CDZ Runner slaps reporter on the butt, arrested for sexual battery.

I am 65 years old and never ran a marathon, maybe drove down to the Marathon and bought a pack of cigarettes but I digress... I would like to turn myself in right now for I am guilty as hell... I have slapped a few butt's in my life... :ack-1: My butt slapping days are over with now though... Not because of some # movement... Oh don't get me wrong, I still like butts, but my scratch and sniff days are just over... I have a photographic memory when it comes nice female Dairy aires so I just carry around the memory...

I would like to say that no Butt's were injured in my butt slapping days and if any psyches were damaged, take a slap at mine...:cul2:
Damn, I wish I had written that! :)
OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

So you're saying she was asking for it?

The only "bad judgement" was on the part of the runner. Period.

I'm saying a professional reporter knows full well what she is doing when she chooses to stand 3 feet away from hundreds of men running by. Like I stated, what I have seen in races I have run is the reporters stand on the sidewalk or well away from the runners. I've never seen one that close, it's dangerous. She could have caused a collision as well when the flow of runners shifts. Like I said bad judgement on both parties.

It sounds like you’re saying this woman Purposefully put herself in position to have her ass smacked. I don’t know how you can come to that conclusion. Women occupy space in front of me all the time, that doesn’t mean they’re asking for me to smack their ass.

Because I've run about 40 races and I've never seen a reporter standing in the freaking road an arm's length from the runners. It's dangerous and invites problems. That's all I'm saying. I'm not excusing the guy, and I'm not accusing her of shaking her ass saying "smack me!" I am saying she made a bad decision that contributed to the situation.

perhaps it was a poor choice to be standing where she was, however I’m going to have to say I disagree with your characterization of that mistake as contributing in any way of this guy slapping her butt. It doesn’t matter how close she got to him or the other marathon competitors, standing where you’re not supposed to be standing does not in no way shape or form invite or elicit the type of behavior this guy exhibited. Plenty of other runners passed her by with doing what this guy did. The way I see it is this guy was the only one guilty of a crime in this encounter. Is it a serious crime? Perhaps not, but it’s behavior that should be punished and has no place amongst civilized people.

That's fair. I've never done that in a race or otherwise to a woman. I think what he did was classless and inappropriate. I also do not believe it was battery of any kind. All I've said about the reporter is she was part of the problem. No one seems to see that but that's ok. That is what debate is about.
So you're saying she was asking for it?

The only "bad judgement" was on the part of the runner. Period.
I'm saying a professional reporter knows full well what she is doing when she chooses to stand 3 feet away from hundreds of men running by. Like I stated, what I have seen in races I have run is the reporters stand on the sidewalk or well away from the runners. I've never seen one that close, it's dangerous. She could have caused a collision as well when the flow of runners shifts. Like I said bad judgement on both parties.

It sounds like you’re saying this woman Purposefully put herself in position to have her ass smacked. I don’t know how you can come to that conclusion. Women occupy space in front of me all the time, that doesn’t mean they’re asking for me to smack their ass.
Because I've run about 40 races and I've never seen a reporter standing in the freaking road an arm's length from the runners. It's dangerous and invites problems. That's all I'm saying. I'm not excusing the guy, and I'm not accusing her of shaking her ass saying "smack me!" I am saying she made a bad decision that contributed to the situation.

perhaps it was a poor choice to be standing where she was, however I’m going to have to say I disagree with your characterization of that mistake as contributing in any way of this guy slapping her butt. It doesn’t matter how close she got to him or the other marathon competitors, standing where you’re not supposed to be standing does not in no way shape or form invite or elicit the type of behavior this guy exhibited. Plenty of other runners passed her by with doing what this guy did. The way I see it is this guy was the only one guilty of a crime in this encounter. Is it a serious crime? Perhaps not, but it’s behavior that should be punished and has no place amongst civilized people.
That's fair. I've never done that in a race or otherwise to a woman. I think what he did was classless and inappropriate. I also do not believe it was battery of any kind. All I've said about the reporter is she was part of the problem. No one seems to see that but that's ok. That is what debate is about.
Are you trying to say that the reporter was positioned such that she was interfering with the run? She seemed to be standing in line with parked cars that the runners also had to run around. So I don't believe she was interfering with the run by standing there. Had she been standing in the path of the runners, that would be a problem. But standing just to the side of the runners should not of been a problem.

Well, if one of the runners had tripped and wiped her out accidentally, I would agree that where she was standing was part of the problem. However, getting slapped on the butt is 100% on the guy that did the slapping, not the reporter.
OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

‘Both sides’ :laugh:
I am 65 years old and never ran a marathon, maybe drove down to the Marathon and bought a pack of cigarettes but I digress... I would like to turn myself in right now for I am guilty as hell... I have slapped a few butt's in my life... :ack-1: My butt slapping days are over with now though... Not because of some # movement... Oh don't get me wrong, I still like butts, but my scratch and sniff days are just over... I have a photographic memory when it comes nice female Dairy aires so I just carry around the memory...

