Russia bans extremist religious group

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the "cult-like" aspect of JW 'ism-------is "disfellowship"-------they throw people who
defy the rules----OUT----a kind of
Idiot Putin ban those who want to live according to the Bible teaching. Probably it would be better if Russians go to 'priests'-businessman, drink alcohol, consume narcotic, smoke and commit adultery.
An Orthodox 'priest' blessing tanks and nukes is non-extremist, but JW who refuse to serve in Army and be violent are extremists......

yes-----too bad----JW s can be annoying-----they refuse blood transfusions

There have been court cases involving the refusal of blood transfusions to their own children and refusing to allow medical treatment to their own children.

I'm trying to think was Jean Harlow's mother a Jehovah Witness, I'll have to look it up, Harlow's mother wouldn't initially allow her daughter to have any medical treatment when she was rushed to hospital, the Doctors ignored her and have Harlow treatment but tragically it was too late and she still died.
So you want the govt involved?

The Church of Scientology should be banned everywhere on the planet, the Scientologists are banned from many nations.

Scientology - Wikipedia
Cool, govts should ban religions if they want, got it.

You should educate yourself about The Church of Scientology, there is a reason why Scientologists are banned from many nations.
the "cult-like" aspect of JW 'ism-------is "disfellowship"-------they throw people who
defy the rules----OUT----a kind of
Idiot Putin ban those who want to live according to the Bible teaching. Probably it would be better if Russians go to 'priests'-businessman, drink alcohol, consume narcotic, smoke and commit adultery.
An Orthodox 'priest' blessing tanks and nukes is non-extremist, but JW who refuse to serve in Army and be violent are extremists......

yes-----too bad----JW s can be annoying-----they refuse blood transfusions

There have been court cases involving the refusal of blood transfusions to their own children and refusing to allow medical treatment to their own children.

I'm trying to think was Jean Harlow's mother a Jehovah Witness, I'll have to look it up, Harlow's mother wouldn't initially allow her daughter to have any medical treatment when she was rushed to hospital, the Doctors ignored her and have Harlow treatment but tragically it was too late and she still died.
So you want the govt involved?

Any Government should get involved if the parents are crazy and won't allow their seriously ill child medical treatment because of their bizarro beliefs and would happily allow their child to die rather than have medical treatment.

As a parent your FIRST priority is to protect your children and to make sure if they become sick that they get the best medical treatment.

To deliberately refuse medical treatment to save the life of your child is Manslaughter, you are complicit in the death of your own child.

So the govt should take control if parents aren't doing things the govt's way, got it.

Do you have ANY actual point or do you just want to Troll the thread?

Offer some substance if you can instead of one line Troll posts.
the "cult-like" aspect of JW 'ism-------is "disfellowship"-------they throw people who
defy the rules----OUT----a kind of
yes-----too bad----JW s can be annoying-----they refuse blood transfusions

There have been court cases involving the refusal of blood transfusions to their own children and refusing to allow medical treatment to their own children.

I'm trying to think was Jean Harlow's mother a Jehovah Witness, I'll have to look it up, Harlow's mother wouldn't initially allow her daughter to have any medical treatment when she was rushed to hospital, the Doctors ignored her and have Harlow treatment but tragically it was too late and she still died.
So you want the govt involved?

The Church of Scientology should be banned everywhere on the planet, the Scientologists are banned from many nations.

Scientology - Wikipedia
Cool, govts should ban religions if they want, got it.

You should educate yourself about The Church of Scientology, there is a reason why Scientologists are banned from many nations.
Honey, all you religiosos are alike, especially any offshoot of the male dominator god religions that were vomited up in the middle east.
There have been court cases involving the refusal of blood transfusions to their own children and refusing to allow medical treatment to their own children.

I'm trying to think was Jean Harlow's mother a Jehovah Witness, I'll have to look it up, Harlow's mother wouldn't initially allow her daughter to have any medical treatment when she was rushed to hospital, the Doctors ignored her and have Harlow treatment but tragically it was too late and she still died.
So you want the govt involved?

The Church of Scientology should be banned everywhere on the planet, the Scientologists are banned from many nations.

Scientology - Wikipedia
Cool, govts should ban religions if they want, got it.

You should educate yourself about The Church of Scientology, there is a reason why Scientologists are banned from many nations.
Honey, all you religiosos are alike, especially any offshoot of the male dominator god religions that were vomited up in the middle east.

