Russia - NRA ties; like anyone's really surprised.

Torshin has been linked to money laundering. Bloomberg reported on the conclusions of a 2013 investigation by Spanish authorities, writing that Alexander Torshin instructed members of the Moscow-based Taganskaya crime syndicate how to launder ill-gotten gains through banks and properties in Spain."

As a result of this investigation, Spain convicted a Torshin underling – who reportedly called Torshin "boss" and "godfather" in recordings – and sentenced this man to nearly four years in prison for illegal transactions totaling more than $1.8 million. Torshin himself was not charged; a Spanish official told Bloomberg that Russia won't cooperate in cases against top politicians. Toshin has denied any wrongdoing.

NRA Connections
Torshin helped establish a Russian gun group called Right to Bear Arms, whose president calls Torshin "a great gun lover." Torshin is also a life member of the NRA – and forged ties to its leadership after attending the NRA's national convention in 2013. McClatchy reports that, in 2015, Toshin hosted "a high-level NRA delegation" during a week-long Moscow trip "that included meetings with influential Russian government and business figures." An attendee describes a debauched week: "They were killing us with vodka and the best Russian food," he told McClatchy. "The trip exceeded my expectations by logarithmic levels."

Trump Connections
At the May 2016 NRA convention in Louisville, Kentucky, where Donald Trump accepted the group's endorsement, Torshin shared a table at dinner with the candidate's son Donald Jr. According to Bloomberg, Torshin claimed to also have met now-president Trump at the convention, and that: "He keeps photos of the event on his computer tablet."

The 2016 NRA convention came off just as Russians were actively seeking contact with the Trump campaign – just weeks earlier, a Russian conduit told Trump staffer George Papadopoulos that Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, including thousands of her emails. – and hoping to set up a meeting with Trump and Putin.

According to the New York Times, Torshin tried to set up a dinner meeting in Louisville at the time of the NRA convention with then-candidate Trump – with the aim of connecting Trump with Putin. The request was conveyed through a Trump ally in the Christian conservative world, who reportedly sent the campaign an email with the subject line: "Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite." (Trump did not attend that dinner.)

Separately, an NRA member, Paul Erickson – who had been part of the 2015 NRA delegation to Moscow – wrote an email titled, "Kremlin Connection," to Trump campaign adviser Rick Dearborn, according to the New York Times. Erickson reportedly told the campaign that Russia was "quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S." and would be seeking "first contact" at the NRA convention.

Weeks later, in early June 2016, the trio of Donald Trump Jr., then-campaign manager Paul Manafort, and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner took a meeting with a Putin-connected lawyer who had offered incriminating material on Hillary Clinton. Former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon has dubbed that meeting "treasonous."

The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know
NRA is not really a bona fide gun rights organization.

"It's not guns, it's mental illness, stupid"

Except that's the first thing they do about "mental illness" -- take away your guns. No defense, no redress, no recourse.

18 U.S. Code § 922 - Unlawful acts

(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm or ammunition to any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that such person— ... (4) has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution; ...

(g) It shall be unlawful for any person— ... (4) who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or who has been committed to a mental institution; ... to ship or transport in interstate or foreign commerce, or possess in or affecting commerce, any firearm or ammunition; or to receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.
Why do you consider the NRA a terrorist organization?

Because they actively limit gun laws in order to produce mass shootings, with which they then use to help gun sales.
Well, now the NRA spending $30M on Trump in 2016 makes a lot more sense.

Depth Of Russian Politician's Cultivation Of NRA Ties Revealed
A prominent Kremlin-linked Russian politician has methodically cultivated ties with leaders of the National Rifle Association, and documented efforts in real time over six years to leverage those connections and gain access deeper into American politics, NPR has learned.

Russian politician Alexander Torshin claimed his ties to the National Rifle Association provided him access to Donald Drumpf — and the opportunity to serve as a foreign election observer in the United States during the 2012 election.

Torshin is a prolific Twitter user, logging nearly 150,000 tweets, mostly in Russian, since his account was created in 2011. Previously obscured by language and by sheer volume of tweets, Torshin has written numerous times about his connections with the NRA, of which he's a known paid lifetime member. NPR has translated a selection of those posts that document Torshin's relationship to the group.


