is the only President, in recent memory, that Americans really felt were for them and did not promote these globalization policies that are detrimental to American citizens.

This is why Donald Trump has risen like a phoenix. We are sick of electing polticians that make campaign promises and NEVER fulfill any of the promises. Americans wanted a political outsider to "blow up" the current, bloated, rigged, and corrupt political system. Americans want to ally with Russia. Most Americans believe that America and Russia can have a mutually beneficial relationship and almost completely stomp out radical Islam terrorists once and for all. Despite what our US evil politicians say about Russia and/or Putin; most Americans do not hold these same sentiments.

excellent post there except being off topic for a second what surprises me is that since you know how the media has lost all its credibility and lies all the time you should KNOW that the media ALSO has spun propaganda that Reagan was a great president.Its a myth that Reagan got Russia to tear down the wall. That happend way AFTER he was out of office.

Plus he was a mass murderer who started wars with other countries same as every president since him has. Also the truth is he was a traiter to americans and betrayed the lower and middle class familys.check out this video below.all documented facts.

Plus you dont seem to be aware of the facts that towards the end of his presidency,polls showed they were eager for Reagan to be out of office.

Many americans have been duped into believing that Carter was the worst president ever other than Obama.Could not be anything further than the truth. Employment was actually much better under Carter than it was under Reagan and the USA did not get into any wars under Carter.

check it out in this video below.All documented facts.

The media and our corrupt school system portrays Reagan as a president most americans trusted but that could not be any further from the truth as evidenced in this pic below.

Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes

The media here in the states is controlled by the CIA thats why I read alternative media sources.

They worship Reagan because the truth of it is he was the grandfather of all presidents who got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president since then has contiuned and expanded on.It was propaganda pieces by people like Rush Limbaugh who got americans beliieving in the myth he was for the people.

Carter was the last DECENT president america had.

a couple of good articles here that expose Reagan as the mass murderer he really was who betrayed america AND the world.

The Reagan Era Brought Us Depression, War, and Mass Murder in the Global South » pa

Journalist Allan Nairn: Reagan Was Behind "One Of The Most Intensive Campaigns Of Mass Murder In Recent History" | Democracy Now!

thousands of americans back then were aware of Reagans crimes against mankind obviously as you can see in this link here below.

Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes
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please reread this last post of mine stratford,I added on a couple of links and a video since you last viewed the post.:)
None of which relieves Stratford and darkfisted from conspiring to pervert American values and ally with Russian perfidy.
American values?
Blind allegiance is not a virtue. This holds true irrespective of subject. Candidate, party, country....makes no difference.
Your blind allegiance to your perverted values in not good at all in human relations
darkfisted, have you registered as an agent for Russia?

There was a phrase in my thread#1:
Generally what Trump says about Putin and Russia sounds like a red rag for any globalist in America or anywhere else.

Jake, everything you say keeps proving this point.

Vladimir Putin: I think I mentioned our ”guilt“ in the floods in Europe. I think this is another such joke. Actually, I think it is indecent to mention Russia when speaking of any issue, even those we have nothing to do with, to make our country out to be some kind of scarecrow. This not what intelligent people would do, I think.
Meeting with heads of international news agencies
Jake simply is an idiot so for this thread I have been ignoring him.

yeah Jake is one of USMB's trolls everyone should put on their ignore list.He is pals with USMB'S resident troll Rightwinger so that speaks volumns on his credibility.
American values?
Blind allegiance is not a virtue. This holds true irrespective of subject. Candidate, party, country....makes no difference.
Your blind allegiance to your perverted values in not good at all in human relations
darkfisted, have you registered as an agent for Russia?

There was a phrase in my thread#1:
Generally what Trump says about Putin and Russia sounds like a red rag for any globalist in America or anywhere else.

Jake, everything you say keeps proving this point.

Vladimir Putin: I think I mentioned our ”guilt“ in the floods in Europe. I think this is another such joke. Actually, I think it is indecent to mention Russia when speaking of any issue, even those we have nothing to do with, to make our country out to be some kind of scarecrow. This not what intelligent people would do, I think.
Meeting with heads of international news agencies
Jake simply is an idiot so for this thread I have been ignoring him.

yeah Jake is one of USMB's trolls everyone should put on their ignore list.He is pals with USMB'S resident troll Rightwinger so that speaks volumns on his credibility.
Disinfo agent 9-11 shows his true side of confusion. When he stutters like above, he is confused. But he likes MLB even if he does not really understand it. But if 9-11 wants to a phanboy of Russian disinfo material, by all means, let him betray America.
I thought some of you, guys, would be interested to know what Russian analysts and experts think about Trump. Lately I was watching Channel #1 of Russia and heard their analysis which I found pretty interesting and decided even to share it with those of you who might be curious:

“For the first time we have a clear and ideologically completed alternative to the policy of the last decades, which even Americans consider to be a failure.

Trump’s ideology is a departure from the destructive globalization of recent years in favor of a healthy American isolationism.