I would like to say that no Butt's were injured in my butt slapping days and if any psyches were damaged, take a slap at mine...:cul2:

Damn, I wish I had written that! :)

White 6 I have a confession to make to you and the class... Unfortunately some of the butts were left with irreparable cracks... Fortunately due to civil litigation all defaced butts were monetarily compensated...
She didn't exhibited any bad judgement whatsoever. Why you insist on blaming the victim is beyond bewildering to me.

Nah, you are full of crap. Stating that you should not be in the road, does not mean blaming the victim. Saying get out of the way, is just saying.... GET OUT OF THE WAY.

OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

Keep your hands to yourself, isn't contingent on someone being in the road. You don't slap women on the butt. Unless she is being violent or something, keep your hands to yourself.
I am saying she made a bad decision that contributed to the situation.

Naaaah. You'll also say that if she wears a short dress that is a bad decision that contributes to her rape.

This attitude is what we're fighting. I wish you'd see that women should not be physically maltreated by aggressive men: it's never our fault if we're not the ones doing the bad thing -- slapping, raping, whatever.
The argument that she was standing too close to the runners is bogus. Because he should have complained to the course organizer if that was the case: it's certainly what any woman would have done. A woman runner would hardly have slapped his butt if he were in the way! No, he was just getting a sex thrill out of abusing a pretty young woman in range of his wandering hands.
The argument that she was standing too close to the runners is bogus. Because he should have complained to the course organizer if that was the case: it's certainly what any woman would have done. A woman runner would hardly have slapped his butt if he were in the way! No, he was just getting a sex thrill out of abusing a pretty young woman in range of his wandering hands.

So, tell me, Circe. There have been any number of threads related to the massive scale of brutal gang rape of underaged girls in Britain at the hands of Muslim men who refer to them as "easy meat". I have been banned 4 different times for opposing this and any other poster who is outragedis called names if they do not support the right of Muslim men to act upon their cultural attitudes in this way. These acts are cruel, they are violent, and they are supported by usmessageboard because of political correctness run amok.

Here you are getting all hyperbolic over one man's spontaneous butt slap, going so far as to claim his penis was involved. My question to you is this -- where the damn fuck have you been when there are so many threads involving REAL abuse of women involving THOUSANDS of underaged girls? I have been banned 4 times for standing up for the girl children. How about you?
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I have been banned 4 times for standing up for the girl children. How about you?

Yeah, I followed that case very closely when it happened several years ago, now. It is hard to think about. Thanx for standing up for women and girls in that terrible failure of British law --- you are right, that was much worse. It's not the topic of this thread, but it is incredibly worse.
OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

So according to you, cute girls need to put themselves literally “out of reach” to keep from getting assaulted. If they are positioned where men can reach them, they should expect to be assaulted and they’re partially to blame if they are harmed.

Is this really the hill you want to die on?
OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

So according to you, cute girls need to put themselves literally “out of reach” to keep from getting assaulted. If they are positioned where men can reach them, they should expect to be assaulted and they’re partially to blame if they are harmed.

Is this really the hill you want to die on?
For the tenth time I am saying she should NOT have been standing 3 feet away from a stream of runners during the race. That was a bad decision that endangered both her AND the runners and created the opportunity for the guy to be an idiot. I am saying that the guy was WRONG that was not appropriate and demeaning to the woman. I am also saying that if she had been standing where race reporters are supposed to be, on the side and out of the flow of runners, the incident does not happen. I have many road races and I have seen lots of TV reporters and NEVER saw one standing that close.
The simple case here is simply hands off...keep your hands to yourself. Something is very wrong with this guy or he thought he was being funny. He's not laughing anymore. Now unfortunately for him he has to pay a price.
OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

Crazy society we have.

the most universally despised profession in the world is either wrecker driver or lawyer. Only were quick to employ lawyers at the slightest hint of needing one.

There are no more just accepting mistakes as innocent mistakes or errors in judgement
The simple case here is simply hands off...keep your hands to yourself. Something is very wrong with this guy or he thought he was being funny. He's not laughing anymore. Now unfortunately for him he has to pay a price.
Yes he shouldn't have done that. And she shouldn't have been standing in the road.
The simple case here is simply hands off...keep your hands to yourself. Something is very wrong with this guy or he thought he was being funny. He's not laughing anymore. Now unfortunately for him he has to pay a price.
Yes he shouldn't have done that. And she shouldn't have been standing in the road.
Seems like you are the only one that has a problem with where she was standing. What I have a problem with are the weather reporters that stand in the 100 mph winds of a hurricane.
It has dawned on me that perhaps I am simply using terms you have never encountered in your young life, since you keep repeating the letter of the law over and over with no comprehension of the difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.
Yeah, you said that 100 times. And you have been wrong every single time. Again, I invite your dumb ass to head to the mall and to smack a strange woman on her ass. Report back.

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