There have been court cases involving the refusal of blood transfusions to their own children and refusing to allow medical treatment to their own children.

I'm trying to think was Jean Harlow's mother a Jehovah Witness, I'll have to look it up, Harlow's mother wouldn't initially allow her daughter to have any medical treatment when she was rushed to hospital, the Doctors ignored her and have Harlow treatment but tragically it was too late and she still died.
So you want the govt involved?

The Church of Scientology should be banned everywhere on the planet, the Scientologists are banned from many nations.

Scientology - Wikipedia
Cool, govts should ban religions if they want, got it.

You should educate yourself about The Church of Scientology, there is a reason why Scientologists are banned from many nations.
Honey, all you religiosos are alike, especially any offshoot of the male dominator god religions that were vomited up in the middle east.

You are a moron, you have nothing of substance to add and therefore are now a complete irrelevance.
the "cult-like" aspect of JW 'ism-------is "disfellowship"-------they throw people who
defy the rules----OUT----a kind of
yes-----too bad----JW s can be annoying-----they refuse blood transfusions

There have been court cases involving the refusal of blood transfusions to their own children and refusing to allow medical treatment to their own children.

I'm trying to think was Jean Harlow's mother a Jehovah Witness, I'll have to look it up, Harlow's mother wouldn't initially allow her daughter to have any medical treatment when she was rushed to hospital, the Doctors ignored her and have Harlow treatment but tragically it was too late and she still died.
So you want the govt involved?

Any Government should get involved if the parents are crazy and won't allow their seriously ill child medical treatment because of their bizarro beliefs and would happily allow their child to die rather than have medical treatment.

As a parent your FIRST priority is to protect your children and to make sure if they become sick that they get the best medical treatment.

To deliberately refuse medical treatment to save the life of your child is Manslaughter, you are complicit in the death of your own child.

So the govt should take control if parents aren't doing things the govt's way, got it.

Do you have ANY actual point or do you just want to Troll the thread?

Offer some substance if you can instead of one line Troll posts.

There is no substance here, juss preachin' on how your religion is better than some others.
So you want the govt involved?

The Church of Scientology should be banned everywhere on the planet, the Scientologists are banned from many nations.

Scientology - Wikipedia
Cool, govts should ban religions if they want, got it.

You should educate yourself about The Church of Scientology, there is a reason why Scientologists are banned from many nations.
Honey, all you religiosos are alike, especially any offshoot of the male dominator god religions that were vomited up in the middle east.

You are a moron, you have nothing of substance to add and therefore are now a complete irrelevance.
You and your religion are irrelevant love.
So you want the govt involved?

The Church of Scientology should be banned everywhere on the planet, the Scientologists are banned from many nations.

Scientology - Wikipedia
Cool, govts should ban religions if they want, got it.

You should educate yourself about The Church of Scientology, there is a reason why Scientologists are banned from many nations.
Honey, all you religiosos are alike, especially any offshoot of the male dominator god religions that were vomited up in the middle east.

Wasn't he one of many love?
So you want the govt involved?

The Church of Scientology should be banned everywhere on the planet, the Scientologists are banned from many nations.

Scientology - Wikipedia
Cool, govts should ban religions if they want, got it.

You should educate yourself about The Church of Scientology, there is a reason why Scientologists are banned from many nations.
Honey, all you religiosos are alike, especially any offshoot of the male dominator god religions that were vomited up in the middle east.


