Russell Crowe Obituary

Think its a hoax
Fox News doesn't publish hoaxes generally speaking. Russell Crowe has always been my favorite actor. He had a way of putting you right there in his character's shoes. It would be welcome if he was somehow revived or if it was an error. Did he ever have Covid? It seems he was too young to pass.
Thanks, everyone. I checked Foxnews and they said it was a hoax. The place my phone took me to, showed the still picture of a lady who brings the news but I don't know her name. It was just a picture. Thanks Toddsterpatriot and others for setting the record straight. If he really was on his way to the hospital, I hope he outlives me because I love his work so.
He was great in LA Confidential. Don't think I've seen him in anything else that I recall.

Haven't you seen this one? it's a great movie!


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