Rossi's Hot Cat Replicated TWICE now


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
With independent people achieving Rossi's energy output, but not at the levels he has achieved, there is little reasonable doubt remaining; LENR is legit.

Lugano Confirmed Replication Report Published of Hot Cat Device by Russian Researcher Alexander G. Parkhomov

New Report of Excess Heat Generated in a Hot Cat Replication Attempt by Jack Cole with Dale Basgall Update Q A on Details of Experiment

And Dr Ahern, who used to be a big LENR critic, has become a believer and is going to start working on a replication also and will likely use the published results of the two other confirmations to do it.

Brian Ahern to Attempt Parkhomov Replication Update 1 8212 Ahern Answers Questions

A couple of videos that discuss LENR today

Rossi's partner 'Industrial Heat' has many investors to include GE.
The Industrial Heat Web of Connections includes GE Others
We can all hope, but don't hold your breath.

Never hold your breath for anything.

IF this turns out to be a fraud there are plenty of other LENR projects giving totally positive results like Brillion.
A lot of folks could have ten tons of gold dropped in their front yard and they would complain about having to guard it.

Will LENR plunge the world in a global recession - VESSY S BLOG ON E-CAT- VESSY S BLOG ON E-CAT

But what could happen if in the next months there will be new major announcements regarding the LENR? It’s reasonable to expect that, when LENR will become widely known by the general public, the oil crash could worsen, and oil stocks – i.e. the stocks of oil companies quoted in the stock exchange – will plunge as well, since their stock price reflects many years of potential growth and huge profits, which will evaporate within 10 years or so.

Sifferkoll’s prediction for the oil price is “30 Dollar Oil within a year and 10 Dollar on the long term”. This could mean a global recession and, apparently, the end of the fossil fuel age. However, oil is used for producing fuels, lubricants and as a precursor chemical for the chemical industries such as plastics, therefore that market will probably still exist for a long time, until these material will be replaced in some way by others.

Therefore, oil prices can go lower for a relatively long time, and the new “normal” could be far lower than we thought. Perhaps, at the end of this year we will look at the relatively high prices of the oil reached in 2014 such as a bubble, that LENR has now popped.

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