Rubio introduces bill to postpone individual mandate

Sep 14, 2011
Just heard that on TV news.

My question is, when was the last time he voted to create jobs for Americans?

When was the last time introduced any kind of bill with the goal of economic recovery for the United States?

The shut down was a total disaster and cost us more than $25BILLION to do nothing at all. How much more TAX PAYER's money are these treasonous tee potties gonna throw away on legislation they know won't pass?

How stupid do they think Americans are? Do they really believe we can't see them working so hard against our country?
someone needs to!
hell, people cant even call it in! LOL
Na, I dont even like that prick and agree with Lud in the second and third lines.
rest of it goes both ways. hell, so do the ones I agree with..
Just heard that on TV news.

My question is, when was the last time he voted to create jobs for Americans?

When was the last time introduced any kind of bill with the goal of economic recovery for the United States?

The shut down was a total disaster and cost us more than $25BILLION to do nothing at all. How much more TAX PAYER's money are these treasonous tee potties gonna throw away on legislation they know won't pass?

How stupid do they think Americans are? Do they really believe we can't see them working so hard against our country?
After pissing on the Tea Bag Brotherhood by simply trying to work with Dems on immigration reform, he is kissing their asses to try to get back in their good graces in time for the 2016 primaries.

What a pussy!
It would be worth it if the end game is to get rid of the mandate completely. But I'm not sure I see much value in a delay. In fact, if there isn't a clear path to repeal, there are probably better ways to undermine the program.
Thought they were going to get busy working on the budget you know compromise and all that BS? We need jobs too to raise revenue after we lost 24 billion during the shutdown.
Thought they were going to get busy working on the budget you know compromise and all that BS? We need jobs too to raise revenue after we lost 24 billion during the shutdown.
The absolute last thing the Tea Bag Brotherhood wants is for the economy to improve before the elections!!!
Rs will not stop obstructing and sabotaging the US economy. Its what they do. Nothing else.

Republicans collect the biggest welfare checks in this country.
The ONE argument I WOULD HAVE agreed with you on Luddly
is that if the contested/abused war spending of Republican administration and supporters
was collected back on behalf of taxpayers, THAT money in the billions if not trillions

but WHAT DEMOCRATS (besides me) ever proposed to go after and recollect those funds?

So this is MORE PROOF of Dems (including Obama) abusing the anti-war vote to
get elected, but not doing anything to address or correct the problem ONLY CAUSING MORE
for POLITICAL GAIN AND POWER. Wake up Luddly. I can see BOTH SIDES as a prochoice
liberal Democrat, so anyone could.

Just heard that on TV news.

My question is, when was the last time he voted to create jobs for Americans?

When was the last time introduced any kind of bill with the goal of economic recovery for the United States?

The shut down was a total disaster and cost us more than $25BILLION to do nothing at all. How much more TAX PAYER's money are these treasonous tee potties gonna throw away on legislation they know won't pass?

How stupid do they think Americans are? Do they really believe we can't see them working so hard against our country?

Hi Luddly:
1. and "WHEN have YOU" explained how you can argue for prochoice/keeping govt out,
in one thread, then argue in defense of ACA precluding and penalizing free choices
of health care in another? You can't answer that, yet you want to hold others to answer?

2. WHO PASSED that ACA bill, KNOWING it was in its conflicted state when the opponents
ALWAYS pointed out that it had flaws with it and constitutional issues THEY REJECTED.
So you want to a. override the consent of other parties by coercion b. blame them for complaining after they objected to begin with, while c. claiming to be pro women's choice when this is the SAME TACTIC bullies use to "rape women and blame them afterwards."

3. Again I post to you as a prochoice liberal Democrat, who has MYSELF worked two jobs and paid debts and damages for years for a national historic Black district that DEMOCRAT administrations destroyed abusing taxpayer money that could be reimbursed to preserve it.

Democrats did this, and haven't done anything to get that money paid back to taxpayers.

So I've been putting my OWN money into trying to keep the community going until our "own party" takes responsibility for fixing their old messes BEFORE CREATING NEW ONES

How is THAT NOT backstabbing, defrauding both Democrat and Constitutional principles?

never mind, I think this is pointless for you to ever see why Democrats are equally if not more visibly guilty of selling out their constituents for political office (black vote, green vote, pink vote etc. all hijacked and abused to get elected, siphoning billions for campaigns while solutions go unfunded and excluded) sorry you can't see this Luddly with your blinders on

Thanks though for opening my eyes Luddly

people had told me Democrats/Liberals like you were not really prochoice in the constitutional sense. i never thought I would see it go so far as to pass antichoice laws.
but you showed me why that happens because your perception is so biased and conflicted.
damn lud, u would make one hell of an independent :lol:

I've always been indy but its damn near impossible to find a Republican who is not also a traitor to his/her country.

Hi Luddly when you open your eyes and mind wide enough to see everyone's partisan bias equally -- including your own --
you will have better success finding Constitutional Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, etc. who DO put inclusion before their own party biases.

If you exclude Republicans, you will only attract people who exclude others, so this skews the responses you are getting. That's no way to run an experiment, with a biased pool.

The ppl who truly put Constitutional inclusion and equality first, even above their own beliefs and biases,
are RARE in ALL parties and religions, not just one group.

The fact that you only see the problems on one side, tells me the limitation on your search engines is internal coming from you. Remove that limitation and you can find the right ppl.

You may not like what you see and find, it may be disturbing to know all people and parties are in the same boat projecting hypocrisy and blame, but at least you will see the bigger picture.

Thanks Luddly you just helped me come up with a better analogy. To explain why you can't find what you're looking for. You've put a limit on your search engine to "only look through pools of people who agree with you" to find a "Republican who isn't a traitor". What if all the Republicans who fit that description, don't fall under the limited tags you've imposed.

You will never find these people the way you go about looking for them. They are likely running the other way, thinking you are the traitor! They could be making the same mistake you are, and you would never find each other, screening each other out this way.
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