Like any normal American isolationist , Trump calls for strengthening America. Its military domination has to be the undisputed.

His vision is based on the fact that America needs to pursue its own interests and not impose its values . This is the only way to negotiate . And the constant Trump’s refrain that he would negotiate with Putin is a part of that vision. Generally what Trump says about Putin and Russia sounds like a red rag for any globalist in America or anywhere else.

Carter Page, the man whom Trump called his adviser on Russia. Opponents depict him marginalized only because he blames Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her people for provoking the coup in Kiev with the aim of seizing power of pro-American radicals. As far as Page’s professional experience goes, an investment banker Page has got three higher educations: the Naval Academy with honors , University of New York and London , a doctoral degree . Page has created from scratch Moscow branch Meryl Lynch , his company advises investors in energy projects in Russia and Asia . Compare to “the main specialist on Russia and Ukraine” in the current administration Victoria Nuland has a bachelor's degree at Brown University , an experience of being a counsel in the pioneer camp in Odessa , an interpreter for the fishing fleet and the distributor of cookies on the Maidan square in Kiev.

No matter what you think about Trump one has to admit : his brief declaration of foreign policy is the only intelligible coherent and adequate one to the reality of American doctrine in the last 30 years. And even such an academic guru as Paul Gregory of the Hoover Institution admits that (in contrast to the political demagogues). “Watching the overall media backlash , I’ve done my own small research among my conservative colleagues (none of them are Trump’s supporters) about what they think of Trump's speech on foreign policy . The general reaction was unanimous . Except for very harsh words about international trade , they almost all agree, "- said Paul Gregory .

Trump has formulated an American anti-globalization and patriotic alternative. An alternative to the forces and interests that have been activated by Ukrainian coup, which goal was to create a self-reproducing mechanism of the Cold War . Trump’s attempt to stifle this mechanism promises nothing good for himself. However, the failure of this attempt does not promise anything good for America.”

Translated from:

Аналитическая программа «Однако» с Михаилом Леонтьевым. Новости. Первый канал
Americans do not want to war with Russia and a lot of us like Putin despite the blitzkrieg of negative press Putin gets in the US media. The media has lost all credibility in America and a recent poll said that only 6% of the American public trusts anything the media says. Personally, I do not believe anything that is reported in the US media unless I can verify its authenticity.

For example, there is 0% media coverage of the US/China - South China Sea dispute that seems to be on the brink of war. Another example, most Americans are disgusted with how corrupt our politicians have become. Most Americans believe we are no longer a bastion for good (and have started to second guess whether we ever were). Ronald Reagan is considered the only recent President that Americans hold in high regard. Reagan is the only President, in recent memory, that Americans really felt were for them and did not promote these globalization policies that are detrimental to American citizens.

This is why Donald Trump has risen like a phoenix. We are sick of electing polticians that make campaign promises and NEVER fulfill any of the promises. Americans wanted a political outsider to "blow up" the current, bloated, rigged, and corrupt political system. Americans want to ally with Russia. Most Americans believe that America and Russia can have a mutually beneficial relationship and almost completely stomp out radical Islam terrorists once and for all. Despite what our US evil politicians say about Russia and/or Putin; most Americans do not hold these same sentiments.

excellent post there except being off topic for a second what surprises me is that since you know how the media has lost all its credibility and lies all the time you should KNOW that the media ALSO has spun propaganda that Reagan was a great president.Its a myth that Reagan got Russia to tear down the wall. That happend way AFTER he was out of office.

Plus he was a mass murderer who started wars with other countries same as every president since him has. Also the truth is he was a traiter to americans and betrayed the lower and middle class familys.check out this video below.all documented facts.

Plus you dont seem to be aware of the facts that towards the end of his presidency,polls showed they were eager for Reagan to be out of office.

Many americans have been duped into believing that Carter was the worst president ever other than Obama.Could not be anything further than the truth. Employment was actually much better under Carter than it was under Reagan and the USA did not get into any wars under Carter.

check it out in this video below.All documented facts.

The media and our corrupt school system portrays Reagan as a president most americans trusted but that could not be any further from the truth as evidenced in this pic below.

Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes

The media here in the states is controlled by the CIA thats why I read alternative media sources.

They worship Reagan because the truth of it is he was the grandfather of all presidents who got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president since then has contiuned and expanded on.It was propaganda pieces by people like Rush Limbaugh who got americans beliieving in the myth he was for the people.

Carter was the last DECENT president america had.

a couple of good articles here that expose Reagan as the mass murderer he really was who betrayed america AND the world.

The Reagan Era Brought Us Depression, War, and Mass Murder in the Global South » pa

Journalist Allan Nairn: Reagan Was Behind "One Of The Most Intensive Campaigns Of Mass Murder In Recent History" | Democracy Now!

thousands of americans back then were aware of Reagans crimes against mankind obviously as you can see in this link here below.

Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes

speaking of this post stratford,was just wondering,please tell me the majority of citizens in Russia are not brainwashed like so many of the sheep here in america are that have been taken in by the lies and propaganda of the CIA media that Reagan was a great president? PLEASE tell me most of them realise the true murderer he was and how he betrayed americans AND the world? please tell me THEY are awake on this?
Well, I live in Ukraine. Unfortunately. But I consider Russia my one and only Motherland, which has been stolen from me and millions of others when Ukraine separated from Russia (and I also respect Putin, he's the best leader of Russia since the 1917 revolution and that's why West hates him so much). I have many friends in Russia and know some of them are brainwashed, but brainwashed by Western propaganda. Russian news are delivering pretty honest information about Ukraine, situation in Russia and those places where I have reliable friends to confirm with. And Russian people know about Georgian war, Ukrainian coup, Malaysian Boeing etc. (with a lot of facts, intentionally hidden by Western propaganda!) a lot more than Americans do.

Sorry to say, but after Trump showed up on political stage and started telling Americans the TRUTH (not just BS propaganda they have been stuffed before) a lot of them woke up and realized: they've been fooled. The Elites can actually do whatever with Trump (cheat or even destroy him), but the huge question remains: what they can do with that half a country who's got to know the truth now.

VLADIMIR PUTIN: I see the collapse of the Soviet Union as a great tragedy of the 20th century. Do you know why? First of all, because 25 million of Russian people suddenly turned out to be outside the borders of the Russian Federation. They used to live in one state; the Soviet Union has traditionally been called Russia, the Soviet Russia, and it was the 'greater Russia'. Then the Soviet Union suddenly fell apart, in fact, overnight, and it turned out that in the former Soviet Union republics there were 25 million Russians. They used to live in one country and suddenly found themselves abroad. Can you imagine how many problems came out?

First, there were everyday issues, the separation of families, the economic and social problems. The list is endless. Do you think it is normal that 25 million people, Russian people, suddenly found themselves abroad? The Russians have turned out to be the largest divided nation in the world nowadays. Is that not a problem? It is not a problem for you as it is for me.

Sott Exclusive: Full unedited text of Vladimir Putin's interview with Charlie Rose: What CBS left out --

Sorry, I don't think anybody in Russia cares a lot about Reagan, just like you probably don't care about Brezhnev any more. However Reagan has never been a friend to our country: him and Gorbachev made the USSR collapse possible.

You may want to address your question to somebody who actually lives in Russia, sharik for example.
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Russia's imperialism has been active for a thousand years since the days of early Novgorod.

Grow, grab, grasp, strange, get all the neighbors' land as possible.

Globalist pigs like you want the US to go to war with Russia, instead of its real enemies like Islamist Nazis.
Russia's imperialism has been active for a thousand years since the days of early Novgorod.

Grow, grab, grasp, strange, get all the neighbors' land as possible.

Globalist pigs like you want the US to go to war with Russia, instead of its real enemies like Islamist Nazis.
You demonstrate why no one respects your grasp of geo-political affairs on the Board.

I do not want to go to war with Russia. I am saying be aware of what Russia is: a neo-imperialist power; always has been, always will be. Tell France, England, Germany, Poland, Iran, China, etc., to gear up.

I do not want to go to war with Iran. Tell Turkey and Syria and Israel and Egypt and Iraq to kill ISIS on their own, and then prepare for Iran on their own. It is not our business.
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Well, I live in Ukraine. Unfortunately. But I consider Russia my one and only Motherland, which has been stolen from me and millions of others when Ukraine separated from Russia (and I also respect Putin, he's the best leader of Russia since the 1917 revolution and that's why West hates him so much). I have many friends in Russia and know some of them are brainwashed, but brainwashed by Western propaganda. Russian news are delivering pretty honest information about Ukraine, situation in Russia and those places where I have reliable friends to confirm with. And Russian people know about Georgian war, Ukrainian coup, Malaysian Boeing etc. (with a lot of facts, intentionally hidden by Western propaganda!) a lot more than Americans do.

Sorry to say, but after Trump showed up on political stage and started telling Americans the TRUTH (not just BS propaganda they have been stuffed before) a lot of them woke up and realized: they've been fooled. The Elites can actually do whatever with Trump (cheat or even destroy him), but the huge question remains: what they can do with that half a country who's got to know the truth now.

VLADIMIR PUTIN: I see the collapse of the Soviet Union as a great tragedy of the 20th century. Do you know why? First of all, because 25 million of Russian people suddenly turned out to be outside the borders of the Russian Federation. They used to live in one state; the Soviet Union has traditionally been called Russia, the Soviet Russia, and it was the 'greater Russia'. Then the Soviet Union suddenly fell apart, in fact, overnight, and it turned out that in the former Soviet Union republics there were 25 million Russians. They used to live in one country and suddenly found themselves abroad. Can you imagine how many problems came out?

First, there were everyday issues, the separation of families, the economic and social problems. The list is endless. Do you think it is normal that 25 million people, Russian people, suddenly found themselves abroad? The Russians have turned out to be the largest divided nation in the world nowadays. Is that not a problem? It is not a problem for you as it is for me.

