Russia - NRA ties; like anyone's really surprised.

Are liberals trying to make it look like Russians are more patriotic than democrats or is it just working out that Way?

The NRA isn't a patriotic organization; it's a terrorist group.
So it isn't patriotic to own guns?
One is not required to be a member of the NRA when one owns guns. In fact most gun owners are NOT members of that blood cult, the NRA.

Blood cult? What does this mean?
You are not acquainted with the meanings of those two words? ....and they're single syllable words, too.
Really? Do you actually believe they promote mass shootings?

Yes, by limiting gun laws to make it possible for Cruz to buy a weapon like an AR-15 that outguns any security or police. They do that because they want people scared so they'll go buy more guns. The NRA doesn't give a shit about its "members". It only cares about its corporate donors, who are gun makers.

See, gun ownership is at or near its lowest level in 40 years. The crime rate is also at or near its lowest level in 40 years. That means more and more guns are being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, which means the market is shrinking; so the NRA helps gun makers by weakening restrictions on guns (so any crazy person, wife beater, or terrorist can get one) and by using fear from mass shootings as an excuse to sell more guns. It's the bloodiest, most cynical capitalist scheme there is, and you've been hooked into it because you're a weak-willed, all-day sucker.

Do you really think Americans would support them if they believe that was their mission?

1. Most Americans don't support them.
2. Those that do are ignorant of their true goals.
3. Conservatives would support the NRA no matter what, even when it's revealed the NRA has deep, close ties to Russians
Nah, if someone told you Russia was clandestinely working with Baskin-Robbins to get kids hooked on ice cream, YOU'D BELIEVE IT.

There is no doubt that the NRA and Russia have close ties. Those close ties would explain why the NRA spent $30M on Trump in 2016.

Really? Derp! Derrp! Derrrp! Derrrrp! Whatever the NRA spent on Trump, it was to be sure we didn't get another stinking fly-infested slimy dung-heap like Obama or Clinton in the White House and that our 2nd Amendment was protected, Derp! And so shall it remain! LOOKOUT! There are Russians right outside your house! I just saw one go into your GARAGE. And I'm SURE there's a Russian up in your TREE.
The real Russian collider is Paul McCartney. Just at 14.00 on this video and see who in the front row, you dupes!

Depth of The Derp 's derp measured:


The NRA's clients are its members, individual citizens, not the gun manufacturers.

It's adorable that you think that.

The NRA's political arm accepts millions in donations from gun manufacturers in order to have the NRA lobby politicians to weaken gun laws so gun sales can increase. If that means a few crazy people, wife beaters, and terrorists get guns, so be it; capitalism by blood.
You think that is how the Russians funneled funds to his campaign?

I think it's possible it's one of the ways. I think that the NRA colluded with Russia to spread propaganda. In fact, I think they are doing that right now.
Nah, if someone told you Russia was clandestinely working with Baskin-Robbins to get kids hooked on ice cream, YOU'D BELIEVE IT.

There is no doubt that the NRA and Russia have close ties. Those close ties would explain why the NRA spent $30M on Trump in 2016.
You think that is how the Russians funneled funds to his campaign?
Of course it is! Trump didn't take rubles from puty, puty gave about 10 trillion bucks to the NRA and then W. Lapierre took it all over to Trumps house and dropped it off while the girls were peeing on him.
Nah, if someone told you Russia was clandestinely working with Baskin-Robbins to get kids hooked on ice cream, YOU'D BELIEVE IT.

There is no doubt that the NRA and Russia have close ties. Those close ties would explain why the NRA spent $30M on Trump in 2016.

Really? Derp! Derrp! Derrrp! Derrrrp! Whatever the NRA spent on Trump, it was to be sure we didn't get another stinking fly-infested slimy dung-heap like Obama or Clinton in the White House and that our 2nd Amendment was protected, Derp! And so shall it remain! LOOKOUT! There are Russians right outside your house! I just saw one go into your GARAGE. And I'm SURE there's a Russian up in your TREE.

Look at this temper-tantrum.

Get over yourself.
The NRA's clients are its members, individual citizens, not the gun manufacturers.

It's adorable that you think that.

The NRA's political arm accepts millions in donations from gun manufacturers in order to have the NRA lobby politicians to weaken gun laws so gun sales can increase. If that means a few crazy people, wife beaters, and terrorists get guns, so be it; capitalism by blood.
Unprecedented Trump Support

The National Rifle Association spent tens of millions of dollars backing Trump's presidential bid in 2016. The NRA endorsed Trump in May 2016. And the NRA disclosed it spent at least $30 million on Trump's behalf and attacking Hillary Clinton. That level of support is unprecedented – more than twice what the NRA disclosed it spent on Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential run.

