Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

The "fall" certainly implies it now doesn't it. If you understand the English language that is.
It certainly does not. If you read the article, it was describing his loss of influence, loss of demographics, loss of advertisers, loss of top tier radio stations in major markets, loss of revenue for radio stations.

That certainly seems like a fall from his 1990s perch, doesn't it?

I would have used the term "comeuppance" instead of fall. "Fall" implies the end of, as in the Fall of the Roman Empire. Whenever the word "fall" is used it is implicit that the person or country or company being referred to has failed and gone away. Now, if you can show me anything that says otherwise, I am happy to review it...and will certainly alter my opinion if it is so warranted...

As in
I read the OP, so I already knew what they meant by 'fall'.

I follow the common usage of the English Language. It's a habit that has served me well. Too many people don't use the language correctly and then wonder why few people understand them.
I don't post in a thread unless I know what the thread is about.
I voted for Obama the first time.


I pulled the lever for McCain and threw up afterwards. Like after voting for Bush twice.

I'd rather have a kidneystone.

McCain is a scumbag of the first order and a member of the Keating 5. I would never vote for that unethical prick.
Then witnessed him revert to politics as usual
I don't know what you mean by this. You mean trying to compromise in order to get the Stimulus passed? Over one third of it was tax cuts, which the Republicans wanted.

Is that the politics as usual?

No, he reverted to the corrupt politics as usual and in fact doubled down on it. He claimed his would be the most open admin ever. It has been the most closed. He claimed that he would be for the people. he hasn't been. He has been a Corporate puppet. In other words he was no better than Bush before him, and in many ways far worse.
I voted for Obama the first time.


I pulled the lever for McCain and threw up afterwards. Like after voting for Bush twice.

I'd rather have a kidneystone.

McCain is a scumbag of the first order and a member of the Keating 5. I would never vote for that unethical prick.

He's from my homestate which made it all the more painful.

I've detested him from the get go.

Obama is an elitist who thinks he's smarter than he really is (and smarter than most of us).

I like Bernie Sanders......he seems honest....right now...that works for me by itself.

Trump is a like Obama with a very loud mouth.
Then witnessed him revert to politics as usual
I don't know what you mean by this. You mean trying to compromise in order to get the Stimulus passed? Over one third of it was tax cuts, which the Republicans wanted.

Is that the politics as usual?

No, he reverted to the corrupt politics as usual and in fact doubled down on it. He claimed his would be the most open admin ever. It has been the most closed. He claimed that he would be for the people. he hasn't been. He has been a Corporate puppet. In other words he was no better than Bush before him, and in many ways far worse.

You could see it coming.

At one point, I thought he might be good and considered for a few seconds voting for him.

But then it became obvious that he is part of an aristocratic group of Clintonesque snots that think we only need toilet paper and gruel to be happy.
BTW: This thread is about fatass Rush Limbaugh.

Rush, from what I can tell, is still on the air.

Rush seems like an entrapaneur (sp?). He makes tons of money because people are stupid enough to listen to him.

That he has lost sponsors might mean his gross income is seven figures instead of eight...don't know.
BTW: This thread is about fatass Rush Limbaugh.

Rush, from what I can tell, is still on the air.

Rush seems like an entrapaneur (sp?). He makes tons of money because people are stupid enough to listen to him.

That he has lost sponsors might mean his gross income is seven figures instead of eight...don't know.

well, no, it means that Right Wing Foundations are funding him to keep him on the air because no one wants their products associated with him.
BTW: This thread is about fatass Rush Limbaugh.

Rush, from what I can tell, is still on the air.

Rush seems like an entrapaneur (sp?). He makes tons of money because people are stupid enough to listen to him.

That he has lost sponsors might mean his gross income is seven figures instead of eight...don't know.

well, no, it means that Right Wing Foundations are funding him to keep him on the air because no one wants their products associated with him.

Are you saying he has no advertisers ?
I voted for Obama the first time.


I pulled the lever for McCain and threw up afterwards. Like after voting for Bush twice.

I'd rather have a kidneystone.

McCain is a scumbag of the first order and a member of the Keating 5. I would never vote for that unethical prick.

I didn't vote for Obama or McCain, I considered the both of them as unethical and liars.

Either way we were getting an unethical liar in the WH.
So is Rush still on the air? According to the leftwing nut jobs, he has been off the air for 20 plus years! Lol! Poor nutters obsessed with what they cannot change.

Rush stopped mattering after he called Fluke Foul Names. Now even the right wing wants to be caught having a drink with the guy. Other than the loathesome Ted Cruz.
Sure he did. That's why he still has 12 million listeners a day. Sheesh you people are morons.
Down 70% from 40+ million per day before Fluke, by his OWN accounting which he says is the ONLY honest accounting of his audience.

December 9, 2015

RUSH: It amazes me -- it always has amazed me -- the audience of this program. If you really want to be honest about the audience of this program, forget the way the traditional ratings are taken. We measure it and so forth. Well in excess of 20 million people -- unique people -- in a week listen, and the dirty little secret about numbers in this program is 12 million people listen during a three-hour program. Twelve million unique people will tune in at some point.

May 26, 2011

RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

No, moron, he claimed 50 million a WEEK. Compared to Oprahs 40 million per WEEK. He is still at 50 million PER WEEK. Learn to count idiot.