Sott Exclusive: Full unedited text of Vladimir Putin's interview with Charlie Rose: What CBS left out --

Sorry, I don't think anybody in Russia cares a lot about Reagan, just like you probably don't care about Brezhnev any more. However Reagan has never been a friend to our country: him and Gorbachev made the USSR collapse possible.

You may want to address your question to somebody who actually lives in Russia, sharik for example.
You mentioned that the Russian people know a lot more than the American people about the Malaysian boeing (that went missing). What can you tell us, Stratford?
Jeremiah, the information below was (ant still is after 2 years since the tragedy!) hidden by Ukraine and USA:

- Satellite pictures ("irrefutable evidence") Obama claimed he had but never released;
- Negotiations between Ukrainian air traffic controller and the Boeing pilots never has been published by official Kiev.

Those facts talk for themselves: both Washington and Kiev are hiding evidence which is not a top secret. And that means they have good reasons for that. If their evidence showed Russia guilty, they would publish it gladly and immediately, don’t you think?

I tried to find some 2 year old evidence provided by Russia and not covered by Western media [in English] . There is a lot more (especially in Russian), if you Google what you need and use such sources like RT, Sputniknews, TASS. I just don’t have time to spend looking for that. However I’ve been posting and updating the Russian side evidence on USMB a lot.

Flight MH17 False Flag Conspiracy FULLY EXPOSED! Complete Compilation Of ALL The Evidence! - BUSTED!

Evidence to Frame Russia For MH17 Shoot Down Fabricated?

MH-17: The Untold Story

Russian evidence on MH17 crash ignored – Peskov

Russia Furious After Investigators in MH17 Probe Ignore Key Evidence

Evidence Disproves Dutch Report on MH17 Crash in Ukraine

I'm sure if Trump wins you guys will also get to know who has actually shot Malaysian Boeing and a lot more stuff you might find interesting. I'm hoping for triumph of the truth. Eventually....
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Jeremiah, the information below was (ant still is after 2 years since the tragedy!) hidden by Ukraine and USA:

- Satellite pictures ("irrefutable evidence") Obama claimed he had but never released;
- Negotiations between Ukrainian air traffic controller and the Boeing pilots never has been published by official Kiev.

Those facts talk for themselves: both Washington and Kiev are hiding evidence which is not a top secret. And that means they have good reasons for that. If their evidence showed Russia guilty, they would publish it gladly and immediately, don’t you think?

I tried to find some 2 year old evidence provided by Russia and not covered by Western media [in English] . There is a lot more (especially in Russian), if you Google what you need and use such sources like RT, Sputniknews, TASS. I just don’t have time to spend looking for that. However I’ve been posting and updating the Russian side evidence on USMB a lot.

Flight MH17 False Flag Conspiracy FULLY EXPOSED! Complete Compilation Of ALL The Evidence! - BUSTED!

Evidence to Frame Russia For MH17 Shoot Down Fabricated?

MH-17: The Untold Story

Russian evidence on MH17 crash ignored – Peskov

Russia Furious After Investigators in MH17 Probe Ignore Key Evidence

Evidence Disproves Dutch Report on MH17 Crash in Ukraine

I'm sure if Trump wins you guys will also get to know who has actually shot Malaysian Boeing and a lot more stuff you might find interesting. I'm hoping for triumph of the truth. Eventually....

Stratford, these videos / information are not about Missing Malaysian Airplane Flight 370. This is the plane I am talking about.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It has never been found although the information I've seen it is clear that it was hijacked and is being hidden some where to be used later as a weapon in the hands of terrorists. Some things that were not reported - such one of the pilots families packed up and disappeared the same day he left for the airport to fly that plane. They left without taking their belongings - furniture, etc. and have never been seen again. I did find it quite odd that Putin posed on the cover of Time magazine with the shadow of a jumbo jet behind him after the Flight 370 went missing. (Pride has been known to take a fall before) It leads me to believe he knows where that plane is.

You see, it isn't a secret that the KGB trained many terrorists for such assignments (hijackings), even Beslan goes back to the KGB and secret agents of the Kremlin (a former KGB who fled the country told the story on Beslan and was later brutally murdered for it). I forget the name of the Russians who he said trained Muslim terrorists for those assignments. I think it was FSB? Does that ring a bell? Hold on I'll get the article.......

Russia's colluders: FSB Involvement in the Beslan and Dubrovka Hostage Takings - Non-Aligned Media

Yes, it's FSB. This article falls short of confirming what the former KGB / FSB guy said before he was murdered. He said that Russian authorities were in control and gave the orders for FSB and what happened in Beslan. That the terrorists were trained by FSB. Pretty horrific. After the man was murdered for revealing what happened in Beslan, an author was appointed to write a softer version of the story about it (it does appear) which goes as far as saying that the Russian authorities knew about Beslan plot, didn't prevent it and that the terrorists may have even been assisted by them. I believe the former KGB guy who died for his testimony. FSB trained the terrorists who did Beslan.

