Russiagate: What We Know and What we Don't Know

Stealing emails is a crime, publishing them isn't unless the publisher actually stole them. Even coordinating with said publishing isn't either,

Aiding and abetting a crime is a crime in is the conspiracy involved

Nothing has been presented that any American aided with the acquisition of the emails or conspired to acquire them. If you commies didn't have your assumptions you'd have nothing at all.

Collusion with a foreign power is certainly a NUMBER of crimes.

Stealing and exposing e-mails is a is the conspiracy involved in abetting that effort

Hey dummy, colluding with foreign government is called foreign policy and it's done all the time with friends and foes.

Stealing emails is a crime, publishing them isn't unless the publisher actually stole them. Even coordinating with said publishing isn't either, of course there's no proof that happened either.

You are talking as if all these questions of legality have been settled. They have not, not yet anyway. One thing you are forgetting though: All the lying and all the coverups speak to intent. They intended to defraud our government, that matters greatly when it comes time for judges and juries to decide.

See post 41. Funny how Comey never considered the bitches lies to congress, or her setting up the server to foil records keeping laws as part of intent. I guess a two tired justice system really does exist.

You are not going to agree with this but questions of what Hillary may have done are secondary to what the president is doing right now. The right pursued her like a pack of rabid wolves for decades and what did they get? Doodly squat is what they got yet they still want her in front of a firing squad on far less compelling evidence than we have that Trump worked with Russia to rig an election in his favor. I guess continuing to run against Hillary is easier than defending the worst choice America ever made.

Far less compelling evidence than we have that Trump worked with Russia to rig an election in his favor?

WTF are you talking about? No such evidence exists! Did you just wake up from a dream, because that is the only way any evidence exists except in your dreams!
Hey dummy, colluding with foreign government is called foreign policy and it's done all the time with friends and foes.

Stealing emails is a crime, publishing them isn't unless the publisher actually stole them. Even coordinating with said publishing isn't either, of course there's no proof that happened either.

You are talking as if all these questions of legality have been settled. They have not, not yet anyway. One thing you are forgetting though: All the lying and all the coverups speak to intent. They intended to defraud our government, that matters greatly when it comes time for judges and juries to decide.

See post 41. Funny how Comey never considered the bitches lies to congress, or her setting up the server to foil records keeping laws as part of intent. I guess a two tired justice system really does exist.

You are not going to agree with this but questions of what Hillary may have done are secondary to what the president is doing right now. The right pursued her like a pack of rabid wolves for decades and what did they get? Doodly squat is what they got yet they still want her in front of a firing squad on far less compelling evidence than we have that Trump worked with Russia to rig an election in his favor. I guess continuing to run against Hillary is easier than defending the worst choice America ever made.

The fact you need to face is NOTHING has been presented proving Trump did a damn thing wrong. In fact it has never been stated that he was even a target of the investigation. All you have is speculation and assumptions.

On the other hand, the bitches investigation had a predetermined outcome. Immunity was handed out like candy, FBI emails prove her staff lied to investigators and not one prosecution resulted. Congress provided a referral to the FBI on the bitch for lying to congress, it was ignored. Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence that would have got an indictment in any grand jury, but they never impaneled a grand jury. Something unheard of in a case of that scope. All that coupled with the things I've already said, proves we have a two tiered justice system.

So keep living in your fantasy land, I think you'll be severely disappointed when Mueller finally gives his report to the AG.

I don't care about Hillary enough to spend a lot of time defending her. As far as I am concerned her political career is over and her relevance to current events is marginal at best. Right now, this minute, we are faced with situations we have never before faced in America and all you care about is beating a dead horse named Hillary Clinton? Trump is in a world of trouble, remarkable how conservatives still think there is some way he can still come out of this exonerated in spite of all the jail time handed out already..

What jail time has been handed out? Not a single sentence had to do with misconduct during the election! NOT ONE F-ING DAY!
Far less compelling evidence than we have that Trump worked with Russia to rig an election in his favor?

WTF are you talking about? No such evidence exists! Did you just wake up from a dream, because that is the only way any evidence exists except in your dreams!

Are you trying to parse out that it wasn't Trump...just his kids?
Far less compelling evidence than we have that Trump worked with Russia to rig an election in his favor?