In all seriousness, those JW's are really aggressive with leaving pamphlets on my door. :mad-61:
I came home once after work on a weekday, the dogs had a couple JW's treed, that seemed to cure the house calls and littering.
--------------------------------------------------------- bull shlt !!
Whatever son, I was there, you were not, just make up some alternative facts.
In all seriousness, those JW's are really aggressive with leaving pamphlets on my door. :mad-61:
I came home once after work on a weekday, the dogs had a couple JW's treed, that seemed to cure the house calls and littering.
--------------------------------------------------------- bull shlt !!
Whatever son, I was there, you were not, just make up some alternative facts.
---------------------------- bullshlt , you are full of shlt and disfellowshiping of PRACTICING BS'ers , whores and deviants is fine and dandy . And NO i am no 'JW' . But who wants to attend a Congregation fulla bs'ers , whores and deviants unless they leave their ungodly ways . If a PRACTICING bs'er , whore or deviant is allowed to stay in the congregation then the congregation may be influenced by the PRACTICING 'bs'ers' ,whores and deviants Fenton !!
In all seriousness, those JW's are really aggressive with leaving pamphlets on my door. :mad-61:
I came home once after work on a weekday, the dogs had a couple JW's treed, that seemed to cure the house calls and littering.
--------------------------------------------------------- bull shlt !!
Whatever son, I was there, you were not, just make up some alternative facts.
---------------------------- bullshlt , you are full of shlt and disfellowshiping of PRACTICING BS'ers , whores and deviants is fine and dandy . And NO i am no 'JW' . But who wants to attend a Congregation fulla bs'ers , whores and deviants unless they leave their ungodly ways . If a PRACTICING bs'er , whore or deviant is allowed to stay in the congregation then the congregation may be influenced by the PRACTICING 'bs'ers' ,whores and deviants Fenton !!

I'm sorry, you must be a 'bsing 'bs'er.
They have extreme(not violence) views but they are not violent. A JW might commit an act of violence, but it more than likely has nothing to do with religion.

As a Christian and to Christians Jehovah Witnesses are considered Heretics, they are also a Cult and there is a long history in the 20th Century of them being banned and imprisoned in numerous nations.

Even in the Far Leftists Dream Utopia Fidel Castro's Cuba, along with Fidel Castro's Cuba's treatment of Homosexuals, of course when Castro died the MSM were praising him as a Great Man, they conveniently didn't mention his persecution and imprisonment of various groups of people the Cuban Communist Party didn't like....Homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants"

Cuba [edit]

See also: Military Units to Aid Production and Human rights in Cuba

"Under Fidel Castro's communist regime, Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants", along with homosexuals, vagrants, and other groups, and were sent to forced labor concentration camps to be "reeducated".[8] On July 1, 1974 the group was officially banned and their "churches" closed. Following the ban members who refused military service were imprisoned for sentences of three years and it was reported that members were also imprisoned because of their children's refusal to salute the flag.[9]"

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia
Because Putin is now persecuting them.
They have extreme(not violence) views but they are not violent. A JW might commit an act of violence, but it more than likely has nothing to do with religion.

As a Christian and to Christians Jehovah Witnesses are considered Heretics, they are also a Cult and there is a long history in the 20th Century of them being banned and imprisoned in numerous nations.

Even in the Far Leftists Dream Utopia Fidel Castro's Cuba, along with Fidel Castro's Cuba's treatment of Homosexuals, of course when Castro died the MSM were praising him as a Great Man, they conveniently didn't mention his persecution and imprisonment of various groups of people the Cuban Communist Party didn't like....Homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants"

Cuba [edit]

See also: Military Units to Aid Production and Human rights in Cuba

"Under Fidel Castro's communist regime, Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants", along with homosexuals, vagrants, and other groups, and were sent to forced labor concentration camps to be "reeducated".[8] On July 1, 1974 the group was officially banned and their "churches" closed. Following the ban members who refused military service were imprisoned for sentences of three years and it was reported that members were also imprisoned because of their children's refusal to salute the flag.[9]"

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia
Because Putin is now persecuting them.

The latest in a long list.

I repeat:

Even in the Far Leftists Dream Utopia Fidel Castro's Cuba, along with Fidel Castro's Cuba's treatment of Homosexuals, of course when Castro died the MSM were praising him as a Great Man, they conveniently didn't mention his persecution and imprisonment of various groups of people the Cuban Communist Party didn't like....Homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants"

Cuba [edit]

See also: Military Units to Aid Production and Human rights in Cuba

"Under Fidel Castro's communist regime, Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants", along with homosexuals, vagrants, and other groups, and were sent to forced labor concentration camps to be "reeducated".[8] On July 1, 1974 the group was officially banned and their "churches" closed. Following the ban members who refused military service were imprisoned for sentences of three years and it was reported that members were also imprisoned because of their children's refusal to salute the flag.[9]"

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia
They have extreme(not violence) views but they are not violent. A JW might commit an act of violence, but it more than likely has nothing to do with religion.

As a Christian and to Christians Jehovah Witnesses are considered Heretics, they are also a Cult and there is a long history in the 20th Century of them being banned and imprisoned in numerous nations.