This wasn't an American news story as I recall. The story I read originally on it was out of Europe.
I thought some of you, guys, would be interested to know what Russian analysts and experts think about Trump. Lately I was watching Channel #1 of Russia and heard their analysis which I found pretty interesting and decided even to share it with those of you who might be curious:

“For the first time we have a clear and ideologically completed alternative to the policy of the last decades, which even Americans consider to be a failure.

Trump’s ideology is a departure from the destructive globalization of recent years in favor of a healthy American isolationism.

Like any normal American isolationist , Trump calls for strengthening America. Its military domination has to be the undisputed.

His vision is based on the fact that America needs to pursue its own interests and not impose its values . This is the only way to negotiate . And the constant Trump’s refrain that he would negotiate with Putin is a part of that vision. Generally what Trump says about Putin and Russia sounds like a red rag for any globalist in America or anywhere else.

Carter Page, the man whom Trump called his adviser on Russia. Opponents depict him marginalized only because he blames Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her people for provoking the coup in Kiev with the aim of seizing power of pro-American radicals. As far as Page’s professional experience goes, an investment banker Page has got three higher educations: the Naval Academy with honors , University of New York and London , a doctoral degree . Page has created from scratch Moscow branch Meryl Lynch , his company advises investors in energy projects in Russia and Asia . Compare to “the main specialist on Russia and Ukraine” in the current administration Victoria Nuland has a bachelor's degree at Brown University , an experience of being a counsel in the pioneer camp in Odessa , an interpreter for the fishing fleet and the distributor of cookies on the Maidan square in Kiev.

No matter what you think about Trump one has to admit : his brief declaration of foreign policy is the only intelligible coherent and adequate one to the reality of American doctrine in the last 30 years. And even such an academic guru as Paul Gregory of the Hoover Institution admits that (in contrast to the political demagogues). “Watching the overall media backlash , I’ve done my own small research among my conservative colleagues (none of them are Trump’s supporters) about what they think of Trump's speech on foreign policy . The general reaction was unanimous . Except for very harsh words about international trade , they almost all agree, "- said Paul Gregory .

Trump has formulated an American anti-globalization and patriotic alternative. An alternative to the forces and interests that have been activated by Ukrainian coup, which goal was to create a self-reproducing mechanism of the Cold War . Trump’s attempt to stifle this mechanism promises nothing good for himself. However, the failure of this attempt does not promise anything good for America.”

Translated from:

Аналитическая программа «Однако» с Михаилом Леонтьевым. Новости. Первый канал
Americans do not want to war with Russia and a lot of us like Putin despite the blitzkrieg of negative press Putin gets in the US media. The media has lost all credibility in America and a recent poll said that only 6% of the American public trusts anything the media says. Personally, I do not believe anything that is reported in the US media unless I can verify its authenticity.

For example, there is 0% media coverage of the US/China - South China Sea dispute that seems to be on the brink of war. Another example, most Americans are disgusted with how corrupt our politicians have become. Most Americans believe we are no longer a bastion for good (and have started to second guess whether we ever were). Ronald Reagan is considered the only recent President that Americans hold in high regard. Reagan is the only President, in recent memory, that Americans really felt were for them and did not promote these globalization policies that are detrimental to American citizens.

This is why Donald Trump has risen like a phoenix. We are sick of electing polticians that make campaign promises and NEVER fulfill any of the promises. Americans wanted a political outsider to "blow up" the current, bloated, rigged, and corrupt political system. Americans want to ally with Russia. Most Americans believe that America and Russia can have a mutually beneficial relationship and almost completely stomp out radical Islam terrorists once and for all. Despite what our US evil politicians say about Russia and/or Putin; most Americans do not hold these same sentiments.
I thought some of you, guys, would be interested to know what Russian analysts and experts think about Trump. Lately I was watching Channel #1 of Russia and heard their analysis which I found pretty interesting and decided even to share it with those of you who might be curious:

“For the first time we have a clear and ideologically completed alternative to the policy of the last decades, which even Americans consider to be a failure.

Trump’s ideology is a departure from the destructive globalization of recent years in favor of a healthy American isolationism.

Like any normal American isolationist , Trump calls for strengthening America. Its military domination has to be the undisputed.

His vision is based on the fact that America needs to pursue its own interests and not impose its values . This is the only way to negotiate . And the constant Trump’s refrain that he would negotiate with Putin is a part of that vision. Generally what Trump says about Putin and Russia sounds like a red rag for any globalist in America or anywhere else.

Carter Page, the man whom Trump called his adviser on Russia. Opponents depict him marginalized only because he blames Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her people for provoking the coup in Kiev with the aim of seizing power of pro-American radicals. As far as Page’s professional experience goes, an investment banker Page has got three higher educations: the Naval Academy with honors , University of New York and London , a doctoral degree . Page has created from scratch Moscow branch Meryl Lynch , his company advises investors in energy projects in Russia and Asia . Compare to “the main specialist on Russia and Ukraine” in the current administration Victoria Nuland has a bachelor's degree at Brown University , an experience of being a counsel in the pioneer camp in Odessa , an interpreter for the fishing fleet and the distributor of cookies on the Maidan square in Kiev.

