Round up these right wing Nazi's and send them off to fight Isis.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Look at them. They are all the right age.

They look like they want to fight.
Democrats have a long history of interment for folks they don't like



When the chips are down... that's their fallback play.
"Round up these right wing Nazi's and send them off to fight Isis."

Why aren't "Antifa" going off to fight ISIS? They're the biggest fascists on the planet.
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In other words, right wingers don't have to fight for this country. They're entitled.

Besides, they only fight to destroy it. Look at the Confederates in the Civil War.
"Round up these right wing Nazi's and send them off to fight Isis."

Why aren't "Antifa" going off to fight ISIS? They're the biggest fascists on the planet.

I can relate more to the Antifas than the fringe right wingers that are supporting armed methods to get everyone not like them to either leave the country or die. You are a real terd. I served over 20 years in the US Military. My friends fought and died to keep this nonsense from becoming the norm. My Father and Uncles fought against them in WWII. Not all returned home.
Look at them. They are all the right age.

They look like they want to fight.

These right wingys won't go where the fighting means someone shoots back. You can see these people crying for the camera on Youtube these days once they've been outed for their whacko beliefs so they sure as hell don't want to go where a real war is. They feel most comfortable with a rifle slung over their shoulder in a McDonald's where they can intimidate mom's with their kids.

"tiki torches matter! tiki torches matter!"
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Funny, when you point out that if these people really want to defend America, they could fight Isis, but instead, USMB right wingers scream they are being targeted. Republicans took us into the middle east. Shouldn't they defend their policies?
Look at them. They are all the right age.

They look like they want to fight.

I'm a true Conservative not those fake ones you libs like to point at. But a Lib always shows their true colors forcing someone to fight for you instead of getting off your ass and doing the dirty work yourself is as bad as slavery.
Look at them. They are all the right age.

They look like they want to fight.

I'm a true Conservative not those fake ones you libs like to point at. But a Lib always shows their true colors forcing someone to fight for you instead of getting off your ass and doing the dirty work yourself is as bad as slavery.

I happen to be a REAL conservative and find you methods that of a political troll. This isn't a conVlib thing. It's about criminal behavior. You need to step away from your con radio.
Look at them. They are all the right age.
ogressive Liberal

They look like they want to fight.

I'm a true Conservative not those fake ones you libs like to point at. But a Lib always shows their true colors forcing someone to fight for you instead of getting off your ass and doing the dirty work yourself is as bad as slavery.

I happen to be a REAL conservative and find you methods that of a political troll. This isn't a conVlib thing. It's about criminal behavior. You need to step away from your con radio.

Bullshit the left tries to tie every extreme group to Conservatives that are right of Progressive Liberalism. If you don't call them out every time your complacent. Why don't you go back to bitching about the A-10.
Look at them. They are all the right age.
ogressive Liberal

They look like they want to fight.

I'm a true Conservative not those fake ones you libs like to point at. But a Lib always shows their true colors forcing someone to fight for you instead of getting off your ass and doing the dirty work yourself is as bad as slavery.

I happen to be a REAL conservative and find you methods that of a political troll. This isn't a conVlib thing. It's about criminal behavior. You need to step away from your con radio.

Bullshit the left tries to tie every extreme group to Conservatives that are right of Progressive Liberalism. If you don't call them out every time your complacent. Why don't you go back to bitching about the A-10.

Again, (I will type slowly) it's not about ideology. It's about criminal behavior. Sort of like an Italian preaching the good things about the MOB and leaving out the bad things. Newsflash: I am white and find this type of behavior criminal and they should be treated exactly like we do the Mafia. Arrest the Heads and each time a new head takes it's place, arrest them as well.
"Round them up and send them."...? The left wing is sounding more like nazis than the pretend nazis are. Is the left still celebrating the 1989 Supreme Court decision "Johnson vs. Texas" that authorized the "young communist club" to burn the American Flag?
"Round them up and send them."...? The left wing is sounding more like nazis than the pretend nazis are. Is the left still celebrating the 1989 Supreme Court decision "Johnson vs. Texas" that authorized the "young communist club" to burn the American Flag?

I don't like to see the Flag burnt either. But it's covered under the 1st amendment that allows it. I wonder if it allows how far my foot........

The problem I see in the recent ones is that the groups that are protesting are the most violent of them all. At the slightest hint, they will go off and harm others fast. The hate they spew should apply to them as Hate Speeches and they need to do some jail time. The problem is, the leaders publicily spout this and the lesser members react to it. It's lie waving a gun, making the threats and then handing the gun to the really stupid and not expecting the results that will happen.

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