Even in the Far Leftists Dream Utopia Fidel Castro's Cuba, along with Fidel Castro's Cuba's treatment of Homosexuals, of course when Castro died the MSM were praising him as a Great Man, they conveniently didn't mention his persecution and imprisonment of various groups of people the Cuban Communist Party didn't like....Homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants"

Cuba [edit]

See also: Military Units to Aid Production and Human rights in Cuba

"Under Fidel Castro's communist regime, Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants", along with homosexuals, vagrants, and other groups, and were sent to forced labor concentration camps to be "reeducated".[8] On July 1, 1974 the group was officially banned and their "churches" closed. Following the ban members who refused military service were imprisoned for sentences of three years and it was reported that members were also imprisoned because of their children's refusal to salute the flag.[9]"

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia
Because Putin is now persecuting them.

The latest in a long list.

I repeat:

Even in the Far Leftists Dream Utopia Fidel Castro's Cuba, along with Fidel Castro's Cuba's treatment of Homosexuals, of course when Castro died the MSM were praising him as a Great Man, they conveniently didn't mention his persecution and imprisonment of various groups of people the Cuban Communist Party didn't like....Homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants"

Cuba [edit]

See also: Military Units to Aid Production and Human rights in Cuba

"Under Fidel Castro's communist regime, Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants", along with homosexuals, vagrants, and other groups, and were sent to forced labor concentration camps to be "reeducated".[8] On July 1, 1974 the group was officially banned and their "churches" closed. Following the ban members who refused military service were imprisoned for sentences of three years and it was reported that members were also imprisoned because of their children's refusal to salute the flag.[9]"

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia

Yeah we're all about human rights.
They have extreme(not violence) views but they are not violent. A JW might commit an act of violence, but it more than likely has nothing to do with religion.

As a Christian and to Christians Jehovah Witnesses are considered Heretics, they are also a Cult and there is a long history in the 20th Century of them being banned and imprisoned in numerous nations.

Even in the Far Leftists Dream Utopia Fidel Castro's Cuba, along with Fidel Castro's Cuba's treatment of Homosexuals, of course when Castro died the MSM were praising him as a Great Man, they conveniently didn't mention his persecution and imprisonment of various groups of people the Cuban Communist Party didn't like....Homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants"

Cuba [edit]

See also: Military Units to Aid Production and Human rights in Cuba

"Under Fidel Castro's communist regime, Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants", along with homosexuals, vagrants, and other groups, and were sent to forced labor concentration camps to be "reeducated".[8] On July 1, 1974 the group was officially banned and their "churches" closed. Following the ban members who refused military service were imprisoned for sentences of three years and it was reported that members were also imprisoned because of their children's refusal to salute the flag.[9]"

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia
Because Putin is now persecuting them.

The latest in a long list.

I repeat:

Even in the Far Leftists Dream Utopia Fidel Castro's Cuba, along with Fidel Castro's Cuba's treatment of Homosexuals, of course when Castro died the MSM were praising him as a Great Man, they conveniently didn't mention his persecution and imprisonment of various groups of people the Cuban Communist Party didn't like....Homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants"

Cuba [edit]

See also: Military Units to Aid Production and Human rights in Cuba

"Under Fidel Castro's communist regime, Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants", along with homosexuals, vagrants, and other groups, and were sent to forced labor concentration camps to be "reeducated".[8] On July 1, 1974 the group was officially banned and their "churches" closed. Following the ban members who refused military service were imprisoned for sentences of three years and it was reported that members were also imprisoned because of their children's refusal to salute the flag.[9]"

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia

Yeah we're all about human rights.

They have extreme(not violence) views but they are not violent. A JW might commit an act of violence, but it more than likely has nothing to do with religion.

As a Christian and to Christians Jehovah Witnesses are considered Heretics, they are also a Cult and there is a long history in the 20th Century of them being banned and imprisoned in numerous nations.