No matter what you think about Trump one has to admit : his brief declaration of foreign policy is the only intelligible coherent and adequate one to the reality of American doctrine in the last 30 years. And even such an academic guru as Paul Gregory of the Hoover Institution admits that (in contrast to the political demagogues). “Watching the overall media backlash , I’ve done my own small research among my conservative colleagues (none of them are Trump’s supporters) about what they think of Trump's speech on foreign policy . The general reaction was unanimous . Except for very harsh words about international trade , they almost all agree, "- said Paul Gregory .

Trump has formulated an American anti-globalization and patriotic alternative. An alternative to the forces and interests that have been activated by Ukrainian coup, which goal was to create a self-reproducing mechanism of the Cold War . Trump’s attempt to stifle this mechanism promises nothing good for himself. However, the failure of this attempt does not promise anything good for America.”

Translated from:

Аналитическая программа «Однако» с Михаилом Леонтьевым. Новости. Первый канал
Americans do not want to war with Russia and a lot of us like Putin despite the blitzkrieg of negative press Putin gets in the US media. The media has lost all credibility in America and a recent poll said that only 6% of the American public trusts anything the media says. Personally, I do not believe anything that is reported in the US media unless I can verify its authenticity.

For example, there is 0% media coverage of the US/China - South China Sea dispute that seems to be on the brink of war. Another example, most Americans are disgusted with how corrupt our politicians have become. Most Americans believe we are no longer a bastion for good (and have started to second guess whether we ever were). Ronald Reagan is considered the only recent President that Americans hold in high regard. Reagan is the only President, in recent memory, that Americans really felt were for them and did not promote these globalization policies that are detrimental to American citizens.

This is why Donald Trump has risen like a phoenix. We are sick of electing polticians that make campaign promises and NEVER fulfill any of the promises. Americans wanted a political outsider to "blow up" the current, bloated, rigged, and corrupt political system. Americans want to ally with Russia. Most Americans believe that America and Russia can have a mutually beneficial relationship and almost completely stomp out radical Islam terrorists once and for all. Despite what our US evil politicians say about Russia and/or Putin; most Americans do not hold these same sentiments.

I'm not interested in the discussion about Trump although your comment that he is rising like a "phoenix" was duly noted.. nice touch. My question to you, is what do you believe the timeline is on China invading Taiwan? Do you believe they will do it this September / October or will they do it next year? You used the word "brink" so define it for us. I know in Russia it is common knowledge among their military and also much of their upper crust society that America is about to be destroyed - that she won't "exist" and therein will be incapable of any future trade, seat at a UN table, etc. because when China invades Taiwan and the US responds, Russia is going to strike America's nuclear warehouses in America - in certain States... you're spetsnaz, FSB, have been here for some time. This comes compliments of Spetsnaz elite have also been spotted in the woods of Minnesota (without US military presence) training also ....

Temporarily Unavailable |

Russia has communist nations who have vowed to assist her in the invasion of USA (aside from China) such as Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela - and those guys - many arrived and are waiting in Sanctuary cities for the call - and then there is the Islamic sleeper cells that are also waiting for their own call too. The invasion that follows is going to beyond brutal and will be a devastation such as the history of America has never endured.

I believe it is possibly planned for the end of this year. Not next year. What about you? Do you think the Taiwan tipping point is about to tip over this September / October? If you love the American people so much why haven't you mentioned what this will mean for them - in your comment about the South China Sea brink of war situation? Why publicize the Russian enthusiasm for Trump if not to stoke the fires of internal uprisings (BLM) against the Americans who are supporting Trump here? Is it because you need that civil war / uprising from within to synchronize the timing of when China should strike Taiwan and therein kick off the Russian Strike & Invasion of the USA?
Americans do not want to war with Russia and a lot of us like Putin despite the blitzkrieg of negative press Putin gets in the US media. The media has lost all credibility in America and a recent poll said that only 6% of the American public trusts anything the media says. Personally, I do not believe anything that is reported in the US media unless I can verify its authenticity.

For example, there is 0% media coverage of the US/China - South China Sea dispute that seems to be on the brink of war. Another example, most Americans are disgusted with how corrupt our politicians have become. Most Americans believe we are no longer a bastion for good (and have started to second guess whether we ever were). Ronald Reagan is considered the only recent President that Americans hold in high regard. Reagan is the only President, in recent memory, that Americans really felt were for them and did not promote these globalization policies that are detrimental to American citizens.

This is why Donald Trump has risen like a phoenix. We are sick of electing polticians that make campaign promises and NEVER fulfill any of the promises. Americans wanted a political outsider to "blow up" the current, bloated, rigged, and corrupt political system. Americans want to ally with Russia. Most Americans believe that America and Russia can have a mutually beneficial relationship and almost completely stomp out radical Islam terrorists once and for all. Despite what our US evil politicians say about Russia and/or Putin; most Americans do not hold these same sentiments.
I.own.agent.Smith, welcome to USMB. Your very first post was very smart and profound and it also was in my thread, so I feel very flattered. I think you’ll have a lot of respect on USMB and a lot of people, enjoying your company, if you keep posting like that.

