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Rudy Giuliani Rages at Judge Over Fani Willis Ruling

He won't be elected. He is underperforming every vote while the Democrats do the opposite. His failing mental state becomes more obvious with every public appearance.

He may not even live til the election, the dementia is accelerating.
You Liberals need to wake up! On the Rally, people from ALL over the world are posting how much they LOVE Trump! :)
People still pay attention to America's Governor? Or was it America's Mayor? America's worst lawyer?
It was a pussy move by the judge. He admitted she should be disbarred without writing it directly. Very odd. Makes judges look very corrupt.
It was a pussy move by the judge. He admitted she should be disbarred without writing it directly. Very odd. Makes judges look very corrupt.

Oh stop lying. You're assinine.
Why delay a trial if the defendant(s) is/are innocent?

I know. Hopefully all this should be dealt with before the election. I wonder what his daughter Ivanka thinks of her father now.
Dude. Stop lying. You're asinine.

I'm not a dude. Trump is a showman, not very bright but good at self promotion and spectacle. I hope you are young.
Every single case against Trump is failing... where have you been under a rock?... I guarantee you that you are in the minority still holding out hope for stopping or convicting President Trump....
You are in la la land if you truly believe that.
Rudy and many other MAGA types are all over the media foaming at the mouth about the ruling.

We told all of you she wasn't getting removed. We warned you all this was just a sideshow.

If the judge wasn't in fear for his and his family's life I doubt he would have even gone as far as he did, but I admit it was a neat maneuver letting the "defendants" choose who had to resign. Keeps his hands a bit cleaner from the trump supporter perspective.

Poor Rudy is still waiting for his money that he’s owed by the orange douchebag.
What are you?

A happily retired grandmother who lived and traveled all over the world. I was so lucky to be loved and supported. Just rethink your loyalty to Trump.. he's not even half the man you are. Check yourself.
Rudy and many other MAGA types are all over the media foaming at the mouth about the ruling.

We told all of you she wasn't getting removed. We warned you all this was just a sideshow.

If the judge wasn't in fear for his and his family's life I doubt he would have even gone as far as he did, but I admit it was a neat maneuver letting the "defendants" choose who had to resign. Keeps his hands a bit cleaner from the trump supporter perspective.

Considering they both lied under oath, both should have been gone.

President Trump will pardon himself killing the federal case and believe me no one wants to prosecute a sitting president.... which ends the rest of the cases... So delaying is a win...
So, finally an admission that the orange bag O' shit is only running to stay out of incarceration. The masks are slipping. :rolleyes:
It was a pussy move by the judge. He admitted she should be disbarred without writing it directly. Very odd. Makes judges look very corrupt.
No he didn't. in fact he described exactly the opposite

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