^^^^ Hello what is this?

It is not illegal for foreigners such as Torshin to be part of the NRA or for them to give funds to the group, though it would break federal law if the NRA used those funds for election purposes.

Torshin has previously been accused of financial wrongdoing by Spanish officials who said he helped launder money for the Russian mob on the resort island of Mallorca.

So, if a Russian gives $1,000 to the NRA and the NRA donates $1,000 to a campaign, how are you going to prove it was the Russian $1,000?
You think that is how the Russians funneled funds to his campaign?

I think it's possible it's one of the ways. I think that the NRA colluded with Russia to spread propaganda. In fact, I think they are doing that right now.
I don't think the NRA needs Russia's help to spread "propaganda." We got plenty of nuts here to do that.
Shoulda just stopped at "I don't think"...
Nah, if someone told you Russia was clandestinely working with Baskin-Robbins to get kids hooked on ice cream, YOU'D BELIEVE IT.

There is no doubt that the NRA and Russia have close ties. Those close ties would explain why the NRA spent $30M on Trump in 2016.
You think that is how the Russians funneled funds to his campaign?
Of course it is! Trump didn't take rubles from puty, puty gave about 10 trillion bucks to the NRA and then W. Lapierre took it all over to Trumps house and dropped it off while the girls were peeing on him.

The depth of Russian influence in the NRA was enough to warrant an FBI investigation.
Sure it was. I told you McCartney is the real spy.
Nah, if someone told you Russia was clandestinely working with Baskin-Robbins to get kids hooked on ice cream, YOU'D BELIEVE IT.

There is no doubt that the NRA and Russia have close ties. Those close ties would explain why the NRA spent $30M on Trump in 2016.
You think that is how the Russians funneled funds to his campaign?
Of course it is! Trump didn't take rubles from puty, puty gave about 10 trillion bucks to the NRA and then W. Lapierre took it all over to Trumps house and dropped it off while the girls were peeing on him.

The depth of Russian influence in the NRA was enough to warrant an FBI investigation.

Apparently the FBI doesn't need much of anything to investigate anything Trump, even a fake dossier will do, but wild horses couldn't get them to investigate Hillary or themselves kicking and screaming! Another go-nowhere story.
Apparently the FBI doesn't need much of anything to investigate anything Trump, even a fake dossier will do, but wild horses couldn't get them to investigate Hillary or themselves kicking and screaming! Another go-nowhere story.


The dossier isn't what prompted the FBI investigation.

George Papadopolous blabbing to a diplomat is why the FBI investigated. The memo Nunes released said exactly that.

So why are you lying?
Nah, if someone told you Russia was clandestinely working with Baskin-Robbins to get kids hooked on ice cream, YOU'D BELIEVE IT.

There is no doubt that the NRA and Russia have close ties. Those close ties would explain why the NRA spent $30M on Trump in 2016.
You think that is how the Russians funneled funds to his campaign?
Of course it is! Trump didn't take rubles from puty, puty gave about 10 trillion bucks to the NRA and then W. Lapierre took it all over to Trumps house and dropped it off while the girls were peeing on him.

The depth of Russian influence in the NRA was enough to warrant an FBI investigation.
Sure it was. I told you McCartney is the real spy.

McCartney should be slapped hard for that video. Little fag commie.
Nah, if someone told you Russia was clandestinely working with Baskin-Robbins to get kids hooked on ice cream, YOU'D BELIEVE IT.

There is no doubt that the NRA and Russia have close ties. Those close ties would explain why the NRA spent $30M on Trump in 2016.
You think that is how the Russians funneled funds to his campaign?
Of course it is! Trump didn't take rubles from puty, puty gave about 10 trillion bucks to the NRA and then W. Lapierre took it all over to Trumps house and dropped it off while the girls were peeing on him.

The depth of Russian influence in the NRA was enough to warrant an FBI investigation.

Apparently the FBI doesn't need much of anything to investigate anything Trump, even a fake dossier will do, but wild horses couldn't get them to investigate Hillary or themselves kicking and screaming! Another go-nowhere story.
Still no payback for them allowing 17 kids to be murdered.

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