With ZERO proof.
I can see 20 million knee-jerkers.
I don't know ONE Democrat who listens to him.
Then how do they come up with all the one-liners they parrot endlessly?
Just a question what happened to the 99 weekers the democrats we're crying about when the program got cut off ??
Well, if you were informed at all, you would know the UE rate has to drop below a certain threshold BEFORE the extensions are cut off, so the 99 weekers got jobs first in an improving economy and then afterwards the extension was cut off when it was no longer needed.

It seems you were the one not informed dingle berry.

Nearly one million US workers cut off unemployment benefits - World Socialist Web Site

Nearly one million US workers cut off unemployment benefits
By Patrick Martin
18 June 2010

With 12 Democrats joining a unanimous Republican bloc, the US Senate voted Wednesday to defeat a proposed extension of unemployment benefits for workers who have been jobless for nearly two years. The bill would have extended unemployment benefits for those out of work more than six months, until November 30.


(CNN) — Senate passage of long-term unemployment benefits appeared in doubt on Tuesday following the failure of two procedural votes, leaving the fate of emergency government assistance to more than 1 million people in limbo.

The votes come after fits and starts in negotiations involving Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and eight Republican Senators.

All parties said they hoped the talks would continue but several acknowledged the bill is now on a back-burner as the Senate scrambles to deal with other pressing legislation before a week-long recess.

One Democratic source said this would be a “cooling off period” after emotional debate.

Talks broke down over policy and process.

The White House said it was disappointed in the development, blaming Republican

Extending unemployment benefits stumbles in Senate

Except UE had declined from 15,352,000 at the height of the Bush Depression, to 10,280,000 when the GOP decided to screw 1 million Americans in a desperate attempt to damage the recovering economy. The extensions that brought UI to 99 weeks had already ended when the UE rate fell below 7.5%, well before your Jan 2014 article, and the extension delayed in your June 18, 2010 article was passed July 1, 2010.
See, right there is where the wheels fell off your tricycle. There was no depression.
We lock up people for breaking the law. Yes, sometimes people who can afford better representation do get a better deal from the courts.
The overwhelming majority of drug offenders in our prisons are in there for sales or repeat offences. Even Jamal isn't going to do time for having oxicontins in his luggage, unless he has a bushel and plans on selling them.

That isn't what Limbaugh was caught doing. He was caught trying to BUY Oxycotin through an intermediary.

But when you are rich and white, you deserve a better quality of "Justice".
Well, duh. What do you expect? An unknown civilian who kept top secret emails on a largely unsecured private server and who deleted thousands with zero accountability or oversight would already be in jail. If you're a rich, white, democrat presidential candidate, however, you will see no prison time whatsoever. In fact, you will get a top-notch lawyer, refuse to cooperate, drag out the proceedings until no one cares any more, then get the whole thing to quietly go away. So spare us the faux outrage.
Just a question what happened to the 99 weekers the democrats we're crying about when the program got cut off ??
Well, if you were informed at all, you would know the UE rate has to drop below a certain threshold BEFORE the extensions are cut off, so the 99 weekers got jobs first in an improving economy and then afterwards the extension was cut off when it was no longer needed.

It seems you were the one not informed dingle berry.

Nearly one million US workers cut off unemployment benefits - World Socialist Web Site

Nearly one million US workers cut off unemployment benefits
By Patrick Martin
18 June 2010

With 12 Democrats joining a unanimous Republican bloc, the US Senate voted Wednesday to defeat a proposed extension of unemployment benefits for workers who have been jobless for nearly two years. The bill would have extended unemployment benefits for those out of work more than six months, until November 30.


(CNN) — Senate passage of long-term unemployment benefits appeared in doubt on Tuesday following the failure of two procedural votes, leaving the fate of emergency government assistance to more than 1 million people in limbo.

The votes come after fits and starts in negotiations involving Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and eight Republican Senators.

All parties said they hoped the talks would continue but several acknowledged the bill is now on a back-burner as the Senate scrambles to deal with other pressing legislation before a week-long recess.

One Democratic source said this would be a “cooling off period” after emotional debate.

Talks broke down over policy and process.

The White House said it was disappointed in the development, blaming Republican

Extending unemployment benefits stumbles in Senate

Except UE had declined from 15,352,000 at the height of the Bush Depression, to 10,280,000 when the GOP decided to screw 1 million Americans in a desperate attempt to damage the recovering economy. The extensions that brought UI to 99 weeks had already ended when the UE rate fell below 7.5%, well before your Jan 2014 article, and the extension delayed in your June 18, 2010 article was passed July 1, 2010.
See, right there is where the wheels fell off your tricycle. There was no depression.
Compared to Bush's first recession when he started it was a depression, so it makes it easier to tell the two apart.
I voted for Obama the first time.


I pulled the lever for McCain and threw up afterwards. Like after voting for Bush twice.

I'd rather have a kidneystone.

McCain is a scumbag of the first order and a member of the Keating 5. I would never vote for that unethical prick.

I didn't vote for Obama or McCain, I considered the both of them as unethical and liars.

Either way we were getting an unethical liar in the WH.

Yep, but I didn't have to contribute the the travesty.

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