Rush Limbaugh: Mitt Romney is not a Conservative.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
The Grand Poobah has spoken!

Rush Limbaugh: Mitt Romney 'Is Not A Conservative' (AUDIO)

Rush Limbaugh, on his Thursday radio broadcast, spoke bluntly about GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

"Romney is not a conservative," said Limbaugh (as pointed out by RealClearPolitics). He continued, "he's not, folks. But you can argue with me all day long on that, but he isn't." Limbaugh went on to explain that "what [Romney] has going for him is that he's not Obama," and that the former Massachusetts governor is a "seasoned" debater.

Despite the conservative radio host's harsh words, Limbaugh told his audience that he likes Romney "very much" and that Romney is "a fine guy. He's a very nice gentleman. He is a gentleman. But he's not a conservative."

I find Rush's position on this amusing.

To digress. Remember back to 2008, Rush broke his "no endorsement" rule and supported Romney because Huckabee was an economic populist and he hated McCain on principle that McCain wouldn't kiss his butt. So he got completely behind the Android from Kolob, and Romney still lost. Badly.

Of course, this was RomneyBot 3.0, which pretended to a social conservative until someone figured out it was wearing magic underpants.

So now that ROmney is playing to the moderate side of the street this time (since Guliani and McCain had that side sewn up in 2008, he didn't bother trying then), Rush is trying to distance himself from Romney.

Which no doubt, gives him cover when Romney loses. He can say with an almost straight face that conservatism wasn't on the ballot.
Rush can be mocked. But that doesn't make him wrong.

In what meaningful way could it possibly be argued that Romney is a conservative or that he has any particular political philosophy that is sufficiently consonant with conservatism?
The Grand Poobah has spoken!

Rush Limbaugh: Mitt Romney 'Is Not A Conservative' (AUDIO)

Rush Limbaugh, on his Thursday radio broadcast, spoke bluntly about GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

"Romney is not a conservative," said Limbaugh (as pointed out by RealClearPolitics). He continued, "he's not, folks. But you can argue with me all day long on that, but he isn't." Limbaugh went on to explain that "what [Romney] has going for him is that he's not Obama," and that the former Massachusetts governor is a "seasoned" debater.

Despite the conservative radio host's harsh words, Limbaugh told his audience that he likes Romney "very much" and that Romney is "a fine guy. He's a very nice gentleman. He is a gentleman. But he's not a conservative."


Neither was george bush or John McCain
Well, he's not a conservative today. Give him a couple days and I'm sure he'll change his views.

Or maybe he'll just create operation chaos 3 & 4 like the failed 1 & 2 he used for the '08 election cycle..

He could get all of his listeners to vote for Rick Perry or Newt and create a division in his own landscape. Being the idiot he is.
The Grand Poobah has spoken!

Rush Limbaugh: Mitt Romney 'Is Not A Conservative' (AUDIO)

Rush Limbaugh, on his Thursday radio broadcast, spoke bluntly about GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

"Romney is not a conservative," said Limbaugh (as pointed out by RealClearPolitics). He continued, "he's not, folks. But you can argue with me all day long on that, but he isn't." Limbaugh went on to explain that "what [Romney] has going for him is that he's not Obama," and that the former Massachusetts governor is a "seasoned" debater.

Despite the conservative radio host's harsh words, Limbaugh told his audience that he likes Romney "very much" and that Romney is "a fine guy. He's a very nice gentleman. He is a gentleman. But he's not a conservative."


Wow... Don't they usually wait until after they're elected and fail miserably to claim they 'weren't a real conservative?'

Has the RWNJ megaphone begun pre-emptive strikes?
The Grand Poobah has spoken!

Rush Limbaugh: Mitt Romney 'Is Not A Conservative' (AUDIO)

Rush Limbaugh, on his Thursday radio broadcast, spoke bluntly about GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

"Romney is not a conservative," said Limbaugh (as pointed out by RealClearPolitics). He continued, "he's not, folks. But you can argue with me all day long on that, but he isn't." Limbaugh went on to explain that "what [Romney] has going for him is that he's not Obama," and that the former Massachusetts governor is a "seasoned" debater.

Despite the conservative radio host's harsh words, Limbaugh told his audience that he likes Romney "very much" and that Romney is "a fine guy. He's a very nice gentleman. He is a gentleman. But he's not a conservative."


Neither was george bush or John McCain

LIKE I said!! :lol::lol:
The Grand Poobah has spoken!

Rush Limbaugh: Mitt Romney 'Is Not A Conservative' (AUDIO)

Rush Limbaugh, on his Thursday radio broadcast, spoke bluntly about GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

"Romney is not a conservative," said Limbaugh (as pointed out by RealClearPolitics). He continued, "he's not, folks. But you can argue with me all day long on that, but he isn't." Limbaugh went on to explain that "what [Romney] has going for him is that he's not Obama," and that the former Massachusetts governor is a "seasoned" debater.

Despite the conservative radio host's harsh words, Limbaugh told his audience that he likes Romney "very much" and that Romney is "a fine guy. He's a very nice gentleman. He is a gentleman. But he's not a conservative."


Wow... Don't they usually wait until after they're elected and fail miserably to claim they 'weren't a real conservative?'

Has the RWNJ megaphone begun pre-emptive strikes?

Why wait to take note of the fact that a liberal is a liberal when the point of the primaries is to nominate the most potentially effective leader?

One thing we know: liberals suck as leaders. I mean, shit: just look at the current loser at the helm.
I find this OBSESSION over what Rush has to say quite amusing.

I mean really, anyone here think Mitt was a CONSERVATIVE?

The Grand Poobah has spoken!

Rush Limbaugh: Mitt Romney 'Is Not A Conservative' (AUDIO)

Rush Limbaugh, on his Thursday radio broadcast, spoke bluntly about GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

"Romney is not a conservative," said Limbaugh (as pointed out by RealClearPolitics). He continued, "he's not, folks. But you can argue with me all day long on that, but he isn't." Limbaugh went on to explain that "what [Romney] has going for him is that he's not Obama," and that the former Massachusetts governor is a "seasoned" debater.

Despite the conservative radio host's harsh words, Limbaugh told his audience that he likes Romney "very much" and that Romney is "a fine guy. He's a very nice gentleman. He is a gentleman. But he's not a conservative."


Wow... Don't they usually wait until after they're elected and fail miserably to claim they 'weren't a real conservative?'

Has the RWNJ megaphone begun pre-emptive strikes?
It's a shot at setting up the scapegoat. "The Left chose the GOP candidate in 2008!" Remember that? In order to make a scapegoat and play the victim card, Rush has to lay the ground work now.

Wow... Don't they usually wait until after they're elected and fail miserably to claim they 'weren't a real conservative?'

Has the RWNJ megaphone begun pre-emptive strikes?

Why wait to take note of the fact that a liberal is a liberal when the point of the primaries is to nominate the most potentially effective leader?

One thing we know: liberals suck as leaders. I mean, shit: just look at the current loser at the helm.

Which is why I wonder why the powers that be want another one running on the GOP ticket.

They used Romney to tear down Bachmann, Perry, and now Cain. Bachmann did more damage to her own chances but it's obvious Perry isn't aggressive enough to win. Cain could win but they'd just make up a bunch of crap about him.

Voting for Romney is pretty much voting for a loser. Romney's crew helped write Obamacare and Romney, like Obama and Chris Christy, believes in Man-made Global Warming......a non-starter for me.

Voting for Romney is a guarantee of four more years of Obama.

Trust me.

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