Rumors of U.S. Secretly Harboring Top China Official Swirl- Highest level defector from China to date


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Did the CIA pick up an unexpected asset? When someone leaves such a position with his daughter in tow, it's probably a telling sign of a number of conflicting angles.

Chinese-language anti-communist media and Twitter are abuzz this week with rumors that a vice minister of State Security, Dong Jingwei defected in mid-February, flying from Hong Kong to the United States with his daughter, Dong Yang.

Dong Jingwei supposedly gave the U.S. information about the Wuhan Institute of Virology that changed the stance of the Biden administration concerning the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dong is, or was, a longtime official in China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS), also known as the Guoanbu. His publicly available background indicates that he was responsible for the Ministry’s counterintelligence efforts in China, i.e., spy-catching, since being promoted to vice minister in April 2018. If the stories are true, Dong would be the highest-level defector in the history of the People’s Republic of China.
Its not CIA, nor FBI who scored this guy, it was DIA, and DIA has refused to share the guy with either of them because DIA believes both CIA and FBI are entirely compromised, by communist China! Its also of enormous interest, that DIA began leaking on Fauci after 3-4 months of debriefing this defector(Fauci an outed communist Chinese spy/agent?), and that last is clearly evidence that the civil war is raging on, just as it was in the weeks after the totally corrupt federal bureaucracy successfully fixed the election, for China, Bill Gates, and all the rest of the silicon valley scum that has sided with communist China against the United States!

A person believed to be among the highest-ranking defectors ever to the United States from the People’s Republic of China has been working with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for months, sources inside the intelligence community have told RedState on condition of anonymity. The defector has direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs, those sources say. The information provided to RedState corroborates and clarifies Thursday evening’s reporting by journalist Adam Housley.
RedState’s sources say that’s partially true. FBI Director Christopher Wray was “ambushed” with the information, they say, and Langley was also unaware. Sources say DIA leadership kept the defector within their Clandestine Services network to prevent Langley and the State Department from accessing the person, whose existence was kept from other agencies because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.
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Its not CIA, nor FBI who scored this guy, it was DIA, and DIA has refused to share the guy with either of them because DIA believes both CIA and FBI are entirely compromised, by communist China! Its also of enormous interest, that DIA began leaking on Fauci after 3-4 months of debriefing this defector(Fauci an outed communist Chinese spy/agent?), and that last is clearly evidence that the civil war is raging on, just as it was in the weeks after the totally corrupt federal bureaucracy successfully fixed the election, for China, Bill Gates, and all the rest of the silicon valley scum that has sided with communist China against the United States!

A person believed to be among the highest-ranking defectors ever to the United States from the People’s Republic of China has been working with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for months, sources inside the intelligence community have told RedState on condition of anonymity. The defector has direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs, those sources say. The information provided to RedState corroborates and clarifies Thursday evening’s reporting by journalist Adam Housley.
RedState’s sources say that’s partially true. FBI Director Christopher Wray was “ambushed” with the information, they say, and Langley was also unaware. Sources say DIA leadership kept the defector within their Clandestine Services network to prevent Langley and the State Department from accessing the person, whose existence was kept from other agencies because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.
I’d say you’re paranoid but all of that is too likely.
Its not CIA, nor FBI who scored this guy, it was DIA, and DIA has refused to share the guy with either of them because DIA believes both CIA and FBI are entirely compromised, by communist China! Its also of enormous interest, that DIA began leaking on Fauci after 3-4 months of debriefing this defector(Fauci an outed communist Chinese spy/agent?), and that last is clearly evidence that the civil war is raging on, just as it was in the weeks after the totally corrupt federal bureaucracy successfully fixed the election, for China, Bill Gates, and all the rest of the silicon valley scum that has sided with communist China against the United States!

A person believed to be among the highest-ranking defectors ever to the United States from the People’s Republic of China has been working with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for months, sources inside the intelligence community have told RedState on condition of anonymity. The defector has direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs, those sources say. The information provided to RedState corroborates and clarifies Thursday evening’s reporting by journalist Adam Housley.
RedState’s sources say that’s partially true. FBI Director Christopher Wray was “ambushed” with the information, they say, and Langley was also unaware. Sources say DIA leadership kept the defector within their Clandestine Services network to prevent Langley and the State Department from accessing the person, whose existence was kept from other agencies because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.
I’d say you’re paranoid but all of that is too likely.
Well I'd say you're either "intellectually aborted," or totally good with the treason, perhaps its both! Its impossible, literally impossible at this point in time, for any intelligent human adult, to think in the terms you just puked forth, where the evidence of treason on such a vast and grotesque scale is right in front of your fucking face!
Its not CIA, nor FBI who scored this guy, it was DIA, and DIA has refused to share the guy with either of them because DIA believes both CIA and FBI are entirely compromised, by communist China! Its also of enormous interest, that DIA began leaking on Fauci after 3-4 months of debriefing this defector(Fauci an outed communist Chinese spy/agent?), and that last is clearly evidence that the civil war is raging on, just as it was in the weeks after the totally corrupt federal bureaucracy successfully fixed the election, for China, Bill Gates, and all the rest of the silicon valley scum that has sided with communist China against the United States!