WTF are you talking about? No such evidence exists! Did you just wake up from a dream, because that is the only way any evidence exists except in your dreams!

Are you trying to parse out that it wasn't Trump...just his kids?

What did his kids do wrong?

Are we going back to the IF game again? LMAO You keep putting in these little caveats, stick with facts.

There's no "if".

Trump was and may still be the subject of a COUNTERINTEL INVESTIGATION
Stealing emails is a crime, publishing them isn't unless the publisher actually stole them. Even coordinating with said publishing isn't either,

Aiding and abetting a crime is a crime in is the conspiracy involved

Nothing has been presented that any American aided with the acquisition of the emails or conspired to acquire them. If you commies didn't have your assumptions you'd have nothing at all.

Read the Stone indictment again
What we know and what democrats won't accept.

Random Russian phishers sent a scam email to John Podesta. He responded and revealed his email password that just happened to be "password".

Using that password the phishers opened a backdoor to the email account of Hillary Clinton. Because Clinton used an unsecured server the phishers had an open door to the DNC which they promptly looted and turned over to Wikileaks.
Far less compelling evidence than we have that Trump worked with Russia to rig an election in his favor?

WTF are you talking about? No such evidence exists! Did you just wake up from a dream, because that is the only way any evidence exists except in your dreams!

Are you trying to parse out that it wasn't Trump...just his kids?

What did his kids do wrong?

In the Stone indictment it shows that Stone was colluding between wikileaks and Bannon...and someone higher in the campaign than Bannon. Who was higher than Bannon?

Ivanka,Kushner,Don Jr...and Trump.

You pick
What we know: Collusion is not a crime.

What we don't know: Why Democrats have to act like babies for losing an election.
Dude...if we have a President and/or Administration who colluded with a Russian effort to subvert our Democracy (that is ongoing by the way) that is a BIG deal

Trump supporters would rather be Russian than to be American; you know that, right?
Nope. Rather be Russian than DEMOCRAT. So glad to educate you. Democrats stopped being Americans a decade or more ago.
Collusion with a foreign power is certainly a NUMBER of crimes.

Stealing and exposing e-mails is a is the conspiracy involved in abetting that effort

Hey dummy, colluding with foreign government is called foreign policy and it's done all the time with friends and foes.

Stealing emails is a crime, publishing them isn't unless the publisher actually stole them. Even coordinating with said publishing isn't either, of course there's no proof that happened either.

You are talking as if all these questions of legality have been settled. They have not, not yet anyway. One thing you are forgetting though: All the lying and all the coverups speak to intent. They intended to defraud our government, that matters greatly when it comes time for judges and juries to decide.

See post 41. Funny how Comey never considered the bitches lies to congress, or her setting up the server to foil records keeping laws as part of intent. I guess a two tired justice system really does exist.

You are not going to agree with this but questions of what Hillary may have done are secondary to what the president is doing right now. The right pursued her like a pack of rabid wolves for decades and what did they get? Doodly squat is what they got yet they still want her in front of a firing squad on far less compelling evidence than we have that Trump worked with Russia to rig an election in his favor. I guess continuing to run against Hillary is easier than defending the worst choice America ever made.

Far less compelling evidence than we have that Trump worked with Russia to rig an election in his favor?

WTF are you talking about? No such evidence exists! Did you just wake up from a dream, because that is the only way any evidence exists except in your dreams!
Circumstantial evidence supports the theory. If that is invalid then it follows that the whole Clinton Email scandal is invalid, can't have it both ways. Also no one except Mueller knows what evidence exists. Only when that is released can anyone say for certain if Trump is guilty of something. In the meantime all signs point to yes and I am entirely willing to admit being wrong if it should turn out that way, are you?
Random Russian phishers sent a scam email to John Podesta. He responded and revealed his email password that just happened to be "password".

Those "random Russians" were GRU agents...and they supplied that information to Julian Assange...and they have been indicted.
Are we going back to the IF game again? LMAO You keep putting in these little caveats, stick with facts.

There's no "if".

Trump was and may still be the subject of a COUNTERINTEL INVESTIGATION
Yes. Trump is the subject of a counterintel investigation whose purpose is to manufacture a fake conspiracy case. This is what the weaponized intelligence services called insurance to get rid of Trump should he be elected. As Peter Sztrok told Lisa Page. We will never let it happen. We have insurance.

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