Even in the Far Leftists Dream Utopia Fidel Castro's Cuba, along with Fidel Castro's Cuba's treatment of Homosexuals, of course when Castro died the MSM were praising him as a Great Man, they conveniently didn't mention his persecution and imprisonment of various groups of people the Cuban Communist Party didn't like....Homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants"

Cuba [edit]

See also: Military Units to Aid Production and Human rights in Cuba

"Under Fidel Castro's communist regime, Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants", along with homosexuals, vagrants, and other groups, and were sent to forced labor concentration camps to be "reeducated".[8] On July 1, 1974 the group was officially banned and their "churches" closed. Following the ban members who refused military service were imprisoned for sentences of three years and it was reported that members were also imprisoned because of their children's refusal to salute the flag.[9]"

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia
Because Putin is now persecuting them.

The latest in a long list.

I repeat:

Even in the Far Leftists Dream Utopia Fidel Castro's Cuba, along with Fidel Castro's Cuba's treatment of Homosexuals, of course when Castro died the MSM were praising him as a Great Man, they conveniently didn't mention his persecution and imprisonment of various groups of people the Cuban Communist Party didn't like....Homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants"

Cuba [edit]

See also: Military Units to Aid Production and Human rights in Cuba

"Under Fidel Castro's communist regime, Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants", along with homosexuals, vagrants, and other groups, and were sent to forced labor concentration camps to be "reeducated".[8] On July 1, 1974 the group was officially banned and their "churches" closed. Following the ban members who refused military service were imprisoned for sentences of three years and it was reported that members were also imprisoned because of their children's refusal to salute the flag.[9]"

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia

Yeah we're all about human rights.


As a Christian and to Christians Jehovah Witnesses are considered Heretics, they are also a Cult and there is a long history in the 20th Century of them being banned and imprisoned in numerous nations.

Even in the Far Leftists Dream Utopia Fidel Castro's Cuba, along with Fidel Castro's Cuba's treatment of Homosexuals, of course when Castro died the MSM were praising him as a Great Man, they conveniently didn't mention his persecution and imprisonment of various groups of people the Cuban Communist Party didn't like....Homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants"

Cuba [edit]

See also: Military Units to Aid Production and Human rights in Cuba

"Under Fidel Castro's communist regime, Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants", along with homosexuals, vagrants, and other groups, and were sent to forced labor concentration camps to be "reeducated".[8] On July 1, 1974 the group was officially banned and their "churches" closed. Following the ban members who refused military service were imprisoned for sentences of three years and it was reported that members were also imprisoned because of their children's refusal to salute the flag.[9]"

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia
Because Putin is now persecuting them.

The latest in a long list.

I repeat:

Even in the Far Leftists Dream Utopia Fidel Castro's Cuba, along with Fidel Castro's Cuba's treatment of Homosexuals, of course when Castro died the MSM were praising him as a Great Man, they conveniently didn't mention his persecution and imprisonment of various groups of people the Cuban Communist Party didn't like....Homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants"

Cuba [edit]

See also: Military Units to Aid Production and Human rights in Cuba

"Under Fidel Castro's communist regime, Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants", along with homosexuals, vagrants, and other groups, and were sent to forced labor concentration camps to be "reeducated".[8] On July 1, 1974 the group was officially banned and their "churches" closed. Following the ban members who refused military service were imprisoned for sentences of three years and it was reported that members were also imprisoned because of their children's refusal to salute the flag.[9]"

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia

Yeah we're all about human rights.



Are you a Bot?

You never are able to elaborate about things, it's always one line or one word response.
Because Putin is now persecuting them.

The latest in a long list.

I repeat:

Even in the Far Leftists Dream Utopia Fidel Castro's Cuba, along with Fidel Castro's Cuba's treatment of Homosexuals, of course when Castro died the MSM were praising him as a Great Man, they conveniently didn't mention his persecution and imprisonment of various groups of people the Cuban Communist Party didn't like....Homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants"

Cuba [edit]

See also: Military Units to Aid Production and Human rights in Cuba

"Under Fidel Castro's communist regime, Jehovah's Witnesses were considered "social deviants", along with homosexuals, vagrants, and other groups, and were sent to forced labor concentration camps to be "reeducated".[8] On July 1, 1974 the group was officially banned and their "churches" closed. Following the ban members who refused military service were imprisoned for sentences of three years and it was reported that members were also imprisoned because of their children's refusal to salute the flag.[9]"

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia

Yeah we're all about human rights.



Are you a Bot?

You never are able to elaborate about things, it's always one line or one word response.
Now you know better than that hon, c'mon.
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