A person believed to be among the highest-ranking defectors ever to the United States from the People’s Republic of China has been working with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for months, sources inside the intelligence community have told RedState on condition of anonymity. The defector has direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs, those sources say. The information provided to RedState corroborates and clarifies Thursday evening’s reporting by journalist Adam Housley.
RedState’s sources say that’s partially true. FBI Director Christopher Wray was “ambushed” with the information, they say, and Langley was also unaware. Sources say DIA leadership kept the defector within their Clandestine Services network to prevent Langley and the State Department from accessing the person, whose existence was kept from other agencies because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.
I’d say you’re paranoid but all of that is too likely.
Well I'd say you're either "intellectually aborted," or totally good with the treason, perhaps its both! Its impossible, literally impossible at this point in time, for any intelligent human adult, to think in the terms you just puked forth, where the evidence of treason on such a vast and grotesque scale is right in front of your fucking face!
You obviously missed my point. I was saying that what you posted seemed paranoid until you actually review the substance and realize it’s not only not paranoid but instead very likely.
Its not CIA, nor FBI who scored this guy, it was DIA, and DIA has refused to share the guy with either of them because DIA believes both CIA and FBI are entirely compromised, by communist China! Its also of enormous interest, that DIA began leaking on Fauci after 3-4 months of debriefing this defector(Fauci an outed communist Chinese spy/agent?), and that last is clearly evidence that the civil war is raging on, just as it was in the weeks after the totally corrupt federal bureaucracy successfully fixed the election, for China, Bill Gates, and all the rest of the silicon valley scum that has sided with communist China against the United States!

A person believed to be among the highest-ranking defectors ever to the United States from the People’s Republic of China has been working with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for months, sources inside the intelligence community have told RedState on condition of anonymity. The defector has direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs, those sources say. The information provided to RedState corroborates and clarifies Thursday evening’s reporting by journalist Adam Housley.
RedState’s sources say that’s partially true. FBI Director Christopher Wray was “ambushed” with the information, they say, and Langley was also unaware. Sources say DIA leadership kept the defector within their Clandestine Services network to prevent Langley and the State Department from accessing the person, whose existence was kept from other agencies because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.
I’d say you’re paranoid but all of that is too likely.
Well I'd say you're either "intellectually aborted," or totally good with the treason, perhaps its both! Its impossible, literally impossible at this point in time, for any intelligent human adult, to think in the terms you just puked forth, where the evidence of treason on such a vast and grotesque scale is right in front of your fucking face!
You obviously missed my point. I was saying that what you posted seemed paranoid until you actually review the substance and realize it’s not only not paranoid but instead very likely.
Well then I ask your indulgence, I am so conditioned by retards attacking me because I am not a retard, I have become somewhat punch happy!

BTW, its not for nothing that Fauci was targeted by DIA after debriefing this defector, who apparently was right at the very top of the CCP, it implies he handed them(DIA)Fauci! This is what Obama was doing, and Trump did us absolutely no favors in allowing the thousands of Marxist revolutionaries Obama salted into the DoD, DOJ/FBI, State Dept, NASA, and that god damn Orwellian named "national security council," to stay, when he should have fired every fucking one of them on day one!

This was precisely why Flynn was so aggressively targeted by Obama, and his minions on the NSC and DOJ/FBI, he would never have sat idly by and allowed Trump to keep those bastards in their positions, thus they haven't missed a step, and the military is now firmly locked down by Marxists, and those Marxists are currently removing all Americans from service(no democrat is an American, they are all democrats first and foremost)whom they believe or know did not vote for Biden, that is why Austen is calling them racists!
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Did the CIA pick up an unexpected asset? When someone leaves such a position with his daughter in tow, it's probably a telling sign of a number of conflicting angles.

Chinese-language anti-communist media and Twitter are abuzz this week with rumors that a vice minister of State Security, Dong Jingwei defected in mid-February, flying from Hong Kong to the United States with his daughter, Dong Yang.

Dong Jingwei supposedly gave the U.S. information about the Wuhan Institute of Virology that changed the stance of the Biden administration concerning the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dong is, or was, a longtime official in China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS), also known as the Guoanbu. His publicly available background indicates that he was responsible for the Ministry’s counterintelligence efforts in China, i.e., spy-catching, since being promoted to vice minister in April 2018. If the stories are true, Dong would be the highest-level defector in the history of the People’s Republic of China.
OK this is a little off topic, but the dude's name is Dong.

