Zone1 Russia Wants UN to Pressure US

I've always been totally convinced that it's America's war against Russia .....
Without a doubt. But do you think it is also Russia's war against the US? I'm talking about instigation.
The law is on Russia's side if this isn't resolved.
Maybe that's Putin's ploy. Finding a way to manoeuvre the US into a trap whereby Washington takes the bait and finds itself on the wrong side of the law.
Without a doubt. But do you think it is also Russia's war against the US? I'm talking about instigation.
Yes. It was started by the US covertly fomenting violence against the people of the Donbass region, which was a violation of the Minsk agreement. Russia had no choice but to defend it's border.
Even Zelensky was onside with the Minsk agreement until coerced by the US with promises of taking back the Crimea.
Maybe that's Putin's ploy. Finding a way to manoeuvre the US into a trap whereby Washington takes the bait and finds itself on the wrong side of the law.
I really don't know Russia's strategy, other than a commitment to defending it's borders.

America renegged on promises of no further Nato expansion in return for the Crimea.

The Ukraine is being used as America's proxy and it's quite likely it will never again be considered a country.

Of minor significance compared to the consequences if it goes nuclear!
Yes. It was started by the US covertly fomenting violence against the people of the Donbass region, which was a violation of the Minsk agreement. Russia had no choice but to defend it's border.
Even Zelensky was onside with the Minsk agreement until coerced by the US with promises of taking back the Crimea.

I really don't know Russia's strategy, other than a commitment to defending it's borders.

America renegged on promises of no further Nato expansion in return for the Crimea.

The Ukraine is being used as America's proxy and it's quite likely it will never again be considered a country.

Of minor significance compared to the consequences if it goes nuclear!

America renegged on promises of no further Nato expansion in return for the Crimea.

I know! Outrageous! Why would any country formerly enslaved by Russia want to join NATO?
Wars have consequences.

Only problem is that this sort of thing can easily be used against the US. We are CONSTANTLY in wars. And sometimes China prefers the people we don't necessarily like. So if we find a way to do something to Russia's role in the UN I assume that China would be glad to return the favor to us on behalf of Russia the next time we get into another war.

Not saying that Russia isn't completely outside of the decency of nations because of their aggression in Ukraine, just that if we start down this road we open ourselves to similar actions when we take our actions we think are needed.

Wouldn't it be cool if the UN could ACTUALLY be used to the ends it was originally planned for? And we and the Russians could actually TALK? Nah, that's not what anyone does.

Putin is a hero for standing up to the U.S. /EU / NATO satanic globalist cabal and defeating every boneheaded sanction and military tactic they've tried using to cripple Russia. ... :thup:

And his heroism extends into other areas as well! He's definitely standing up to journalists! What's his body count now? How many before he becomes an "ace"?
Wars have consequences.
Sometimes. We get a free pass when we invade a country for no other reason than to amuse ourselves. We`re in the 19th year of searching for WMDs in Iraq. I`m starting to think they`re not there.
Only when dealing with liberal loons like you. .. :cuckoo: :laugh::laugh:

Sorry but you were the one who said they didn't know, didn't care about a topic and then when presented with the topic claimed it wasn't real.

I'm just curious how you "don't know" about something but you know it isn't real.

I'd say you have a bit of work to do in the logic department.

The explanation is contained in the link but basically the US appears to be trying to exclude Russia from the General Assembly!

Is this not catastrophic for the UN's survival?

Does America really want to exclude Russia.

I've placed this in the CDZ because it deserves serious discussion.

Moderators: Please police this thread appropriately.
It won't surprise me if the UN doesn't agree with this. The UN was created for one reason, to destroy the United States of America.

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