Thank you for all you said about Russia and have fun on USMB! Say hi to those Americans, who think same way like yourself. You convinced me: Russia and USA can be friends when (or if) a right person arrives into the WH.

His first post was on this thread was because he knows you, Stratford.
Americans do not want to war with Russia and a lot of us like Putin despite the blitzkrieg of negative press Putin gets in the US media. The media has lost all credibility in America and a recent poll said that only 6% of the American public trusts anything the media says. Personally, I do not believe anything that is reported in the US media unless I can verify its authenticity.

For example, there is 0% media coverage of the US/China - South China Sea dispute that seems to be on the brink of war. Another example, most Americans are disgusted with how corrupt our politicians have become. Most Americans believe we are no longer a bastion for good (and have started to second guess whether we ever were). Ronald Reagan is considered the only recent President that Americans hold in high regard. Reagan is the only President, in recent memory, that Americans really felt were for them and did not promote these globalization policies that are detrimental to American citizens.

This is why Donald Trump has risen like a phoenix. We are sick of electing polticians that make campaign promises and NEVER fulfill any of the promises. Americans wanted a political outsider to "blow up" the current, bloated, rigged, and corrupt political system. Americans want to ally with Russia. Most Americans believe that America and Russia can have a mutually beneficial relationship and almost completely stomp out radical Islam terrorists once and for all. Despite what our US evil politicians say about Russia and/or Putin; most Americans do not hold these same sentiments.
I.own.agent.Smith, welcome to USMB. Your very first post was very smart and profound and it also was in my thread, so I feel very flattered. I think you’ll have a lot of respect on USMB and a lot of people, enjoying your company, if you keep posting like that.

Thank you for all you said about Russia and have fun on USMB! Say hi to those Americans, who think same way like yourself. You convinced me: Russia and USA can be friends when (or if) a right person arrives into the WH.

His first post was on this thread was because he knows you, Stratford.
I don't think so. At least I don't know this guy, unfortunately. Though I wish I could be around him and many other very, very smart and decent people I've virtually met on USMB like Tehon, DarkFury , Vigilante , gipper , JimBowie1958, , Bleipriester , Sbiker , the-human-being and many others. Their countries can be proud of such guys like them. I respect them a lot and I'm happy I had a chance to know them. I'm sorry to distract your attention by mentioning your names, I just wanted to say thank you all.
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Americans do not want to war with Russia and a lot of us like Putin despite the blitzkrieg of negative press Putin gets in the US media. The media has lost all credibility in America and a recent poll said that only 6% of the American public trusts anything the media says. Personally, I do not believe anything that is reported in the US media unless I can verify its authenticity.

For example, there is 0% media coverage of the US/China - South China Sea dispute that seems to be on the brink of war. Another example, most Americans are disgusted with how corrupt our politicians have become. Most Americans believe we are no longer a bastion for good (and have started to second guess whether we ever were). Ronald Reagan is considered the only recent President that Americans hold in high regard. Reagan is the only President, in recent memory, that Americans really felt were for them and did not promote these globalization policies that are detrimental to American citizens.

This is why Donald Trump has risen like a phoenix. We are sick of electing polticians that make campaign promises and NEVER fulfill any of the promises. Americans wanted a political outsider to "blow up" the current, bloated, rigged, and corrupt political system. Americans want to ally with Russia. Most Americans believe that America and Russia can have a mutually beneficial relationship and almost completely stomp out radical Islam terrorists once and for all. Despite what our US evil politicians say about Russia and/or Putin; most Americans do not hold these same sentiments.
I.own.agent.Smith, welcome to USMB. Your very first post was very smart and profound and it also was in my thread, so I feel very flattered. I think you’ll have a lot of respect on USMB and a lot of people, enjoying your company, if you keep posting like that.

Thank you for all you said about Russia and have fun on USMB! Say hi to those Americans, who think same way like yourself. You convinced me: Russia and USA can be friends when (or if) a right person arrives into the WH.

His first post was on this thread was because he knows you, Stratford.
I don't think so. At least I don't know this guy. Though I wish I could be around him and many other very, very smart people I virtually met on USMB like Tehon, DarkFury, Vigilanre, the-human-being and many others. America can be proud of such guys like them.
That was a statement. Not a question. Let's move on.......