I can't look past that.

Sometimes I get pretty sophomoric.
Here is a more detailed description for those interested. Some interesting theories regarding Fauci, which although materially they seem far-fetched, the timing and instinctive impulse in me has to at least consider the possibility.

Also, if Dong defected in Feb, that would have been not too far away from the meeting Blinken had with his counterparts, and it was clearly a tense and confrontational meeting. Apparently the Commies wanted their guy back, and Blinken told them "Nyet".

From a logistical standpoint, as much as these are apparently just rumours, they would reverberate within the MSS. Nothing worse for a nation than having it's spooks feel they can easily betray their nation and look to other, well respected, high ranking officials as the impetus to follow suit.

Without naming Dong, the pro-Trump web site Red State reported June 4 on a high-level defection from China, saying the Defense Intelligence Agency had received information from him that Beijing is covering up biological warfare research at the Wuhan lab, and advanced its story to question the integrity of Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “Sources say the level of confidence in the defector’s information is what has led to a sudden crisis of confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci, adding that U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) personnel detailed to DIA have corroborated very technical details of information provided by the defector,” it said.

According to the authoritative Paris-based newsletter Intelligence Online, Dong is “close to” Chinese President Xi Jinping. “He previously headed the Guoanbu in the region of Hebei, which has produced many of Xi's securocrats,” the publication reported in 2018. Back in 2010, IO reported that Dong carried out orders from superiors in Beijing to arrest “four Japanese employees of the Fujita Corporation who were filming in a forbidden military zone.” The move was seen at the time as a power play by State Security against then-President Hu Jintao.
Its not CIA, nor FBI who scored this guy, it was DIA, and DIA has refused to share the guy with either of them because DIA believes both CIA and FBI are entirely compromised, by communist China! Its also of enormous interest, that DIA began leaking on Fauci after 3-4 months of debriefing this defector(Fauci an outed communist Chinese spy/agent?), and that last is clearly evidence that the civil war is raging on, just as it was in the weeks after the totally corrupt federal bureaucracy successfully fixed the election, for China, Bill Gates, and all the rest of the silicon valley scum that has sided with communist China against the United States!

A person believed to be among the highest-ranking defectors ever to the United States from the People’s Republic of China has been working with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for months, sources inside the intelligence community have told RedState on condition of anonymity. The defector has direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs, those sources say. The information provided to RedState corroborates and clarifies Thursday evening’s reporting by journalist Adam Housley.
RedState’s sources say that’s partially true. FBI Director Christopher Wray was “ambushed” with the information, they say, and Langley was also unaware. Sources say DIA leadership kept the defector within their Clandestine Services network to prevent Langley and the State Department from accessing the person, whose existence was kept from other agencies because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.
I’d say you’re paranoid but all of that is too likely.
Well I'd say you're either "intellectually aborted," or totally good with the treason, perhaps its both! Its impossible, literally impossible at this point in time, for any intelligent human adult, to think in the terms you just puked forth, where the evidence of treason on such a vast and grotesque scale is right in front of your fucking face!
You obviously missed my point. I was saying that what you posted seemed paranoid until you actually review the substance and realize it’s not only not paranoid but instead very likely.
Well then I ask your indulgence, I am so conditioned by retards attacking me because I am not a retard, I have become somewhat punch happy!
It’s ok. I could have been clearer.
Its not CIA, nor FBI who scored this guy, it was DIA, and DIA has refused to share the guy with either of them because DIA believes both CIA and FBI are entirely compromised, by communist China! Its also of enormous interest, that DIA began leaking on Fauci after 3-4 months of debriefing this defector(Fauci an outed communist Chinese spy/agent?), and that last is clearly evidence that the civil war is raging on, just as it was in the weeks after the totally corrupt federal bureaucracy successfully fixed the election, for China, Bill Gates, and all the rest of the silicon valley scum that has sided with communist China against the United States!

A person believed to be among the highest-ranking defectors ever to the United States from the People’s Republic of China has been working with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for months, sources inside the intelligence community have told RedState on condition of anonymity. The defector has direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs, those sources say. The information provided to RedState corroborates and clarifies Thursday evening’s reporting by journalist Adam Housley.
RedState’s sources say that’s partially true. FBI Director Christopher Wray was “ambushed” with the information, they say, and Langley was also unaware. Sources say DIA leadership kept the defector within their Clandestine Services network to prevent Langley and the State Department from accessing the person, whose existence was kept from other agencies because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.
If they have him, CHINA will want him and his daughter back---------------CIA is compromised, FBI is compromised, and so is BIDEN and his entire white house. Don't think DIA will be able to keep them safe.

Where in the World is Dong Jingwei?​

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He defected but sloe joe gave him back to china....go joe go.....farr farrrrrrr farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr away!

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