Roubini claims that LACK OF REGULATION caused current financial crises / View from the Markets
Who is this guy?
The guy who a year ago predicted this meltdown....AKA DR. DOOM
He called what we had "the SHADOW BANKING SYSTEM".
Predicts that 1000's of hedge funds will fold in 2009.
Expects to see emerging markets start collapsing.
Sees POTENTIAL for a slow recovery post 2009 if the central banks don't blow it. / View from the Markets
Who is this guy?
The guy who a year ago predicted this meltdown....AKA DR. DOOM
He called what we had "the SHADOW BANKING SYSTEM".
Predicts that 1000's of hedge funds will fold in 2009.
Expects to see emerging markets start collapsing.
Sees POTENTIAL for a slow recovery post 2009 if the central banks don't blow it.
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