I noticed you have no comment on the Russians intention to strike the USA and lead a mass invasion on the American people. As you live in the Ukraine and are loyal to Putin's future agenda to bring back the glory of the Soviet era (and reunite w/ neighboring countries by force), this does not surprise me. What you may not understand is that God did reveal what is going to happen to America if they didn't repent. That was many years ago. Over 30 years ago now. The man has already died and went to heaven. But something you may not realize is that once the judgment of God falls (the wicked are God's Sword) they too, will suffer a terrible fate.
It is written:
13 Arise, O Lord, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword:
Psalm 17:13

So the wicked (that would be Russia, China, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico...all those who have agreed to join in the invasion of the United States) are God's sword. God is permitting this because of the disobedience of His own people who live here and for the sins of the nation - abortion, homosexuality, foreign gods permitted to be brought here such as Allah, Buddah, etc, dividing Israel's land... But it doesn't end there.......because prophecy in the Bible also describes the day when God shall send his vengeance on Russia - geographically - and upon the Russian people - although some will survive.

I believe that the survivors will be (even as they will be here in the USA - those who live holy unto the Lord) those who Putin is oppressing with his new laws - enacted on July 20, 2016 - which make it against the law for Believers in Jesus Christ to share their faith in their own home, on the internet, or anywhere outside of the Orthodox Greek Church on Sunday or designated religious cites that are approved by the govt. of Russia. From July 20,2016 it is no longer legal to speak about your faith outside of a church building. That means that Christian parents are no longer permitted to speak about their faith to their own children in the privacy of their own home - how will they know? They are under surveillance, of course.

Yes, the Soviet mentality is alive and well... this is evidence of it and when they start arresting the believers of Jesus Christ and putting them in prison we know what will happen. The same thing the Russians have always done to their prisoners. Brutal torture every day they are in there. Yes, it is not a secret - the history of the Russians (who are communists in every sense of the word - even as the Chinese are - albeit a different leader - their was Mao - yours was Stalin) was beyond comprehension -
The Holodomor: Stalin starved 10 million Ukrainians to death between 1932 and 1933....why do we hear so much less about him than Hitler?

I will tell you. The Kremlin has waited out a generation in an effort to erase the true history of the most diabolical devil to ever rule Russia - Josef Stalin.

You say you live in the Ukraine? And you do not know about the history of Stalin starving to death 10,000,000 men, women and children of the Ukraine because of his communist agenda? How is that possible?

I see you desire a return to Soviet Russia and Putin whom you admire is called to be greater than a Stalin... one can only imagine the bloodlust of such a man.

I can only speak the truth of what I am witnessing here in this thread. The naivete' of Americans - appalling. The deception of a few - masterful but not so much as to see what is called "overplaying your hand"..


... the photos' of children forced to starve in Stalin's planned Genocide - is like Hitler's death camps without the barbed wire...
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I thought some of you, guys, would be interested to know what Russian analysts and experts think about Trump. Lately I was watching Channel #1 of Russia and heard their analysis which I found pretty interesting and decided even to share it with those of you who might be curious:

“For the first time we have a clear and ideologically completed alternative to the policy of the last decades, which even Americans consider to be a failure.

Trump’s ideology is a departure from the destructive globalization of recent years in favor of a healthy American isolationism.

Like any normal American isolationist , Trump calls for strengthening America. Its military domination has to be the undisputed.

His vision is based on the fact that America needs to pursue its own interests and not impose its values . This is the only way to negotiate . And the constant Trump’s refrain that he would negotiate with Putin is a part of that vision. Generally what Trump says about Putin and Russia sounds like a red rag for any globalist in America or anywhere else.

Carter Page, the man whom Trump called his adviser on Russia. Opponents depict him marginalized only because he blames Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her people for provoking the coup in Kiev with the aim of seizing power of pro-American radicals. As far as Page’s professional experience goes, an investment banker Page has got three higher educations: the Naval Academy with honors , University of New York and London , a doctoral degree . Page has created from scratch Moscow branch Meryl Lynch , his company advises investors in energy projects in Russia and Asia . Compare to “the main specialist on Russia and Ukraine” in the current administration Victoria Nuland has a bachelor's degree at Brown University , an experience of being a counsel in the pioneer camp in Odessa , an interpreter for the fishing fleet and the distributor of cookies on the Maidan square in Kiev.

No matter what you think about Trump one has to admit : his brief declaration of foreign policy is the only intelligible coherent and adequate one to the reality of American doctrine in the last 30 years. And even such an academic guru as Paul Gregory of the Hoover Institution admits that (in contrast to the political demagogues). “Watching the overall media backlash , I’ve done my own small research among my conservative colleagues (none of them are Trump’s supporters) about what they think of Trump's speech on foreign policy . The general reaction was unanimous . Except for very harsh words about international trade , they almost all agree, "- said Paul Gregory .

Trump has formulated an American anti-globalization and patriotic alternative. An alternative to the forces and interests that have been activated by Ukrainian coup, which goal was to create a self-reproducing mechanism of the Cold War . Trump’s attempt to stifle this mechanism promises nothing good for himself. However, the failure of this attempt does not promise anything good for America.”

Translated from:

Аналитическая программа «Однако» с Михаилом Леонтьевым. Новости. Первый канал

Basically they want entities like Russia and China which will simply do what they like, use their muscle to get what they want and they don't want anyone in their way. Go Trump, give Russia and China a free hand to fuck anyone smaller.

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