The true sum the NRA spent to install Trump in the White House may be far higher. Campaign finance disclosures do not cover spending on unregulated Internet advertising or voter mobilization; citing two sources close to the gun group, McClatchy suggests the NRA may have spent upwards of $70 million on Trump's presidential bid.

President Trump is clearly indebted: "You came through for me, and I am going to come through for you," Trump promised the NRA at its 2017 convention. "I will never, ever let you down."
Dark Money

In the age of Citizens United and unlimited campaign donations, the NRA has emerged as an important "dark money" hub in Republican politics. Under its tax code designation, the NRA is a "social welfare" organization, largely exempt from disclosing its donors. To skirt disclosure, other big-dollar political players – including a SuperPAC linked to Karl Rove and a "chamber of commerce" controlled by the Koch Brothers – have routinely steered money into the NRA, confident that the gun group's spending will advance the GOP cause.

It is illegal, however, for foreign money to be used to influence U.S. elections. According to McClatchy, the heart of the FBI investigation is whether the NRA became a conduit for Russian cash, linked to the Kremlin, that bolstered Trump.

The Banker and "Godfather"

The key figure in the NRA/Russia investigation, McClatchy reports, is Alexander Torshin. Torshin is a longtime Putin ally who previously served as a top Russian senator. He is now a deputy governor of Russia's central bank, where his purview includes cracking down on the outflow of dirty money.

That's ironic, because Torshin has been linked to money laundering. Bloomberg reported ...

The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know
Russian banker said he met Trump through NRA

The Russian banker under scrutiny for money transfers to the National Rifle Association said the organization helped him meet President Trump.

Alexander Torshin, a deputy head of Russia’s central bank, is one of his country's strongest supporters of the NRA, even hosting dinners for an American delegation that came to Moscow in 2015.

A report earlier this year said federal investigators were looking into whether his payments to the group were funneled towards Trump’s election as part of what Fusion GPS investigator Glenn Simpson said was a “very concerted effort” by Russian officials to get in with the gun lobby.

Further digging by NPR into Torshin's prolific Twitter use found that he also mentioned in December 2015 that he knew the then-candidate.
Nah, if someone told you Russia was clandestinely working with Baskin-Robbins to get kids hooked on ice cream, YOU'D BELIEVE IT.

There is no doubt that the NRA and Russia have close ties. Those close ties would explain why the NRA spent $30M on Trump in 2016.
You think that is how the Russians funneled funds to his campaign?
Of course it is! Trump didn't take rubles from puty, puty gave about 10 trillion bucks to the NRA and then W. Lapierre took it all over to Trumps house and dropped it off while the girls were peeing on him.

The depth of Russian influence in the NRA was enough to warrant an FBI investigation.
You think that is how the Russians funneled funds to his campaign?

I think it's possible it's one of the ways. I think that the NRA colluded with Russia to spread propaganda. In fact, I think they are doing that right now.
I don't think the NRA needs Russia's help to spread "propaganda." We got plenty of nuts here to do that.
It is not illegal for foreigners such as Torshin to be part of the NRA or for them to give funds to the group, though it would break federal law if the NRA used those funds for election purposes.

Torshin has previously been accused of financial wrongdoing by Spanish officials who said he helped launder money for the Russian mob on the resort island of Mallorca.
The NRA's clients are its members, individual citizens, not the gun manufacturers.

It's adorable that you think that.

The NRA's political arm accepts millions in donations from gun manufacturers in order to have the NRA lobby politicians to weaken gun laws so gun sales can increase. If that means a few crazy people, wife beaters, and terrorists get guns, so be it; capitalism by blood.


The NRA-PVF is the political arm of the NRA, is its PAC, and is what receives the contributions from gun makers.

Did you think the NRA didn't have its own PAC?

Just chalk it up to another instance and example of your ignorance.
Well, now the NRA spending $30M on Trump in 2016 makes a lot more sense.

Depth Of Russian Politician's Cultivation Of NRA Ties Revealed
A prominent Kremlin-linked Russian politician has methodically cultivated ties with leaders of the National Rifle Association, and documented efforts in real time over six years to leverage those connections and gain access deeper into American politics, NPR has learned.

Russian politician Alexander Torshin claimed his ties to the National Rifle Association provided him access to Donald Drumpf — and the opportunity to serve as a foreign election observer in the United States during the 2012 election.

Torshin is a prolific Twitter user, logging nearly 150,000 tweets, mostly in Russian, since his account was created in 2011. Previously obscured by language and by sheer volume of tweets, Torshin has written numerous times about his connections with the NRA, of which he's a known paid lifetime member. NPR has translated a selection of those posts that document Torshin's relationship to the group.


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